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the chromatic flute

The Chromatic Flute is a magical item that can be

used to wake a sleeping creature from their slumber,
even if the sleep is magical in origin. Playing the flute
in reverse can also be used to lull any creature back
into magical slumber.

Ages ago, a giant crystal mole carved the Crystal Kingdom’s tunnels. Now, the mole
is said to be hibernating deep in these tunnels. In search of a mysterious secret, the
Crystal Slug Glorm discovered that the beast will soon wake up again and continue
its burrowing, which would shake the tunnels and the islands above with violent
tremors. Overwhelmed by this newfound knowledge, Glorm bit off part of himself
to create a new slug named Smolg, who became his apprentice. Together they set
out to find the Chromatic Flute, an instrument that can lull the mole back to sleep
before it causes any damage. When they reached where the flute was supposed to
be hidden, they found a group of Relichers who already recovered the flute. The
Relichers think it will help them wake the amalgamation of Cyclops parts they have
assembled. Glorm tried to explain the situation to the Relichers, but they refused to
listen, instead capturing him so he can’t interfere with their plans. Smolg, who
narrowly escaped the clutches of the Relichers, traveled back to the surface to find


If the players agree to help Smolg save Glorm, the young slug will lead them
through the Crystal Kingdom to the Relicher camp where Glorm is being held. If
you want to make this journey a larger part of the adventure, you can roll on the
table below for encounter ideas.

D6 Travel Encounters
1D6 Glassdogs who wandered into the tunnels of the Crystal Kingdom
and cannot find their way back to the surface.

2 A Crystal Slug merchant selling books on various obscure topics.

A half-buried Cyclops Statue.

A small basket with silver coins sits next to it on the ground.

4 A territorial Goosedemon who is afraid the adventurers will steal her egg.

An uptight Jellyfolk Wanderer who follows the players

to see if they will do anything unlawful.

A crying Emobeast covered in pie crumbs, their belly colored blue. They
6 wanted to explore the Crystal Kingdom, but have already eaten all their pie
rations a few hours into their journey.
The Relichers brought a large Cyclops head to the Crystal Kingdom, but the cart
that carried it broke down shortly after they arrived at the flute’s chamber. They
have set up a camp near the chamber while the cart is being repaired.

1 Upside-Down Sandfall
2 Crystal Flowers
3 Cyclops Head
4 Watchpost
5 Camp
A Rokko’s Tent
B Nomy and Frez’s Tent
C Yrka and Jynna’s Tent
D Storage Tent
6 Makeshift Jail
7 Flute Chamber

1 - Upside-Down Sandfall
The ceiling of this room is filled with glittering stalactites and the sound of rushing
sand echoes through the air. The flickering light of a campfire comes from the
opening to area 3. An upside-down stream of sand flows up from a basin near the
west wall to a tunnel in the ceiling. The sand seems white from a distance but a
closer look reveals it to be bits of rainbow crystal. Quick characters should be able
to swim up the sand stream to reach the tunnel above. Inside the tunnel, the sand
forms a small river flowing toward the flute chamber in area 7.
2 - Crystal Flowers
The walls and ceilings of this small cave are overgrown with crystal flowers in
various colors. They are wilted and seem upset at the constant arguing between
the Relichers. If Smolg is with the players or one of the players is a Crystal Slug,
they can communicate with these flowers. The flowers will express their upset and
ask if something can be done about the arguing. They also know much of what is
going on around the camp (including the location of the flute and Glorm) and will
happily share their knowledge if it means the Relichers will stop arguing.

Petals of the crystal flowers can be crushed into a fine powder. When a creature
inhales this powder, they fall into a deep sleep with pleasant dreams. This sleep
lasts only a few minutes. If asked nicely, the plants may allow the players to pluck
a few of their petals. Taking petals without the plants’ permission will enrage them:
the flowers will turn a deep red and make the cave shake, alerting the Relichers.

The small tunnel leading north will bring the characters to the back of the Cyclops
head in area 3.

3 - Cyclops Head
The walls of this large cave glitter with small crystals and the arguing of the
Relichers can be heard coming from area 5. The cart the Relichers were using to
haul around their Cyclops head stands at the centre of this room surrounded by
spare parts. It is currently being repaired by two Relichers named Yrka and Jynna.
A slightly agitated Yrka lies beneath the cart and is tinkering with something while
Jynna stands to the side micromanaging Yrka’s work.

