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Revista Brasileira de Farmacognosia 26 (2016) 533–543

Original Article

Anatomical and histochemical analysis of Dysphania ambrosioides

supported by light and electron microscopy
Rafaela D. Sá a , Asaph S.C.O. Santana a , Flávia C.L. Silva b , Luiz Alberto L. Soares a , Karina P. Randau a,∗
Laboratório de Farmacognosia, Departamento de Ciências Farmacêuticas, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife, PE, Brazil
Departamento de Biologia, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, Recife, PE, Brazil

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Dysphania ambrosioides (L.) Mosyakin & Clemants (syn: Chenopodium ambrosoides L.), Amaranthaceae,
Received 23 November 2015 popularly known as “mastruz”, is an herb widely used in Brazil as anthelmintic. To contribute to the
Accepted 27 May 2016 knowledge about medicinal plants, a microscopic analysis was accomplished to describe the main
Available online 25 June 2016
anatomical characters of root, stem, petiole and leaf blade of D. ambrosioides and histochemical tests
were performed on the leaf blade. Cross-sections were obtained, by hand, for microscopic analysis of
Keywords: root, stem, petiole and leaf blade; to the leaf blade were still made paradermal sections, scanning electron
microscopy analysis, maceration and histochemical tests. The main characters useful in the identification
Dysphania ambrosioides
of the plant were: anomalous secondary thickening in the root and stem; presence of idioblasts contain-
Histochemistry ing crystal sand in the root, stem, petiole and leaf blade; in these there are also idioblasts with druses;
Mastruz presence of non-glandular and glandular trichomes in the stem, petiole and leaf blade; stomata on the
Microscopic analysis stem, petiole and leaf blade, identified in these as anomocytic and anisocytic; dorsiventral mesophyll and
collateral vascular bundles. Maceration revealed that the vessel elements are helical type. Through the
histochemical tests, it was evidenced the presence of lipophilic substances, essential oils, oleoresins, phe-
nolic compounds, starch, lignin and calcium oxalate crystals. This work provides support to the quality
control of the species.
© 2016 Sociedade Brasileira de Farmacognosia. Published by Elsevier Editora Ltda. This is an open
access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

Introduction is extensive, occurring in almost all the territory (Sousa et al., 2004;
Lima et al., 2006).
The family Chenopodiaceae was comprised about 102 genera It is an herb that reaches up to 1 m high, being highly branched.
and 1400 species distributed worldwide (Joly, 2002). Recent molec- The leaves are alternate, elongated, with jagged edges, acute apex,
ular phylogenetic studies include representatives of the family hairy and have different sizes, where the smaller are located on
Chenopodiaceae in the family Amaranthaceae. Some species of the top of the plant and are sessile; the largest stand at the bottom
genus Chenopodium were transferred to the genus Dysphania, as and have short petiole. They have a strong and characteristic smell.
Chenopodium ambrosioides L., which is currently known as Dyspha- The inflorescence is the racemosa type, presenting small flowers
nia ambrosioides (L.) Mosyakin & Clemants (Fuentes-Bazan et al., green colored. The seeds are numerous, spherical and have black
2012a,b; Senna, 2016). color (Cruz, 1995; Lorenzi and Matos, 2002; Matos, 2007; Lorenzi,
D. ambrosioides is popularly known as epazote, Mexican tea, 2008).
American wormseed, paico, mastruz and erva-de-Santa-Maria The plant is considered by the World Health Organization as
(Kliks, 1985; Albuquerque et al., 2009). The species is native to one of the most used among traditional medicines in the world
Central and South America, originated, probably, from Mexico. It (Lorenzi and Matos, 2002). The leaves are the part of the plant most
has spontaneous growth in tropical and subtropical regions (mainly often used in folk medicine as anthelmintic and also as antifungal
America and Africa) and also in temperate zones (from the Mediter- (Taylor, 2005; Fenner et al., 2006; Neiva et al., 2011), for digestive
ranean to Central Europe) (Kismann, 1991). In Brazil, its distribution disorders, muscle pains and bone fractures (Santayana et al., 2005;
Garcia et al., 2010). In the Northeast of Brazil, where the species
is widely used, the leaves are mixed in a blender with milk for flu
treatments (Morais et al., 2005). In endemic areas of leishmania-
∗ Corresponding author. sis, the population often uses its leaves in the topical treatment of
E-mail: (K.P. Randau). ulcers caused by the disease (França et al., 1996).
0102-695X/© 2016 Sociedade Brasileira de Farmacognosia. Published by Elsevier Editora Ltda. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://
534 R. Sá et al. / Revista Brasileira de Farmacognosia 26 (2016) 533–543

