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Live Demonstration

Vegan Food Basics

Coconut Milk No Bake Peanut Butter
Time: 10 minutes
Yield: ~ 3-4 cups Cookies
Yield: 6 cookies
1 cup coconut, desiccated Time: 20 minutes
3 to 4 cups water
Blend until smooth, pass through a fine sieve, ½ cup peanut butter
muslin cloth or a nut milk bag ¾ cup coconut flour
¼ cup dates
Coconut Yoghurt ¼ cup cranberries
Pinch salt
Yield: 1 cup
Prep time: 10 minutes
Chocolate glaze:
Total Time: ~ 8-10 hours
3 tbsp coconut oil
3 tbsp cacao
1 cup coconut cream
1 tbsp date syrup
15 spice caps
Pinch Salt
Blend until smooth, pass through a fine sieve,
Mix all ingredients for the cookie in a food
muslin cloth or a nut milk bag
processor and process until dough like
consistency is achieved. Form into 8 equal
Green Smoothie balls and use a fork to press them into the
Time: 10 minutes shape of a cookie. Refrigerate for 10 minutes.
Yield: 2 cups
For the chocolate glaze, whisk the oil and date
2 cups bananas / mango / papaya / syrup, add cacao and salt and whisk until
any other fruit or berry of your convenience smooth. Glaze half of the cookie and let it sit
½ cup yoghurt for 10 minutes in the fridge. Serve cold.
1 cup ice
6 dates
2 tbsp flax seed meal
1 inch ginger
2 key limes
1 cup mixed greens

Blend all ingredients in a high-speed blender

until smooth.
Mango-Banana Nicecream Black Bean Mix
Time: 30 minutes
with Coconut Yoghurt Yield: 6 wraps
Yield: 2 cups
Prep time: 20 minutes 2 tbsp oil
Total time: 4 hours ½ medium onion
3 green chillies
½ cup frozen banana ¼ cup shitake mushrooms
1 cup frozen mango 2 tsp ginger garlic paste
½ cup dates 1 tbsp chopped celery
Pinch salt ¼ cup bell pepper
1 tbsp irish moss 1 tsp smoked paprika
½ cup coconut yoghurt 1 tsp cumin powder
1/8 tsp cloves 1 tsp onion powder
2 tsp salt
Blend all ingredients until smooth, freeze for a 2 tsp Nooch
few hours. Serve chill. 1 can black beans
¼ cup vegan yoghurt
Ragi Tortilla
Yield: 6 Heat oil in a pan, sweat onion, celery and
Time: 30 minutes ginger-garlic. Add the mushrooms and cook
for 3 more minutes on medium high. Add
1 cup ragi flour paprika, cumin, Nooch, salt and onion powder
1 cup boiling water and mix well. Add the black beans, bring the
1 tbsp coconut oil mix to a boil and simmer for another 5
1 flax egg minutes. Add the vegan yoghurt and cook for
1 tsp salt a few more minutes. Check for seasonings.
½ tsp onion powder
Jackfruit Chicken
Mix all dry ingredients, add flax egg & stir Time: 30 minutes
well. Mix oil to the boiling water, turn off the Yield: 6 wraps
flame and add to the dry ingredients and mix
well to form into dough. Let cool. Roll into 2 tbsp oil
tortillas using a rolling pin and cook for 2 ½ onion, diced
minutes on each side on an iron skillet. 200 grams boiled jackfruit, mashed
2 tsp ground chilly
½ tsp cumin
¼ tsp pepper
1 tsp salt
1 tsp veg chicken bullion
½ cup water
1 tbsp balsamic vinegar
1 tbsp rice wine vinegar

In a pan, heat oil and cook onions until

translucent. Add jackfruit and stir well. Add all
the other ingredients expect for water and the
acids and cook on medium heat for few more
minutes. Add water and acids and reduce until
ready. Check for seasonings.
Basic components of a healthy diet
Inspired by Dr. Michael Gregor’s Daily Dozen and Dr. Joel Fuhrman’s

Beans: Red kidney/black beans, chickpeas, lentils and especially tempeh and tofu are the
best ways to stock up on some basic nutrients. Beans are one of the best sources of fiber,
second to dates and raw onions, are high in protein. Beans are best absorbed when eaten
at breakfast or brunch because of their exceptionally low glycemic response which leads to
“The Second Meal Effect”

Greens and cruciferous vegetables: Vegetables in this category include

cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, bok choy, kale, mustard greens, rocket, etc. that are loaded
with sulforaphane which help with DNA repair, increased immunity against pathogens,
boost liver detox enzymes and so much more. Green vegetables are the densest sources of
calcium (better absorbed than cow’s milk), potassium that’s anti-inflammatory, and plenty
of other vital minerals, antioxidants and Phyto-nutrients.

Other Vegetables: Mushrooms, raw onions, garlic and dark colored vegetables like
beetroot, carrots and sweet potatoes are the most essential for proper nutrition. Lack of
vegetables in our diet is the fifth leading cause of disease, as bad as eating meat.

Grains: Whole grains (including pseudo grains) like oats, buckwheat, quinoa, whole
wheat, red rice, barley, etc. are literally food for life. They have been proven to significantly
add years, primarily because eating whole grains are equal to taking high blood pressure
pills without their adverse effects. They also help reduce the risk of obesity (yes, rice keeps
you slim), heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and other diseases

Flax seeds: These are one of the most concentrated sources of Omega-3 fatty acids and
have more than 800 times more lignin than any other food. Yes, more lignin and Omega3s
than hemp or the overly rated chia seeds. They fight hypertension; reduce the risk of
diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, are one of the best anti- inflammatory foods.
One tablespoon of ground flaxseeds a day is all we need to get all these benefits.

Berries and fruits: Berries are the brain foods as they’re loaded with special
antioxidant pigments, found also in dark leafy greens, protect against cognitive decline.
They are 10 times higher in antioxidants compared to other plant foods. Other fruits are
high in vitamins and boost enzymes to keep up the body functions. Dates are one fruit that’s
the densest pre-biotic, and can even help repair DNA

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