Macarimbang Aimelhayr PEM 304

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Republic of the Philippines


College of Education
Graduate Education Department

Reporter: Aimelhayr Matuan Macarimbang, LPT, MAEd

Professor: Dr. Montia Jamilah D. Sarip
Course: PEM 304 (Seminar in Strategic Planning and Management)
Sem. & A.Y.: 1st Semester, A.Y. 2022 - 2023

➢ It is an organize schedule or sequence of activities intended to attain
goals and objectives for the accomplishment of mission or assignment.

➢ It is a systematic method or process worked out in advance that leads

to the achievement of some goal.
➢ Planning as defined by Hudzik and Cordner - “thinking about the future,
thinking about what we want the future would be, and thinking about
what we need to do now to achieve it.”
➢ A plan needs to be flexible so that it may be adapted to gradual

✓ Gives right direction

✓ Increases organization’s efficiency and effectivity
✓ Facilitates proper coordination
✓ Helps achieve objectives
✓ Keeps good control
✓ Motivates the personnel
✓ Encourages creativity and innovation
✓ Helps in decision making
✓ Reduces business-related risks
✓ Aids in organizing

➢ A pursuit in which a person is active.
➢ Quality or state of being active.

➢ A duty or function.
➢ An assigned piece of work often to be finished with a certain time.
➢ It is defined as a sequence of tasks that must be completed to attain a
certain outcome.
➢ According to Project Management Institute, project refers to “any
temporary endeavor with a definite beginning and end.”

➢ Usually run with short time periods. Often times, it delivers tangible results.

✓ A clear and start end date

✓ A project creates something new
✓ A project has boundaries
✓ A project is not “business as usual”

❖ :
- Projects come in wide range of shapes and sizes.

✓ Be big: like construction of a dam/school which take years

to complete and have a humongous budget.
✓ Be small: like installing pathway in your lawn or cleaning
school yards.
✓ Involve many people: like planning a book launch.
✓ Just yourself: like classroom decoration.

➢ Organization activities aimed at achieving broader organization
objectives by coordinating a group of projects. Thus, programs are
much wider in scope compared to projects.
➢ Group of related projects that are run as a group toward producing a
common benefit.
➢ Require longer time periods to achieve the set objectives. It delivers
intangible results because results are a combination of achievements in
the different projects.

➢ In education, it is defined as a purposeful collection of work that
demonstrates efforts, progress and achievement in or more areas.

➢ A student portfolio is a compilation of academic work and other forms

of educational evidence assembled for the purpose of: (1) evaluating
coursework quality, learning progress and academic achievement; and
(2) creating a lasting archive of academic work products,
accomplishments, and other documentations.
➢ In the context of organizational project management, it is a group of
projects, programs, subportfolios, and operations managed as a group
to achieve strategic objectives.

Project Y

Program Subportfolio

Project A Project B

Project C Project D


Some Fundamental Differences

between Projects and Programs
project program

• Has predefined end date • Continue to run in predefined

cycles without an end date
• Focus on desired outcomes or
• Focus on desired results or benefits
• Long-term managed portfolio
• Short-term and designed to of multiple projects designed
deliver a specific output within to produce outcomes
time, cost and quality
• Efficiency and effectiveness of
• Efficiency and effectiveness of vs. the program will be measured
the project can be measured in terms of the benefits
based on metric like budget, realization of the program
schedule, quality, etc.
• Project managers expect • Where program managers
change and implement accept and adapt to change
processes to keep change to optimize the delivery of
managed benefits
Change Management
➢ A systematic change approach to dealing with the transition or
transformation of an organization’s goals, processes or technologies.
The purpose of change management is to implement strategies for
effecting change, controlling change, and helping people to adapt to
➢ A central idea of all change management is that “no change ever
happens in an isolation. In one way or another change impact the
whole organization and all of the people in it. But with good change
management, you can encourage everyone to adapt to and embrace
your new way of working.”

❖ ( )

✓ Understand Change ✓ Implement Change

✓ Plan Change ✓ Communicate Change

✓ Communication ✓ Resistance
✓ Multiple Points of View ✓ Resource Management
✓ New Technology ✓ Scheduling Issues

❖ ’
( )

Unfreezing (Current State)

- Many people naturally resist change, the goal in this stage is to create an
awareness of how the status quo or current level of acceptability is
hindering the organization in some way.

Changing (Transition)

- This is marked by the implementation of change. This is when the change

becomes real and consequently, the time most people struggle with the
new reality.

Refreezing (Future State)

- This symbolizes the act of reinforcing, stabilizing and solidifying the new state
after the change.

Buehring, S. (2021, July 21). Knowledge Train/ChangeManagement. Retrieved from

Clarke Education (2022). Clarke University .What is a portfolio. Retrieved from

Mbiti, T. (2022). What is the difference between plan, project and a program. Retrieved from

N.A. (2021, November 24). Kiss Flow. Retrieved from

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