Phytochemical studies have identified polyphenols and ter- garden of the Laboratório de Fitoterapia, in the company
penes as the main constituents of D. ambrosioides (Jorge et al., 1986; Pernambuco Participações e Investimentos S/A, located in Recife
Jain et al., 1990; Paré et al., 1993; Kiuchi et al., 2002; Hegazy and at the Pernambuco State in Brazil. The voucher specimen was
Farrag, 2007; Hallala et al., 2010; Jardim et al., 2010; Neiva et al., deposited in the Herbarium UFP-Geraldo Mariz, of the Uni-
2011; Okhale et al., 2012; Barros et al., 2013; Sá, 2013). The essential versidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil, under registration
oil of the leaves is mainly composed of monoterpenes, but the lit- number 69718.
erature shows that there is wide variation both in its composition
and in its percentage of constituents (Onocha et al., 1999; Gupta
et al., 2002; Cavalli et al., 2004; Jardim et al., 2010; Sá et al., 2014). Anatomical characterization
Several biological activities have been reported for D. ambro-
sioides (Sá et al., 2015), such as antitumor (Nascimento et al., For their structural characterization, various cross-sections at
2006; Barros et al., 2013), antipyretic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, the middle region of the root, stem, petiole and leaf blade fixed in
antinociceptive (Hallala et al., 2010; Trivellato Grassi et al., 2013), FAA 50% (Johansen, 1940) were obtained by hand, using a com-
antifungal (Jardim et al., 2010), anthelmintic (Guimaraes et al., mon razor blade. For leaf blade were also performed paradermal
2001; Neiva et al., 2011) and antiprotozoal (Monzote et al., 2007; sections on the adaxial and abaxial faces. All sections were clar-
Patrício et al., 2008; Monzote et al., 2014). ified in sodium hypochlorite solution (50%) (Kraus and Arduin,
Given the recognized popular use and the pharmacological 1997). Posteriorly, cross-sections were stained with safranin
studies that have demonstrated the therapeutic potential, D. and astra blue (Bukatsch, 1972) and paradermal sections were
ambrosioides is one of 71 species of plants that arouse the Brazilian stained with methylene blue (1%) (Krauter, 1985). Subsequently,
government’s interest for the production of phytotherapics, being semipermanent histological slides were prepared containing cross-
present in the National Relation Medicinal Plants of Interest to Uni- sections and paradermal sections of botanical material, following
fied Health System (MS, 2009). usual plant anatomy procedures (Johansen, 1940; Sass, 1951).
Considering that the knowledge of the microscopic character- Analyses were performed on images in software (Toup View
istics is fundamental for the standardization of plants used as Image), obtained by digital camera coupled to a light microscope
medicines, this study aims to describe the main anatomical charac- (Alltion).
ters of the root, stem, petiole and leaf blade of D. ambrosioides and
perform histochemical tests on the leaf blade.
Materials and methods
The maceration was performed using leaf blade fragments that
Plant material were disintegrated with the mixture of 10% nitric acid and 10%
chromic acid (1:1), according to the method of Jeffrey (Johansen,
Several adult specimens of Dysphania ambrosioides (L.) 1940). Analyses were carried out on images in software (Toup View
Mosyakin & Clemants (syn: Chenopodium ambrosioides L.), Ama- Image), obtained by digital camera coupled to a light microscope
ranthaceae, cultivated under full sun, were collected in the (Alltion).








