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Unsaturated behaviour of mine tailings in low precipitation areas

Chapter · January 2011

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.4660.7527


3 89

5 authors, including:

L. Oldecop Lucas Garino Libardi

National University of San Juan National University of San Juan


Juan Jorge Muñoz Roberto Lorenzo Rodríguez Pacheco

Pangea SRL Instituto Geológico y Minero de España


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Stability calculation of ‘El Descargador’ tailing dam (Cartagena, Spain) View project

Seismic performance of filtered tailings deposits View project

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Unsaturated Soils – Alonso & Gens (eds)
© 2011 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-0-415-60428-4

Unsaturated behaviour of mine tailings in low precipitation areas

L.A. Oldecop, L. Garino & J.J. Muñoz

Instituto de Investigaciones Antisísmicas (IDIA), Universidad Nacional de San Juan, San Juan, Argentina

R. Rodriguez
Departamento de Recursos geológicos, Instituto Geológico y Minero de España (IGME), Madrid, Spain

C. García
Departamento de Ingeniería Geológica y Cartográfica, Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, Murcia, Spain

ABSTRACT: Tailing deposits are singular geotechnical structures, which are intended to last indefi-
nitely in time. One of the most important challenges in relation to such waste deposits is to predict their
behaviour in the long term, e.g. several centuries. In this context, it seems useful to observe the behaviour
of old abandoned tailings deposits. Since tailings are very fine grained materials, the unsaturated phe-
nomena play a significant role in the hydraulic and mechanical behaviour of the deposit. In this paper,
some examples of old abandoned tailing deposits are examined, located in low precipitation regions. The
in situ measured water content distributions show that, the degree of saturation remains relatively high,
even though the low rain amounts and high evaporation rates. It is concluded that the evolution of water
content should be taken into account in the deposit design process.

1 InTroduction management of the decant pond. Moreover, the

severity of the consequences of failure is also
Tailings deposits are singular geotechnical struc- related to tailings water content. Catastrophic mud
tures. At least theoretically, they are intended to avalanches developed only in high water content
last indefinitely in time, a fact which is very unu- tailings or when special circumstances determined
sual from the engineering point of view. Moreover that large amounts water entered the deposit.
tailing deposits which are being built at present Mine tailings are stored with an initial amount
times have extraordinary large volumes, exceeding of moisture which depends mainly on the process-
all previous experiences in civil engineering fills of ing technology used, i.e., conventional slurry, paste
any kind. Many of these large tailings deposits are or filtered tailings. The deposition method, man-
being built as part of metalliferous mining projects agement techniques of the deposit and the climate
in arid regions of South America, mainly along the are determinant factors for evolution of moisture
Andes range in Perú, Chile and Argentina. distribution within the deposit. In tailing deposits
One of the most important challenges, in rela- located in arid regions a large portion of the stored
tion to these types of waste deposits, is to predict material tends to develop an unsaturated condi-
their behaviour in the long term, maybe several tion. Since tailings are very fine grained materials,
centuries or thousands of years. In this context, it the unsaturated phenomena play a significant role
seems useful to observe the behaviour of old aban- in the hydraulic and mechanical behaviour of the
doned tailings deposits, in order to gain knowledge deposit.
about their long term behaviour and the evolution In this paper, some examples of old abandoned
trends of their geotechnical properties. tailing deposits are examined from the point of
Failure case histories (Chandler & Tosatti, 1995; view of their geotechnical behaviour. It is believed
Bligth, 1997; Fourie et al, 2001; Blight & Fourie, that useful lessons can be obtained from the study
2003) show that one of the most significant vari- of these geotechnical structures, although they are
ables regarding the deposit stability is the water significantly smaller in size than those which are
content of the stored tailings. Most failures of currently being built. Particular attention is given
tailing dams (ICOLD, 2001) were related to rain- to the unsaturated phenomena and their role in the
fall, insufficient drainage provisions or improper stability and general performance of the deposits.

