2 - Gendai Reiki Ho - Okuden

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Gendai Reiki Healing Training Text

Gendai Reiki-ho <Okuden> Essence -picked Version

Gendai Reiki-ho <Okuden>

Quality of Reiki flowing inside you is improved, and you will have more
chances to use Reiki by learning Symbols and Kotodama (mantras).
Symbols are antennas to contact to Reiki energy, and Kotodama are sacred
vibration to connect to Reiki energy.

Level II
Gendai Reiki Healing Association

You Become a Symbol of Light

All the techniques (exercises) of Gendai Reiki-ho are started with "holding your hands (arms) up
to connect Reiki vibration". This means you become a symbol of light.

1. Stand on the floor with your feet apart to shoulder width.

2. Hold your hands up as high as possible, the figure is the same as Chinese character "Hikari
(light)", and you become a symbol of light.
3. The character "Hikari" shows the following meaning.
(1) Upper part (three vertical lines): Universal energy is radiating onto you.
(2) Middle part (one horizontal line): You spread the receiving energy to the land.
(3) Lower part (two vertical lines open to right/left): The left line shows to flow the light to
the earth, and the right line shows to bring the light back to the universe.


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Gendai Reiki Healing Training Text
Gendai Reiki-ho <Okuden> Essence -picked Version

1. To Make Your Reiki More Powerful and Various:

Guidance of Level 2 <Okuden>

(1) Three attunements are given

- Reiki energy flow will be doubled (Power-up)
- Reiki energy in higher dimension will be connected (Level-up)
- You can use symbols and kotodama.

(2) Symbols and Kotodama (Mantras) are given

- Make use of shape and sound as catalyst for resonating with higher dimensional
- You can perform healing beyond space and time.

(3) The purpose of healing beyond space and time

- Basics – to live better now seeking for completion of learning process
- Distant healing – Extending the space for exercising love and harmony
- Past time healing – Getting out of the influence of negative energy for achieving self
- Future time healing – Sending love and bless to who you should be for self-realization.

2. Purpose and Concept of Level 2

(1) Advanced techniques can be used easily.

- Symbols and Kotodama are introduced as media to resonate with vibration of higher
- Everyone can use advanced Reiki techniques by using the Symbols and Kotodama.

(2) More chances to use Reiki are given.

- Healing ability is improved from hands-on-healing to healing beyond time and space.
- Reiki ability to purify and grow you is improved.

(3) Attunements set the system

- Your vibration level steps up by three times attunements.
- An attunement makes your brain cells activated, and you are ready for receiving
higher-vibrated energy.

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Gendai Reiki Healing Training Text
Gendai Reiki-ho <Okuden> Essence -picked Version

3. Symbols and Kotodama (mantra)

(1) Effective system of resonance function with universal energy

Types Expression Effects

Vibration of the shape resonates

Symbols Shape (mark, character, figure)
with vibration of higher dimension.

Vibration of the sound resonates

Kotodama (Mantras) Sound (sacred voice, mantra)
with vibration of higher dimension.

(2) Attunements set your resonance system with Reiki energy

- After setting the system by attunement, the resonance system is activated when you
draw symbol and chant Kotodama.
- A symbol is usually drawn by a hand (or finger). You can draw it by your eyes or
tongue in your mouth to activate the resonance system.
- Using both of symbol and Kotodama is much more effective to contact to the vibration
of higher dimension. (Either of symbol or Kotodama can be used also.)

(3) How to use Symbols and Kotodama

- Draw a symbol in a space (or on the required place) once, chant Kotodama
corresponding to the symbol three times, and put your hands toward the space (or the
required place) to send Reiki energy.
- You should chant Kotodama with small voice or in your mind. Imagine that the
Kotodama vibration spread inside you, and it vibrates with symbol.
- You can use symbol and Kotodama during healing yourself/others, putting your hands
on the required point.