Fig. 1. Dysphania ambrosioides (L.) Mosyakin & Clemants, cross-sections of the root. (A) General aspect, showing peridermis (pd), cortex (cx) and vascular bundle (vb); (B)
Detail of periderm (pd) and cortex (cx); (C) Secondary growth with vascular bundles (vb) irregularly distributed; (D) Detail of amyloplast (am) and idioblast (id) with crystal
sand. Bars: A = 500 ␮m; B, D = 50 ␮m; C = 200 ␮m.
R. Sá et al. / Revista Brasileira de Farmacognosia 26 (2016) 533–543 535

Histochemical characterization 1940); Dragendorff’s reagent for detecting alkaloids (Farmacopeia

Brasileira, 2010); antimony trichloride for triterpenes and steroids
Histochemical tests were made on cross-sections of fresh (Mace et al., 1974); vanillin chloridric for tannins (Mace and
leaf blades obtained by the same method used in anatomical Howell, 1974) and hydrochloric acid (10%) to establish the nature
study. The following specific reagents were used to show the of the crystals (Jensen, 1962).
secretion sites and/or accumulation of substances: Sudan III for Controls were performed in parallel with the tests and
lipophilic substances (Sass, 1951); Nadi reagent for essential oils semipermanent histological slides were prepared containing the
and oleoresins (David and Carde, 1964); potassium dichromate cross-sections (Johansen, 1940; Sass, 1951). Analyses were per-
(10%) for phenolic compounds (Gabe, 1968); Lugol’s iodine reagent formed on images in software (Toup View Image), obtained by
for starch (Johansen, 1940); phloroglucinol for lignin (Johansen, digital camera coupled to a light microscope (Alltion).


tr tr
pa vb


tr ep
ep co
st pa

tr vb


Fig. 2. Dysphania ambrosioides (L.) Mosyakin & Clemants, cross-sections of the stem. (A) General aspect, showing epidermis (ep), trichome (tr), collenchyma (co), parenchyma
(pa), vascular bundles (vb) and idioblast (id) with crystal sand; (B) Detail of non-glandular trichome (tr), multicellular and uniseriate, with enlarged cells at the base and an
elongated apical cell; (C) Detail of non-capitate glandular trichome (tr) with short uniseriate stalk and a small globoid apex and bents toward the epidermis; (D) Detail of
capitate glandular trichome (tr) with a short pedicel and a large unicellular head, stomata (st) and epidermis (ep); (E) Detail of epidermis (ep), trichome (tr), collenchyma
(co), parenchyma (pa), endodermis (end), vascular bundles (vb) and idioblast (id) with crystal sand. (F) Detail of idioblast (id) with crystal sand. Bars: A = 500 ␮m; B, C, D,
F = 50 ␮m; E = 200 ␮m.

ep st tr
co ep
co co

co pa co vb
vb tr
id tr



co id
E F vb G H

Fig. 3. Dysphania ambrosioides (L.) Mosyakin & Clemants, cross-sections of the petiole. (A) General aspect, showing epidermis (ep), collenchyma (co), parenchyma (pa),
vascular bundles (vb) and idioblast (id) with crystal sand; (B) Lateral extremity, showing uniseriate epidermis (ep) with stomata (st) and trichome (tr), collenchyma (co),
parenchyma (pa) and vascular bundles (vb); (C) Detail of non-glandular trichome (tr), multicellular and uniseriate, with enlarged cells at the base and an elongated apical
cell; (D) Detail of non-capitate glandular trichome (tr) with short uniseriate stalk and a small globoid apex and bents toward the epidermis; (E) Detail of capitate glandular
trichomes (tr) with a short pedicel and a large unicellular head; (F) Central region, showing epidermis (ep), collenchyma (co), parenchyma (pa), idioblast (id) with crystal
sand and collateral vascular bundles (vb) arranged in a semicircle; (G) Detail of a vascular bundle (vb) located in lateral extremity; (H) Detail of idioblast (id) with crystal
sand. Bars: A = 500 ␮m; B, F = 200 ␮m; C, D, E = 50 ␮m.
536 R. Sá et al. / Revista Brasileira de Farmacognosia 26 (2016) 533–543

Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) dehydration in ethanol series, the material was submitted to
critical point drying (Bal-Tec CPD 030). Suitable portions were
Leaf blades samples were fixed in 2.5% glutaraldehyde (buffered mounted onto SEM stubs using double-sided adhesive tape and
with 0.1 M sodium cacodylate) and post fixed in 2% osmium sputter-coated with gold (Leica EM SCD 500) (Silveira, 1989). Both
solution (buffered with 0.1 M sodium cacodylate). After adaxial and abaxial surfaces were examined with a QUANTA 200










dr tr


Fig. 4. Dysphania ambrosioides (L.) Mosyakin & Clemants, frontal view of the leaf blade. (A) View of the adaxial face showing epidermal (ep) cells with straight or slightly
sinuous walls, stomata (st) anomocytic and anisocytic, and idioblast with crystal sand (crs); (B) View of the abaxial face showing epidermal (ep) cells with sinuous walls
and stomata (st) anomocytic and anisocytic; (C) Detail of non-glandular trichome (tr), multicellular and uniseriate, with enlarged cells at the base and an elongated apical
cell on the adaxial face; (D) Detail of non-glandular trichome (tr), multicellular and uniseriate, with enlarged cells at the base and an elongated apical cell on the abaxial
face; (E) Detail of non-capitate glandular trichome (tr) with short uniseriate stalk and a small globoid apex and bents toward the epidermis on the adaxial face; (F) Detail of
non-capitate glandular trichome (tr) with short uniseriate stalk and a small globoid apex and bents toward the epidermis on the abaxial face; (G) Detail of capitate glandular
trichome (tr) with a short pedicel and a large unicellular head on the adaxial face and idioblasts with druses (dr); (H) Detail of capitate glandular trichome (tr) with a short
pedicel and a large unicellular head on the abaxial face. Bars: A–H = 50 ␮m.
R. Sá et al. / Revista Brasileira de Farmacognosia 26 (2016) 533–543 537

FEG scanning electron microscope in the Centro de Tecnologias thin cuticle (Fig. 3A and B). Stomata are inserted in the same
Estratégicas do Nordeste (CETENE). level of epidermal cells (Fig. 3B). As epidermal attachments, are
present non-glandular trichome, multicellular and uniseriate, with
Results enlarged cells at the base and an elongated apical cell (Fig. 3C),
besides non-capitate glandular trichome with short uniseriate
Root stalk and a small globoid apex and bents toward the epidermis
(Fig. 3D) and capitate glandular trichome, with a short pedicel and
In cross-section the root has a circular shape (Fig. 1A) and a large unicellular head (Fig. 3E). The collenchyma of the angu-
presents periderm and a very small cortical region (Fig. 1B), due lar type is observed below the epidermis in the central region of
to the development of anomalous secondary thickening, character- the petiole (Fig. 3A and F), being formed by two or three layers
ized by a concentric zone of collateral vascular bundles irregularly of cells. This tissue is also present in the lateral extremities and
distributed, that arise from a succession of arcs of cambium adjacent to phloem (Fig. 3A, B and F). The vascular bundles are
(Fig. 1C). It is observed in all root several cells containing starch collateral and are arranged in a semicircle in the central region
and idioblasts with crystal sand (Fig. 1D). of the petiole (Fig. 3A and F). Smaller vascular bundles are dis-
played in the lateral extremities (Fig. 3B and G). In the parenchyma
Stem are observed idioblasts containing crystal sand (Fig. 3A, F
and H).
In cross-section, the stem has a polygonal shape, with regions
more prominent (Fig. 2A). Trichomes are located throughout its Leaf blade
extension (Fig. 2A and D), which are non-glandular trichome, mul-
ticellular and uniseriate, with enlarged cells at the base and an The epidermis, in frontal view, consists of cells with straight or
elongated apical cell (Fig. 2B) and also glandular trichomes. These slightly sinuous walls on the adaxial face (Fig. 4A) and of cells with
can be of two types: non-capitate glandular trichome with short walls more sinuous on the abaxial face (Fig. 4B). The stomata, that
uniseriate stalk and a small globoid apex and bents toward the epi- are anomocytic and anisocytic, are present on both sides (Fig. 4A
dermis (Fig. 2C), and the capitate glandular trichome, with a short and B). Non-glandular trichomes (Fig. 4C and D) and glandular tri-
pedicel and a large unicellular head (Fig. 2D). chomes (Fig. 4E–H) occur both on the adaxial face (Fig. 4E and G)
The epidermis consists of a single layer of cells coated with a as on the abaxial face (Fig. 4F and H) and are of the same type pre-
thin cuticle (Fig. 2A, D and E). Stomata are inserted above the level viously described in the stem and petiole. However, the glandular
of the epidermal cells (Fig. 2D). In less prominent regions of the trichomes occur in greater number on the adaxial face, among the
stem, adjacent to the epidermis, is found a layer of cells that may two types of glandular trichomes found, predominate the capitate
be part of the epidermis, making it multilayered, or may constitute glandular trichome. In this cut is still possible to view idioblasts
a hypodermis. Already in more prominent regions, the angular col- with crystal sand (Fig. 4A) and druses (Fig. 4G).
lenchyma is located beneath the epidermis, being composed of four In the leaf blade analysis in SEM it was possible observed with
to nine layers of cells (Fig. 2A and E). In the cortical parenchyma are more detail the largest sinuosity of the epidermal cells walls on
present idioblasts with crystal sand (Fig. 2A, E and F). The endoder- the abaxial face (Fig. 5A and B) and that on this face the stomata
mis is seen as a last cortical layer (Fig. 2E). As well as the root, are situated on the same level or slightly above of epidermal cells
the stem also exhibits anomalous secondary thickening. It is dis- (Fig. 5B), while on the adaxial face they are located on the same level
tinguished two different zones of vascular bundles: a zone closer of epidermal cells (Fig. 5C). It was also observed the non-glandular
to the endodermis, in which the collateral bundles are distributed (Fig. 5A) and glandular trichomes (Fig. 5A–C).
forming a continuous ring; and other zone closest to the medullary In cross-section of the leaf blade were observed all the trichomes
region, in which the collateral bundles are distributed discontin- (Fig. 6A–F) viewed in the paradermal cut and in SEM, also ratifying
uously, separated from each other by parenchyma (Fig. 2A and the fact that the glandular trichomes are predominant in the abaxial
E). face. The epidermis is uniseriate, coated with a thin cuticle layer and
is made of rounded cells or slightly elongated (Fig. 6G). The meso-
Petiole phyll has organization dorsiventral. It consists of one or two layers
of palisade parenchyma and two to four layers of dense spongy
The petiole, in cross-section, has concave–convex shape, with parenchyma (Fig. 6G). Secretory cavities (Fig. 6G) and idioblasts
two lateral extremities (Fig. 3A). The epidermis is composed of with crystal sand and druses (Fig. 6G and H) are found in the meso-
a single layer of rounded cells and covered with a smooth and phyll.

