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Gendai Reiki Healing Training Text

Gendai Reiki-ho <Shoden> Essence -picked Version

Gendai Reiki-ho <Shoden>

Reiki is vibration, Reiki is light, and Reiki is universal energy.

Reiki-ho is the system how to use it.
You will become a clear path of Reiki vibration, and use Reiki to heal body
&mind and to grow your spiritualiry.
Reiki will lead you what you really be.

Level I
Gendai Reiki Healing Association

The Attraction and The Characteristics of Reiki-ho

1. No hard training needed: You can use Reiki when you are given attunement at the 1 st
2. Ability not disappear in all your life: If you do not use Reiki for many years, your
healing ability will not disappear once your Reiki path is open.
3. Power up: As you use Reiki healing, the stronger your healing ability becomes.
4. No thought needed: Reiki is applied as much as you need. No thought should be sent
while healing.
5. No negative energy comes: Reiki does not bring negative energy to you.
6. No need to believe: Reiki power is effective regardless of your religion, thought, or if you
believe it or not.
7. Effective on non-human beings: Reiki is effective on animals, plants, and inanimate
8. Effect doubled with other treatment: If you use Reiki in addition to other medical
/healing treatment, the effect will be doubled.
9. Distant healing: With symbol use, distant healing and healing in the past/future is
10. Karma purifying: Trauma, karma, and DNA information can be purified and improved.
11. Guide to enlightenment: Soul and spirituality are grown by self-cleansing and meditation
with Reiki vibration.

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Gendai Reiki Healing Training Text
Gendai Reiki-ho <Shoden> Essence -picked Version

1. Introduction to Reiki: Guidance of Level 1 <Shoden>

(1) What Is Reiki-ho? To start with "healing practice" and to aim at "creating happy life".
(2) Definition of Fundamental Two Words
- Reiki: Universal energy in the highest dimension
- Reiki-ho: Technique to use Reiki energy (healing, purifying, harmony, and spiritual
(3) What Is Healing?
- To recover natural perfect condition by balancing unharmonious condition with Reiki.
1) Health of body and mind (healing body and mind)
2) Spiritual growth (healing soul)
(4) Purpose of Healing
- To practice love and harmony (spreading vibration of higher dimension to the world via
- To complete yourself (coming back to the light, which is what you really be)
(5) Healing Ability
- You do not need hard training or efforts, you can perform healing when you are given
attunement by a Reiki master.
- Reiki path is opened and you can channel yourself to Reiki vibration.
(6) Characteristics of Healing
- Applied Reiki energy is corresponding to the healer's level.
- DO NOT send thought or wish during healing. Be a clear Reiki energy path to
improve your healing ability.
(7) Customizing Techniques for Yourself
- You can select techniques you like, and carry them out in your daily life.
- You can improve and arrange the techniques, but DO NOT make them complicated or
(8) What Is Gendai Reiki-ho?
- Gendai Reiki-ho is a new Reiki-ho for modern people to use.

2. Structure of Reiki-ho

The traditional Usui Reiki system has 3 levels, Shoden, Okuden and Shinpiden. Many
Western Reiki systems have 4 levels. (Some has 5 or more levels. )

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Gendai Reiki-ho <Shoden> Essence -picked Version

(1) Usui Sensei taught the essence of Reiki-ho as follows:

- Reiki is spiritual treatment (healing mind) and physical treatment (healing body).
- Reiki heals human beings to bring total health condition.
- Reiki heals mind first, and then heals body.
(2) Reiki Ryoho is the fundamental treatment with deep healing by that Reiki vibration
activates vital energy, natural healing power and immunity power.
- Vital energy comes in, circulates, and goes out of your body smoothly, any energy
blocks in your body field will be erased
- Minus energy accumulated in your body field is transferred to plus energy.
(3) Your current state reflects how you have been lived (environment, attitudes, spiritual
activity, and past experiences). Reiki Ryoho can purify your inharmonic condition but if
you do not change your life style, you will select the same and draw the inharmonic
condition again.
(4) In each level, you learn Reiki-ho from basic to the spiritual growth process.

