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Presented to:

Mrs. Catherine Mertado

Mrs. Shaina D. Villamor

In Partial Fulfillment Of The Requirements In

Math and English Subject

Presented By:

Charity B. Cajes

Kerryl Angelu Hiyas

Kurt Andrey Lumabao

Junaly D. Diamante

Danica Rose Villamor

Chriz Leoniel Perino

Jay R Jabagat

Marc Lorenz Digal

Amiel John Desapor

S.Y 2022-2023

Table of Contents
ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................................................................ 4

INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................... 5

RELATED REVIEW OF LITERATURE ................................................................................................................ 7

HYPOTHESIS .............................................................................................................................................................. 8
DEFINITION OF TERMS ............................................................................................................................................ 10

METHODOLOGY ........................................................................................................................................ 11

DATA ANALYSIS .................................................................................................................................................. 13

SUMMARY OF FINDINGS, CONCLUSION,AND RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................ 16

RECOMMENDATIONS................................................................................................................................................ 17

BIBLIOGRAPHY ......................................................................................................................................... 18

Breakfast provides essential nutrients and energy on your body. Regular breakfast

consumption greatly affects the body performance and enhanced metabolic profiles. It

positively influences the mind, illustrating clear memory, and problem-solving abilities.

This study explores the impact of breakfast consumption on students, focusing on

theirselves and their academic performances. This study is taken to examine the effects

of breakfast intake on students. Students who eat breakfast demonstrate higher levels of

alertness, concentration, and mental performance. Academically, most students who

have breakfast before going to school shows better school attendance, higher test scores,

and participate in the class well, although some students are not affected by it. This study

employed a quantitative research design to investigate the impact of breakfast

consumption on students. The study included students from a local high school. The

survey questionnaires were distributed to students during a designated class period. A

convenience sampling method was used to recruit participants. A total of 210 students

were included in the study. The result shows that most of the students from morning shift

consumed breakfast regularly. The results also show that not eating breakfast will affect

their academic performance. This study illustrates the effects of consuming breakfast.

The topics main goal is to see if eating breakfast before going to school affect the

students performance both physically and mentally


The Rationale Of The Study

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It provides energy to start the day,

improving your physical and mental well-being. In recent years, students has gained

considerable amount of attention because they are the ones who commonly needs

breakfast. To know if breakfast are really needed to them, this research aims to evaluate

the overall well being of a student who takes breakfast.

This research study aims to comprehensively explore the impact of breakfast

consumption on students, focusing these factors such as academic performance, brain

function, behavior, and overall health.

These studies show that breakfast affects not only children’s nutritional status, but also

students’ cognitive development. Several possible reasons for this exist. First, adequate

nutrition can reduce the risk of children suffering from malnutrition, improve student

attendance, and improve the length and effectiveness of students’ learning time (Hinrichs

P., 2010). Second, breakfast has a short-term positive impact on children’s memory,

attention, and information processing (Adolphus K, Lawton CL, Champ CL, Dye L., 2016).

Thus, students who regularly eat breakfast are in a better state for learning in the morning

than those who do not eat breakfast or who have it only irregularly. A recent systematic

review based on 39 studies found that, in addition to the frequency of eating breakfast,

the content of breakfast affects students’ cognitive ability and learning behavior in the

morning. Breakfast foods that do not create high blood glucose levels after the meal are
better at improving students’ intellectual performance

(Edefonti V, Bravi F, Ferraroni M., 2017). Third, breakfast may be more effective in

improving children’s cognitive performance than are other family interventions. Have

found that eating breakfast had a greater effect on Hong Kong student performance than

did learning methods, motivation, self-confidence, parental education, or family income

(Hau KT., 2016). Similar studies have shown that compensating low-income families for

breakfast costs is equivalent to increasing the income of these families, and that while the

cost is not high, it effectively improves students’ math and reading scores (Kristjansson

EA, Gelli A, Welch V, et al., 2016 , Dahl GB, Lochner L., 2012).

Ultimately, the impact of breakfast consumption on morning shift students of Jagobiao

National High School was examined, with a focus to know whether it improves their

academic performance, physical health, and overall well-being or not. By analyzing these

factors, the study aimed to provide insights into the importance of breakfast and its effect

on students performance in school.


This Literature Review provides a comprehensive and concise overview of the impact of

breakfast consumption on morning shift students of Jagobiao National High School in

Junior High School from 1st to 4th year. By examining the existing research on this

topic, it highlights and shows the positive effects of breakfast on cognitive performance,

physical health, and mental well-being and does not affect in their academics at all. The

findings emphasize the significance of having breakfast of morning shift students’ to

their academic success and performance.

