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22ND March 2023

Q. Good writing is essentially writing that satisfies the needs and desires of the
reading audience. Discuss in the context of legal writing – Group didn’t answer q.
 Knowing your audience – influences tone
 Needs of the reading audience –
 Context of the doc must be understood by the reading audience
 Clarity – link needs and desires of the reading audience – use ordinary words –
simple structures – avoid legalese.
 Common needs – understandable document – accuracy
 Plain English – Basic rules: Use short sentences
 Effective writing: organizational patterns,

In the context of legal writing, good writing can be defined as writing that
effectively conveys the necessary information to the intended audience in a clear,
concise, and accurate manner. Legal writing is typically directed at a specific
audience, such as judges, lawyers, or clients, and therefore, it is important to
consider their needs and desires when crafting a document.

To satisfy the needs and desires of the reading audience in legal writing, several
key elements should be considered. First, the writing should be organized in a
logical manner that presents the information in a way that is easy to follow and
understand. This includes using clear headings, subheadings, and topic sentences
to guide the reader through the document.

Second, legal writing should use language that is appropriate for the audience.
This may include using technical legal terms, but also avoiding unnecessary
jargon that may confuse the reader. Additionally, legal writing should be free of
errors in spelling, grammar, and punctuation to ensure that the document is easily
readable and professional.

Third, legal writing should be persuasive, as it often seeks to influence the

reader's opinions or actions. To be persuasive, legal writing must provide
evidence to support its arguments, use persuasive language and appeals, and
anticipate and respond to counterarguments.

Fourth, legal writing should be tailored to the specific audience. Different

audiences may have different needs and desires, and legal writing should be
adjusted accordingly. For example, a legal document written for a judge may need
to focus on legal precedent and case law, while a document written for a client
may need to provide practical advice and guidance.

In conclusion, good legal writing is writing that satisfies the needs and desires of
the intended audience. This requires careful consideration of the organization,
language, persuasiveness, and audience of the document. By following these
guidelines, legal writers can create effective and persuasive documents that meet
the needs of their readers.

24TH MARCH 2023

The psychology of writing
Stumbling blocks: Research, moving from research to writing, Drafting in desperation because of
Solutions: Schedule (Bring Up system, Research outline/writing plan to prevent back tracking,

31st March 2023

Revising: see again – meet reader’s needs – right tone – organized – developed ideas –
don’t use etc. in submissions – self critique – unity – coherence
Devices; for logical organization: chronology – topical, general to specific, specific to
general, IRAC – Roadmaps.
Editing: pay attention to subjects and verbs – precision and conciseness – avoid sloppy
word choice
General principles: Effective communication – remember your audience – purpose –
format of document – professionalism.

14TH March 2023

 Yours faithfully – Dear Sir/madam
 Yours sincerely – You know the recipient – Dear Ms. Bush
 Avoid using Thankyou, Kind Regards, With Love

Case Briefs
 Concise written summary of the basic components of a court’s decision
 Steps: Identify facts, issues, law applicable, holding, reasoning
 Substantive facts: historical/evidentiary facts – factual story – what happened before –
why are parties in court

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