Summative Assignment For The MHPE Batch-8 Module-7 (PEQA)

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Summa�ve Assignment For the MHPE Batch-8 Module-7 (PEQA)

You are working in your ins�tu�on. There has been change in Curriculum of your ins�tu�on and
the new Curriculum has been implemented.
You are required to evaluate your Curriculum following all the steps of Program Evalua�on. The
focus of evalua�on should be your ins�tu�on only.
The following needs to be emphasized in par�cular:

• Which model you will use?

• What is the reason for selec�ng the par�cular model?
In case there has been no change in your ins�tu�on, in that case please use your current
Curriculum for evalua�on.

Important Instruc�ons:
• Accepted format is MS Word/Excel/PowerPoint (Please avoid PDF)
• First Page must be the Title Page containing your Name, Module, and the Assignment
• Page Layout: Portrait (Landscape may be used if needed)
• Page Margins: Normal
• Font: Times New Roman / Verdana
• Font size: 12 or 14
• Heading size: 14 or 16
• Line Spacing: 1.5 / 2.0 maximum.
• Page numbering must be used.
• Similarity Index (Plagiarism) must not be more than 19%.
• Please submit the assignment in s�pulated �me,
only on LMS (not by email).
Best of Luck!

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