According to Oxford Academic, Most studies that assess the effects of breakfast on

subsequent mental abilities compared performance in subjects who had or had not

consumed this meal. However, characteristics of breakfast itself may induce metabolic

and hormonal alterations of the gastrointestinal tract and potentially modify cognitive

performance. Moreover, as far as the evidence on the positive effects of having

breakfast is becoming more robust, interest may shift to the specific characteristics of

an adequate breakfast.
Statement Of The Problem

This study ultimately aims to know the impact of breakfast consumption to Morning shift

students as well as to know how could it affect on their performance.

In order to proceed the study, researchers would have to answer the following:

a.) How many morning shift students skip their breakfast?

b.) How can breakfast affect their performance ?

c.) What are the reasons why morning shift students skip their breakfast?


H0: There is no significant difference between morning shift students who eats their

breakfast and morning shift students who skips breakfast.

H1:There is a significant difference between a morning shift student who eats their

breakfast and morning shift students who skips their breakfast.

Significance Of The Study

The significance of this study lies in these aspects:

Academic Performance: Research has consistently shown that breakfast is an important

meal for academic performance. By investigating the impact of breakfast consumption on

morning shift students, this study can provide valuable understanding into whether

breakfast habits affect students' attention span, memory, and overall academic

performance. The findings of this study can inform the students about the potential

benefits of promoting breakfast consumption among students.

Nutritional Health: Breakfast is considered the most important meal of the day as it

provides essential nutrients and energy. Morning shift students often face time problems

and may skip breakfast. This study can assess the nutritional status of morning shift

students and examine the impact of regular breakfast consumption on their overall

nutritional health.

Behavior and Concentration: Breakfast intake has been linked to improved behavior and

concentration in various populations, including children and adolescents. Morning shift

students may experience challenges in terms of alertness, concentration, and behavior

due to early waking and long hours without food.This study can show if whether

breakfast consumption positively affects the behavior and concentration of morning shift

Definition Of Terms

Consumption – defines as benefit.

Concentration- focus in mind.

Impact - to have a strong effect on something.

Adolescents - phase of growth between child and adult.

Academic performance- overall performance in school

Potential - something that can be developed in future.

Breakfast – a meal that can be eaten in the morning.

Findings – a word that means you conclusion of what you found.

Significance - the quality of being important.

Essential - a word that means that it is extremely important.

Scope and Delimitation

The complete purpose of this study is to conclude whether eating breakfast really does

affect the performance of students.

This study will show the performance of students who consumes breakfast and who

doesn't. In addition, this study will also show as to why students doesn't eat breakfast.

Ultimately, this study mainly focuses on the students of Jagobiao National Highschool.


This study utilized a descriptive approach and followed an adequate

procedure. The research design employed was correlational, aiming to investigate

the connection between breakfast consumption among morning shift students and

various outcomes such as academic performance, attentiveness, mood, and

overall well-being during school hours. The descriptive research design focused

on exploring the relationship between breakfast and students' well-being.

Participants were asked to answer survey questionnaire .This study provides

valuable insights into the significance of breakfast for morning shift students and

offers valuable information for students, parents, and educators. It's important to

note that the study did not involve experimental manipulation by the researchers

and was conducted through a survey spanning several days.


The researchers constructed a survey questionnaire, which was given to the

participants. The morning shift students were the respondents of this study. The survey

questionnaire was composed of 3 questions. The survey questionnaire consists of

questions that allow participants to share their experiences, perceptions, and behaviors

related to breakfast consumption.


The target respondents of the study are the morning shift students at

Jagobiao National High School . A total of 210 morning shift students participated

in our survey questionnaires.The survey questionnaire was given to some

sections from Grade 7,Grade 8, Grade 9, and Grade 10 students.


The research was conducted at Jagobiao National High School, which is

located at North Road Jagobiao, Mandaue City.


The researcher distributed the survey questionnaire to morning students

at Jagobiao National High school from different sections. Data were collected

through distributing a survey questionnaire.The data collected were analyzed and

interpreted by the researcher. The researcher use a quick easy method to collect


The employed statistical measure was descriptive analysis, a methodology

that facilitated the researchers in scaling and examining the amassed data. Following a

thorough analysis of the gathered statistics, the researchers have now acquired a

definitive understanding of the sought-after answer.


This chapter shows the result and discussion that the researchers have gathered from

morning shift students at Jagobiao National High School.

The results shows that most of the morning shift students at Jagobiao National High

School consumed their breakfast daily.However, there are also students skipped their

breakfast. It results also implies that skipping breakfast affects their performance.