2 STUDY OF OLD ABANDONED hence, they experienced free interaction with the
TAILING DEPOSITS environment, since the end of mining operations.
The Sierra de Cartagena- La Unión mining
Figure 1 displays the geographical location of the zone has about 50 Km2 and was exploited since the
mining zones and the distribution of the studied roman presence in the Iberian Peninsula (III bC)
deposits in each zone. for the extraction of iron, lead and zinc. The lat-
The cases studied, a total of nine tailing ­deposits, est period of mining activity ranged from 1940 to
are located in two different regions: the Castaño 1991. Since the 90´s all mining works were aban-
Viejo mining district in the central Andes moun- doned and most tailing deposits were left as they
tain range, Argentina and Sierra de ­Cartagena- were. Eighty nine tailing deposits were identified
La Unión, in Murcia, Spain. The studied tailing with a mean height of 10.5 m.
deposits were inactive for periods raging 15 to The mining operations in the Castaño Viejo min-
45 years. No capping neither other reclamation ing district were devoted to the extraction of lead,
works where done upon the abandonment and zinc and copper. The most intense exploitation

Figure 1. Geographical location of the two mining zones and distribution of the studied tailing deposits. a) Sierra de
Cartagena-La Unión, Murcia, Spain. b) Castaño Viejo mining district, province of San Juan, Argentina.

period lasted from 1956 to 1964 and since then all 3 FIELD EXPLORATION DATA
mining activity halted. Twenty four small tailing
deposits exist in the zone with heights ranging 5 The selected tailing deposits were studied in the
to 15 meters. In both mining zones, tailings were field. Borings were done from the top of nine tailing
transported and deposited in the traditional way, deposits, logging the usual geotechnical parameters.
i.e pumped or gravitational flow of slurry from Though the rather dry climates in which they are
the extraction plant to the deposit and discharge located, significant amounts of water were encoun-
by mobile spigots. Upstream construction method tered in all the studied tailings. Figure 3 and 4 dis-
was used with pond decantation. play the obtained profiles of degree of saturation.
The climate in both regions is of the arid type. The degree of saturation in the Cartagena deposits
Figure 2 shows mean monthly precipitation records has low values at surface, but they rapidly increase in
and the mean monthly evapotranspiration (ETP)
computed by the Thornwaite method (TM) and the Degree of saturation (S)
evaporation pan method (PEM), based on actual
0,00 0,20 0,40 0,60 0,80 1,00
evaporation measurements (Smajstrla et al, 2000).
Both environments determine high water-deficit 0
conditions. In Cartagena, the total mean annual
precipitation is 339 mm and the total annual ETP 2
is 904 mm computed with TM, and 724 mm when
computed with PEM. In Castaño the water-deficit is
even harsher, with a total mean annual precipitation 4
of 265 mm and ETP of 1276 mm computed with
PEM. TM method yield lower ETP values for the 6
Depth [m]

Dep 1
Castaño region but it should be noted that the TM
usually under-predicts the ETP in very dry climates. Dep 2
Dep 4
a) 200 Dep 5
ETP (Thornwaite method) 12 Dep 6
ETP (Evaporation pan method)
140 Dep 7

120 14
80 Figure 3. Profiles of degree obtained in Cartagena tail-
60 ing deposits (Filled symbols: non-vegetated deposits;
40 Hollow symbols: vegetated deposits).





b) 200
ETP (Thornwaite method)
ETP (Evaporation pan method)








Figure 2. Climatic data. Rainfall and evapotranspira- Figure 4. Castaño Nº 8 tailings deposit. Boring log and
tion. a) Cartagena, Spain. b) Castaño, Argentina. degree of saturation profile.

the first 2–3 meters depth. From there on, S becomes to the observed in the data of Cartagena, with S
higher than 0.7 (in all cases except one). It interest- increasing with depth almost up to 1. However, no
ing to note that the lower S profiles (0.7) correspond phreatic water was encountered within the depth
to vegetated deposits (in Fig. 3, Deposit 3: shrubs, of the boreholes. At site Nº 8, the phreatic level
Deposits 5 and 6: trees). The highest values of S, was located at 1.5 meters below the base of the
almost approaching 1 (though the phreatic level was deposit, in alluvial gravels. Moreover, deposit Nº 8
not reached), occur in non-vegetated deposits and in contains some coarse grained layers (sand) and in
those deposits where ponding of rain water occurs correspondence with them, the degree of saturation
in the top (Deposits 1 and 7). falls. A suction profile corresponding to the boring
The profiles of degree of saturation obtained in Nº 8 deposit is shown in Figure 6. The situation
in the Castaño tailing deposits are shown in displayed corresponds to a strong evaporation con-
Figures 4 and 5. The general tendency is similar dition. However between 1.5 and 2 meters depth a
downward flow front can be identified, probably
associated to a past (recent?) rain event.

