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As I sat down and took out my books for class, I noticed a new face. Goddamn he’s so hot….

wait what
am I thinking I should focus.

“Alright class settle down today we have a new student that came all the way from Liyue so be nice and
get to know him” Mr. Zhongli said as he gestured to the guy to write his name on the white board. His
name was xiao , have I heard that name before I thought .”Hi my name is xiao I’m from I’m 24 years old
and im in the Bachelor of Design course.” he spoke with husky voice .

While I was talking to Hu Tao , she pointed and said “look the new guy keeps staring at you, ooooo you
think he likes you??” She said teasingly I slapped her arm and just brushed it off.

“Finally the class was over why did Mr. Zhongli have to extend it so long I’m going to miss my lunch
altogether but I don’t have any other classes so I’m free this evening .Oh hey Hu Tao what’s your next
class btw ? ”oh I have computer science in 30 minutes. Hey for the festival do you know the theme/”she
asked . ”Oh ya , I forgot sorry but you’re in the food group right.” I said waiting for her to clarify and
also thinking of so many good food that the festival will have “yup” she replied also thinking about the
food. “want to go have lunch?” I asked knowing she would say yes .

As me and Hu Tao were walking towards the cafeteria suddenly my sister and her girlfriend came and
suggested that me and Hu Tao have lunch with them. Obviously we said yes.

“Hey Tao do you know what I’m supposed to do for the festival ? oh sorry I don’t know, but I think
there’s a poster about the festival in the hallway board. (it’s a bulletin board in the hallway) oh okay
thanks Tao see you later.

I got to the board in two minutes and started reading the information in my head to remember “oh ok
its in a week and the theme is …oo damn “morbid fantasy” I love this years theme .Sweet I have time to
get my outfit ready “ while looking at the board I noticed someone running towards my direction but in
a split second we collided they slammed into me and they dropped a few of there things .”oh my
archons I’m so sorry let me get that”. I said as I looked up it was xiao he didn’t look to good he looked
oddly pale xiao are you ok- sorry about that he said cutting me off before he ran down the hall. I got
up and brushed of myself before I noticed there was blood dripping I saw a trail oh no it was from xiao .

I got my stuff that was on the ground before running after him to check if he was ok . I saw him turn a
corner and enter the nurse office so I followed after him while opening the door I worriedly asked “hey
xiao you didn’t look to good just now- XIAO OMA *oh my archons* ARE YOU OK “ he was bleeding from
the back ?.... no everywhere what happened

*after Aether treated xiao* “umm xiao may I ask what happened ?. You don’t have to tell me tho.” I ask
waiting a few second before he replied “I’m sorry I can’t tell you but please don’t say anything to
anyone, sorry Aether good bye” “WAIT XIAO-“I got cut off by the sound of the door slamming. I sat
there thinking what could have possibly happened with xiao, why was he in that horrible condition and
why was he in such a rush .Wait- how does he know my name I never told him anything…..I sat in my
thought for a while but then a loud knocking snapped me out of thought.
It was the nurse miss ?“oh hey Aether what you doing here, do you need anything? “ as I got up I spoke
“oh no its ok I was just here to see xia- I mean I had a headache so I was just here to get some medicine”
then I got up and left

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