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Gendai Reiki Healing Training Text
Gendai Reiki-ho <Okuden> Essence -picked Version

4. Meaning and Function of the Symbols

Types and First Symbol Second Symbol Third Symbol

characteristics The Earth The Moon The Sun
Powerup Harmony Absentee
Chakras 1st and 2nd chakra 3rd and 4th chakra 5th and 6th chakra
Choku Ray Sei Hek Hon sha ze sho nen


Mainly used for

Mainly used for
Mainly used for connecting to remote
improving the
restoring objects in time and
Healing physical or
psycologycal and space. Often used
materialistic energy
emotional balance. together with other

The moon has an

The earth has been effect on the earth
producing, growing, like tides. It also The sun has been
purifying and giving causes constant sending energy of
creative energy to changes in feelings higher dimension to
everything. Human and rhythm of everything. Without
bodies have the human bodies. Being the sun, the earth or
Relation with people
earth’s intention and in sync with the human beings would
rhythm built-in. moon’s conscious not be able to exist
Imbalance in it will energy will bring even a day. The sun
cause one develop emotional releases is the foundation of
disease or and stress reduction our existense.
unhappiness. and help people
keep in high spirit.

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Gendai Reiki Healing Training Text
Gendai Reiki-ho <Okuden> Essence -picked Version

psycological and
Activates the intrinsic Connects to the core
emotional balance
functions of of the target object
and brings deep
everything born the beyond time and
healing. Also
on earth by space and brings
promotes self-growth
Functions recovering its rhythm deep healing and
by increasing
and balance, through transformation
sensitivity and
resonation with the through resonation
acceptance through
earth’s conscious with the sun’s
resonation with the
energy. conscious energy.
moon’s conscious
Healing beyond time
Empowering and Improving human
and space. Pursuing
increasing the relationship, bad
for the state of
energy, focusing it habits, resolving all
silence and peace,
Usage onto the target, sorts of disorders
correcting the
stabilizing and fixing and karma/trauma
distortion that has
the energy, and also with gentle energy of
been an obstacle for
purifying the energy. love and harmony,

5. How to Utilize the Symbols

(1) The 1st symbol: Examples of usage

The 1st symbol can be used individually, and also used to empowering and increasing
power of other symbols.
- Purification of a place or an environment
- Purification and boosting of foods and drinks
- To pray traffic safety
- When you put money in your wallet
- To change weather
- To change tastes of drinks
- Purification of rooms and buildings (to each corner)
- To encourage someone (toward forehead)
- To make good relationship with others
- To avoid anything left behind
- When you forget something
- Before marketing work (toward the area and place)
- To gifts, greeting cards, and business cards
- To protect yourself (front, back, right and left)

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Gendai Reiki Healing Training Text
Gendai Reiki-ho <Okuden> Essence -picked Version

(2) The 2nd symbol: Examples of usage

Use the 2nd symbol, then use the 1st symbol on it.
- When you feel tension or inharmonic condition
- To psychogenic disorders, such as hurt, tiredness, and stress (to head sides, solar
- To restlessness, anger, sorrow, emotional blocks, or to change mind (to front&back of
head, solar plexus)
- To make a conference, meeting, negotiation, or interview succeeded (to person, place,
environment, situation)
- To bring harmony and peace (to the object)
- To release old emotion or persistence (to top of head, solar plexus)
- To change bad habit of behavior or thinking (to front&back of head, head sides)
- To accomplish your purpose (right hand on forehead, left hand on the back of head)

(3) The 3rd symbol: Examples of usage

Use symbol 3+1 for physical matter, and use symbol 3+2+1 to emotional/spiritual object.
- To perform healing beyond time and space. This symbol is effective on anything, any
- To improve your DNA constitution, focus on your DNA in cells and send Reiki energy to
- To connect to the object. You can send energy other than Reiki energy, such as qi
- The distant healing is useful in the following case:
1) Imagine that you (healing object) or recipient is in front of you, and send energy.
2) Send energy to a paper with recipient's name, a photo, or a doll.
3) Send energy to your body directly on the head, front, and back for 3-5 minutes
each, and you can send energy to others via your body.

