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A: Student’s declaration

This project is my original work and has not been presented previously
in science and engineering fair.

Signature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Date: . . . . . . . . . . . ..
Name: Ogongo Helene Ganawa
B: Science patrons’ declaration

I have checked this document and confirmed that it is for presentation.

The work was done under my supervision.

Patron: Signature: . . . . . . . . . . . .
Principal: Signature: . . . . . . . . . . . .

A supermarket is a form where a wide variety of product items are
available. These products can be clothes, beverages, books, food and
domestic products. The main Intention of supermarkets is to produce
availability of all the items and safe time of the purchaser but
sometimes purchasers get discontented while waiting in the queue at
the cash counter and sometimes they get frustrated while balancing
the total price of all the products with the budget in the pocket before
billing. To swamp these problems, shopping malls use this technique as
a strategy to increase the number of purchasers. In big cities, we can
observe an enormous flash at shopping malls on weekends. This
becomes even more when there is a diversity of offers and discounts.
Nowadays people buy a variety of items and put them in the trolley.
After total buying one should approach the counter for billing purposes.
By using the reader, the bay master prepares the bill which is a tedious
process. This results in long queues at the cash counters. This project
presents an idea to develop a system in shopping malls to conquer the
above problems. If the purchaser puts any item in the trolley its details
will be recognized, the item name and rate will be displayed on the
laptop or tablet attached on the trolley. This laptop/tablet runs a
database that keeps a tally of all the products scanned and put in the
trolley. As the purchaser takes away the product from the trolley, the
price of that particular item gets subtracted in the total amount and the
same information passes to the central billing unit via GSM Module.
I have taken efforts in this project and studied. However, it wouldn’t
have been possible without the kind support and help of many
individuals and organizations. I extend my sincere thanks to all of
I am highly indebted to my patrons, Mr. Calvines Oruko and Mr.
Benard Omunduki for their guidance and constant supervision as well
as for providing necessary information regarding the project.
I would like to express my gratitude towards the administration of
Kisumu Senior Academy through the Principal, Mrs Prabhula Prabhu,
for material and financial support. I thank my parents, Mr. James
Ogongo and Mrs. Mwenge Malengera for moral and financial support.
Their encouragement enabled me to complete this project successfully.
Special gratitude and thanks to the branch manager of Quick Mart
supermarket for allowing me to conduct study research at their
premises. Thanks to all the staff and customers for this supermarket
who provided me with information.
List of figures
Fig 1- Time used in shopping using Smart Trolley compared to counter
Fig 2- Number of staff involved in Smart Trolley compared to counter
Fig 3- Pie chart for the number of shoppers at the counter in 10 minutes
Table 1 -> Time used in shopping using Smart Trolleys and counter
Table 2 -> Number of staff involved with the shopper in the Smart
Trolley and counter billings.
Table 3 -> Mode number of shoppers at the counter in ten minutes of
Abbreviations and acronyms
ICT-> Information and Communication Technology.
Table of content
DECLARATION PAGE…..................................................................(I)
PLAGARISM PAGE.........................................................................(II)
LIST OF FIGURES….........................................................................(V)
LIST OF TABLES…..........................................................................(VI)
ABREVIATION AND ACRONYMS…...............................................(VII)
TABLE OF CONTENT…...................................................................(VIII)


1.1 INTRODUCTION..........................................................1
1.2 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM.................................2
1.3 QUESTION…...............................................................3
1.4 HYPOTHESIS…............................................................4
1.5 ASSUMPTION.............................................................5
1.6 OBJECTIVES….............................................................6
1.7 VARIABLES…...............................................................7
1.8 JUSTIFICATION AND SIGNIFICANCE….......................8


3.1 MATERIALS…...............................................................9
3.2 PROCEDURE…..............................................................10
3.3 MECHANISM….............................................................11
3.4 PRECAUTION...............................................................11
3.5 MERITS AND DEMERITS…............................................12
3.6 EFFECTS OF CHANGE AND PARAMENTS...................13
3.7 DESIGNING THE CIRCUIT…..........................................14
3.8 BUILDING THE TROLLEY SECTION...............................15
3.9 BILLING SECTION.........................................................16
4.2 DATA ANALYSIS AND PRESENTATION…................18-20
4.3 DATA DISCUSSION…...................................................21
5.1 CONCLUSION...............................................................22