Table 1

Table 1 shows that out of 210 morning shift students enrolled in Jagobiao National High

School , 55.24% of students eats breakfast in the morning and 44.76% of them skip

their breakfast. It shows that most morning shift students from Jagobiao National

Highschool eats breakfast in the morning. Breakfast has been suggested to positively

affect learning in children in terms of behavior, cognitive, and school performance (K

Adolphus · 2013)
Yes 116 55.24%
No 94 44.76%

Table 2

Table 2 shows the possible reason why morning shift students can't eat their breakfast.

The statistics shows that 62.85% of them lack time, 11.43% had no food at home,

18.09% had no one to prepare their breakfast, and 7.62% other reasons. The results

indicates that most of the reasons why they cannot eat their breakfast is due to the lack

of time.

Lack of time 66 62.85%
No food at home 12 11.43%

No one can prepare breakfast 19 18.09%

Others 8 7.62%

Table 3

Table 3 shows that 53.81% of the students responded that skipping their breakfast

does not affect their academic performances while 46.19% of them responded that

skipping breakfast does affect their academic performances.It shows that most of the

morning shift students who skip their breakfast does not affect their academic


Yes 113 53.81%
No 97 46.19%

Table 4

The table shows the effects of students who doesn't eat their breakfast. According to the

data collected, 41.14% of students finds it difficult to pay attention in class, 36.88% finds

themselves sleepy, 19.15% performs poorly in academics and 2.84% other issues such

as tiredness. Therefore, we can conclude that most of the students had a hard time

paying attention or listen attentively to class if they skip their breakfast.

Low academic performance 27 19.15
Sleepy in class 52 36.88
Can’t listen attentively 58 41.14
Others 4 2.84

Summary Of Findings

The researchers gathered 210 morning shift students who participated in the research.

The result shows that 55.24% of the morning shift students at Jagobiao National High

School eat their breakfast, while 44.76% of them don't, which indicates that most of the

morning shift students are aware of how important breakfast is and regularly eat it

before class. The findings show that inability to listen attentively is the most dominant

effect on students breakfast consumption.

The same findings revealed that lack of time is the main reason students skip breakfast,

which indicates that the student doesn't have enough time to prepare for school.

Whereas inability to listen attentively is the effect of students who skip breakfast, which

indicates that lack of breakfast greatly affect students focus on class.

Using the weighted mean, the researchers discovered a correlation between skipping
breakfast and academic performance. In general, morning shift students who skip
breakfast experience a significant negative effect on their academic performance.


After conducting a thorough analysis of the data collected from the 210 morning shift

students at Jagobiao National High School, it is evident that the majority of these

students eat breakfast daily. However, a portion of students reported skipping breakfast

due to the scarcity of time. The findings have been demonstrated to have a correlation

between skipping breakfast and its impact on students' academic performance. Thus,
based on the results, it can be concluded that breakfast consumption significantly

affects the performance of morning shift students.


The primary objective of our research is to address one of the issues affecting students

in JNHS, which is breakfast skipping. Studies state that skipping breakfast may affect

students' cognitive and mental states, ultimately impacting their ability to perform well in


Most participants in the survey we conducted stated that the reason students skip

breakfast is a "lack of time" to prepare for their early morning meal. Therefore, we

suggest moving the schedule from the usual 6:00 am to 7:00 am. This way, students in

JNHS will have more time to prepare and consume breakfast, which will also help them

have enough energy to get through the day in class.


Adolphus, K., Lawton, C. L., & Dye, L. (2013). The effects of breakfast on behavior and

academic performance in children and adolescents. Frontiers in human neuroscience, 7,


Adolphus, K., Lawton, C. L., Champ, C. L., & Dye, L. (2016). The effects of breakfast and
breakfast composition on cognition in children and adolescents: a systematic review.
Advances in Nutrition, 7(3), 590S-612S.
Mahoney, C. R., Taylor, H. A., Kanarek, R. B., & Samuel, P. (2005). Effect of breakfast
composition on cognitive processes in elementary school children. Physiology &
behavior, 85(5), 635-645.
Hoyland, A., Dye, L., & Lawton, C. L. (2009). A systematic review of the effect of breakfast
on the cognitive performance of children and adolescents. Nutrition research reviews,
22(2), 220-243.
Nicklas, T. A., Myers, L., Reger, C., Beech, B., & Berenson, G. S. (1998). Impact of
breakfast consumption on nutritional adequacy of the diets of young adults in Bogalusa,
Louisiana: ethnic and gender contrasts. Journal of the American Dietetic Association,
98(12), 1432-1438.
Cooper, S. B., Bandelow, S., & Nevill, M. E. (2011). Breakfast consumption and cognitive
function in adolescent schoolchildren. Physiology & behavior, 103(5), 431-439.
Blondin, S. A., Anzman‐Frasca, S., Djang, H. C., & Economos, C. D. (2016). Breakfast

consumption and adiposity among children and adolescents: an updated review of the literature.