tr tr

st ep

tr tr

ep st


Fig. 5. Dysphania ambrosioides (L.) Mosyakin & Clemants, SEM of the leaf blade. (A) View of the abaxial face showing epidermal (ep) cells with sinuous walls, stomata (st)
and non-glandular and glandular trichomes (tr); (B) View of the abaxial face showing epidermal (ep) cells with sinuous walls, stomata (st) and glandular trichomes (tr); (C)
View of the adaxial face showing epidermal (ep) cells with slightly sinuous walls, stomata (st) and glandular trichome (tr). Bars: A, B = 100 ␮m; C = 40 ␮m.
538 R. Sá et al. / Revista Brasileira de Farmacognosia 26 (2016) 533–543




C D tr



pp ep

sp crs


G ep H

Fig. 6. Dysphania ambrosioides (L.) Mosyakin & Clemants, cross-sections of the leaf blade. (A) Detail of non-glandular trichome (tr), multicellular and uniseriate, with enlarged
cells at the base and an elongated apical cell on the adaxial face; (B) Detail of non-glandular trichome (tr), multicellular and uniseriate, with enlarged cells at the base and
an elongated apical cell on the abaxial face; (C) Detail of non-capitate glandular trichome (tr) with short uniseriate stalk and a small globoid apex and bents toward the
epidermis on the adaxial face; (D) Detail of non-capitate glandular trichome (tr) with short uniseriate stalk and a small globoid apex and bents toward the epidermis on the
abaxial face; (E) Detail of capitate glandular trichome (tr) with a short pedicel and a large unicellular head on the adaxial face; (F) Detail of capitate glandular trichome (tr)
with a short pedicel and a large unicellular head on the abaxial face; (G) Detail of the epidermis (ep), palisade parenchyma (pp), spongy parenchyma (sp), secretory cavity
(scv), vascular bundle (vb) and idioblast with druse (dr); (H) Detail of idioblast with crystal sand (crs). Bars: A–H = 50 ␮m.

