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IoT Based Smart Wheelchair for Disabled People

Conference Paper · September 2021

DOI: 10.1109/ICSCAN53069.2021.9526427


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2 authors, including:

Kesavan Manic Suresh

National University, College of Engineering, Oman


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ISBN 978-1-6654-3986-2

IoT Based Smart Wheelchair for Disabled People

2021 International Conference on System, Computation, Automation and Networking (ICSCAN) | 978-1-6654-3986-2/21/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/ICSCAN53069.2021.9526427

Maryam Amur Khalfan Al Shabibi Suresh Manic Kesavan

Department of Electrical and Department of Electrical and
Communication Engineering, Communication Engineering,
College of Engineering, National College of Engineering, National
University of Science and University of Science and
Technology Technology, Muscat, Oman
Muscat, Oman

Abstract—Smart Wheelchair is known as a Power Wheelchair (IoT) technologies and Artificial Intelligence technologies to
that is integrated into multiple sensors, assistive technology, and help the users gain mobility and moving freely and safely
computers that give the user with a disability such as impairment, without needing someone’s help. However, they are too
handicaps, and permanent injury, the required mobility to move expensive, and their hardware is too heavy which makes the
freely and safely. These types of wheelchairs are gradually software system response too slow. The wish of most of the
replacing the traditional wheelchairs; however, their expensive people in this world is to be wealthy and successful. However,
costs are preventing a large size of disabled people from having some just want to have a comfortable and normal life. due to
one. According to the organization of World Health (WHO), only
illness, car accidents, impairment, and eldership this wish
5 to 15% out of 70 million disabled people have access to
became impossible at least to them. People with the mentioned
wheelchairs. Therefore, we need to offer a cost-effective Smart
that not only minimized the cost but also provides plenty of
disabilities are increasing every year, therefore people who do
features that use the latest components and technologies. In the not have a suitable wheelchair are increasing, too. There are
last years, there have been many pleasant efforts that serve this many cases where disabled people get fall and injured and
purpose. They have adopted various technologies such as artificial sometimes for days nobody knows about their situation.
intelligence, where they have designed an autonomous wheelchair
that used machine learning concepts to navigate, and some also II. LITERATURE REVIEW
used Internet of Thing technology to control the wheelchair-using
voice recognition system. This report will present a cost-effective Despite there are many initiatives on smart wheelchair
Smart Wheelchair-based Arduino Nano microcontroller and IoT technologies. It is impossible to have a smart wheelchair that
technology that have several features to gain disabled people, could be afforded especially to people whose income is varying
especially poor people who cannot afford expensive Smart from weak to good. Therefore, they are forced to use the
Wheelchair, the required help to finish daily life tasks without traditional wheelchair with the need for others’ help which
external help. To conclude this project will make the Smart sometimes does not exist especially if the user lives lonely and
Wheelchair affordable to a wide range of disabled people and will does not have relatives. Each one has the right to live normally.
be based on Arduino Nano, ESP-12e module to give Wi-Fi access,
Therefore, in this section, various papers in this field have been
MPU6050 to detect fall with Voice message notification using
IFTTT platform, obstacle detection with buzzer and LED to work
critically analysed, to identify the challenges that faced by the
as hazards, voice recognition system, and joysticks to control the researchers in providing a such smart wheelchair.
wheelchair. In their paper [13], they presented a design of a cost-
effective smart wheelchair that combines several facilities to
Keywords— Smart Wheelchair; IoT Technology; Arduino; help them move safely, freely, and do their therapist activities
obstacle detection; fall detection; voice recognition system; joystick; without any help. The design of the wheelchair was mainly
focused on the people who have a disability in their lower limb
I. INTRODUCTION and upper limb or one of them. In the controlling part, the
For the past years, technologies have cut a long distance. system was based on an Arduino board with ITEAD joysticks
Many devices in our homes and our life generally have attached to it, to give the user the control to move manually. For
transferred from being called only by their name to inserting the people who have a permanent upper limb, a voice recognition
word “smart” on it. For example, Smartphones, Smart TVs, tool is used and connected to the Arduino. The fragments of this
Smart homes, and of course the traditional wheelchairs have tool are Bluetooth module (HC-05) which is a Serial Port
taken a part of this word not only the name but also the software Protocol that is used for the setup of wireless connection and
and hardware used to get what it is called today, Smart Android phone. The basic function of the android phone is to
wheelchairs. During the past 15 years, there have been many use its microphone to collect the voice command from the user
initiatives in this area, starting with the first power wheelchair to move right, left, front, forward, and backward which already
invented by George Klein coming to the smart wheelchairs such predefined using the android application. The design is also
as autonomous wheelchairs, intelligence wheelchairs, and consisting of an obstacle detection sensor which is the basic
robotic wheelchairs. Different technologies have been function of a PING sensor to detect the obstacles.
developed on a smart wheelchair like the Internet of Things

