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Name: Utkarsh Chaudhary | ID: 2019B5AB0856P | Date: 24th September 2023

Financial Fraud Detection Using Pattern Recognition


Financial transactions have become an indispensable aspect of our daily lives in the digital era. It
includes various activities, from online shopping to electronic banking. While this convenience
offers numerous advantages, it also exposes individuals and organizations to an escalating threat
- financial fraud. Fraudulent activities, such as identity theft, credit card fraud, and phishing
scams, incur billions of dollars in losses annually and undermine trust. Detecting and preventing
these fraudulent transactions is paramount, and this is where pattern recognition and machine
learning come in.

This report delves into the realm of financial fraud detection, where advanced algorithms and
pattern recognition techniques are employed to identify irregularities, anomalies, and suspicious
patterns within financial data. By leveraging cutting-edge technology, financial institutions and
businesses can safeguard their assets, protect their customers, and uphold the integrity of the
financial ecosystem.

The significance of financial fraud detection cannot be overstated. In an increasingly

interconnected world, criminals constantly refine their tactics, exploit vulnerabilities, and launch
sophisticated attacks. Consequently, traditional rule-based approaches are no longer adequate to
combat the ever-evolving landscape of financial fraud. Instead, adopting pattern recognition and
machine learning has become necessary to stay ahead of the curve.


The main aim of this research is to lead the way in creating a reliable tool specifically designed
for identifying financial crimes in the context of mobile money transactions. This
groundbreaking tool utilizes the capabilities of pattern recognition to distinguish between
legitimate and questionable transactions, thus enhancing the security and trustworthiness of
mobile money platforms.


1. To design and develop a tool for detecting financial crimes based on pattern recognition
in mobile money transactions.
2. To test the ability of the tool to detect a financial crime on a mobile money platform.

Characteristics of Transactions

1. Instant transactions
2. Seamless Integrations
3. Security
4. Transaction Charges
5. Transaction Limits
Risk Factor Deposit Transfer Withdrawal
A perpetrator has the ability to
establish numerous accounts The system does not The withdrawal of funds that are
utilizing forged identification acknowledge names that arouse deemed illegitimate or linked to
documents, thereby employing suspicion, thereby creating a terrorist activities can be facilitated,
various aliases to conceal illicit secure environment for particularly when a mobile money
activities and obfuscate the true individuals who have a criminal agent demonstrates negligence in
origin of deposited funds. or terrorist background. properly verifying a customer's
identification during the
Anonymity transaction.

They can carry out multiple

transactions to confuse the Redirected funds from multiple
Criminals can openly redirect illicit money trail and the true origin of accounts can be withdrawn at the
Elusiveness funds into multiple accounts. funds. simultaneously.
Illicit funds have the capability to be
swiftly transferred to various
accounts, transpiring
instantaneously, thereby posing Transactions occur in
challenges in detecting and instantaneously, hence difficult to Just as in deposits, transactions
scrutinizing potential cases of flag and screen for suspicion of occur instantaneously, making it
terrorist financing or money terrorist financing or money challenging to fast-track and screen
Rapidity laundering. laundering. for suspicious activity.

Poor Oversight Without proper guidelines and regulation, mobile money services pose a great systemic risk.


The process of pattern recognition consists of three main stages, namely preprocessing, feature
extraction, and classification, as depicted in figure. Initially, a data source or dataset undergoes
preprocessing to ensure its compatibility with subsequent sub-processes. Subsequently, the
dataset is subjected to feature extraction, wherein it is transformed into a collection of feature
vectors that are intended to accurately represent the original data. Pre-processing

Pre-processing, as defined by Tang (2014), plays a pivotal role in pattern recognition by isolating
the unique pattern from the background. Its primary aim is to reduce variations within the data
and yield a more consistent dataset. A crucial aspect of pre-processing involves noise filtering, a
step essential for enhancing the quality of the data. Feature Extraction

In the realm of pattern recognition, a feature is a quantifiable measure corresponding to a specific

pattern within the data. Feature extraction serves as a solution to the challenge of high
dimensionality inherent in input datasets. As illustrated in Figure 2.3, input data undergoes
transformation into a more concise representation termed a "feature vector." The crux of feature
extraction lies in capturing only the pertinent information from the input data to facilitate the
intended task, replacing the need for unwieldy full-sized inputs (Karyakarte1 & Savant, 2019).

The extracted features must possess several key attributes, including ease of computation,
robustness, rotational invariance, and resilience to various forms of distortion. Subsequently, the
optimal subset of features that yields the highest accuracy is carefully selected from the input
space. Feature Selection

Feature selection, following the categorization by Guyon and Elisseeff (2003), serves three
distinct purposes:

(i) Refining the Detection Operation: It fine-tunes the detection process, enhancing its precision
and effectiveness.

(ii) Delivering Faster and More Affordable Detectors: By streamlining the features, it leads to
more efficient and cost-effective detection mechanisms.

(iii) Providing Insight into Data Generation: Feature selection sheds light on the underlying
processes that generate the data.
During feature selection, the features extracted in the previous step undergo a filtering process to
obtain a more discriminative feature vector. Importantly, this process preserves the physical
meaning of the original features. The feature vector that emerges at the conclusion of this stage
forms the training data, laying the foundation for subsequent pattern recognition tasks.


The primary objective of the research was to analyze the characteristics of mobile money
transactions that have facilitated the illegal transfer of criminally acquired funds without
detection. These transactions, which include cash deposits, withdrawals, transfers, and payments,
are characterized by their instantaneous nature, lack of agent intervention (except for cash
deposits or withdrawals), and ability to be layered in multiple transactions with small margins.

Additionally, the research aimed to assess the effectiveness of existing systems and controls in
detecting financial crimes. It was found that in Kenya, unlike traditional financial institutions,
mobile network operators (MNOs) are not required to fully implement know your customer
(KYC)/combating the financing of terrorism (CFT) and anti-fraud controls. Suspected
transactions were only investigated on an event-driven basis rather than proactively.

Furthermore, the research sought to analyze the various pattern recognition techniques used in
investigating financial crimes. These techniques were categorized as supervised, unsupervised,
and semi-supervised. Supervised pattern recognition was employed for processing voluminous
labeled data.

The fourth objective of the research was to design and develop a pattern recognition tool
specifically for detecting financial crimes in mobile money transactions. The researcher
successfully created a supervised pattern recognition tool capable of identifying suspicious
transactions among legitimate ones.

Lastly, the research aimed to test the tool's ability to detect financial crimes in mobile money
transactions. The tool was found to accurately identify such crimes.

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