The midrib has biconvex cross-section (Fig. 7A). It presents layers of cells (Fig. 7A and B), and also adjacent to phloem (Fig. 7A
similar epidermis to which is situated in the mesophyll (Fig. 7B). and F). In this tissue and in the parenchyma are observed idioblasts
Furthermore, all three types of trichomes visualized in the with crystal sand and druses (Fig. 7B and F). The vascular system is
mesophyll are also present in the midrib (Fig. 7C–E). Angular col- composed of collateral bundles arranged in a circle in the center of
lenchyma appears in subepidermal position, formed by two to three midrib (Fig. 7F).
R. Sá et al. / Revista Brasileira de Farmacognosia 26 (2016) 533–543 539


tr pa co
co crs
vb dr

A co B C



tr pa

tr co

Fig. 7. Dysphania ambrosioides (L.) Mosyakin & Clemants, cross-sections of midri(B) (A) General aspect, showing collenchyma (co), parenchyma (pa), vascular bundles (vb) and
trichome (tr); (B) Detail of the epidermis (ep), collenchyma (co) and idioblasts with crystal sand (crs) and druse (dr); (C) Detail of non-glandular trichome (tr), multicellular
and uniseriate, with enlarged cells at the base and an elongated apical cell; (D) Detail of non-capitate glandular trichome (tr) with short uniseriate stalk and a small globoid
apex and bents toward the epidermis; (E) Detail of capitate glandular trichome (tr) with a short pedicel and a large unicellular head; (F) Detail of the vascular bundles (vb)
located in the parenchyma (pa), collenchyma (co) adjacent to phloem and idioblasts with crystal sand (crs) and druse (dr). Bars: A = 500 ␮m; B, C, D, E = 50 ␮m; F = 200 ␮m.

The leaf of D. ambrosioides, after maceration, presents epidermal D. ambrosioides, considering that, with the Nadi reagent, these com-
cells, stomata (Fig. 8A), vessel elements of the helical type (Fig. 8B) pounds exhibit blue and pink colorations, respectively (Fig. 10C and
and idioblasts with druses (Fig. 8C). The three types of trichomes D). Oleoresins were also found in the parenchyma cells of the midrib
viewed in transverse and paradermal sections and in SEM are also (Fig. 10E) and in the upper epidermis cells next to the mesophyll
found in macerated leaf (Fig. 8D–F). (Fig. 10F).
Fig. 9A–D shows cross-sections of fresh leaf blades without addi- Potassium dichromate (10%) revealed the presence of pheno-
tion of reagent. lic compounds in the adaxial epidermal cells (Fig. 11A and B), as
After using Sudan III, lipophilic substances were found in the well as inside the capitate glandular trichome with unicellular head
cuticle covering the adaxial and abaxial faces (Fig. 10A), and are (Fig. 11C). Starch is present in the epidermal cells and in the meso-
also present within capitate glandular trichomes with unicel- phyll (Fig. 11D), as also in the parenchyma of the midrib (Fig. 11E).
lular head (Fig. 10B). In these trichomes, lipophilic substances The phloroglucinol evidenced lignification of xylematic vessel in
may be those which constitute the essential oil and oleoresins of midrib (Fig. 11F). Fig. 11G and H show, respectively, the presence

st dr





Fig. 8. Dysphania ambrosioides (L.) Mosyakin & Clemants, maceration of the leaf. (A) Epidermis (ep) and stomata (st); (B) Vessel element of the helical type; (C) Idioblasts with
druses (dr); (D) Non-glandular trichome (tr), multicellular and uniseriate, with enlarged cells at the base and an elongated apical cell; (E) Non-capitate glandular trichome
(tr) with short uniseriate stalk and a small globoid apex and bents toward the epidermis; (F) Capitate glandular trichome (tr) with a short pedicel and a large unicellular
head. Bars: A = 200 ␮m; B–F = 50 ␮m.
540 R. Sá et al. / Revista Brasileira de Farmacognosia 26 (2016) 533–543


