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Juicy English.

In the hospital Date: ____________________________________________________ Weather: _____________________
I. Put the hospital vocabulary into the correct category.

hospital – patient – surgery – nurse – medicine – waiting room – surgeon – bathroom

prescription– stretcher– room – food – thermometer – cardiologist – doctor – emergency room

People Places Things

Key vocabulary
Nouns Verbs
Food –Comida Prescription - Receta Work – Trabajar Have - Tener
Nurse – Enfermera Surgeon - Cirujano Wait – Esperar Need – Necesitar
Stretcher - Camilla Surgery – Cirugía Give – Dar Receive –Recibir
Patient – Paciente Room – Cuarto/ Habitación Get - Obtener
II. Fill in the blanks with one of the words in the box.

food – prescription – hospital – medicine – waiting room

1. The nurse and the doctor work in a __________________________________

2. The patients wait in the __________________________________
3. The doctor give you a __________________________________ to get your medicines at the pharmacy.
4. The patients receive __________________________________which is prepared and served by the hospital staff.
5. If you have diarrhea you need some __________________________________

In the hospital Date: ____________________________________________________ Weather: _____________________

I. Put the hospital vocabulary into the correct category.

hospital – patient – surgery – nurse – medicine – waiting room – surgeon – bathroom

prescription– stretcher– room – food – thermometer – cardiologist – doctor – emergency room

People Places Things

Key vocabulary
Nouns Verbs
Food –Comida Prescription - Receta Work – Trabajar Have - Tener
Nurse – Enfermera Surgeon - Cirujano Wait – Esperar Need – Necesitar
Stretcher - Camilla Surgery – Cirugía Give – Dar Receive –Recibir
Patient – Paciente Room – Cuarto/ Habitación Get - Obtener
II. Fill in the blanks with one of the words in the box.

food – prescription – hospital – medicine – waiting room

1. The nurse and the doctor work in a __________________________________
2. The patients wait in the __________________________________
3. The doctor give you a __________________________________ to get your medicines at the pharmacy.
4. The patients receive __________________________________which is prepared and served by the hospital staff.
5. If you have diarrhea you need some __________________________________

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