Kenya is one of the countries with the fastest supermarket growth on

the African continent (Planet Retail, 2018). As in other developing
countries, supermarkets in Kenya were just opened in large cities, but
are now also gradually penetrating smaller towns (Neven and Reardon,
2004, Rischke et al, 2015).
Supermarkets re constantly looking at ways to improve customer
experience. The reason they look at this is because the goal of all
retailers is to improve customer loyalty. (ISSN-2349-5162, May 2016). If
a customer has a better experience at their supermarket compared to
the rival stores, then those customers will always come back. This has
led to many of these supermarkets experiencing long queues at the
counter due to many customers (IJARCET, DECEMBER 2015).
1.2 Statement of the problem
Kenyans love shopping in big shopping malls and supermarkets. Despite
this there are various challenges that they face. This challenge has
always scared many from shopping and many business people have not
realized that.
I carried out a survey of people’s shopping habit during my business
lessons in one of the supermarkets in Kisumu. I concluded with a list of
10 things that people hate during supermarket shopping. It was not a
surprise to me on number one issue. It is evident that people dislike the
long queues at the counter in the check-out points. With 82 percent of
the people surveyed stating this to be their big issue when shopping in
a supermarket.
There is nothing that discourages one from shopping like long queues in
shopping malls. Most people would rather go home mines shopping.
Most of the shopping malls have limited tills or staff. This problem is
evident during festive seasons, weekends and in the evenings, many
people rush to do shopping at the same time and hence the long
queues. Many people have a specific time that they would prefer to do
their shopping. Mostly due to the nature of their work and jobs. This is
why they prefer evenings and weekends.
1.3 Question
How can billing be done during shopping to reduce the long queues at
the counters and minimize time used during shopping in supermarkets?
1.4 Hypothesis
Long queues are created in supermarkets due to less billing counters
inadequate staff which can be solved using a Smart Trolley, a
technology that enables self-billing during shopping.
1.5 Assumption
 Many people love shopping during festive seasons, in
the weekends and in the evenings.
 During these times, it is observed that there are long queues
formed at the pay point.
 These long queues can be avoided by a technology of self-billing
attached to a shopping trolley.
1.6 Objectives
The main objective is to prevent the long queues that end up during
shopping in supermarkets
1.6.1 Specific objectives
 To minimize time used during shopping.
 To reduce the number of staff used during billing at the
 To reduce the number of people at the counters which
could lead to long queues at a period of time.
1.7 Variables
According to Creswell (2003), a variable is a measurable characteristic
that could change and affect the end result in a study. Study variables
independent and dependent.
1.7.1 Independent variable(s)
According to Creswell (2003), an independent variable is that whose
affect the researcher would line to establish in a study. There are
therefore the variables that researchers have control over.
In this project, the independent variable is the method of billing used
by supermarkets.
1.7.2 Dependent variable(s)
Dependent variables are those that researchers measure in order to
establish change of effect created on them. A dependent variable
experiences the effect created on it by the independent variable. In this
project, the dependent variable is;
 Time used during shopping.
 Number of staff used during billing at the counters
 Number of people at the counter which lead to long queues
1.7.3 Discussion


Method of billing (independent variable)

The method of billing currently used at the counters in the

supermarkets is an independent variable because it affects number of
people at the queues waiting to be billed, time used during shopping
and the number of staff needed during peak shopping periods.
1.8 Justification and Significance
This project is very significant due to the need of minimizing the queue
during shopping and making this time efficient.
The main intention of supermarkets is to provide availability of all the
items and save the time of the purchases, but sometimes the purchaser
gets frustrated sometimes while waiting in the queue at cash counters
and sometimes they get discontented while balancing the total price of
all the products with the budget in the pocket before billing.
Time should be used well during shopping so that enough time is spent
on other things that develop the nation.
Since nowadays trolleys are used a lot during shopping for putting
goods. It is important to install a technology on this important gadget
so that self-billing is done to save time and avoid the long queues.
In the literature review, we shall be discussing about the different
characteristics of the project by taking reference of the existing projects
that resemble the working of the current project.
Iswarya. C, Josuva. D, Vasanthkumar. R (Iswarya. C ETAL. 2013) have
stated that even though substantial research has been carried out on
applications related to Supply Chain Optimization, yet there is
insufficiency understanding of essentials and the advantage of further
organizing and managing the data within business intelligence
infrastructures that allow distributing, integrating and inspecting RFID
Although the system has been proposed by them and explained well
but they have not implemented the system and therefore, the results
coming out of their proposed system is unknown and cannot be
The usage of RFID tags and reader makes the system pretty efficient
when it comes to the scanning of products. According to Ashmeet kaur,
Avni Garg, Abhishek Verma, Akshay Bansal, Arvinder Singh, (Ashmeet
Kaur ETAL. 2013) if you are to scan 10,000 items, the time taken by a
barcode system shall be 53 hours but the time taken for the same
number of items by a RFID system is just 2 hours. This goes to explain
how productive RFID systems are compared to the existing barcode
If you have a look at the research work and proposal paper of
Tanushree, Siddharth Yadav, Saksham Aggarwal, Sagar, Mohit Yadav,
Neeraj Gupta, Shruti Karkra, (Tanushree ETAL. 2016) you shall find that
the usage of a RFID based system shall not only reduce the hassle that
we get to see in supermarkets but is shall also eliminate the wastage of
paper making the system economical as well as environment friendly.