Level Points Purpose

Level 1 Healing Basic To obtain Reiki 1) To open Reiki energy path
healing ability 2) To learn basic knowledge and
Level 2 Advanced Healing To improve Reiki 1) To improve quality and power
Training healing ability of Reiki energy
2) To learn distant healing,
healing to the past/future
Level 3 Special Training for To aim at peaceful 1) To learn self-purifying and
Spiritual Growth and stable mind creative way of life
2) Guide to enlightenment that
Usui Sensei reached
Level 4 Masters' Training To practice deeper 1) To learn the way of life as a
to be a Reiki Reiki master
master 2) To understand the truth of
Reiki-ho and learn teaching

3. Essence of Reiki-ho and Gendai Reiki-ho

(1) Reiki-ho (Started as a Teate Ryoho)

1) Teate Ryoho (hands on healing) is a natural healing method from time immemorial in
the world. Reiki Ryoho is one of the traditional healing methods in Japan.
2) Usui Mikao Sensei started Reiki Ryoho in 1922. Usui Sensei was famous as a
psychic and helped a lot of patients. Usui Sensei delivered the healing ability to raise

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Gendai Reiki Healing Training Text
Gendai Reiki-ho <Shoden> Essence -picked Version

Reiki masters.
3) Reiki was delivered to Hawaii, developed in United States, and spread in the world.
Some countries apply healing as medical treatment and Reiki is known to the world,
but not famous in Japan. In Japan, most Reiki practitioners learn Western style
4) It was said that the traditional Usui Reiki Ryoho had disappeared, but in fact, it exists
still now in Japan.

(2) Gendai Reiki-ho (Lineage and Policy)

1) Energy Lineage
Doi Hiroshi, the superviser of Gendai Reiki-ho, was given attunement from Koyama
Kimiko Sensei who was the President of Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai, so that the Reiki
energy is succeeded tracing direct line from Usui Sensei.
2) Theory and Techniques Lineage
The following 4 concepts are restructured as origin of Gendai Reiki-ho:
- Re-investigating traditional Reiki and Western Reiki, and restructure Gendai Reiki for
"Body&Mind Healing, and Spiritual Growth".
- Avoid mystery, dogmatism, and prejudice. Apply techniques whose effects are
commonly verified/realized.
- Respect the concepts of Reiki foundation by Usui Sensei, apply effective techniques
which suit to accomplish the concepts/purposes.
- Techniques are simplified and standardized, and structured to be used easily in daily
3) Policy of Teaching
Teaching basic essence simply, and supporting students as required.
- The most important point of seminar is to deliver "correct and pure Reiki energy" and
"basic essence of Reiki-ho".
- Supporting students to use Reiki-ho in daily life and to practice techniques repeatedly
after the seminar.
- To recommend students to practice Hatsurei Ho and to attend Reiki gathering as much
as possible. Receiving Reiju repeatedly purifies body and mind. Healing practice
and energy exchange at Reiki gathering is useful to improve Reiki ability.

4. The Founder, Usui Mikao

Source: Usui Memorial in Saihoji temple, Tokyo
(1) Usui Mikao was born in Taniai village, Yamagata-gun, Gifu prefecture (currently

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Gendai Reiki Healing Training Text
Gendai Reiki-ho <Shoden> Essence -picked Version

Miyama-cho, Gifu) on Aug. 15, 1865. Studied abroad in Europe and US, learning history,
medicine, religion, psychology and shinsen jutsu.
(2) While fasting in Mt.Kurama seeking for enlightenment in March 1922, strong universal
Reiki went through his head and he was awakened to know the universe is within him. At
the same time he acquired a healing power of Reiki and named it Reiki Ryoho.
(3) Wishing to pass on this healing ability to as many people as possible, he founded Usui
Reiki Ryoho Gakkai in Aoyama, Tokyo in April 1922. There he practiced Reiki healing and
taught Reiki healing publicly.
(4) Helped heal many victims of the big earthquake in Kanto area hit in September 1923. He
moved to a larger new place in Nakano in February 1925.
(5) He got a good reputation and were often invited throughout the nation. He died abruptly in
an inn in Fukuyama after travelling Kure, Hiroshima and Saga. It was March 9 th, 1926. He
was 62 years old.
(6) Usui Sensei raised more than 2000 Reiki students, and he and his students helped many
people, it is said that the number of helped is more than million.

