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Difference Between Formal and Informal Learning

With the development of modern teaching methods and information society,

learning opportunities have become larger, limitless and instantaneous. Nowadays,
learners can learn as well as acquire new and improved skills and competencies in an
array of ways in contrast to the traditional methods i.e. formal learning. In the world of
learning, there is always a question: a formal or an informal learning platform is the
right and best way to go? In this article, we’ll help you understand the difference
between formal and informal learning and make a decision that fits your goals best.

Difference Between Formal and Informal Learning

Whereas formal learning happens in a training-based organization, workplace,

mobile devices, classrooms, online over the internet, and through e-learning portals,
informal learning is based on practical and lifelong learning. The informal learning is a
crucial concept, especially for individuals who must stay abreast with rapid
technological and economic changes. While informal learning symbolizes a key to
enter the world of employment, it also represents the steps in building a successful

A Closer Look at the Formal and Informal Learning

By definition:

Formal learning occurs in a structured and organized environment like

training/education institution or on the job. It is explicitly designed as education in terms
of time, objectives and resources. It is an intentional learning from the learner’s
perspective, leading to degrees and certifications. Formal learning is a structured
model that presents a rigid curriculum, corresponding to laws and norms. It is rather
presentational education.
Formal learning programs typically include specific courses and curricula
mapped in a very structured way that must be delivered and consumed on a specific
timetable, such as an onboarding curriculum targeted to a specific audience or cohort.
As a result, content is generally created and delivered by a specified group of
instructional designers and trainers, such as sales enablement leaders, in a “top-down”
The content development process usually lasts longer with formal learning
programs, as those involved are often tasked with creating thorough presentations and
courses and publishing them via a potentially more complex platform.
Content and learning materials can be delivered via a traditional classroom or
group training model (whether in-person, virtual, or a hybrid of both) complete with
lectures, required reading and/or tasks, and scheduled testing or assessments.
With so many organizations shifting to a full-time remote workforce, live webinars
and screen-sharing technology can be used so remote learners can complete the
required sessions.

Formal learning often includes:

 Courses
 Curricula
 Certifications
 Classrooms (physical or virtual)
 Assigned tasks, reading, or assessments
 A blend of long and short-form content

On the other hand:

Informal learning is the education that is beyond limitations and goes on outside
of a traditional formal learning environment like university, school or college. It is an
education that is seen as a learning which goes on in our daily life or learning projects
undertaken by us to teach ourselves.
This learning is based on the daily life experiences like peer groups, family,
media or any other influence in the learner’s surrounding. This learning platform
encompasses a range of activities; it could be researching the International Gallery
collection, learning cookery skills in a community center, taking part in a project
voluntarily or others.
In other words, oftentimes informal learning involves learning things without
realizing the learning process. This may include picking up information from TV, over
the internet, films, direct interaction with individuals or any other informal way.
Informal learning consists of:
 Microlearning

 Just-in-time learning
 Short-form content
 Continuous reinforcement
 Self-driven development
 An internal knowledge base

To understand the difference between the formal and informal learning

approaches, think of these two approaches as riding a bike vs. riding on a bus.

 If you are on a formal learning bus, the bus driver decides the destination of the
bus or where it is going. However, the passengers are just along for the ride.
 If you are on a bike of informal learning, the rider decided the destination, the
route, and the speed.
In other words, if you have to make a choice between the informal and formal
learning, it is valuable to make a distinction between what is learned intentionally and
what is learned by accident.
The most explicit distinction between both of these learning approaches boils
down to the fact; if it is unexpected or intentional learning.
Unexpected learning occurs when a learner learns something, during everyday
life activities, something they never expected. Instead, intentional learning is the
approach where learners aim to learn a particular thing and goes about successfully
achieving that objective.


Both formal and informal learning methods offer unique advantages, and

understanding the differences between them can help individuals and organizations

choose the most effective approach for their needs.