4 stability issues

Most of the studied tailing deposits do not display

stability issues, in spite of their steep angled external
slopes. The construction method involved excavation
and re-filling (with or without compaction) of the
coarse fraction (sand) of previously discharged tail-
ings, allowing them to air-dry first. The resulting slope
angle was always close to the equilibrium angle at-
rest. So most of these deposits have slopes with angles
between 40 and 45º. Moreover, some of them suffered
the effects of hydraulic erosion, which produced some
vertical cuts, as the one shown in Figure 7, correspond-
ing to deposit Nº 8 in Castaño. In this case, a 7 meters
high, nearly vertical cut remains stable, mainly due to
the effect of matric suction and probably also by some
Figure 5. Castaño Nº 9 tailings deposit. Boring log and cementation effect due to precipitated salts.
degree of saturation profile.
On the other hand, in some few cases in Carta-
Suction [MPa] gena, the signs of slope failures occurred in the
0,01 0,1 1 10 100 past could be identified. The most likely trigger-
0,00 ing mechanism for these failures is the increase in
water content of tailings, due to infiltration of rain
water. Signs of water ponding in the top of the
deposit and platforms can be observed just in these
cases. Several relicts of the slumped tailings can be
-2,00 seen in the direction of sliding reaching some 100 m
away from the slope toe. In one case (Figure 8) the
slumped mass crossed a small stream channel and
Depth [m]

penetrated a nearby forest. These facts suggest that
the observed failures were of the flow type.
-4,00 The previous observations lead to the conclusion
that the stability of these tailing deposits mainly
depends on maintaining an unsaturated condition.
But the presented field data also suggest that it is
not necessary that a very dry condition develops, for
-6,00 ensuring enough strength in order to produce stable
slopes. In fact Rodriguez (2002) showed that, in tail-
-7,00 ings materials, the highest apparent cohesion due to
Suction Hydrostatic line matric suction develops for saturation degrees around
the air entry value condition (i.e., S ≅ 0.8). However,
Figure 6. Suction profile corresponding to borehole it is worth to remember that this strength is instantly
Nº 8 compared to the hydrostatic line. lost when the degree of saturation approaches 1.

intervention occurred during those relatively long
periods of time, could yield interesting data about
how the deposit interacts with the environment.
Some basic assumptions were made for the
- The initial time for the analysis is the moment of
- The initial water volume contained in the profile
is computed by assuming that the whole profile
was initially saturated (S ≅ 1). This is reasonable
since the height of the deposits is moderate (less
than 14 m) in relation with the material air entry
value (estimated in, at least, 200 kPa).
- Current water volume in the profiles are com-
puted on the basis of the measured water
- Consolidation and under-drainage has all already
occurred during the construction period.
- Infiltration is computed by the curve number
method SCS (1957), for those deposits in which
the geometry allows runoff.
- When the geometry of the deposits causes rain
water to pond in the top, all the precipitation
value is assumed to infiltrate in the deposit.
The water balance is performed by the following
Figure 7. Nearly vertical cut produced by hydraulic ero- equation:
sion in Nº 8 tailings deposit, in Castaño.
Vw = Vw 0 + Ia . T – α . ETPa . T (1)

slopes where Vw = current water volume in the whole



mass profile, Vw 0 = initial water volume in the profile,

Ia = mean annual infiltration, ETPa = mean annual
evapotranspiration, T = time period elapsed
between the moment of abandonment and bore-
hole execution, α = fraction of mean annual ETP
to be applied in order to make the balance to close.
α is taken as the variable of the analysis, measuring
how effective was the ETP as the driving force of
the tailings drying process. The analysis results are
presented in table 1.
Forest Since TM and PEM yield similar ETP values in
the case of Cartagena, only the former was applied.
Table 1 results show that real evapotranspiration
50 m (ETP) mean rates in bare deposits of Cartagena
are around 40% the predicted ones with the Thorn-
waite method. The ratios are a bit higher (45–55%)
Figure 8. Plant view of “El Descargador” (Nº 4) tailings for vegetated deposits, because plants enhance soil
deposit (Cartagena), showing the scarps of four slope moisture extraction. This was already noted when
failures and the extent of the slumped masses of tailings. observing the degree of saturation profiles. In the
tailings deposits of Castaño, the results based on
5 long term water balance the TM are similar to Cartagena results while the
PEM results indicate that the overestimation of
In order to get an assessment of the long term behav- ETP may be even higher in more arid climates.
iour of the tailings deposits, a water balance was The analysis performed shows that, in all cases,
performed for all the nine cases studied, ranging the in the long term, the ETP is overpredicted by either
whole period in which they remained abandoned. of the applied methods. The most likely reason for
It seems that making use of the fact that no human this is that in a water-deficit climate the drying

Table 1. Water balance for a 1 m2 tailings column.

