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OGL 481 Pro-Seminar I:

PCA-Choosing an Organization Worksheet

Worksheet Objectives:
1. Identify an organization and situation you want to study over the remainder of the course.
2. Describe the organization and the situation

Complete the following making sure to support your ideas and cite from the textbook and other
course materials per APA guidelines. After the peer review, you have a chance to update this and
format for your Electronic Portfolio due in Module 6.

1) Name and describe your organization.

The organization I chose to describe is Daikin North America, headquartered in

Waller, Texas. Daikin has been in business for more than 90 years and is the global

leader in the Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) industry with net sales of

over $27 billion. Daikin employes over 90,000 personnel across the globe with over 10

acquired companies. Daikin’s group philosophy is to create new value by anticipating

the future needs of customers, be a company that leads in applying environmentally

friendly practices, contribute to society with world-leading technologies, realize future

dreams by maximizing corporate value, be a flexible and dynamic group, and think and

act globally.

2) Describe your role in the organization

Currently, I am based out of the headquarters in Daikin north America in Waller, Tx.

My role within the organization is Senior Instructional Developer. In this role I manage a

team of 3 that consist of 2 instructional designers and a graphic designer. Our job

responsibility is to Develop, implement, and manage technical training materials for

HVAC products. This requires my team to Collaborate with product managers, technical

service experts and graphic designers to develop full training tool kits, including

instructor guides, participant guides, job aids/tools, classroom presentations, training

assessments, online courses and/or videos, as applicable. I have been with the

company 5 years starting as an instructional designer level 1. Through the years I have

followed leaders within the company and utilized concepts and theory of organizational

leadership to develop into my current role as a leader in the company.

3) Describe the situation, including information you think the will help the reader
understand the most important elements of the situation. (This will require
selectivity: part of the art of case writing is separating the essential facts from the
mass of information that might be included).

Like many large organizations, as they grow, they acquire and merge with companies

to expand operations and adopt efficient business practices. In 2022 Daikin merged with

Goodman to expand business in North America. Initially the business units struggled

with aligning with direction and process outlined to complete projects. The Goodman

business unit did not prioritize the value in training and did not follow Daikin standards

for training development. This created conflict in the organization in regard to adopting

new responsibilities within our roles. Stakeholders from the Goodman business unit

were reluctant to participate in the development of training to support the proper

methods for installation and commission of HVAC equipment in order to ensure the field

understands the company’s best practices. Daikin had to make decisions to retain the

experienced personnel which resulted in multiple restructuring of the organization. This

caused issues in identifying the appropriate channels of communication. My team was

affected directly because of these changes. Because of the hasty restructure and lack

of understanding new responsibilities, acquiring information to develop training was a

challenge that led to my team having to take on responsibility of other positions within

the company to make up for the lack of support. This resulted in a longer development

process due to my team having to gain a deeper level understanding of the product line

before moving forward in design. After having a project miss a deadline due to the lack

of communication and resource. I decided to update and develop additional processes

that would define the roles and responsibilities of the personnel apart of a development

team. I started identifying within the channel who is responsible for initiating a project.

This required me to meet with all of the product sponsors to get agreement on what

their involvement in development was. After gaining a conscience of their duties, I

developed a flow chart of who the sponsor needs to include in a statement of work to

receive proper documentation and information for best practices. Once all the key

stakeholders were identified, I wrote a development process that outlined the

timeframes and iterations a project will follow to maintain effectiveness and efficiency to

meet timelines. I made it known to my senior management that I developed an efficient

process that would link the communication in the company that would reduce the time of

development and increase the effectiveness of our training documentation. After their

approval of the process, it was sent out to all the managers in the company to

understand and follow. While it was challenging and stressful to workout outside my

comfort zone, it was helpful to understand the work and task involved in developing a

product so that I could identify and communicate properly with the appropriate

stakeholders to align to the company’s mission effectively. This process has allowed my

team to overall reduce issues with our equipment in the field and build positive relations

with other departments within the company.


Our group philosophy. (n.d.). Corporate Information |


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