6. Healing Beyond Time and Space

(1) Distant healing

Focus on the healing object and purpose, DO NOT focus your mind on healing itself.
1) Focus your mind on the healing object (select one from the following 3 ways).
- Use a photo or a picture of the object (person), and chant the name of person 3 times.
- Use a life-sized image, and make an energy body of the object (person).
- Use a miniature-sized image, and image a part of the object or a mini-sized object

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Gendai Reiki Healing Training Text
Gendai Reiki-ho <Okuden> Essence -picked Version


2) Focus your mind on the purpose of healing

- To bring awareness.
- To be harmonious.
- To obtain peace and calmness.
- To be healed.
- To recover from diseases.
- Etc.

3) Connect to the object

1. Send the 3rd symbol to between the person's eyes to make contact.
2. Send the 1st symbol for physical disease.
3. Send the 2nd +1st symbol to stress or psychogenic disorders.

4) Healing
- When you use a photo or a picture, you can put it on the desk, or hold in your hands.
- You can close/disclose your eyes as you like.
- You can determine how long you send Reiki by your feeling.

5) Finish
1. After the healing, perform Aura Cleansing of the object (person) by sweeping from
head to legs.
2. Gassho, then give a gratitude to universe.

1) Chant Kotodama 3 times after drawing a symbol.
2) After sending the 3rd symbol to the object (person), perform Reiki healing on you and
the energy automatically flows to the connected person, at the same position.
3) A picture you draw the person should be discarded soon after distant healing.
4) You can use a doll as a substitution of the object (person) and send Reiki to it.

(2) Healing past

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Gendai Reiki Healing Training Text
Gendai Reiki-ho <Okuden> Essence -picked Version

1. Healing past can melt the past karma and trauma. New karma or light
trauma can be melt soon, but it will take long time to deal with all karma.
2. The origin of karma or trauma has deep human relationship, various
thoughts, and various behaviors. This is a record of anger and hate for
self-protection. It takes much time to discover and release one by one.
3. PRESENT TIME is the most important, not the past. The true theme for
human beings is how to live today. Here, we are not trying to release past
karma, but to purify past time with light to cut the negative vibration that
prevents us from going positively.
4. You will study how to release karma from the root in Level 3 seminar. The
past behavior and thoughts become a vibration, remain in your DNA or in
energy body, and give influence to us. It is necessary to erase such past
influence of negative vibration to grow our spirituality, and the practice is to
be taught as "spiritual growth technique" in Level 3.

1) Karma and Trauma Purification

- If you remember anything that makes you blames yourself, even the past behavior was
not done intentionally, the memory can be a karma.
- If you got accident in past and got injured, and the physical hurt was recovered but the
mental hurt remains, that can be a trauma.
- Such a karma and a trauma can be purified by Reiki energy using symbol (Kotodama).

1. Focus your mind on the problem (situation, person, and place) and send
symbols in order of the 3rd, 2nd, and 1st .
2. Write your name and the person's name on paper, send Reiki energy to it and
chant the names three times for each. Remember the trauma (karma)
situation as much as detailed and reproduce the memory image in your mind.
3. Close your eyes, send Reiki energy, and watch your breathing in calmness.
Continue breathing and feel that the soul of you and the person are melting
in the vibration of higher dimension, integrated and vibrated. Feel that you
and the person are the same in the level of universe, and in harmonic
4. Perform Aura Cleansing on the paper, Gassho, and give a gratitude to higher

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Gendai Reiki-ho <Okuden> Essence -picked Version

- Carry out the above procedure with pure mind, then release your consciousness about
it to higher beings to avoid having trauma or karma again. Practice Hatsurei Ho after
the karma purification to empower yourself.
- The "forgiveness" releases the person from resonance of inharmonic vibration (such
as anger and hate). You are also released and experience the practice of "healing by
love and harmony" that is conducted by the feeling of gratitude (vibration of higher

2) Re-experiencing the Pleasure in Past

Pleasure, success, and victory in past encourage you when you remember it. It is not
good for you to go deeply in past, however, if you need to encourage you to do
something, you can use symbol for it. This method is also useful to make a "success
experience circuit" in your brain.
1. Chant the theme of your good experience three times.
2. Close your eyes, remember the situation as much as detailed and reproduce the
memory image in your mind.
3. Send the symbols in order of 3+2+1 in the space, toward the memory, and send
Reiki energy to it.
4. Perform Aura Cleansing to the memory, Gassho, and give a gratitude to higher