< Instruction >

(1) Unknown points are still remaining in Usui's story and Reiki history. The reason is:
- Usui Sensei was not known to the society at all until he started Reiki Ryoho.
- It was only 4 years from Usui started Reiki Ryoho to his death.
(2) While Reiki Ryoho was delivered to United States and developed and spread in the world,
a lot of false stories were born. For examples, "Usui Mikao was a priest of Christianity",
or "After Usui's death, Hayashi succeeded the Reiki Ryoho and Takada succeeded it after
Hayashi". Those stories were useful to spread Reiki in Western countries, but correction
shall be made when the truth is found.

5. What is Reiki? What is Reiki-ho?

(1) Reiki is the energy of higher dimension.

- Modern science concluded that everything that exists in the universe is made of
vibration. Usui-sensei named the vibration of highest dimension “Reiki” out of vibration
of universal energy.
- Reiki is energy of consciousness radiated by beings of higher dimension and has
characteristics of vibration of love, harmony and healing. Its true nature is pure light.
(2) Reiki-ho is the way of utilizing universal energy.
- Techniques for becoming a Reiki channel and harmonizing, healing everything

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Gendai Reiki-ho <Shoden> Essence -picked Version

You need to be in sync with cosmic rhythm and transmit the Reiki vibration of love,
harmony and healing as they are.
- The essence of Reik-ho is to take on pure Reiki and keep it pure
If your conscious level degrades, the quality of your Reiki vibration will be lowered or
the energy may be replaced with something else.
- Reiki power is infinite and practitioner can receive its benefit as much as he/she is
prepared. It is necessary to understand Reiki essence (love, harmony and healing)
correctly and to improve your own spirituality.

6. Reiki History - From Reiki Foundation to Current Status

Usui Reiki Ryoho

Usui Reiki Ryoho Founder: Mikao Usui
(Traditional Reiki Ryoho) (1865 – 1926)

The Shinpi-den Masters (11 masters out of 21 are clarified)

1st President Usui Mikao

Ushida Taketomi Watanabe 17 masters

2nd President Ushida Juzaburo
Hayashi Chujiro (Admiral 1879-1940)
(Rear Admiral 1865-1935) Establish Hayashi Reiki Kenkyukai
3rd President Taketomi Kan’ichi (Research Center)

(Rear Admiral 1878-1960)

4th President Watanabe Yoshiharu exported
abroad 2nd President Hayashi Chie
(School Teacher)
5th President Wanami Houichi
Hawayo Takata (1900-1980)
(Vice Admiral 1883-1975) Western Reiki
6th President Koyama Kimiko
Phillis Furumoto Barbara Ray
7th President Kondoh Masaki
1981 1982
(University Professor) Reiki Alliance Radiance Technique

(1) Hayashi was given Shinpi-den from Usui Sensei in 1925 and he opened his own Reiki
clinic in Shinano-machi, Tokyo. After Usui’s death, Hayashi left the Usui Reiki Ryoho
Gakkai and established “Hayashi Reiki Kenkyu-kai (Research Center)”.

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Gendai Reiki-ho <Shoden> Essence -picked Version

(2) Hayashi Reiki Ryoho was spread mainly in Japan and the levels are “Sho-den”, “Oku-den”,
and “Shinpi-den”. It is said that Hayashi gave Shinpi-den to his 13 students, including two
ladies, Hawayo Takata and Chie Hayashi (Hayashi’s wife).
(3) Takata opened a Reiki Clinic in Hawaii, and she raised 22 Reiki masters. After Takata's
death, her grand daughter Phillis Furumoto established Reiki Alliance to succeed Takata's
work. Barbara Ray, who was also a master raised by Takata, had different idea and
established Radiance Technique. The two groups are biggest, and other small Reiki
groups exist currently.
(4) Reiki was reimported into Japan in the end of 1980's. Various styles of Western Reiki are
spread in Japan now.
(5) The traditional Usui Reiki still exists. The Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai keeps the tradition
and ideas of Usui Mikao.

