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Aula 02/10

Hoje, vamos explorar um aspecto fundamental da

língua inglesa que está presente em praticamente
todas as áreas da nossa vida cotidiana. É algo que
utilizamos para contar, medir, calcular e até
mesmo para fazer planos. Não é a língua secreta
dos matemáticos, mas é uma linguagem universal
que todos precisamos dominar para nos
comunicarmos efetivamente em inglês
2. Understanding Phone Numbers in

Phone numbers in English typically consist of a

combination of numbers and sometimes special
characters. It is important to understand the
format and pronunciation of phone numbers to
effectively communicate and navigate through
phone conversations. Let's explore the rules and
conventions associated with expressing phone
numbers in English.
3. Exploring English Age Expressions

In English, age is typically expressed using the

phrase "years old." For example, "I am 30 years old."
It's important to note that the word "old" is
necessary in this context. Additionally, ordinal
numbers are used to talk about speci c ages, such
as " rst," "second," "third," etc. Understanding these
age expressions is essential for effective
communication in English.
4. Unraveling English Weekdays

In English, the days of the week are named after

Norse gods and celestial bodies. They are: Monday
(Moon's Day), Tuesday (Tiw's Day), Wednesday
(Woden's Day), Thursday (Thor's Day), Friday
(Freya's Day), Saturday (Saturn's Day), and Sunday
(Sun's Day). Understanding the names and order of
the weekdays is crucial for scheduling and
organizing activities in English-speaking countries.
5. Mastering English Months

Months in English are named after gods, emperors,

and numbers. They are: January (after Janus, the
Roman god of transitions), February (derived from
februarius, meaning puri cation), March (named
after Mars, the Roman god of war), April (from
"aperire," Latin for "to open" signifying the opening of
spring), May (named after Maia, the Roman goddess
of spring), June (derived from "iuniores," meaning
"younger ones"), July (in honor of Julius Caesar),
August (named after Augustus Caesar).
Understanding the names and order of the months
is essential for effective communication and
6. Colors in the English Language

Colors play a signi cant role in language and

communication. Understanding the names of
colors in English enhances our ability to describe
and express ourselves accurately. Additionally,
colors can convey emotions, symbolism, and
cultural meanings. By expanding our knowledge of
colors, we can more effectively connect and relate
to others in a multicultural and diverse society.
7. Signi cance of Numbers in English

Numbers hold cultural signi cance in the English

language and are used extensively in everyday
conversations. They represent milestones,
quantities, and time. Learning to pronounce and
use numbers correctly allows for clear and effective
communication in various contexts, from shopping
to scheduling appointments and discussing age.
Mastering numbers expands language pro ciency
and cultural understanding.
8. Phone Number Etique e in
English-Speaking Countries

In English-speaking countries, it is important to

understand phone number etiquette to
communicate effectively. Phone numbers are
typically read digit by digit, with pauses between
each set of numbers. Remember to include the
country code and area code when providing or
dialing phone numbers. Pay attention to regional
variations and be mindful of the correct format and
pronunciation of phone numbers to avoid any
confusion or miscommunication.
9. Age-related Idioms and
Expressions in English

Age-related idioms and expressions in English add

color and depth to conversations. "Over the hill"
refers to being past one's prime, while "young at
heart" means having a youthful or vibrant spirit.
Additionally, "the prime of life" denotes the period
of greatest strength or vitality, and "age is just a
number" af rms that one's age shouldn't de ne
their abilities or potential. These idioms can
enhance communication and provide insight into
the cultural signi cance of age in English-speaking
10. The In uence of Weekdays,
Months, and Colors in English

The days of the week, months, and colors play a

signi cant role in English communication and
culture. Knowing and understanding these
in uences can enhance your language skills and
allow for more meaningful interactions. From
scheduling appointments to expressing
preferences, incorporating weekdays, months, and
colors in your conversations adds depth and clarity
to your communication.

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