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Gendai Reiki-ho <Okuden> Essence -picked Version

(3) Healing future

1. Now we exist here to realize the true happiness as light. We have been
created "present time" to accumulate various thoughts and behaviors.
Currently, we continue to accumulate thoughts and behaviors and are
creating future.
2. Only healing and self-purification cannot realize lightening future. Future
is created by your thoughts and behaviors everyday, through your work and
daily life with people around you.
3. Learn technique to send Reiki light to your future. Thoughts purification is
started from purifying subconsciousness. This does NOT mean to create
your convenient situation by your mind, but means to realize happy life by
light leading subconsciousness.
(1) Focus your mind on your successful future, and send Reiki energy,
blessing and gratitude.
(2) As a step of self-realization, send Reiki energy, blessing and gratitude to
your near future.
(3) As a practice of love, send Reiki energy, blessing and gratitude to near
future of others.

(1) Your Successful (2) Near Your Future (3) Near Future of
Healing Object Future Others
Focus your mind on Send light and blessing Send light and blessing
your successful future, to succeed important for the person to
Healing Concept and send light and work or event with the succeed important
blessing to it. best condition. event with the best
Close your eyes and 1. Write your name, 1. Chant the person's
imagine the realized time, date, place, name three times.
yourself (integrated and what you want 2. Close your eyes and
with light). to be there on imagine that the
paper, chant the person is in the best
* You do not need to time and date three situation at the time
Focus Your Mind on
imagine time and times onto the and place.
"Object" and "Purpose"
place. paper.
2. Close your eyes and
imagine your best
situation at the time
and place written in
the paper.

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Gendai Reiki Healing Training Text
Gendai Reiki-ho <Okuden> Essence -picked Version

Drawing Symbols Draw symbols in order of 3+2+1, and chant Kotodamas for each.
Allow everything to higher beings, face your hands to the image, and send
Healing Reiki energy to it.
Finish Perform Aura Cleansing, Gassho, and give a gratitude to higher beings.

You can select whether you write matters on paper, or you image matters in your mind.

7. Western Reiki Techniques

Reiki Box
This is a method you can use to focus Reiki on a number of projects, goals or wishes at the
same time. It involves using a non-metallic box to store the papers you will use as a focus for
each desire.
(1) Prepare a non-metallic box or bag to store paper.
(2) Purify the box in the same procedure to purify crystals. (Put it on your hand, chop the
space over it horizontally three times, and send Reiki.)
(3) Write or draw the wishes on a piece of paper. Place one wish on one sheet. You may also
write/draw the object at a distance.
(4) Get the images in your head that the wishes are granted. Draw the third, the second and
the first symbols with your finger on each paper, repeating the Kotodama for each, three
(5) Put the papers in the box and keep it in an unseen place.
(6) Send the energy everyday starting the next day. (It is more effective if you take out the
paper from the box each day and do this on each piece.)
(7) The wishes are realized when you are prepared and higher-self wants to support it.

< Comments: Gendai Reiki-ho Idea >

This technique is a major one in Western Reiki. This is often use to satisfy egos and that
should not be Usui's will. If you practice this, pray and release the result to the higher beings,
"I wish to accomplish this if the wish does not hurt anyone and be useful for my spiritual
Sending energy everyday (in procedure 6) will bring inharmonic condition to you if the wish is

Deprogramming Technique
This technique is called "out-of-brainwashing" or "out-of-mind-control" and is used to work on
the unconsciousness to remove the bad habits.

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Gendai Reiki-ho <Okuden> Essence -picked Version

(1) Perform aura cleansing on the receiver.

(2) Put one hand on the back of the receiver’s head and draw the third, the second and the
first symbols on him/her with the other hand and chant each Kotodama.
(3) Put the hands on the forehead and the back of the head and feel yourself filled with the
(Reiki) light and send it to the receiver, imagining the light is filling the receiver.
(4) Repeat the affirmation three times in your mind. When you are finished, perform aura
cleansing (if this is the end of the treatment). It is effective to repeat the exercise
everyday, for 6 days.