7. How to Deliver, Strengthen, and Use Reiki Energy

(1) Reiju
- Usui Mikao developed Reiju to deliver healing ability (to be a path of Reiki). The Reiju
was changed as the current "attunement" in United States.
- Reiju opens a Reiki path for a beginner, and improves effect of Reiki energy for a
practitioner. Usui recommended practitioners to receive Reiju repeatedly.
(2) Gokai
To improve spirituality to be a clear Reiki path, Gokai (the five principles) was decided
and 125 Gyosei of Emperor Meiji were selected to be the base of mind.
(3) Hatsurei Ho
For the students who were given Oku-den (level 2) or more, Hatsu-rei-ho was required
to be practiced to strengthen internal Reiki energy.
(4) Distant Healing
Usui Sensei created the distant healing system using the resonance feature between
the symbol and Kotodama (mantra) energy, for level 2 (Okuden Koki) students.
(5) Shinpi-den
For members whose character and ability come close to Shinpi-den level, the Shihan
(master) taught them strictly to deliver "enlightenment" which Usui Sensei had

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Gendai Reiki-ho <Shoden> Essence -picked Version

Understanding of Attunement (How to Receive Attunement)

1. Your vital energy is strengthened by pure Reiki flow, and you can perform
Reiki healing on yourself/others. (Basic ability. The ability should be
improved by self-purifying or healing practice.)
2. During attunement, take glasses and watch off, be seated, place both feet on
the floor, and place your hands (palms down) on your thighs (laps).
3. Close your eyes and be relaxed. Do Gassho when indecated. (Do not tense
yourself and do not withstand. Just be natural and relaxed. Allow yourself
to Reiki energy. If you see anything or feel something, just let it be. )
4. If you experience anything during attunement, tell it to the master. (People
usually close their sense to be applied to modern society. You will not feel
anything at the first time. Your healing ability is recovered first and
necessary sense will also be recovered as you practice Reiki. You will
experience what you need at the time when you need. If you expect
mysterious experience too much, it will resonate with negative vibration.
The best condition during attunement is to feel warmness, relaxed, and
peace. )

8. Reiki Healing Basic

(1) You should know:

1) Reiki cannot replace modern medicine. Reiki should be used in addition to modern
medicine treatment as a supplemental treatment.
2) Modern medicine takes care of physical condition. Reiki activates vital energy,
natural healing power and immunity power.
3) If you do not have a doctor's license, you cannot give medical treatment. You should
not judge what the disease is, you should not tell the name of disease, and you should
not recommend medicines. Be careful of your words.
4) The basic way is to find disease source and remove it by healing. You can find the
source by "Byosen Reikan Ho" or "Reiji Ho". Put your hands on the point and send
Reiki until the feeling of disease source disappears.
5) Your feeling sense has nothing to do with your healing ability. You can perform Reiki
healing and the healing is effective regardless of if you can feel energy or not.

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6) As you practice Reiki healing, you will be able to find the disease source point. The
place to be healed is automatically defined when you catch the vibration from disease
source. Until you can feel it, use the basic 12 positions when you perform healing.
7) Special feeling or movement happen to occur sometimes. Apply Reiki until the
special feeling /movement disappears.
8) Reiki energy is automatically applied as the receiver requires. Reiki input, removal,
and vibration choice are all automatically performed. You should not try to control
them by your thought.
9) Both of the healer and receiver are healed by Reiki light during healing. The
important point is that both should relax and allow themselves to Reiki energy.

(2) How to use your hands

Basic Points
1) Stretch your fingers and put them together. (When you send soft energy, make
spaces between fingers.)
2) Put your hands lightly (feather touch) on the receiver to avoid giving stress to lungs
and internal organs.
3) For the sensitive receivers, just put your fingers or tips of fingers. (Do not touch but
hold your hands over the place for the most sensitive receivers.)
4) Holding hands over is also effective, but it is recommended to touch because the
touching sense and warmness make a receiver relaxed.

Use Both Hands / A Hand

1) Use your both hands basically (especially on double organs, such as ears and lungs).
2) Place your hands side by side to send energy widely, and place your hand on the
other hand to send energy powerfully.
3) Use a hand depending on the conditions. Left or right does not matter. You should
use your hand in comfortable condition.