Areeb Asif, Bhavana Singh, Ayush Kr. Sonkar, Hardik Dua,Preeti Dhiman,
(Areeb Asif ETAL. 2016) say that one of the many problems faced by
supply chains is the maintenance of dealing records and the lack of live
inventory led to problems such as products being unavailable for sale,
gradual but painful loss of customers.
According to Muhib A. Lambay, Abhishek shinde, Anupam Tiwari, Vicky
Sharma, (Muhid A. Lambay ETAL. 2017) the RFID system enables the
retailers to get several additional details about the product as
compared to the Barcode system. Therefore, when it comes to
efficiency and accuracy, RFID system proves to be a better option
compared to the existing Barcode System.
Chapter three: methodology
3.1 Materials
3.1.1 Hardware specification
 Trolley
 Tablet/laptop
 Arduino Uno
 Barcode reader
 Jumper wires
 Buzzer
 Power supply
 Resistors
 Diodes
 PCB and Bread boards
 IC
 IC socket

3.1.2 Software specification

Excel spread sheet

3.2 Procedures
All the hardware is assembled as the following block diagram



3.3 Procedure of use and mechanism

This is an automated billing system which is placed within the shopping
trolley. This system is controlled by Arduino and with several outputs.
Whenever the shopper puts any product in the trolley, he/she scans it
using the barcode reader before placing it in the trolley. The price
indicated on the spread sheet in the laptop/tablet. As the shopper goes
on adding products, all products are detected by the module and
therefore the price will increase in the spread sheet according on the
information in the data base.
In case if the customer changes his/her mind and doesn’t want any
product added in the trolley, he/she can remove it and the price added
will be deducted automatically. At the end of shopping, the shopper
presses a button which adds all the cost and sends it to the counter for
verification of amount to be paid.

3.4 Precaution
 Caution must be taken during use to avoid jamming
the system.
 The laptop/tablet must be changed
prior to use to prevent inconvenience

3.5 Merits and demerits

3.5.1 Merits
i) Less time is used during shopping.
ii) Prevents embarrassment at the cash counter because it
allows the shopper to know the total in advance and plan with
the money in the pocket or M-Pesa.
iii) Prevents people from jamming the cash counter which may
lead to long queues.
3.5.2 Demerits
i) Requires a lot of training and practice during use since not all the
shoppers are conversant with ICT.
3.6 Effects of change on parameters
The important parameter to consider during the use of this project is
time management a Smart Trolley queues.
Smart Trolley is a technology that seeks to reduce the time used in
shopping and to prevent the long queues therefore making shopping an
easy task.
3.7 Designing the circuit
For designing the circuit, I used a circuit designing software known as
Dip Trace. Dip Trace is an open-source software that enables us quick
and easy designing of circuit.
3.8 Building the Trolley section
Here, I used the different necessary components such as the LCD,
Arduino, RFID reader, capacitors, buzzers, e. t. c.
The design obtained from Dip Trace shall be converted into a physical
circuit. This trolley section shall be installed on the shopping cart or
basket and shall be operated by the customer.
3.9 Billing section
The billing section shall be operated by the admin. It is developed using
Visual Basics.
Chapter four: data
4.1 Data Collection and Methodology
This chapter intends to explain the research methodology use and ways
in which data was collected.
The study involved the use of structure questionnaires were backed by
experimental study framework.
I sample respondents from the shoppers at Quick mart in Kisumu. This
case study area is significant to my study due to the number of
shoppers at the supermarket. Some sample respondents of 30
shoppers (15 males and 15 females) I used for the questionnaires but
only 4 of them were experiment framework.
For the experiment, I compared several parameters in the use of smart
trolley and the current method of counter billing. I determined the
amount of time used, the number of staff involved directly with the
shopper and the number of people who accumulate at the counter of
particular periods of time.
4.2 Data analysis and presentation
Table 1, Time used in shopping using smart trolley
and counter billing
Average time (min)
Method 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Average
Shopper Shopper Shopper Shopper
Smart 5 9 4 7 6.25
Counter 15 20 10 13 14.5

Fig: Time used in shopping using smart trolley

compared to counter billing.





8 Smart Trolley
Counter Billing

Category 1 Category 2
Table 2: Number of staff directly involved with the
shopper in the smart trolley and counter billing.