(1) This technique is to connect to the center of the earth with energy.
(2) Be seated, put your hands on your laps, close your eyes and be calmed down.
(3) Draw the 3rd, 2nd, and 1st symbol in the space in front of you and chant the corresponding
Kotodama for each symbol.
(4) Put your hands on the forehead and the back of your head, and send Reiki energy.
(5) Put your hands on your Tanden together, and send Reiki energy.
(6) Wrap your knees with your hands, and send Reiki energy.
(7) Wrap your feet with your hands, and send Reiki energy.

8. Traditional Healing Techniques

Tanden Chiryo Ho (Depoisoning Technique)

(1) Place one hand on Tanden (3 cm below the navel), and the other hand on your upper
forehead (the edge of where your hair grows). Feel the energy from the hand on your
forehead and say in your mind "please get rid of the poison from my body". Leave your
hand here for a couple of minutes.
(2) Move the hand on your forehead and put it on the hand on your tanden. With both hands
on tanden, let the Reiki flow through tanden for 20-30 minutes.
(3) Perform this method repeatedly until the effect can be seen. Once you succeed it, the
next treatment will be easily done.
(4) This is effective for de-poisoning anything such as medicine, food-poisoning, or food

Koki Ho and Gyoshi Ho

(1) Koki Ho

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Gendai Reiki-ho <Okuden> Essence -picked Version

This is a technique to send Reiki using your breath. If you feel hot in your chest, mouth or
nose when you give Reiki, then you can give Reiki through breathing.
Breathe in through your nose. With your mouth shaped like when you whistle, softly
breathe to the area where you want to give Reiki.
(2) Gyoshi Ho
Healing with soft staring; giving Reiki with the eyes.
Your eyes can be used to give out Reiki, too. You just look at the area to be healed and
feel that the area is being cleansed and healed. You should not try hard to focus or glare,
but instead focus softly on the area.

Heso Chiryo Ho
Navel healing technique. The navel is the center of your body and the healing spot for every
(1) Put your middle finger into your navel and feel the pulse for a while.
(2) Feel the pulse is gradually led by Reiki and getting in resonance with universal energy.
(3) Keep it until you feel relaxed and balanced.
(4) An alternate way would be to raise your hand an inch or two away from the body and focus
Reiki into the navel.

Seiheki Chiryo Ho
A version of "Nentatsu-ho. A way of releasing thought patterns or bad habits by applying Reiki
together with the Harmony energy.
(1) Place one hand on the forehead and the other on the back of the head. Transmit the pure
message through the hand on the forehead for one to two minutes. (The message or
affirmation could be to improve the personality, correct bad habits, etc.)
(2) Remove your hand on the forehead but keep the other hand on the back of the head for
more than 5 minutes and give Reiki. While giving Reiki, no message should be
(3) You can use this technique for yourself or others. When you do it for others, make sure the
message given is what the person wants. It is better and more effective to exercise short
ones many times rather than giving a long one.

Healing According to "Hibiki" (Sense of Hands): Byosen Reikan Ho and Reiji Ho

When a person has a disease, you can feel ‘something’ transmitted from the source of the
disease. This is called "Byosen". What you feel as Byosen varies depending on the type,
severity and status of the disease, and from person to person. But some samples are:

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Gendai Reiki-ho <Okuden> Essence -picked Version

sensations of something moving, pulsating, or piercing, or of a bug crawling, biting or of pain,

numbness, heat, coldness, tickling, tingling, etc. The sensation you have in your hands is
called "Hibiki" or "Resonance" and by it you can learn to judge the cause of the disease, the
status of it and the time it will take to heal. Use the basic 12 positions until you can feel the
"Hibiki", but if you can feel it, practice the following.
(1) First put your hands (one hand or two) on or above the body and move them around
scanning the whole body. Hold your hands where you feel the strongest hibiki or sensation
of pain, heat, coolness, vibration or numbness. The part is often different from where the
symptom is. It takes experience to judge the sensation.
(2) The hibiki gradually increases until it reaches its peak then starts to subside. That makes
"one pass" or "one cycle". You should at least hold your hands for one cycle. As it repeats
it's cycle, the peak of hibiki will decrease.
(3) Move your hands to the next byosen and repeat.