Manakula Vinayagar Institute of Technology

Puducherry, India IEEE ICSCAN 2021
Authorized licensed use limited to: Oman Virtual Science Library (Masader). Downloaded on September 07,2021 at 10:51:05 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
ISBN 978-1-6654-3986-2

In contrast to the presented system implemented by [4]. wheelchair besides other commands. In the autonomous mode,
Ref. [13] have presented some therapy facilities, however, did the author used a map designed using an RGBD camera that
not use any latest technologies on their system. While [4], scans the surrounding environment and an IR sensor to detect
although did not provide any therapy features, they used the obstacles, as using only an RGB-D camera will not be enough
latest artificial intelligence to provide a user-friendly and robust as the author declared. In contrast with the above paper who
smart wheelchair with minimized cost. Both papers aimed to used only one unit of obstacle sensor, [3] have used 4 units of
provide a cost-effective Smart Wheelchair with various IR sensor surrounding the wheelchair from each side,
companion features. According to the obtained results of both depending on the direction of the wheelchair, one of the four IR
projects, [4] have succussed in providing a Smart wheelchair sensors will be activated. Jayakody and other authors presented
with only 252 dollars. While [13] didn’t provide any detailed a project that also contains a health monitoring system that is
information about the cost. More than, [4] have used a Sonar implemented for the users who have a heart issue and cannot
sensor to determine obstacles which in my view is better than walk permanently. To provide them the required help, this
the PING sensor used by [13], as the response of the PING system will mainly consist of a temperature sensor to measure
sensor is slower than Sonar sensor. The wheelchair the patient’s temperature and a heart rate sensor beside the
implemented by [4] could carry more weight than [13] as it only output readings will be connected to the medical officers, so
can carry a person with 43Kg which is less than the standard they can easily track the patient’s status. Comparing to the
weight that the wheelchair should handle. obtained result of the voice recognition system by [17], [3]
In paper [14], they have illustrated a smart wheelchair that shows that system takes about 2 to3 seconds to recognize the
use April fusion tags method associated with computer vision voice which is more than the obtained results of [17]. To
can be used to automatically navigate the wheelchair. The conclude, authors in paper [3] have succeeded in presenting a
presented autonomous wheelchair can be fully dependent smart wheelchair that used the latest technology such RoS
without any required help from a human during the navigation system to help people with disabilities to move freely and safely
execution between the parking and the rooms. It has many without required help. However, the voice recognition system
advantages; the computer vision has good processing time with shows a delay in the response time that needs to be fixed, and
high accuracy as the used framerate which is about 16fps was based on the used components, the project will be too
sufficient for real-time performance. More than that, as the expensive, therefore it will not be available to a wide range of
project depends on April tags fusion associated with computer users.
fusion when the robot cannot detect the tags, the attached
camera will keep rotating until finding it. Furthermore, III. THE SYSTEM DESIGN AND IMPLENTION
However, the limitations of this project that it can be used only
A. System Block diagram
indoors and to move the patients from one room to another as
required. The IoT-based Smart Wheelchair’s block diagram presents
all the required components to demonstrate the project. This
While authors in [17], in their paper, presented a design of block diagram describes the working principle of the project and
an anonymous wheelchair that uses a machine learning method what is required to be done to demonstrate the project
for handicaps people. Their project is based on the raspberry successfully.
model and runs in two modes, manual and automatic modes. the
presented project helps users with disabilities specially
handicaps to be dependent and move freely with any required
help, and most importantly it is a cost-effective project with the
latest technology. The project also another advantage, it can be
run into two modes, manual and automatic mode. However, the
presented project can be only used indoor.
The concept of the presented project by [3] is also can work
into modes, the autonomous mode, and the manual mode. There
project is based on Raspberry Pi and RoS that refer to an open-
source operating system used for robot implementation and
make the interconnection between each component and sensor Fig. 1. The block diagram of IoT-based Smart Wheelchair for Disabled
possible. in the manual mode, the voice recognition system is People.
activated and implemented using the SR module and STT
engine developed by Google and refer as the Speech to Text B. System Methodlogy and Implemntion:
engine. the difference between the voice recognition system This Smart Wheelchair can work in two modes, automatic
used by this author and the work done by the above authors that mode, and manual mode. In automatic mode, voice recognition
it has extra commands adding to the known command (left, is activated. The user can make the wheelchair move by using
right, front, backward) such as the stop command which works AMR Voice app that linked to Arduino Nano using the HC-05
as a break to make the wheelchair stop, go-to kitchen command Bluetooth module and says the specific command stored in the
which connected to the autonomous navigation provided to the IoT Cloud system such as, right, left, front, backward, and stop.

