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Not only does society believe that teenagers should have new ways to have fun, but also, that
outdoor and nature-based programmes are the best option. In this essay I will analyse two of their
main benefits: learning from nature and strengthening relationships. Finally, I will be able to reach a
conclusion about what is the biggest advantage.

There has been an ongoing debate about what new learning methods can be employed, and when
it comes to biology, getting into nature and observing it for yourself will teach you a lot more about
the subject. When teenagers are given talks and all the information has to be applied for example in
survival challenges, they will learn a lot of facts about which plants are poisonous or not, which
trees or fauna are around them, which fruits they can eat or not.... In the end, they will learn about
nature whether they want to or not, and in the most useful and practical way.

Another benefit to remember is that it strengthens friendships. Actually, this is totally true, since in
these activities when they have no coverage and cannot use their phones, they will have no choice
but to talk to their mates. Moreover, as they have to do activities that they have never done before,
they will not be specialised in them and everyone will have to cooperate to do them and develop
trust between them. In this way they interact and can form great ties without even needing to chat.

With the above in mind, which can be posited to the greatest benefit? Although during this time
they may have supported each other and perhaps formed some friendships among themselves, it is
not certain that they will continue to see each other after the programmes, and it is more likely that
their relationship will have been transitory. However, having not only heard the information about
nature, but having experienced it as well, it will remain in teenagers' memories for a longer period
of time. On the other hand, a friendship at that age can influence you for better or for worse, and
they do not usually last a lifetime either, so they are irrelevant compared to learning about nature,
which in a rush could save your life.

To conclude, in light of the argument above, it is my contention that learning about nature is a great
advantage to be gained through these outdoor activities. It is true that building a connection with
people you have never seen before in your life can be fun and delightful, but learning about nature
is also fun, and the fact that it can save your life in any risky circumstance outweighs any advantage
of an intense but short term relationship of friendship.

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