Reiji Ho: Allowing Reiki to guide you to the place of greatest need of healing. This technique is
taught once you have devloped a very good ability for Bysoen Reikan-ho.

9. Self-Purifying / Self-Growth Methods

Hatsurei Ho
This is a way to enhance your Reiki channel and help you grow spiritually. It is an exercise used
to cleanse the aura, so you may place your hands a little away from the body.
(1) Kihon Shisei (standard posture)
Sit on the floor (Seiza style - on your knees, sitting on your legs) or sit on a chair Remove
all the tension from your body and relax. Close your eyes lightly. Straighten your back.
Bring your attention to the Tanden (3-5 cm below the navel). Both hands on the lap, palms
facing downwards.
(2) Mokunen (Focusing)
This means to quietly tell your subconscious mind "I'll start Hatsurei-ho".
(3) Ken'yoku (Dry bathing or Brushing off)
1. Place the fingers of your right hand near the top of the left shoulder, with the fingertips
over the indentation just in from the edge of the shoulder (where the collar bone meets
the shoulder). The hand is lying flat.
2. Draw the flat hand down across the chest in a straight line, over the "V" of the sternum
(where the rib cage meets) down to the right hip, while doing the Hado breathing.
3. Repeat this procedure on the right side, using the left hand. Draw it flattened from the

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Gendai Reiki-ho <Okuden> Essence -picked Version

shoulder, in a straight line, across the sternum, to the left hip.

4. Repeat the procedure again on the left side.
5. Place the fingers of the right hand on the middle of the left forearm, fingertips on the
edge pointing outwards.
6. Draw the right hand, flattened, down the outside of the arm, all the way to the finger tips,
all the while keeping the left arm straight and at your side.
7. Repeat this process on the right side, with the left hand on the right forearm and
drawing it down the right arm to the fingertips.
8. Repeat this process on the right side, with the left hand on the right forearm and
drawing it down the right arm to the fingertips.

(4) Connect to Reiki Energy

Raise your hands high up in the air, visualize and feel the vibration/light of Reiki flowing
into your hands and running through your whole body.
(5) Joshin Kokyu Ho (Cleansing Breathing)
1. Calmly breathe in and out from the nose with pure thoughts. Both hands are on the lap,
palms facing upwards and slightly curled as if holding an egg. Bring the mind to the
Tanden and keep it there. Breathe naturally in a relaxed manner and release the tension
from the body.
2. As you breathe in, imagine or visualise that white Reiki energy is coming through the top
of the head down to the Tanden and spreading everywhere throughout the body. At the
same time imagine that all the tension is melting away and making you feel relaxed
3. As you breathe out, do the Hado breathing with the ‘Haa’ sound slowly and firmly. At the
same time imagine that the light which filled all of the body, is emanating out through the
skin and spreading into infinity.
4. Repeat 2 and 3 for a couple of minutes or as long as you like.

(6) Gassho
Put your hands together holding them in front of your chest (like praying hands) a little
higher than your heart.
(7) Seishin Toitsu (Concentration)
1. Keep the Gassho, bring your attention to the Tanden. Imagine that you are breathing
through your hands.
2. When you breathe in, visualize that the light of Reiki flows in through your hands on to
your hara line, and filling the Tanden.
3. When you breathe out, do the Hado breathing, and visualize that the Reiki light stored in

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your Tanden radiating out through your hands. (your attention should remain on your
(8) Mokunen
Put your hands back on to your laps with your palms down. Say silently to your
subconscious mind "I have finished Hatsurei-ho." Open your eyes and shake your hands
up/down/left/right for a few seconds.

Jiko Joka Healing (Self Cleansing)