Manakula Vinayagar Institute of Technology

Puducherry, India IEEE ICSCAN 2021
Authorized licensed use limited to: Oman Virtual Science Library (Masader). Downloaded on September 07,2021 at 10:51:05 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
ISBN 978-1-6654-3986-2

With the help of the HC-05 Bluetooth module, these commands A. Staticial Analysis.
will be processed through the Arduino Nano microcontroller and For safety purposes, real children were not used to testing
the obtained signal will be processed to the L289N module how much weight the wheelchair can carry. As there is a
motor driver. Then, it will process the two DC geared motors to balancing issue with the wheelchair, if a real child was used, he
make the wheels of the wheelchair move as requested. While in may get hurt. Therefore, a load with a total of 17 Kg was used
the manual mode, the dual-axis joystick attached to the Arduino to evaluate the wheelchair efficiency. To make sure that the
Nano will be used to control the movement of the wheelchair. Smart Wheelchair is friendly and easy to use, 17 samples were
For a safe and comfortable ride, two features are added and can used.
be used in both modes. One is obstacle detection using two HC-
SR04 ultrasonic sensors that are attached in front and behind the The obtained results shows that samples from age 8 to 31
chair. The basic function of this sensor is to sound waves with years old have able to move the Smart Wheelchair in each
the range 2cm to 450 cm, when there it there is an echo wave direction using the joystick, able to move the Smart Wheelchair
obtained from objects within this range, the attached buzzer and in each direction using the AMR Voice app. Besides, the fall
LED will work as obstacle hazards. The buzzer will warn blind detection features able to detect the fall detection of the adult and
people while the red LED will warn deaf people especially when able to notify her parents about the fall, and the obstacle
the wheelchair moves backward. The other feature is IoT-based detection able to detect an obstacle and notify the adult using
fall detection using the MPU-6050 module. The basic concept two hazards, LED light and Buzzer sound. While samples from
of this module, that it will be programmed that certain velocity age 4 to 6 years old and 40 to 66 years old face some problems
angle occurred by the user will consider that the user has fallen in moving the wheelchair in two directions using the AMR voice
out the wheelchair and by using IFTTT Platform and ESP12E app because of mispronouncing the two words, Backward and
Wi-Fi-module which link the IoT platform and MPU605, a voice Forward. As English is not her mother language. Fortunately,
call message call will be sent to the user’s relatives or the nearest the problem was solved by using short and easy punction words
hospital to warn them about the user situation. A 4 x 3.7V 18650 such as, go instead of forward and back instead of backward.
lithium battery that has rechargeable features, will be used to To determine the effect of the weight and the age on the
power the Arduino Nano, L289N module motor driver, and Smart Wheelchair’s movement, three types of tests have been
ESP12E Wi-Fi-module. done to test the control features of the Smart Wheelchair.
• First test: The response time of the motors before
attaching them to the wheels.
• Second test: The response time of the motors after
attaching them to the wheels.
• Third test: The response delay of the Smart
wheelchair’s movement and speed when loads are put
on it.
Since the Smart Wheelchair has two control features, Voice
and joystick, the tests have been applied to both. The following
tables show the test results.