(3) Reiki healing: In case of healing session

1) Environment should be relaxable. If the healing place is not good, purify the placy by
Reiki energy in advance. Receiver will often feel cold when relaxed, you need to
prepare blanket or towels. Use music if necessary.
2) Wash your hands before and after the treatment to be clean and to remove low
vibration energy. After washing your hands, rub your hands to warm up.
3) Take watch off (healer and receiver). Watch goes wrong sometimes. Healer can

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Gendai Reiki-ho <Shoden> Essence -picked Version

wear glasses, and both can put accessories on. (Good energy will be charged. )
4) Receiver should be relaxed. Put off everything that gives stress to receiver.
Receiver should not cross arms or legs.
5) Hold your hands over the place where you cannot touch directly, such as burn, skin
trouble, sensitive parts, or the opposite sex.
6) You should tell the receiver about possible change after healing. Sometimes a
receiver will feel worse (such as fever or hurt) after healing. It happens before
favorable turn.
7) Reiki healing order (full session)
1) Make the receiver relaxed in comfortable condition.
2) Move your arms up and connect to the light.
3) Aura cleansing of the receiver.
4) Send Reiki on the basic 12 positions (5 minutes for each).
5) Send Reiki on the part you feel disease source.
6) Aura cleansing of the receiver after healing.

(4) Aura cleansing

Before Healing
1) To flow off the excessive aura and arrange aura disorder. Feel the energy condition
by your hands.
2) Hold your hands over the receiver (10 cm), sweep and arrange the aura. Sweeping
direction is from head to the toes, or from left to right.

After Healing
1) Aura condition of the receiver is very fine and sensitive after healing. Arrange aura to
avoid receiving low and rough vibration.
2) Give a rest for 5minutes to the receiver, and arrange the aura flow. The procedure of
aura cleansing is the same as that of "before healing".

(5) Basic 12 positions

Part Hand Positions

Head Front, Side, Back, Throat
Front Heart, Upper Stomach, Tanden, Lower Stomach
Back Bladebone, Middle of Back, Lumber, Sacrum

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Gendai Reiki-ho <Shoden> Essence -picked Version

(6) Healing yourself / others

Do not use consciousness or mind power for healing
1) Set your focus on the target and objective of Reiki healing (to whom and how). Then
just be a clear channel of Reiki energy.
2) Healer performs healing as a practice of love and harmony, but it is free for the
receiver how he/she accepts it. Healer should not force the receiver to accept.

Healing yourself / others

1) Connect to Reiki
Hold your arms up and connect to Reiki energy. Place your hands on the required
position and healing is started.
2) Send Energy to the Basic 12 Positions
The 12 positions are prepared for self-healing, but now they are used to healing others.
If you cannot reach the defined position during self-healing, just imagine that you put
your hands on the correct position. Reiki energy flows on your imagining place.
3) 5 Minutes for Each Part (Level 1)
5 minutes is the basic, and you can shorten the time as your healing ability improves.
4) Start from Head Position
If you do not have enough time to do full session, start from the head position, then
send Reiki energy to the required points.
5) Carry out Healing Anytime, Anywhere
The best way is to send Reiki to all the 12 positions. Head position only is effective
also (not the best but better). Continue to practice healing, and inharmonic condition
will disappear by awareness resonated with Reiki.

(7) Traditional healing on head part

Head positions used in traditional Reiki Ryoho
1) Head Front – between the eyebrow and head top, where hair starts to grow.
2) Head Sides – both temples (at the same time)
3) Head Back – the middle point between the head top and spine
4) Spine – where the brain and spine meets
5) Head Top – top of the head (crown)

Head positions used in Gendai Reiki

1) Head Front and Back

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Gendai Reiki-ho <Shoden> Essence -picked Version

2) Head Sides
3) Head Top and spine

(8) Traditional Reiki techniques

Shudan Reiki (Group Reiki) and Renzoku Reiki (Reiki Marathon)
1) Group Reiki - many Reiki healers may perform Reiki healing on one person, and Reiki
Marathon - each healer takes a turn performing Reiki healing, all over a long period of
2) The hands are placed at the basic positions, especially the ones where this is an
unhealthy, bad condition (the ones with self symptoms).
3) If there are too many hands for the points, the healers can send Reiki energy,
indirectly placing the hands on the shoulder or the back of the healers who have their
hands on the positions.