Pediatric obesity, 11(5), 333-348.






1. Do you eat before you go to school?

___Yes ___No

2. What could be the possible reason(s) that you are not able to eat breakfast?

___ Lack of time

___ No food at home

___ No one can prepare breakfast


3. Does skipping your breakfast affects your studies?

___Yes ___No
If yes, how?

___ low academic performance

___ sleepy in class

___ can’t listen attentively



Grade & Section: 10 Sapphire

Contact Number: 09163434938

Email Address:


Home Adress: Sta. Cruz, Guizo Mandaue City

Birthdate: November 11 2006

Birthplace: Trinidad Bohol

Age: 16


SECONDARY: Jagobiao National High School

(2019- Present)
PRIMARY : Mayor A.S. Fortuna Memorial Elementary School


Graduated with High Honor

Active Girl Scouts

Best in Religion

Service Award

Grade and Section: 10 Sapphire

Contact Number: 0981 665 1908

Email Address:


Home Address: Sitio Laray, Basak Mandaue City, Cebu.

Birthdate: November 22, 2006

Birthplace: Maternity House Hospital, Cebu City.

Age: 16


SECONDARY: Jagobiao National High School


PRIMARY: Basak Elementary School


Received 6 Values award

Graduated with Honor

Leadership Awardee

Stellar Award

Grade & Section: 10 Sapphire

Contact Number: 0992 634 5331

Email Address:


Home Address: Sitio Fatima, Jagobiao, Mandaue City, Cebu

Birthdate: November 7,2006

Birthplace: Tupason, Poblacion Tagbina, Surigao del Sur

Age: 16


SECONDARY: Jagobiao National High School

(Junior High School)

PRIMARY: Leonard Wood Elementary School


Grade & Section: 10 Sapphire

Contact Number: 09611027273

Email Address:


Home Address: Purok Jose Palma , Pulpogan , Consolacion Cebu

Birthdate: April 16, 2007

Birthplace: Cebu City

Age: 16


SECONDARY: Jagobiao National High School

(Junior High School)

PRIMARY: Communtiy Child Development Center


2015: Awarded for being a Participant in the Bulprisa meet (General Information level 1)

2018: Awarded for being a Participant in the Bulprisa meet (General Information level 2)

2019: With High Honors ( Elementary )

2019: 1st Place in Filipino Contest

2019:1st Place in Math Contest

2019: 1st Place in Science Contest

2019: 1st Place in English Contest

2019: 1st Place in Araling Panlipunan Contest


Grade & Section: 10 Sapphire

Contact Number: 09212709576

Email Address:


Home Address: Sto. Rosario Jagobiao Mandaue City

Birthdate: January 26 2007

Birthplace: Mandaue City

Age: 16


SECONDARY: Jagobiao National High School


PRIMARY: Saint John Of Kenty School



Graduated with High Honor (Elementary)


Grade & Section: 10 Sapphire

Contact Number: 09292418934

Email Address:


Home Address: Purok Tundan, Sitio Atis, Basak Mandaue City

Birthdate: June 15, 2007

Birthplace: San Remigio Cebu

Age: 16


SECONDARY: Jagobiao National High School


PRIMARY: Basak Elementary School


Grade & Section: 10 Sapphire

Contact Number: 0928 824 7960

Email Address:


Home Address: Maria Antonia Village, Labogon, Mandaue City

Birthdate: January 19, 2007

Birthplace: Cebu City

Age: 16


SECONDARY: Jagobiao National High School


PRIMARY: Basak Elementary School


Grade & Section: 10 Sapphire

Contact Number: 0916 389 7280

Email Address:


Home Address: Purok Rose, Sta. Teresita, Jagobiao Mandaue City

Birthdate: September 20, 2007

Birthplace: Eversly Child Sanitarium Jagobiao Mandaue City

Age: 15


SECONDARY: Jagobiao National High School


PRIMARY: Leonard Wood Elementary School

. . (2013-2019)

Grade & Section: 10 Sapphire

Contact Number: 0935 268 3048

Email Address:


Home Address: Purok Diamond, Sta. Cruz, Jagobiao Mandaue City

Birthdate: February 9, 2007

Birthplace: Eversly Child Sanitarium Jagobiao Mandaue City

Age: 16


SECONDARY: Jagobiao National High School


PRIMARY: Leonard Wood Elementary School


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