TABLE 1. The Response time of the motors when using voice to control them
(before attaching the motors to the wheels).

Direction Recognize Execution Total

Delay time Delay time (sec) delay time (sec)
string (sec)
Forward 0.5 0 0.5
Backward 0.5 0 0.5

Fig. 2. The Final Prototype of IoT Based Smart Wheelchair. Left 0.5 0 0.5
Right 0.5 0 0.5
This section will highlight the obtained result of the
presented project and provide a detailed analysis of the result.
The Smart Wheelchair was tested by using loads with different The above table represents the response time of the motors
weights and 17-persons ages varying from 4 ~ 66 old years. The before attaching them to the wheels when using voice to control
challenges that the project faced will also be presented. them. As it shows the time taken by the app to recognize the
user’s command, the time taken to execute these commands, and
the sum delay time of both.

Manakula Vinayagar Institute of Technology

Puducherry, India IEEE ICSCAN 2021
Authorized licensed use limited to: Oman Virtual Science Library (Masader). Downloaded on September 07,2021 at 10:51:05 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
ISBN 978-1-6654-3986-2

TABLE 2. The response time of the motors when using voice to control them easily and without mistakes. Besides that, it has been observed
(after attaching the motors to the wheels). that each time the weight of the load increase, the Smart
Wheelchair’s speed became slow.
Direction Recognize Execution Total
Delay time Delay time (sec) delay time (sec) TABLE 4. The response time of the motors when using a joystick to control
string (sec) them (before attaching the motors to the wheels).
Forward 0.5 0 0.5
Direction Execution Delay time
Backward 0.5 0 0.5 (sec)
Left 0.5 0 0.5
Forward 0
Right 0.5 0 0.5
Backward 0
Stop 0.5 0 0.5
Left 0
Right 0
The above table represents the response time of the motors
after attaching them to the wheels when using voice to control
them. As it shows the time taken by the app to recognize the The above table represents the response time of the motors
user’s command, the time taken to execute these commands, and before attaching them to the wheels when using a joystick to
the sum delay time of both. control them. As it shows the time taken by the motors to execute
the commands provided by the joystick. Since the joystick does
not require any internet connection, there almost zero delay time
TABLE 3. The response time of the motors when using voice to control them in the execution.
(after putting the load on it).
TABLE 5. The response time of the motors when using a joystick to control
SI. Loa- Forward Backward Stop them (after attaching the motors to the wheels).
No -ds
weig Recog Execut Recog Execut Recog Execut
Direction Execution Delay time (sec)
ht nize ion nize ion nize ion
delay delay delay delay delay delay
time time time time time time Forward 0
(Sec) (Sec) (Sec) (Sec)
(Sec) (Sec) Backward 0
1 2.5 0.5~1 0 0.5~1 0 0.5~1 0 Left 0.1 (Almost zero)
2 5 0.5~1 0 0.5~1 0 0.5~1 0
Right 0.1(Almost zero)
3 10 0.5~1 0 0.5~1 0 0.5~1 0
4 12.5 0.5~1 0 0.5~1 0 0.5~1 0
5 15 0.5~1 0 0.5~1 0 0.5~1 0
The above table represents the response time of the motors
6 17 0.5~1 0 0.5~1 0 0.5~1 0 after attaching them to the wheels when using a joystick to
control them. As it shows the time taken by the motors to execute
the commands provided by the joystick. Since the joystick does
The above table represents the response time of the Smart not require any internet connection, there almost zero delay time
Wheelchair when loads with different weights are put on the in the execution delay time.
wheelchair and use voice to control it. As it shows the time taken
TABLE 6. The response time of the motors when using the joystick to control
by the app to recognize the user’s command and the time taken them (after putting the load on it).
to execute these commands.
SI.No Loads Execution delay time (Sec)
It has been noticed that the execution delay time is zero for weight
each load and the recognize delay time differs is from one person (Kg) Forward Backward Stop
to another due to two factors, Wi-Fi connection, and the user’s direction direction
age. As the Wi-Fi connection is not stable, there is has been 1 2.5 0 0 0
noticed a slight delay in the recognize time. More than that, the
2 5 0 0 0
age of the user affects the efficacy of the Smart Wheelchair
which led to a delay in the time taken from the app to recognize 3 10 0 0 0
the user’s voice. As the user’s especially from age 4 to 6 years 4 12.5 0 0 0
old mispronounce the command words especially the Forward
and Backward words because of their length. Fortunately, as the 5 15 0 0 0
app converts the voice to strings and no need to train the 6 17 0 0 0
components to any words as for the voice recognition module.
Therefore, it was easy to deal with the problem by using short
words such as, “Go” instead of “Forward”, and “Back” instead The above table represents the response time of the Smart
of Backward to make it easy for the child to pronounce the words Wheelchair when loads with different weights are put on the

