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Faculty of Human Sciences and Education

English Major

Subject: Academic Reading and Writing

Name: Estefania Ortega


TASK 1. Watch the video and identify the useful reading strategies that
help in the development of reading comprehension (example skimming
and scanning).
Then, read the article to clearly understand about skimming and
scanning techniques. (You just need to focus on introduction and
literature review of the article below)

Strategy Definition
Skimming Skimming is an activity when we have to read text in a fast way. We have to just
Techniques identify the main idea or characteristics of the text.
Passage Reading This strategy read the question, but not the answer choices. This helps you to not
strategy get confused with possible answers. You need to read the passage.using
“Scanning Technique”. Doing this you are able to predict the correct answer by
finding the specific information you need directly in the text.
Question Aswering This strategy consists in avoiding wrong answer traps in reading
Strategy comprehension. Therefore it’s recommended to take into account making
predictions as reading before checking out the answer choices.
Scanning Scanning is the process of quickly searching of information. The readers look
Techniques for specific information within a text. The purpose of scanning is to extract
specific information without reading the whole text. The procedures of scanning
technique are:
 Keep in mind only the particular information to be found out.
 Make a choice, which clues would support the finding of the required
 Have a rush view and sweeps down the page quickly to find out the

Task 2. Go to the websites and practice reading comprehension (links

below) Remember: The more you practice, the better prepare you are for
the final exam. As you can see the answers are provided in the last link so
self-learning depends on you, not on me. You decide to go directly through
the answers or practice and then check. All is up to you, guys.
tests/reading- academic/section-1 (academic reading 1)
tests/reading- academic/section-2 (academic reading 2)
tests/reading- academic/section-3 (academic reading 3)
_answers_0.pdf (Answers Practice Readings 1, 2, 3)

Self-reflecting: What did you learn from practicing reading? Briefly summarize
your experience, was it positive or negative, or something else…

Tell us, please…

I can really feel the speed of reading improving using these reading techniques.
When I use skimming, reading the first and last sentence and conjunctions of the
text, I was able to find answers that I really need faster. In addition, these
techniques are new to me because I have never tried any reading techniques
before. I feel that I need to strengthen my reading skills by practicing much more.
Moreover, these techniques made me feel comfortable in reading despite my lack
of previous experience.

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