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Paper 3
July/Aug. 2017
3 hours.

Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education


Entrepreneurship Education
Paper 3
3 hours

This paper consists of three sections A, B and C.
Section A is compulsory.
Attempt at least one question from section B and C.
Attempt four questions only.

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Answer all parts of the section.
1. Read the following case study and answer the questions that follow:
Despite all the hardships Batuli faced, her business fared very well. On the
management side, she got assistance from TRIDEP extension officers and she
became a livestock expert herself after attending several workshops. She repaid
back the loan from Karo Karungi SACCO that was shs. 10,000,000/= with an
annual interest of 10% on reducing balance method payable in 5 equal annual
installments in 5 years.
When the extension officers were satisfied by the development of the business,
they advised Batuli to purchase her own land and transfer her unit. Batuli thought it
was a good advice. She told her husband about purchasing their own land. He
agreed after he was sure that the land would be registered in his name.
Batuli purchased two hectares of land in the suburbs of the town. She constructed
animal units and a small house to accommodate her three labourers. She
transferred the animals to the new site because there was limited space where she
was staying.
She began building a residential house for the house on the same land. Just before
finishing the house, her husband was involved in a criminal offence and was fired
from his job. Batuli and her husband had to quit the government quarter to stay in
their house even though it was semi – finished.

Sehaba realized the only viable option he had, was to join his wife’s business. His
wife was very happy to have his support. Soon the output increased tremendously
and Batuli opened several selling points in town instead of doing milk rounds.
They employed more people and Sehaba decided to take up the business director’s

When sales and profits increased, they bought a pickup truck for the business. The
vehicle assisted in purchasing of inputs such as feeds and distribution of milk to
selling points. As the business expanded, they decided to diversify by starting a
horticultural unit where they grew various vegetables and fruits. The business
future plan is to buy more land in order to add more enterprises into the business.
(a) From the information in the passage, prepare a loan repayment schedule that
Batuli followed while repaying the loan. (06 marks)

(b) What do you think the government and the banks should do to enable
women to get credit? (05 marks)

(c) Why do you think Batuli decided to make her husband the director in their
small enterprise? (05 marks)

(d) How did the business affect the family and influence family ties? (05 marks)

(e) What entrepreneurial skills do you learn from this story? (04 marks)


Answer at least one question from this section.
2. For any project carried out by your school business club:
(a) Present a general description for your business. (06 marks)

(b) Describe the activities taking place in your business project. (05 marks)

(c) Describe how you implemented the theory of change in the business project.

(d) Draw a start up budget that was used in the establishment of the project.
(06 marks)

(e) Describe the innovative strategies you employed in the project. (03 marks)

3. With reference to a business project owned by your school business club:

(a) Explain the factors that influenced the establishment of the project.
(06 marks)
(b) Show how you raised the business idea for the project. (04 marks)

(c) Describe the various ways you used to raise the capital to run a business
project. (06 marks)

(d) Describe the duties and responsibilities of club secretary. (03 marks)

(e) (i) How was your project affected by the natural environment?

(03 marks)
(ii) How did your project affect the community? (03 marks)

Turn Over


Answer at least one question from this section.

4. For any field attachment you carried out:

(a) Describe the business that you were attached to. (05 marks)

(b) (i) Name any three hazardous substances resulting from operations of a
business you were attached to. (03 marks)

(ii) Explain any five steps taken to manage hazardous substances

mentioned in (b) (i) above. (05 marks)

(c) Explain any five types of communication used in the business you were
attached to. (05 marks)

(d) Explain the entrepreneurial skills you acquired from the field attached.

(e) Explain any three source documents used by the business you were attached
to. (03 marks)

5. For any business field trip made as an individual or a group:

(a) State the objectives of the field trip. (03 marks)

(b) Describe the business that you visited. (04 marks)

(c) Present a site plan of the business you visited. (04 marks)

(d) Describe the tools used to monitor the business activities in the business
you visited. (05 marks)

(e) (i) Explain the challenges faced by the business you visited. (04 marks)
(ii) What solutions are the business undertaking to solve the above
challenges in (e) (i) above? (05 marks)


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