Manakula Vinayagar Institute of Technology

Puducherry, India IEEE ICSCAN 2021
Authorized licensed use limited to: Oman Virtual Science Library (Masader). Downloaded on September 07,2021 at 10:51:05 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
ISBN 978-1-6654-3986-2

wheelchair and controls it using a joystick. As it shows the time decrease in their performance and eventually get damaged. Then
taken by the motors to execute the commands provided by the Dc gear motors with 60 rpm were used. But, due to the bad
joystick. The exaction delay time for the three directions is zero. design of the wheelchair, one motor gear broke. As the
As the motors must carry three weights, the wheels, the chair, wheelchair was not distributing the force equally and all the
and the loads. Each time the weight of the loads' increases, the force was centring on the motor which led to damage it. The
wheelchair’s speed decrease. design of the wheelchair causes other problems also. To reduce
the problems that the design cause, the wheels were replaced by
Another test has been done for obstacle detection to check if smaller and lighter wheels, and the motors were replaced by
ultrasonic able to detect obstacles within the determined distance motors that have more rpm but less torque because the time and
(20 cm and less) and out the determined range (21 and above) the materials are not enough to try another design. The
using HC-SR04 ultrasonic. wheelchair able to move but it could not carry a weight of more
TABLE 7. The test of obstacle detection feature within the determined than 17 Kg and was not able to turn left or right.
distance (0 to 20 cm).