The massive Cyclops head has been set down near the opening of the tunnel
leading to area 2. The head is hollow and can be entered from the back. Any sound
made inside the hollow head will echo across the cave.
4 - Watch Post
To catch a break from the arguing in
the camp, a burly Relicher named Frez
set up a little watch post on this
elevated section of the cave,
overlooking areas 3 and 5. He is
stationed on a simple boulder and tries
to be alert but gets easily distracted.
Alert and will raise alarm if he
Roll a D6 to determine what Frez is notices anything suspicious.
currently up to. Drawing fantastical creatures in
the soft sand around his
boulder using the back of his
Drinking Rainbow Juice he
3 pilfered from the camp
Lost in thought, staring blankly
4 at the glittering crystal ceiling
of the cave.
Humming his favorite Relicher
5 song while rhythmically tapping
his spear against the boulder.

6 Asleep and loudly snoring.

5 - Camp
A campfire burns at the centre of this plateau. It is surrounded by four tents set up
on the soft sand of the cave floor. Two Relichers stand around the fire arguing.
They are Rokko and Nomy. They have been arguing ever since the Relichers
captured Glorm. Rokko, the group's leader, wants to leave here with Glorm as soon
as their cart is fixed. Nomy, Rokko’s sister, thinks Rokko could have just let the slug
go instead of capturing him.
A - Rokko’s Tent
This tent contains a cosy bedroll and a
small locked chest. Inside the chest lies
the Chromatic Flute and some pieces
6 - Makeshift Jail
of paper with a roughly sketched
This small cave is lit by dimly glowing
diagram. The diagram shows all the
crystals growing from the ceiling. A
Cyclops pieces Rokko’s clan has
makeshift cage of tied-together tent
gathered and how they would fit
poles stands at the centre. Glorm sits
sulking within. He’s been lonely except
for when he is visited by Nomy, who
tries to bring him food on a regular
B - Nomy and Frez’s Tent
basis and vents to him about her
This tent contains two bedrolls. The
argument with Rokko.
sand between the bedrolls is marked
with several games of tic-tac-toe.

C - Yrka and Jynna’s Tent 7 - Flute Chamber

This tent contains two bedrolls and a The walls of this round chamber are
bag of construction tools. completely smooth, revealing the
colorful strata in the rock. A rainbow
stone pedestal stands on a small
platform at the centre of the room.
The sides of the pedestal are carved
D - Storage Tent with symbols of figures sleeping
Inside this tent stand several barrels peacefully and a figure playing a flute.
and crates that have been loaded off The sand pouring in from area 1 flows
the group’s broken cart. Most of the in a circle around the platform and
crates are filled with dried foods and falls upwards towards the ceiling,
camping equipment, but two of the creating a thin curtain of sand
barrels are filled with fermented surrounding the platform. The sand
Rainbow Juice. One of these has streams into a hole at the top of the
already been opened. domed ceiling.

Rokko Yrka and Jynna

The leader of the Relicher group, These two are slender eight-armed
Rokko has a massive set of horns Relichers who are tasked with
crowning his head. He is a proud repairing the cart and maintaining the
character obsessed with his quest to Cyclops head. Both of them know how
wake the Cyclops using the flute. He to fix the cart, but Jynna has taken it
feels like the Relichers have dallied for upon herself to micromanage Yrka
too long and he wants to return home during the repairs. This frustrates Yrka
to wake the Cyclops. Afraid to seem to no end, given the fact that they
weak by backpedaling, he will refuse could have been done already if they
to release Glorm until they leave, even just worked in tandem.
though Nomy makes him feel bad for
the old slug.
A melancholic Crystal Slug, Glorm
Nomy wants to use the flute to put a waking
Nomy is a relicher with colorful wings. mole back to sleep, which would save
She feels bad for Glorm and is trying the Skyrealms from violent tremors.
to convince Rokko, her brother, to free He has been captured by the Relichers
the slug. Most of her time is spent and has been feeling blue ever since.
either bickering with her brother or
venting about it to Glorm.
This optimistic young slug serves as
Frez Glorm’s apprentice. Smolg was
Frez is a strong but gentle Relicher spawned when Glorm, unable to bear
with a thick armor-like carapace. Sick the truth of his discovery, bit off a
of the group’s constant bickering, he piece of himself. Even though Smolg
decided to pick up guard duty. He does not like direct confrontation with
loves fermented Rainbow Juice. the Relichers, they are very loyal to
Glorm and set out to find someone to
help him.
If the players manage to free Glorm and obtain the flute, they can tag along with
Glorm and Smolg deeper into the caves where the mole is slowly waking. If they
succeed in putting the mole back to sleep, they save the islands above from
destructive tremors.

If the Relichers keep the flute and are not stopped, they will leave the area and
return home once their cart is fixed. Despite what they believe, the flute will not be
able to wake their amalgam of Cyclops pieces. Without the flute’s music, the mole
will rise and start burrowing again, causing the islands to be ravaged by violent
tremors until the mole is dealt with.

Text, map and art Emiel Boven

Editing and Proofreading Samantha Leigh

Layout IKO

Published by The Lost Bay Studio

The lost bay studio

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