This is a self-cleansing healing technique.
(1) The basic position is standing. Feet apart to shoulder width visualize or imagine that a
straight line runs through the heavens and the earth. Place the top of the head and spine
in alignment with this line. Close or half close the eyes.
(2) Hands high up and feel the Reiki high vibrations of light flow through the whole of the body.
(3) Lower the hands while you are feeling the light vibrations. Open your arms left and right,
palms facing down. Bring the hands together, fingertips touching to the chest level.
(4) While doing the Hado breathing with the ‘Haa’ sound push both hands down so that the
energy can be released from the body. Feel the energy leaving the body through the soles
of the feet. Do this exercise once.
(5) Breathe in gently through the nose. bring the hands upwards with the palms still facing
downwards, and move the earth energy upwards. Move the hands high above the head
with the palms now facing up and release the earth energy to heaven. Then receive the
heaven energy. While doing the Hado breathing, face the palms down and move the
hands up to the head. Next, palms facing your body and move the hands to the chest
and down to the abdomen to move the body energy downwards. Release the energy to
the earth through the soles of the feet.
(6) As you breathe out all to the limit, gently breath in from the nose again and move the earth
energy to the heavens with both hands. Then again receive heaven energy and move the
body energy to the earth with Hado breathing.

Sending Light to Your Cells

This is a technique to focus Reiki right at the cellular level.
(1) Be seated and make yourself comfortable. Close the eyes gently, straighten up the spine,
hands on your lap, palms down.
(2) Raise your hands high above the head. Feel the vibrations of light flushing into the whole
of the body.
(3) Bring your mind up to the head and slowly move the mind's eye downwards as if you are

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Created by Hiroshi Doi
Gendai Reiki Healing Training Text
Gendai Reiki-ho <Okuden> Essence -picked Version

scanning the whole of your body.

(4) Try it again and when you detect an unbalanced area that means that there is congestion
there. Breathe in and whilst breathing out send Reiki energy into the area of congestion.
Mentally talk to the cells, "Thank you for giving me awareness. I am learning love and
harmony led by Reiki. Please help me to accomplish my learning by your role." After
saying these words then move on to the next tense area, and repeat.
(5) When you master this exercise, as you detect the congestion, you feel the white Reiki light
go to it, and you only need to tell the congested area "Thank you." Eventually white light
only touches the congestion for a moment, and the healing is carried out.
(6) As you repeat this exercise, the mental talk is input into subconsciousness and you do not
need the talk because your subconsciousness does it automatically when you scan your
body with sending light to cells.

10. How to Use Reiki for Level 2 Practitioners

(1) Reiki energy you work with becomes doubled.

When you send Reiki to the basic 12 positions, send energy 2.5 minutes for each position.

(2) By using symbols, you can perform various effective Reiki techniques.
1) Healing and purifying on physical level.
2) Healing and purifying on spiritual, subconscious level.
3) Healing and purifying beyond time and space

(3) Basic consciousness: Important for healing

It is important to understand the source of Reiki energy and your role. Healing effect is
depending on the recipient, but healer's consciousness is important for his/her growth.
1) Focus your mind on the source of energy (higher beings), and say in your mind that
"Now I become a path of Reiki and am going to perform healing as a practice of love
and harmony.
2) Then, focus your mind on the recipient, and say in your mind that "I hope the person
(name) will obtain required awareness, and be healed."
3) Do not use your mind or consciousness during healing, just be a clear path of Reiki,
and allow everything to Reiki. (You can feel energy state.)
- Do not think that you send your energy.
- The feeling "I want to heal her/him" is not necessary, either.
- To be a clear and pure Reiki path, and put your hands on without any consciousness.

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Created by Hiroshi Doi
Gendai Reiki Healing Training Text
Gendai Reiki-ho <Okuden> Essence -picked Version

Then, infinite healing power works there.

(4) Level 2 practitioners should work as follows:

1) Try performing techniques with symbols as many as possible. Read the text
repeatedly and ask your master if you do not understand.
2) You do not have to master all the techniques, but select some you like and use them
in your daily life as the useful Reiki techniques.
3) To make Reiki techniques simple, and practice the techniques well so that you can
use the technique with either symbol or Kotodama. (You can do it only Kotodama
vibration without drawing symbol, for example.)
4) Introduce the techniques of self-purification and self-growth in your daily life, practice
well so that you can feel "Hibiki", and prepare for Reiki practice of higher level with
higher consciousness.
5) Practice Hatsurei Ho, which was developed by Usui Sensei, and you will feel your
Reiki energy becomes more powerful and the vibration changes fine level.
6) There are a lot of chances to use Reiki technique everywhere around you. Make a
good choice to use Reiki, and practice it more and more.

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Created by Hiroshi Doi

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