No of staff
Method 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Average
Shopper Shopper Shopper Shopper
Smart 1 1 1 1 1
Counter 2 2 2 2 2

Fig: Number of staff involved in smart trolleys

compared to counter billing.

Chart Title



Category 1 Category 2

Smart Trolley Counter Billing

Table 3: Mode number of shoppers at the counters in
ten minutes of shopping.

Smart Trolley = 7/23x360 = 109.6

Counter Billing = 16/23x360 = 250.4

Fig: Pie chart for the number of shoppers at the

counter in ten minutes of shopping.


Smart trolley
Counter Billing
4.3 Data discussion
From the analyzed data it is clear that the use of smart-trolley reduces
the time used during shopping than the counter billing method. This is
because no time is wasted at the billing area. It is also evident that less
staff is involved directly in serving the shopper therefore making work
easy in the supermarkets.
The use of smart trolley also reduces the number of people at the
counter at a period of time than the counter billing. This will help in
minimizing the cases of long queues which discourages the shoppers. I
conclude this study that there is a need for introducing technologies
like smart trolley in the supermarket to make shopping efficient for a
busy working nation.
Chapter five: conclusion and recommendation.
5.1 Conclusion
Smart trolley using Arduino and barcode reader has been successfully
implemented. This system is not only effective in eradicating the long
queues but also manages time of the customer. This system is
automated and for better than the counter billing with new shopping
should be made smarter too from data, I have managed to achieve the
stated objectives and proved the hypothesis by coming up with the
“Smart cart using Arduino and RFID” has been successfully
implemented. This system is not effective in eradicating the long
queues but also manages the budget of the customer. This system is
automated and far better than the existing barcode system. With new
technologies rapidly making every walk of life smart, shopping should
be made smarter too. The system also has a very quick and easy billing
5.2 Future Direction and Recommendation.
1) Improvement in technology: The transfer of information from the
shopping trolley to the main server can be enhanced, suggesting the
need for technological advancements in this area.

2)Alternative technology: Recommending the use of technologies like

RFID instead of barcode readers due to their faster scanning
[1] Iswarya. C, Josuva. D, Vasanthkumar. R “Arduino based Smart
Billing system using RFID’’, Int. Journal of Engineering Research and
[2] Ashmeet Kaur, Avni Garg, Abhishek Verma, Akshay Bansal, Arvinder
Singh, December 2013, “Arduino Based Smart Cart.’’ International
Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology
(IJARCET), Volume 2, Issue 12.
[3] Tanushree, Siddharth Yadav, Saksham Aggarwal, Sagar, Mohit
Yadav, Neeraj Gupta, Shruti Karkra, May 2016. “Ingenious Shopping
Cart: RFID Enabled for Automated Billing.” IJCSMC, Vol 5, Issue 5, pg
[4] Areeb Asif, Bhavana Singh, Ayush Kr. Sonkar, Hardik Dua, Preeti
Dhiman, May 2016. “Intelligent Trolley System.” JETIR (ISSN 2349
5162), Volume 3, Issue 5.
[5] Muhib A. Lambay, Abhishek Shinde, Anupam Tiwari, Vicky
Sharma, January 2017. “Automated Billing Cart.” International Journal
of Computer Science Trends and Technology.
Appendix 1

For customers
1. What is the most irritating thing during shopping?
2. What is the longest time you have been in a queue?
5-10 minutes
10-15 minutes
15-20 minutes
30 minutes onwards
3. What do you
use? A big
A medium sized trolley
A smart trolley
4. Reason?
5. Which payment do you have?
6. Have you ever delayed for an important stuff?
7. When?
8. How do you feel after using a smart trolley?
For workers
1. Has your supermarket felt any changes after using smart trolley?
2. Has the trolley affected you in a:
Bad way
Good way
3. How?
4. What time do you get the most customers?
Appendix 2

Particular Unit Cost
Materials Trolley 3 300
Scanner 1 550

Stationary Files 3 570

Binding tapes 4 430
1m Ruler 1 190

Labor Labor - 950

Printing Pictures 9 45
Notes 15 75
Write Up 47 235

Transport Transport - 950

Total 4295
Appendix 3
Date Activity Time Remarks
23rd November Case study at 9:00-10:45
2022 Quick mart
26th November Research in 10:00-1:00
2022 school
30th November Visiting teachers 3:00-5:00
2022 for more research
2nd December Visiting engineers 9:00-5:30
2022 for making the
5th December Buying materials 10:00-10:30
2022 for the project
7th December Internet research 11:00-12:00
9th December Compiling project 10:45-11:30
2022 file
15th December 2nd research in 9:00-3:00
2022 Quick mart
20th December Compiling data 10:30-11:30
2022 file
Appendix: 4



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