Reiki Mawashi (Reiki Circle)

1) A Japanese method of sharing Reiki in a circle, used to circulate Reiki. "Mawashi"
means ‘circle' or 'circulation'
2) Every person holds the hands of the person beside them to make a circle. Alternatively,
each person places their right hand facing down over the next person's left hand; while
their own left hand is facing up underneath the next person's right hand. This way
hands do not need to touch.
3) Internal Reiki energy power is increased, and healing effect is expected.

Nentatsu Ho
1) The tradtional method for sending a thought or wish, while using Reiki to assist.. This
is a technique for getting a silent message across to the recipient’s subconsciousness
with Reiki vibration transmitted through your hands. There is a wide range of use for it,
such as breaking bad habits, getting across Usui-sensei’s five Reiki principles to
people in serious disease, etc. (Do not get this mixed up with the concept of healing
with mind power.)
2) Place your hands (or just one) on the person’s forehead where the hair starts to grow.
Transmit the message with a pure mind and confidence.

(9) Energy purification and energy boosting

Jakigiri Joka Ho
1) Energy purification or cleansing and energy boosting of an object. A technique for

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Gendai Reiki-ho <Shoden> Essence -picked Version

removing strong negative energy and vibratory disorder within an object (like a crystal)
by purifying it with Reiki energy and putting in positive energy.
2) Using your dominant hand, chop the space about 5 cm above the object with your
hand horizontally and make a sudden stop of your hand movement. . When you do the
chopping action, focus your attention on your "tanden" (3 cm below your navel) while
holding your breath, and chop the length of your hand. Repeat this three times.

Reiki to Crystal and Charm (Purification and Energy Boosting)

1) If it is a small one, put it on one hand and chop the space above it with your other
hand three times to cut off energy.
2) Give Reiki for purification and boosting the object's energy.
3) You can repeat from step 1) again in order to keep the negative vibration away, and do
this as often as you feel necessary.
4) If it is a large object, do the actions to selected points or visualize a miniature version
of the object in the palm of your hand, and then treat it as above.

Reiki to Air, Field, and Atmosphere

1) Stand at the center of the room (place), face your palm to the required area, and
perform "Jakigiri" (chopping the space) on 4 walls, ceiling, floor, and angles of the
room in counterclockwise direction.
2) Reiki is instantly applied like searchlight movement.

Reiki to Foods and Drinks

Send Reiki to items before cooking, or to cooked food. Hold your hand over the dish and
send Reiki, or hold glass (dish) and send Reiki.

(10) Healing on animals / plants

Healing Animals
1) For dogs and cats, send Reiki from forehead, head, and to body. If you cannot close
to the animal, hold your hands over towards the animal and send energy.
2) For birds, hold your hands over the cage, or hold the bird in your hands and send
3) For fish, send Reiki energy from the out of aquarium (pond).

Healing Plants

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1) For trees, touch the trunk, leaves, and root directly to send Reiki.
2) For flowers, perform the same procedure of Aura Cleansing. It is a good way to hold
root or stem in your hands.
3) For seeds, give Reiki energy to them before sowing. Water and manure should be
given after Reiki is applied.

1) To your bed, clothes, car, etc.
Send Reiki energy everything around you with the feeling that you purify the matter by
Reiki energy and give harmony to it.
2) Apply Reiki in the following situation
- When you get money and put it into your wallet.
- When you start meal, after meal.
- When you give your business card, receive business card.
- When you use perfume.
- When you start driving a car, after driving a car.
- When you take medicine, supplements, or drink juice.
- When you pay money, or get change.

3) Reiki sending time can be short and instant. You can do it instantly and naturally even
if people are around you.

How to Make Reiki Energy Water

1) Prepare a glass of water, be relaxed, and send Reiki energy to it. You can
use a hand or both hands, you can hold the glass or hold your hand over
the glass. You can just gaze the glass and send Reiki from your eyes.
2) Feel the white Reiki energy sent by you is melting in water. Imagine
that the water is charged with energy and starts to shining white with
the glass.
3) Drinking the purified high-vibration energy water is good for your health.
The energy water is used to purify something.