Formal learning methods

Method 1: Classroom-based learning

One of the most common formal learning methods is classroom-based learning,
which takes place within a structured educational environment. This method typically
involves an instructor who delivers lessons, assigns homework, and assesses the

progress of learners. Classroom-based learning often includes a mix of lectures,
discussions, group activities, and individual work.

Method 2: Online courses

Online courses are another example of formal learning, which involves delivering
educational content through digital platforms such as learning management systems
(LMS) or MOOCs (massive open online courses). Online courses offer greater
flexibility and accessibility than traditional classroom-based learning and often include
multimedia content, quizzes, discussion boards, and other interactive elements.

Method 3: Workshops and training programs

Formal learning also encompasses workshops and training programs, which are
typically shorter and more focused than traditional classroom-based courses. These
learning experiences often target specific skills or knowledge areas and are led by
expert facilitators. Workshops and training programs can be delivered in-person or
online, depending on the needs and preferences of the learners.

Informal learning methods

Method 1: Self-directed learning

Self-directed learning is an informal learning method in which individuals take the

initiative to identify their learning goals, develop a plan, and seek out resources to
achieve their objectives. This method often involves reading books, watching videos, or
researching online to acquire new knowledge or skills.
Method 2: Social learning
Social learning is an informal learning approach that relies on interactions with
others, such as colleagues, friends, or mentors. This method can involve learning
through conversations, networking events, online forums, or social media platforms.
Social learning capitalizes on the power of shared experiences and diverse
perspectives to foster knowledge acquisition.

Method 3: Experiential learning

Experiential learning is a hands-on informal learning method that involves

learning through real-world experiences and practice. This approach can include job
shadowing, internships, volunteering, or simply trying new tasks or projects at work.

Experiential learning emphasizes the importance of learning by doing and encourages

learners to reflect on their experiences to improve their skills and understanding.

How to Settle on a Formal and Informal Learning Approach?

As stated earlier, the choice between the formal and informal learning approach
comes down to the intention, objective, challenges and how any of these learning
patterns facilitates the learner in developing a successful career path and to perform at
their full potential.
There are three major areas on which either of these learning approaches can be
tested from both the learner and instructor’s point of view, including;
 Content development
 Targeted audience
 Tracking of performance
In addition, each of these learning patterns offers different values in the lives of
the learners. Again, the choice between the two comes down to the objectives and
intent of the learners.
As with just about every other methodology, formal and informal learning
approaches also have differences when it comes to learning basics. Let’s discuss
these basic differences separately.

Organized learning environment

Formal learning is about having a designed and structured course outline. This
educational approach is formulated, pre-defined and has a deadline. It is limited and
best for the individuals who have just started with their basic learning or are required to
acquire a certain set of skills in a definite timeframe. Informal learning does not mean
undesigned or disorganized. It is just not about having set guidelines or formulas. It can
be occurring anywhere, anytime and in different contexts including surfing the internet,
work or leisure activities. It is not about communicating the learning results upfront but
balancing the clear learning path with informality.
Eager and self-motivated Learners
In the formal learning environment, the learners are usually motivated and eager
to learn in the initial stages of the learning course. However, gradually and in the

absence of any specific activities to keep the audience engaged, the learners start
losing the eagerness to excel. In other words, formal learning requires a strategically
engaging content to maintain the motivation level of the learners throughout the course
Unlike formal learning, informal learners are always motivated, more attentive and
eager to learn the skill. Since they learn in a contextual environment and from
experiences, they are not only interested in gaining deeper knowledge but they get a
better understanding of the subject under discussion.

Spontaneous Learning
Informal learning is spontaneous and happens anytime and anywhere. The
learner is self-motivated and eager to gain knowledge about any specific topic or may
get an impulse to get familiar with a new topic. From an instructor’s point of view,
during informal learning, the instruction is conscious about the need to share the skill or
knowledge with the learner in a particular context. For instance, if a new employee has
no idea about operating a copy machine, some other colleague may instantly
demonstrate it in practice and how to get the job done. This informal way of obtaining
knowledge is a quick help for the new worker and one of the best examples of
spontaneous and informal learning context.
However, during a formal learning situation, the learning is planned, direct,
noncontextual and formulated. The instructor and learners take up the learning course
intentionally and with a clear objective in mind. The learning is time-framed and has
certain boundaries, prohibiting the complete control over the learning framework.

