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What is Community Based Medical Education  Many community-based programs make

and Its Taxonomy health services available to the community

as soon as students begin to learn in that
Community-based education is now recognized community; in this way they are
as an important addition to the methods available contributing to the delivery of care.
in medical education, because the skills of  CBE may equip students with
graduates are needed in the community more competencies that they would never learn
than in the tertiary hospital. Unfortunately, medical otherwise, e.g., leadership skills, the
education as it is practiced in most educational ability to work in a team, and the capability
institutions for the health professions is quite to interact with the community.
skewed toward the cure of individuals in tertiary  CBE offers students an opportunity to
health care, whose problems represent only the learn and work with other health
tip of the iceberg of the prevailing community professionals in, for instance, primary care
health problems. units.9
 CBE may help in strengthening the school
Community-based education is closely related to in many areas, politically, financially, and
but not the same as community-oriented morally.10–12
education. Community-oriented education is a  By using for education the health
type of training of health personnel that focuses problems that are of highest priority, CBE
on both population groups and individuals and keeps the curriculum updated, since the
that takes into account the health needs of the priorities of health problems constantly
community concerned.1Community-based change. Consequently, the curriculum is
education, however, is a means of achieving responsive to the changing needs of the
educational relevance to community needs and, community.13
consequently, serves as a way of implementing a  CBE renders opportunities for partnership
community-oriented education program. It between the community, the university,
consists of learning activities that utilize the and government.
community extensively as a learning environment
in which not only students, but also teachers, TAXONOMY OF COMMUNITY-BASED
members of the community, and representatives EDUCATION PROGRAMS
of other sectors are actively involved throughout
the educational experience Here we propose a taxonomy that has three main
categories that distinguish between programs that
There are many reasons for an educational are primarily service-oriented, programs that are
institution in the health professions to be research-oriented, and programs that are training-
community-based. For example: focused. Each of these is further divided into 2
subclasses making total 6 subclasses of CBE.
 Community-based education (CBE) may
contribute to the solution of the problem of The Three Main Categories of CBE Programs
inequity in service delivery by producing
doctors who are willing and able to work in Service-oriented programs. These programs
the underserved areas, particularly rural focus on service delivery through their students
communities.3–7 and staff. The services may range from restricted
 CBE can enhance learning in much the curative services in primary care units to broader
same way that problem-based learning community development services through
(PBL) does.8 (That is, both CBE and PBL community mobilization. In most of the programs
provide (1) opportunities for students to reviewed, services are based on prior
learn in situations similar to those in their assessments of needs and resources. Almost all
later professional lives, and (2) programs in this category can be found in
opportunities to elaborate on previously developing countries.
acquired knowledge.)
Research-oriented programs. In this category, The two categories of research-oriented
students and staff are mainly involved in studying programs. The research-oriented CBE programs
the problems of community health. The research can be subdivided into community-based
aims at informed decision making, addressing, for programs and health-facility—based programs.
instance, a health care delivery problem. Many of The only difference between them is the site for
these programs are established in developed research. In either of these subcategories of
research-oriented CBE programs, the students
conduct research at the site. They collect data to
Training programs. These programs focus on
locate and delineate a major health problem
student training in the community setting, be it a
plaguing the particular community. Mostly, such
primary care unit, a defined community, or a
working environment. The main challenge for programs are offered relatively late in the
such programs is to produce physicians who are curriculum. It may be a one-shot program, or the
able to work in underserved areas. These students may return on several occasions to
programs can be found in both developing and measure changes. In most of the programs we
developed countries. reviewed, the amount of time spent on such
programs does not exceed 14% in relation to the
The Six Subcategories curriculum. Community involvement is not
necessarily active. The role of the student is
mainly confined to that of observer or data
The two subcategories of service-oriented collector, while the university's role is largely
programs. Service-oriented programs can be technical.
further subdivided into health-intervention
programs and community development programs. The two categories of training-focused
programs. This category can be further divided
Health-intervention programs. In these programs, into primary-care—oriented
the main focus is on health services delivery, programs and community-exposure programs.
including curative services in rural health centers
and preventive services such as health education Primary-care—oriented programs. These are
activities and water supply and environmental mainly for the clinical training of students, and
sanitation programs at the level of the take place in primary health care facilities. The
community. contribution of this type of CBE to the curriculum
may amount to as much as 50% of all activities
Community development programs. As we have (that was at least the case in one of the
mentioned before, CBE service-oriented programs).23 The primary-care—oriented
programs need not be confined to health programs may offer some services through their
interventions only, they can also include full- students and staff and may contribute to the
fledged community development programs. For a improvement of health facilities utilized by the
CBE program to be classified in this subcategory program.
it should be organized at least at the level of the
university or in partnership with external partners. Community exposure is the second subcategory
As development takes time, an extensive follow- of training-focused programs. In this approach,
up is required. Therefore, the program's onset time to relate to a community is usually minimal
should be early in the education cycle of the compared with the time involved in other
students and either continuous or in cycles, with approaches. The students mostly are observers
active involvement of the community, the
or might be involved in data collection of other
students, and the university. The amounts of time
allotted to the activities should be reasonable in tasks of limited duration, e.g., measuring blood
relation to other academic activities. In most pressure of community members for a day or two.
instances, a well-defined community will be the The organization is mostly department-based.
site of the program and followed up for at least The site for student training often is close to the
three years. university, be it a community or a primary health
care unit. In this type of training, the amount of
time spent in the community is so limited that one
could speak of it as “community sightseeing.”

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