9. Self-Purifying / Self-Growth Methods

(1) Kenyoku

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Kenyoku means dry bathing or brushing off. This is a technique for cleansing one’s energy
inside with Reiki vibration and is part of healing for self-purification and growth.
1) Gassho, and call Reiki to yourself. (this may be done by extending your hands and
arms upwards, bringing in the Reiki light).
2) Place your right hand on the left shoulder and slide the hand down diagonally (across
the sternum) towards the right hip, while doing the Hado breathing and the ‘Haa’
sound. (This exercise is to cleanse the aura, so you may also place your hands a little
away from the body.) Place your left hand on the right shoulder and do the same as
above but towards the left hip. Repeat it again with the right hand.
3) Hold your left arm up in a horizontal position. Place the right hand in the middle of the
left forearm. Slide the hand down the left forearm to the fingertips while you do the
Hado breathing. Hold your right arm up in a horizontal position. Place the left hand in
the middle of the right forearm, and do the same. Repeat it once more with the right

(2) Hikari no Kokyu Ho

Hikari no Kokyu-ho means the Breathing of the Light Technique. This is a method for reducing
your stress and purifying your mind and body.
1) Close, or half close the eyes. Breathe slowly, but without causing any tension. As a rule,
breathe in from the nose and breathe out from the nose, but it is acceptable to breathe
out from the mouth if you find this method more comfortable. It is important to breathe
naturally. Hold your hands up as high as possible, and feel the vibrations of Reiki
showering into the whole of the body.
2) Slowly move your hands downwards to your lap, palms facing up and keeping the
hands relaxed as if you were holding eggs. Bring your mind to the Tanden and listen
to your breathing.
3) While you are breathing in, visualize that Reiki white energy is filling your head, and
down the center (Hara) line through the body to the Tanden ( 3 - 5 cm. below the navel).
From there the energy is spreading to all of your organs, and to every cell. Feel that the
healing process is happening. As you breathe out, visualize that the light which filled
the whole of the body is emanating from all of your skin, and becomes part of your aura
and then spreading into infinity. At the same time gradually release any tension.
4) Continue these exercises for a while. Your body and mind are purified by everyday
practice. When you get inharmonic condition, or have negative feeling (anger, sorrow,
or fear), fill your body and mind with white light of Reiki.
5) Gassho, then finish. Shake the wrists well.

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Created by Hiroshi Doi
Gendai Reiki Healing Training Text
Gendai Reiki-ho <Shoden> Essence -picked Version

(3) Gassho Kokyu Ho

Gassho Kokyu-ho means a breathing technique using Gassho. This is a technique for clearing
your mind and keeping your consciousness high and stable.
1) Close, or half close the eyes. Breath slowly, and naturally. Raise your hands up high
above your head, feel the vibrations of the Reiki Light coming into the whole body.
2) Feel the Reiki Light vibrations and slowly move your hands downwards. Stop at the
chest just above the heart, and do Gassho. Bring your mind down to the Tanden (3 -
5 cm below the navel) and try to keep your mind still.
3) While breathing in, visualise the Reiki energy running down to your Tanden from your
palms, and feel the energy in your Tanden. While breathing out visualise that the
energy coming out from your Tanden and moving up into the palms, then release the
energy out in a burst.
4) Your intuition and sense of hands are developed by this exercise.
5) Shake your wrists well.

(4) Reiki Shower

A simple way to bathe yourself in Reiki, cleansing your body and activating your energy.
1) Stand or sit. Make yourself comfortable. (For this explanation I will explain the standing
method). Close your eyes fully or half-closed. Breathe slowly and naturally without
any conscious attention. Move your hands as high as possible above your head,
keeping them apart. Visualize that you are receiving a shower of Reiki vibrations from
the source of the universe.
2) Feel the vibration of the Reiki energy. At the same time, move the hands down to the
front of the body, palms facing the body. Reiki is emanating from the hands. Together
with the Reiki shower you are cleansing all of the unnecessary energy downwards. In
this way negative or minus energy is coming out of the feet. As you do this exercise,
Reiki will reach all of your cells and will fill every part of your body. You will particularly
notice that Reiki is emanating out from your eyes, hands and from your mouth.
3) Healing after this method is effective with activating energy.