vb vb






Fig. 9. Dysphania ambrosioides (L.) Mosyakin & Clemants, cross-sections of the leaf blade without adding reagents. (A) Midrib showing epidermis (ep), collenchyma (co),
parenchyma (pa) and vascular bundles (vb); (B) Detail of vascular bundle (vb); (C) Details of cuticle (ct), epidermis (ep), palisade parenchyma (pp) and spongy parenchyma
(sp); (D) Detail of capitate glandular trichome (tr) with a short pedicel and a large unicellular head. Bars: A = 200 ␮m; B–D = 50 ␮m.






Fig. 10. Dysphania ambrosioides (L.) Mosyakin & Clemants, cross-sections of the leaf blade after reaction with Sudan III and Nadi reagent. (A) Lipophilic substances in the
cuticle (ct) lining the epidermis; (B) Lipophilic substances inside capitate glandular trichome (tr); (C) Essential oil inside capitate glandular trichome (tr); (D) Oleoresin inside
capitate glandular trichome (tr); (E) Oleoresin in parenchyma (pa); (F) Oleoresin in epidermal (ep) cells. Bars: A–F = 50 ␮m.

of crystals in leaf of D. ambrosioides and their dissolution with the literature still treats D. ambrosioides as C. ambrosioides. For this rea-
test of hydrochloric acid (10%), confirming that they are of calcium son, the discussion of this work took into consideration the aspects
oxalate. Tests with Dragendorff’s reagent, antimony trichloride and of the family Chenopodiaceae.
vanillin chloridric were negative. According to Metcalfe and Chalk (1972), the family Chenopodi-
aceae has many anatomical points in common with other families,
Discussion such as the Amaranthaceae. One of these points is the cambium
variation, or anomalous secondary thickening (Wilson, 1924; Joshi,
The transition of some species of the family Chenopodiaceae to 1937; Balfour, 1965). The formation of successive cambia is known
the family Amaranthaceae is recent. Although the modification, the in 34 species of dicotyledons, being that in lianas this phenomenon
R. Sá et al. / Revista Brasileira de Farmacognosia 26 (2016) 533–543 541

ep ep



crs id

Fig. 11. Dysphania ambrosioides (L.) Mosyakin & Clemants, cross-sections of the leaf blade after reaction with potassium dichromate (10%), Lugol’s iodine reagent, phloroglu-
cinol and hydrochloric acid (10%). (A) View of the leaf showing phenolic compounds in epidermal (ep) cells; (B) Detail of epidermal (ep) cells containing phenolic compounds;
(C) Detail of phenolic compounds inside capitate glandular trichome (tr); (D) Starch in epidermal (ep) cells, palisade parenchyma (pp) and spongy parenchyma (sp); (E) Detail
of starch in parenchyma (pa); (F) View of vascular bundles (vb) with lignified walls; (G) Detail of idioblast with crystal sand (crs) before reaction with hydrochloric acid (10%);
(H) Detail of idioblast (id) after reaction with hydrochloric acid (10%). Bars: A = 200 ␮m; B–H = 50 ␮m.