Lifelong learning process

Formal learning is not a life-long process but offer results in a pre-defined time
frame. For instance, students taking a particular certification course for the duration of
two months. This is not a learning process that would continue throughout life. The
program is designed for a particular duration and with the set, guidelines to be followed
to achieve the targeted objective.
The informal learning is a spontaneous and lifelong learning activity. In our early
age, we learn as a kid from our parents. As we grow older, we learn from peers,
friends, a job or from co-workers. As you get old, the learning process continues and
you continue to learn from younger, for instance, the use of new technology.

It can be said that informal learning keeps individuals vibrant, interested, and
mentally active in the world around. Nonetheless, it is something that is highly crucial
for intellectual self- development.
Quantifiable Learning
The formal learning is always quantifiable. It is measurable and formulated. It is a
learning or transfer of knowledge in a proper university or classroom setup, offered by
skilled instructors and up to a certain degree. For example, if you need to take a
particular course, you must take the beginner, advanced or master level courses to
gain the required knowledge. The outcomes are measurable and you know the skill set
that you can achieve after taking a certain level of formal education.
The informal learning is, however, quite difficult to quantify. It is not measurable
or pre-designed to achieve a particular set of skills in a set time frame. Since it is not a
tangible learning approach hence, there are no tracking or exams to gauge the skill set
just like certifications or degree courses. The outcomes are difficult to measure. This is
indeed one of the biggest challenges of informal learning i.e. the validation and
recognition of the informally obtained knowledge in order to make it valid, valuable and
visible to other for its proper utilization.

The Future Relevance of Formal and Informal Learning

So, which of these two learning approaches are most relevant in the future? Well,
there are some challenges in incorporating both of these learning methodologies. Both
of them offer their distinctive learning experiences and hence everything comes down
to the learner’s learning objective.
In an informal learning, learner gets the ability to develop more capacity for self-
directed approaches towards enduring learning. Anyone who does it and develops
these skills gains a great advantage over others who are persistently reliant and
submissive to various influential figures to tell them when to learn, how to learn, what to
learn and when to stop learning.
Considering the corporate perspective, there may be some jobs that would praise
for following the guidelines or commands of a micro-managing boss, but the growing
corporations are now shifting this trend.
In today’s competitive environment, it is all about taking the initiative. This is the
era of working in a contextual environment than the theoretical world. To deliver and
handle the problem upfront and pursue solutions right away.

That is why it is important for a learner to make a smooth transition from formal to
informal. This transition promises the idea of ‘continuity’. In other words, the open or
informal education system can easily be adopted in the traditional structure of schools.
It is all about offering learners a chance to determine the learning pace. They should
be set free to move around and search for the best sources to learn with full motivation
and keenness.
The key is to let them make the most of the available means to master the
subjects that catch their interest. Likewise, gradually suppressing the basic features of
a formal learning approach that may include granting the learners total freedom as to
the subject choice, activities and content that must be carried out along with the time
duration that needs to be granted at each stage.
In a nutshell, in going from formal to informal education, we are actually perforce
displacing our ‘center of gravity’ form the processes of traditional or formulated school
systems to that of students learning objectives.

The Final Word

We can conclude by saying that when the interest and needs of the learners are
taken into consideration, learners will be more willing and interested to participate in
the learning activities. The basic reason why institute and organizations are now
adapting informal learning approach is that the formal learning is perceived as an
obeying and punitive learning approach.
It is dependent on the pre-defined norms of the institutions whereas the learners’
interest and needs fade away. Conversely, an informal learning approach succeeds to
convert the needs and interest of learners in a more adaptive and flexible formation.
The content developers must recognize and consider the range of learning
opportunities in course designing. They must iron out the objectives and needs of the
learners first and then design a custom eLearning solution that makes the most sense
for learners. In this way they may find the best-blended learning approach,
incorporating both the formal and informal ways of learning.

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