(5) Chakra Kassei Kokyu Ho

Chakra Kassei Kokyu ho means the breathing technique for chakra activating. It allows you to
penetrate Reiki through your whole body and activate your chakras.
1) Close, or half close the eyes. Breathe slowly, and naturally. Raise your hands high
above the head. Feel the vibrations of the Reiki Light flushing into the whole of the

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Created by Hiroshi Doi
Gendai Reiki Healing Training Text
Gendai Reiki-ho <Shoden> Essence -picked Version

body. Move the hands slowly down onto your lap, keep the eyes closed.
2) Do abdomen breathing. (that is breathe in and out at the abdomen.) Breathe in as your
abdomen expands and breathe out as the abdomen shrinks. Do this exercise until you
feel calm and relaxed.
3) While breathing in, visualize or imagine that Reiki is coming in through the top of the
head and reaching to every cell of the body. Feel the whole body is filled with light.
While breathing out, visualize that all the tension and negative thoughts are released
out of the body. Continue these breathing exercises for a while.
4) At the beginning practice the basic breathing, (Chakras 1-root, 4-heart,7-crown)
1. Breathe in the energy from 1 (Root). Move the energy to 4 (Heart). Feel the energy
there, then breathe out from 4 (Flush the energy out from the centre of the Heart
chakra in all directions.)
2. Breathe in the energy from all directions into the centre of 4 (Heart), move the
energy to 7 (Crown) and breathe out from there.
3. Breathe in from 7 (Crown), feel in 4 (Heart), then breathe out from 4 (Heart).
4. Breathe in from 4 (Heart), breathe out from 1
5. Carry out the procedure of 1-4 for several
times, then go to the next.
(This is the basic breathing with 1, 4, 7
chakras activation. )
5) To activate other chakras, carry out 4) with
replacing 4th chakra (in (4) procedure) to 2nd, 3rd,
5th, and 6th.
6) Carry out the basic breathing once, at last.
7) If you do not have enough time for full exercise,
only the basic breathing is effective.

10. How to Use Reiki for Level 1 Practitioners

(1) Level 1 is the program to obtain basic ability in beginner's level.

- Now you can use Reiki but your level is beginner's.
- You need practice to improve your ability and quality of Reiki.
(2) Do not use consciousness or mind power for healing.
- Set your focus on the target and objective of Reiki healing (to whom and how).
- Then just be a clear channel of Reiki energy. The recipient determines the result.

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Created by Hiroshi Doi
Gendai Reiki Healing Training Text
Gendai Reiki-ho <Shoden> Essence -picked Version

(3) Continue self-healing for 21days from today.

- 21 days come from the period that Usui Sensei fasted. Make sure that the 21 days
are your training period and carry out self-healing on 12 basic positions.
- If you do not have time, only a few minutes practice is acceptable. Physical
constitution is changed by attunement, and have much water.
(4) More you practice, more you feel the effect of Reiki.
- You can use Reiki in daily life to heal person, animals, and plants, to apply Reiki into
foods, drinks, accessories, and room. When you go to cafeteria, send Reiki to water
and coffee before drinking.
- Read the Reiki text repeatedly, and ask your master if you do not understand well.
- Practice any technique you like everyday to clear your mind and body.
(5) Reiki can be used anytime and anywhere.
- Your Reiki ability never disappears if you do not use it, however, non-using state
equals to no ability. Healing power becomes stronger as you practice more.
- I really expect you to use Reiki healing enough to accomplish your purpose.

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Created by Hiroshi Doi
Gendai Reiki Healing Training Text
Gendai Reiki-ho <Shoden> Essence -picked Version

12 Baisic Hand Postions

H-1 Head Front H-2 Head sides H-3 Back of head H-4 Throat

F-1 Upper chest F-2 Upper stomach F-3 Tanden F-4 Lower Stomach

B-1 Shoulder blades B-2 Upper back B-3 Lumber B-4 Sacrum

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Created by Hiroshi Doi

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