occurs more frequently (Metcalfe and Chalk, 1972; Carlquist, 2007). trichome uniseriate and the capitate glandular trichome. Both
In Chenopodiaceae, the secondary growth starts from a cambium in were observed in the stem, petiole and leaf blade of D. ambrosioides,
a normal position. Subsequently, the other cambia emerge furthest but it was also found the glandular trichome uniseriate with body
from the first, producing xylem to inside and phloem to outside bent toward epidermis and with secretory distal cell rounded.
(Esau, 1997). The successive cambia and the vascular bundles are This latter type of trichome is not described by Metcalfe and Chalk
embedded in parenchymal tissue (Metcalfe and Chalk, 1972). (1972), however, in a detailed study of the trichomes of the stem
With respect yet to the secondary growth of the plant, it is and leaves of Chenopodium species, Bonzani et al. (2003) cited all
observed the periderm formation in roots, but not in stems. The kinds of trichomes found in this work.
absence of periderm in stem was already observed in 12 species There is still controversy regarding the presence of glandular
of Chenopodium, including D. ambrosioides (Bonzani et al., 2003), as trichomes on the faces of the leaf blade of D. ambrosioides. As are
well as in other species of Chenopodiaceae, such as Atriplex halimus, seen in this study, the presence on both faces was also identified
Atriplex cristata, Atriplex oestophora (Fahn and Zimmermann, 1982; by Holm (1923), Jorge et al. (1986) and Bonzani et al. (2003) in
Jáuregui et al., 2014); Allenrolfea patagonica, Heterostachys olivas- D. ambrosioides. Jorge et al. (1986) affirmed that the glandular tri-
cens, Heterostachys ritteriana (Cuadra and Hermann, 2014); and in chomes predominate in the adaxial face, in agreement with the
Salsola kali subsp. Ruthenica (Bercu and Bavaru, 2004). results described in this paper and differing from Costa and Tavares
The polygonal shape of the stem with the presence of regions (2006), who reported these trichomes restricted to abaxial face.
more prominent formed by collenchymatic tissue is common in Studies suggest that the density and the change in the propor-
Chenopodiaceae (Fahn and Zimmermann, 1982; Bonzani et al., tion of non-glandular and glandular trichomes can be influenced
2003; Bercu and Bavaru, 2004; Jáuregui et al., 2014). Bonzani et al. by environmental conditions, including herbivory and water avail-
(2003) observed that in Chenopodium burkartii and Chenopodium ability (Rautio et al., 2002; Gonzales et al., 2008). Since the species
retusum the collenchyma becomes lignified when these species are is found in tropical, subtropical and temperate zones (Kismann,
in secondary growth. Already in other species of Chenopodium stud- 1991), it can be expected that these variations occur in D. ambro-
ied, including D. ambrosioides, the collenchyma remains composed sioides.
of cellulosic walls in secondary growth. Most species of Chenopodiaceae have dorsiventral mesophyll
Stomata were found in the stem, petiole and leaf blade of the (Metcalfe and Chalk, 1972). There are some exceptions, such as
plant. Amphistomatic leaves are characteristics of the Chenopo- C. retusum, Chenopodium oblanceolatum (Bonzani et al., 2003) and
diaceae family (Metcalfe and Chalk, 1972; Moris et al., 1996; Salsola sp. (Metcalfe and Chalk, 1972) that present isobilateral
Bonzani et al., 2003; Cuadra and Hermann, 2014; Jáuregui et al., mesophyll.
2014). Anomocytic stomata are the most frequent, but are also Idioblasts containing crystal sand were often found in all plant
found anisocytic stomata in Chenopodium chilense, tetracytic in parts examined. Only in the leaf blade were observed druses. The
Chenopodium multifidum (Bonzani et al., 2003) and paracytic in Sal- confirmation, by testing with hydrochloric acid that the crystals
sola kali subsp. ruthenica (Bercu and Bavaru, 2004). Previous studies are of calcium oxalate corroborates the result of Costa and Tavares
with D. ambrosioides only affirmed the presence of anomocytic (2006). According Metcalfe and Chalk (1972), the occurrence of
stomata, different from the results found in this study, which are these crystals gives important diagnostic value for the species, since
described stomata anomocytic and anisocytic (Jorge et al., 1986; they are restricted between dicotyledonous.
Costa and Tavares, 2006). The maceration of plant tissue is used to reveal some pecu-
The presence of different types of trichomes in Chenopodiaceae liarities of the nature of the cells that compose them. It is a
was reported by some authors (Holm, 1923; Metcalfe and Chalk, technique recommended by the Brazilian Pharmacopeia for micro-
1972; Silva Filho et al., 1992; Bonzani et al., 2003). According to scopic analysis of the plant material (Farmacopeia Brasileira, 2010)
Metcalfe and Chalk (1972), in the family are present trichomes and a requirement for the registration of phytotherapic and tradi-
uniseriate, branched, stellate and capitate glandular trichome. tional phytotherapic products (Anvisa, 2014). It is also important
In the genus Chenopodium are most common the non-glandular when the plant raw materials are marketed crushed or powdered,
542 R. Sá et al. / Revista Brasileira de Farmacognosia 26 (2016) 533–543

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