Distance (cm) Obstacle Detected V. CONCLUSION

0-20 Yes To conclude, the obtained result of the presented project can be
summarised as following. As the Smart Wheelchair was tested
21 and above No
by using loads with a total weight of 17 Kg and 17 people. As
these people's age varying from 4 ~ 66 old years. The Smart
Wheelchair has been going under three types of tests. The first
As the above table show, the ultrasonic able to detect the
test was recording the response delay of the motors before
obstacle within the determined distance (0~20cm). As the sound
of the buzzer and the light of the LED prove this. When there is attaching them to the wheels. The second test was recording the
an obstacle within the determined distance (0~20 cm), the sound response delay of the motors after attaching them to the wheels.
of the buzzer activates, and the LED turns ON. While, when The third test was recording the response delay of the Smart
there no obstacle within the determined distance (0~20 cm), the wheelchair’s movement and speed when loads are put on it. The
sound of the buzzer does not activate, and the LED turns stay result concluded that the more the load’s weight increases, the
OFF. slower the Smart Wheelchair’s speed becomes. The fall and
obstacle detection features were also tested. For the obstacle
Furthermore, to check the efficiency of the Fall Detection detection feature, two tests were done. The first test was
feature and how much time it takes to send the notification,
checking if Hc-sr04 ultrasonics were able to detect obstacles
several attempts were done and recorded as can be seen in the
within the determined distance (0~20 cm) and the results
below table.
indicate that the ultrasonics able to detect obstacles within the
TABLE 8. Fall detection attempts. determined distance. As the LED and the buzzer turn ON which
declares that there is an obstacle within the determined distance.
Attempt No. Delay time (sec)
The second test was checking if HC-SR04 ultrasonics able to
detect obstacle out the range of the determined distance, and the
1 3.97
results indicates that ultrasonics are not able to detect obstacles
2 3.57 out the range of the determined distance. As the buzzer and the
3 3.50 LED did not turn ON which declares that the obstacle detection
4 5.82
feature will not show the wrong hazard to the user. It has been
observed that the functionality of fall detection and obstacle
5 3.52 detection features do not affect the increase in weight or age and
6 2.54 work successfully. However, some limitations come with these
7 1.97
features. The design of the wheelchair needs to be improved, as
it limited the weight the wheelchair can carry to 17 Kg. The
obstacle detection able detect to obstacles and warn the user by
The above table describes the response attempts of detecting using the sound of the buzzer for a blind person and the light of
falls and send the phone voice message to the phone using the LED for a deaf person. However, it useless for the users who
MPU6050, IFTTT Platform, and ESP12E Wi-Fi module to are blind and deaf at the same time. The fall detection features
connect between them. The delay time of the response differs able to detect the user’s fall and send the voice message
due to the internet connection. The more stable the Wi-Fi notification, but as there is some potential of falling outside the
connection, the less delay time is obtained. Adding to that, the user’s home. The user’s relatives cannot know the exact
features have been tested using cellular Wi-Fi, too and it shows location of the user besides it cannot predict the position that
similar results as home Wi-Fi. the user will fall. More than. It has been observed that the more
the weight of the user increase, the slower the wheelchair
The Smart Wheelchair has faced several problems. For
example, selecting the suitable motors and wheels, and the become. Adding to that, the users between age 4 to 6 and 50 to
wheelchair’s design. At first stepper motors were used. 66 years old have faced some pronouncing problems which led
However, they emit a lot of temperatures which leads to a to not able to move the wheelchair by using voice, however, this

Manakula Vinayagar Institute of Technology

Puducherry, India IEEE ICSCAN 2021
Authorized licensed use limited to: Oman Virtual Science Library (Masader). Downloaded on September 07,2021 at 10:51:05 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
ISBN 978-1-6654-3986-2

problem has been overcome easily by just replacing the lengthy by simply add a GPS component however there is a potential of
words with a short one. As the AMR Voice app that used to giving the wrong location of the user.
control the wheelchair converts the voice to a string which is
already have been declared in software code. Finally, it can be ACKNOWLEDGMENT
declared this paper has successfully presented a Smart I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my
Wheelchair that is friendly, has the necessary features, and cost- supervisor, Dr. Suresh Manic, for his patience, enthusiasm,
effective price of around 66.452 and some recommendations helpful information, insightful comments, unceasing ideas, and
have been provided in the recommendation/future work chapter practical advice that have always helped me tremendously in my
to enhance the performance of the Smart Wheelchair. research and writing of this report. Finally, last but no means
least; I would like to thank my family and my friends for
supporting me and guiding me to complete my project
VI. RECOMMENDITION successfully.
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done. As most of the disabled people who utilize wheelchairs
spend most of their time at the wheelchair, the design of the REFERENCES
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adding a feature that works like GPS in these Smart wheelchairs 10.1109/ICACCS48705.2020.9074188.
will overcome the problem. It can be easily solved this problem

Manakula Vinayagar Institute of Technology

Puducherry, India IEEE ICSCAN 2021
Authorized licensed use limited to: Oman Virtual Science Library (Masader). Downloaded on September 07,2021 at 10:51:05 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
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