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4 Model answer 8 In my opinion/view, everyone should be made to

It is widely accepted that sport benefits people. We learn to speak at least one foreign language.
all know that it is good for our physical health, but it
2 Possible answers
also helps us in less obvious ways, in terms of our
1 Whenever you decide to learn something new,
mental health and in creating healthy communities by
make sure you are aware of how much time
building up a community spirit.
and dedication it will take.
With regards to our mental health, sports often
2 Getting into university can be tough, yet it is
require a focus on an activity, for example hitting a
worth the effort.
ball or finding a foot hole in a rock face. This focus
3 Whichever subject you study, a degree will provide
means we have to forget about whatever problems or
useful skills and knowledge for the future.
emotions have been troubling us and concentrate on
4 However much you hate exams, they are an
the activity we’re involved in. It is hard to remember
unavoidable part of the education system.
your negative emotions when you have to return
5 Stress is bad for us, yet at the same time, can be
a serve.
positive if experienced for just a short period.
The focus on activity also helps us in team sports.
6 No matter how much money you may make, if
Winning as a team is more important than how you
you don’t feel fulfilled in your job, you won’t
feel about your fellow teammates. However, the
be happy.
value to building community spirit is usually because
7 Whatever happens at work, try and not let it
local people support their local teams. They feel
interfere with your personal life.
inspired by local action. The team doesn’t have to
8 Wherever you end up working, make sure you
be professional for this to happen. In fact, it doesn’t
try and connect with the people around you.
have to be a team sport. Local fun runs in aid of
the local hospital or dads versus children football 3 Model answer
matches all bring people together. We spend around eight hours a day in our
Both aspects are important benefits of sport, but I workplaces, so having environments that are people
think that probably community involvement provides friendly is very important for our health and well-
the greatest benefit because it helps everyone not being. Unfortunately, offices are too often harsh
just those who are good at sports. environments, with florescent lights, bare walls and
unattractive views from the windows. However, there
writing Part 1:2 are things that can be done to improve things.
One of the easiest things to do is improve the way
1a 1 case 5 fact offices are decorated. Humans react to colours in
2 opinion/view 6 As either positive or negative ways, so painting the walls
3 seems 7 deny in colours that improve our mood and help make us
4 knowledge 8 opinion/view feel cheerful towards others would be a great help. In
1b Possible answers addition, paintings or murals can make the walls look
1 It seems to be the case that in poorer areas, more interesting and reduce the bleakness of large
many students drop out of school for areas of wall space.
financial reasons. In addition to improving the decoration, tackling
2 In my opinion/view, many of the subjects we poor light and ventilation helps people feel better. In
study at school do not prepare us for the gloomy offices where there is little fresh air, people
real world. often get frequent headaches and generally feel ill, so
3 It seems to me that students are given far too going to work becomes detrimental to their health.
much homework. They end up going to bed Day-light balanced bulbs and improved air circulation
extremely late. not only reduce these problems, but also increase
4 It is common knowledge that many teachers workers’ productivity.
struggle with new technologies and do not Although improving all three factors is important, I
feel confident enough to use them in the think improving the light and ventilation are probably
classroom. the most important, because the detrimental effect
5 The fact is that there is a sizeable shortage of poor light and poor air is more significant than the
of skilled workers as fewer and fewer school effect of looking at boring walls all day.
leavers take up a trade.
6 As I see it, having a good teacher who writing Part 1:3
inspires you can make all the difference to Possible answers (adverbs can go at front or end
your success later in life. position)
7 Few people would deny that a good education 1 1 Apparently, some thieves broke into the village
can set you up for life. shop last night.

ANSwER kEy 129

2 Coincidentally, the police were doing their rounds area in contrast to new builds are often bland and
when the break-in took place. characterless.
3 Fortunately, they were able to stop the robbers
Get it right!
from stealing anything from the store.
In some places it’s happening more quickly and in some
4 Regrettably, a police officer was slightly injured
places more slowly.
when making the arrest.
5 Thankfully, her injuries are not thought to be
writing Part 2:1
6 Consequently, she is expected to be released from 1a Positive: absorbing, electric, emotionally charged,
hospital later today. family-friendly, original, refreshing, riveting, talented,
7 Incredibly, the shop owners, who were sleeping thought-provoking, touching
upstairs, did not hear anything. Negative: contrived, disjointed, implausible,
8 Understandably, the incident has unsettled local mediocre, obvious, overrated, stereotypical,
residents, many of whom have been victims of superficial, tasteless, unconvincing, wooden
petty crime themselves in the past.
1b Possible answers
2 1 take part in f 5 have come together b An actor’s implausible, mediocre,
2 worked together d 6 make (it) possible h performance overrated, stereotypical,
3 declined g 7 approved c talented, unconvincing, wooden
4 divided a 8 annoy/anger e The development absorbing, contrived,
3 Children’s playground: encourage exercise, of the story or plot, disjointed, electric, obvious,
encourage outdoor play, increased social contact, treatment of the topic riveting
positive for health The concept/ emotionally charged, family-
More bike lanes: encourage exercise, less pollution approach friendly, highly original,
More street seating: increased social contact, refreshing, stereotypical,
meeting places, positive for health, reduces fear superficial, tasteless, thought-
of falling provoking
4 Model answer 2a 1 in addition to 5 Moreover
This essay looks at the question of what to do with 2 Besides 6 Furthermore
old buildings that have lost their use, for example old 3 Not only 7 What’s more
churches that no one goes to or banks which have 4 but 8 along with
closed. There is a range of options, and to some
2b Likes: the clever interweaving of multiple stories,
extent the ideal solution will depend on the building
witty comments and sharp insights into the
in question, but two of the main possibilities are to
characters’ actions and decisions, novel starts off
demolish them or convert them into flats.
well and has an initial buzz
Looking at demolition first, it is easy to see that if
Dislikes: new characters don’t add anything special
buildings are demolished, the space they leave can
and are given too much importance, too many trivial
be redeveloped into anything: an attractive square
anecdotes which distract
with a garden, where people can meet and enjoy
local open space, or a new building for a new activity 3 Model answer
the area and community needs. With regards to the There are so many great film moments. However,
latter, this could be housing or a business use. for me one of the best candidates for the Fantastic
On the other hand, converting old buildings into flats films website is the scene from Singing in the Rain
is also an attractive proposition. Much of our history where Gene Kelly sings the title song, ‘Singing in
is contained in buildings and we can learn about our the Rain’. I know lots of people think the scene final
neighbourhood’s past from learning about the former dance scene in Dirty Dancing where ‘Johnny’ played
use of buildings. Furthermore, old buildings often by Patrick Swayze and ‘Baby’ (Jennifer Grey) dance to
have more character than new builds and create ‘The time of my life’ is the most iconic dance scene
more attractive, people-friendly spaces. The down- of all time, but I disagree, and would go so far as to
side is they are often expensive to refurbish and the suggest it’s not included.
layout of something like a church or office block may In the Singing in the Rain scene, Don Lockwood
not be easily adapted into flats. played by Gene Kelly breaks into song to express his
From my point of view, I think conserving old love for Kathy (Debbie Reynolds). He sings moving
buildings is the most effective way of using from pavement to a road full of puddles. Gene Kelly’s
public buildings, as long as the building itself is dancing is fantastic and entertaining. The audience
attractive. Old buildings embody the history of the can also feel his happiness and can identify with his
expression of newly found love.

130 ANSwER kEy

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