DEP Vw0 (litres) (mm) (mm) (years) Vw (litres) α = ETPreal / ETPteor Observations

Cartagena, Spain (Thornwaite Method)

1 4520,0 339,0 923,3 15,0 4110,2 0,40 Ponding/No vegetation
2 4551,5 329,0 923,3 15,0 3711,5 0,42 Runof/No vegetation
3 4521,0 339,0 923,3 15,0 3361,3 0,45 Ponding/Vegetation (shrub)
4 1890,0 329,0 923,3 15,0 1281,0 0,40 Runof/No vegetation
5 4780,0 329,0 923,3 15,0 2100,9 0,55 Runof/Vegetation (trees)
6 7262,5 339,0 923,3 15,0 5015,6 0,53 Ponding/Vegetación (trees)
7 3379,0 339,0 923,3 15,0 2777,9 0,41 Ponding/No vegetation
Castaño, Argentina (Thornwaite Method)
8 2568,5 205.8 673.6 45,0 1455.5 0.34 Runof/No vegetation
9 3103,4 264.7 673.6 45,0 2718.0 0.41 Ponding/Vegetation (shrub)
Castaño, Argentina (Evaporation PAN Method)
8 2568,5 205.8 1276.1 45,0 1455.5 0.18 Runof/No vegetation
9 3103,4 264.7 1276.1 45,0 2718.0 0.21 Ponding/Vegetation (shrub)

process of tailings involves not only stage I dry- safety of the deposit and hence its evolution should
ing (Gowing et al, 1990), in which the evaporation be taken into account in the deposit design process
front is at the soil surface, but also stages II and and monitoring programs.
III, controlled respectively by capillary rise and
vapour diffusion from the evaporation front to the
soil surface. This effect is apparent in the satura- references
tion degree profiles. An additional factor slowing
the drying process could be the transport of salts Bligth, G.E. (1997). Destructive mudflows as a con-
due to capillary rise and their precipitation at the sequence of tailing dyke failures. Proc. Instn. Civ.
deposit surface (Newson & Fahey, 2003). Engng, 125, 9–18.
Blight, G.E. y A.B. Fourie (2003). “A review of cata-
strophic flow failures of deposits of mine waste and
municipal refuse”. Int. Workshop on Occurrence and
6 conclusions Mechanisms of Flow in Natural Slopes and Earthfills,
Sorrento, Italia.
Except in a shallow superficial layer, the saturation Chandler, R.J y Tosatti, G. (1995). The Stava dams failure.
degree is relatively high in the studied deposits. It Italy, July, 1985. Proc. Instn. Civ. Engng. 113, 67–79.
seems a general fact that, no matter how dry is the Fourie, A.B., G.E. Blight y G. Papageorgiou (2001).
climate, the loss of water of the tailings deposit will Static liquefaction as a possible explanation for the
not continue indefinitely, but rather reach a stable Merriespruit tailings dam failure. Can. Geotech. J, 38,
state. For depths greater than a couple of meters, 707–719.
Gowing, J.W., Konukcu, F. & Rose, D.A. 2006. Evapora-
the drying process will not go on further than a tive flux from a shallow watertable: The influence of a
certain point lying between saturation and the air vapour–liquid phase transition. Journal of Hydrology
entry value condition (0.7 > S > 1). 321, 77–89.
Capillary water produces an apparent cohesion ICOLD (2001). Tailings dams. Risk of dangerous occur-
which ensures the stability of the studied deposits. rences. Lessons learnt from practical experiences.
Hence stability relays on maintaining the unsatu- ­Bulletin 121, UNEP.
rated state. Regarding the design of modern tail- Newson, T.A. & M. Fahey (2003). Measurement of
ing deposits, a desirable and realistic design target evaporation from saline tailings storages. Engineering
Geology, 70, 217–233.
would be, not to expect indefinite drying of tail-
SCS, 1957. Hydrology National Engineering Handbook.
ings, but to reach a suction value (and the corre- USDA Soil Conservation Service.
sponding saturation degree) near to the air entry Smajstrla, A.G., Zazueta, F.S., Clark, G.A. & Pitts, D.J.
value. All capping and reclamation works should (2000). Irrigation Scheduling with Evaporation Pans.
help to maximize runoff/infiltration ratio in order Bulletin 254. Department of Agricultural and Bio-
to avoid recharge of water. logical Engineering, Florida Cooperative Extension
Water content of tailings seems to be a funda- Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences,
mental variable for the long term behaviour and University of Florida.


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