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Technical Questions Conversation for Pre-MBA IB internship opportunities May 29th at 7pm!

This doc is started by Ashley, but built via input from everyone! I don’t have many answers, but am
pumped to crowdsource this with everyone!

Call in number (thanks Kory!): 1-314-765-0400 The call in pin is 33 223 239

Recording of the 5.29.18 call (start at that 9 minute mark to avoid the chit chat):

The google sheet with all known IB Diversity Fellowships (please edit carefully):

1- overview of recruiting process (based on Barclays conversations)
2- upcoming deadlines
3- example technical questions which have been asked and approaches to answering them

Technical questions asked to date (Barclays primarily) and technical means all non-basic behavioral
● Do you have the technical/financial skills for the next interview round?
● If you were to make a skeleton of a pitchbook what would be in the table of contents?
● What is your familiarity with the groups at Barclays (Financial Sponsors group, Product vs.
● What does an Associate do?
● What are your transferable skills for the associate role?
● Do you know the valuation methods?
● Take me through a DCF
● How do you value a company when you're the seller?
● Between Transaction comps and trading comps which is usually higher?
● How does a DCF rank between the valuation methods (trading and transactions) when the
seller provides the information?
● Why is a transaction usually ranked higher between transaction and trading?
● What do I know about Financial statements? Walkthrough
● What's my knowledge of company valuation?

Questions you would like answered (if possible):

● How would you answer:
○ If depreciation goes up by $50M, how does it affect the 3 financial statements?
○ If you had an industrials company retail company restaurant and services company
(kaplan), using net working capital as a factor, which one would you want to
purchase if you expect the economy to decline vs. If you expect it to improve?
○ If you have two companies same industry similar size, why would one trade for 10x
and another trade for 7x?
Some Resources (if you don’t have the PDFs below please let me know so I can share):

● The 400 investment Banking q&a (mergers and inquisitions) PDF

● Investment Banking text by Josh & Josh PDF

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