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As a scion of the House a Cannith, Merwin d'Cannith was tested to see if he woul develope the Mark of Making.

He not only manifested the mark, but he manifested its most powerful form, The Greater Mark of Making. This caused him to recieve the best training available within the house, and the combination of this traini ng and his natural mental strength caused him to rise to a position of great pro minence. He was researching the Sivis method of binding elementals to increase h is house's strength on the Day of Mourning. Losing his home country of Cyria cau sed him to second guess all his efforts. If only he had finished his research... maybe if he had been focused on something else? Merwin decided to take a short b reak from his research to see if he could find these answers. While traveling, Merwin found a small church dedicated to Bahamut. Never one for religion before, the priest's there were very understanding and sympathetic of his pain. He stayed longer than he had meant to, and eventually found peace. Whi le sudying the church's library, he came accross a ritual that would give him th e gifts of Bahamut. After thinking long and hard on it over the span of two week s, Merwin decided to go through with the ritual, should the priest's be willing. As the priests were overjoyed to have a new convert, and one with such faith th at he would forsake his previous life to follow Bahamut, they agreed instantly. Merwin was reborn, into a Dragonborn of Bahamut. After the ritual, he gathered h is belongings and all his research, bade farewell to the priests, who gifted him with a medallian of Bahamut, and left for home. Upon arriving at Cannith's base in Breland, he was kicked out of the building by the guards, who did not recogn ize who he was. After showing his identification papers, he went through a multi tude of guards and luitenenants until finally getting to a ranking member of Hou se Cannith. After speaking with the flabbergasted man about who Merwin was, Merw in finally took off his shirt and revealed the Greater Mark of Making, thus prov ing who he was. This caused a great stir, as Merwin appeared as a dragonborn to everyone, and no one could understand what had happened. After explaining his new found faith and his conversion into a dragonborn, the c urrent leaders of the house were called to make a judgement regarding his status . As he could no longer be considered human, the barons decided to remove him fr om the House of Cannith, and to also remove his Mark of Making. Merwin did not a ggree with these decisions and gave impassioned speaches on the virtues of Baham ut and multiple reasons as to why he should keep his Mark. The decision remained , he would lose his Mark and be removed from the house rosters. That night, a sm all group broke into the dungeon Merwin was staying and helped him escape.

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