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I partially agree with you that the internet service done by private company is more modern and efficient

than that of government, especially in the application of advanced technology such as satellites,
telecommunication systems,... However, in my perspective, it’s also the reason why the fees paid for
those services are usually very high, and become unaffordable for many people who don’t have stable
financial state. As a result, I believe that government service will be a more economical option for most
of people. What I mean by this is that as the intention of services provided by government mostly is to
serve and satisfy the demands of several citizens instead of only gaining profits, the required fee for
people will often be adjusted to meet as many customers demands as possible, from people at the
middle age, the elderly to students. In 2021, a group of students from Foreign Trade University did a
survey on what satisfied people the most when choosing an internet service. The result showed that
almost 70% of people said it was the economical price while 30% was for other reasons. You can also
find more information at many websites, for example, you can see that there are
several efficient data packages to consider. It is also easy for you to find out an economical one for
students , which only cost about 90000đ per month for 120GB

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