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Course: Low Intermediate


• Topic: “Talk about your most precious possession”
• Interaction: pair work/group work
• Timing:
- Pairs of students should talk for 5 minutes. Both students should speak for equal
amounts of time.
- Groups of three students should talk for 7.5 minutes. The three students should speak
for equal amounts of time.
• Deadline: As indicated in the course calendar
• Assessment criteria: Read the rubrics to check how your task will be graded.


Talk together about a valuable object for you.

- Describe the object and show it to your partner(s).

- Talk about how long you have had it.
- Talk about how you got it and where you keep it.
- Say why this object is special.
- Talk about what you plan to do with this object in the future.
- Say how you would react if you lost this object.

1. Use proper vocabulary and structures:

- Grammar: Information questions; indirect questions; Present perfect with ever,

never, for, and since: Present perfect with already and yet ; Modals for advice; Past
continuous and simple past; Be going to and will for predictions
- Vocabulary: Describing possessions; Describing opinions and reactions; Making
decisions and plans; Losing and finding things
- Real-world strategies: Use short questions to show interest; Repeat details to show
you understand: Repeat words to express surprise; Use at least to point out the
good side of a situation.

2. Test your video works well before uploading it. If you use an external service like YouTube,
also test the link before posting it.

3. Submit your video. Read specific instructions about how to do it.

Note: If you use to make the video, change the video privacy setting to
“unlisted” so your teacher can view it but not strangers on the internet.

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