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“Matching Type Test”

(A Written Report)

In Partial Fulfillment of the Course Requirements in

PrEd 146n – Assessment in Learning 1

Prepared by:

Ia Purple Ignacio
Erikha Joy O. Dianon

Submitted to:


1st Semester, AY 2023-2024

I. Objective(s)

 Understand what is defined as Matching-Type test.

 Identify the pointers in making a Matching-Type test.

 Know the advantages and disadvantages of a Matching-Type test.

 Recognize the different types of Matching-Type test.

II. Introduction

Tests are a part of daily lives. Be it on school or through daily routines, tests
are always present.

In school, teachers administer tests in order to assess students' learnings

and understanding of a discussed topic. Tests can also help the teachers assess
their students' progress on the subject, identify the students' strengths and
weaknesses and provide interventions, if necessary. Most importantly, tests help
measure the teachers' strategic competence and effectiveness.

In this paper, we will focus on one of the types of test which is the
Matching-Type Test. Here, it will be defined, its advantages and disadvantages will
be provided as well as the guidelines in constructing matching-type tests. Examples
will also be given so as to better understand the test.

III. Body


Matching-type test consisted of two sets of items to be matched with each

other for a specified attribute. It can be considered as a modified multiple choice
type items where the choices progressively reduce as items are successfully
matches with each other. This type of test enables the examinee to associate an
item in one column with a choice in the second column, the columns are called
Premises and Response. Premises Column is the column for which the match is
right and the Response Column is the column from which to choose the match. This
test will measure the students' ability to identify the relationship between a set of
similar items, each of which has two components, such as words and their
definitions, symbols and their meanings, date and events, cause and effect, people
and their accomplishments, problems and solutions, etc.


This type of test comes with its advantages and disadvantages while being
utilized. Some of its advantages includes:

According to Malamed and Treser (2015), the advantage of using a

matching-type test is that, it can cover more content without spending much time
constructing questions. In elementary, it is usually used by the teacher because the
students can easily comprehend the questions, and the choices are given. It is an
effective approach in testing students' knowledge wherein it provides an excellent
objective measurement.

According to Kelly (2019), the matching type of test is quite useful to students
with low reading ability because students with low reading ability can easily
understand and comprehend the questions asked. In addition, the matching type
provides a way for teachers to add up in their activity because it is easily
constructed, the teachers can use it to know if the students learn from the lesson.

According to Kelly (2019), the disadvantage is you cannot use a matching

type of test if you are to have your students apply the knowledge they have learned.
In applying the knowledge they have learned they will use an essay type of test or a
project-based. In addition, it can only used in a homogenous knowledge. As we all
know, a matching type has two columns, one is the premises, and the other column
is the response. For example, if you ask about the primary colors, then in the
response, one of the choices is the primary colors. However, if you include the
definition of folklore, then the matching type is not for that.

According to Treser (2015), introducing many options to the questions can

make the students search first, then the relevance of knowledge. These means that
because there are many options that a student can choose, they will prefer to search
for the answer, and then after, that is the time when they will try to understand the
question that is asked and why the answer is that one.
Parameters are set to guide teachers come up with a well-constructed
matching type tests to ensure better and authentic results from the students. The
teacher must consider the do's and dont's as pointers. It includes:

1. The response list should contain short phrases, single word or numbers.
2. Use homegenous options and items.
3. Have more options than the given items.
4. Arrange the options and items alphabetically.
5. Limit the number of items within each set.
6. Place the short response in Column B and allow the students to read the longer
items first in Column A.
7. Provide complete directions
8. Place the set of options on the same page as the list of items.
9. Avoid specific determiners and trivial information that can help the students find
the correct response without any effort on their part.
10. Clearly explain the bases on which the match is to be made.


IV. Summary

Overall, matching type test is a widely used assessment tool that measures
the ability of learners to match given topics with their corresponding categories or
This type of test is beneficial for both educators and learners. Educators can
use it as an effective means to evaluate students' comprehension and critical
thinking skills. By analyzing their responses, educators can identify areas where
students may need additional support or instruction. For learners, matching type test
offers an opportunity to consolidate their understanding of various topics and
enhance their ability to categorize information effectively and it encourages them to
think critically about different content.
Moreover, in making this type of test teachers must know its guidelines for
them to be able to construct this test without errors. They should also know the
advantages and disadvantages of this type of test because this might not be
compatible to your content in order for it to become a valuable assessment tool to
measure learners' ability as well as the teachers' strategic competence and

V. References

Malamed, Connie. (2015, September 8). Development of Classroom Assessment:

Matching Type
Treser, Michael. (2015, July 11). Matching Test Items: Getting Them Right
Kelly, Melissa. (2020, August 27). Tips to Create Effective Matching Questions for
Assessments. Retrieved from
Reganit, Arnulfo, Elicay, Ronaldo & Laguerta, Cresenda (2010). Assessment of
Student Learning 1 (Cognitive Learning). C&E Publishing, Inc.
Dotillos, R.T. 2013. Assessment of Learning. Bagong Buhay F Elementary School.
Department of Education.
Donalbo, Eugelyn. (n.d.). Matching Type
Ocampo, Vincent De. (2016, August 30). Matching type of evaluation
VI. Quiz

Match the description in Column A to the word it describes in Column B. Write your
answers in CAPITAL LETTER on the space provided before the number. Each
number has a corresponding answer and no items in Column B should reduplicate
once matched to Column A.

___1. It can cover more content without A. Advantage
spending much time constructing
___2. Column from which to choose the B. Diagnostic Test
___3. Pointers C. Disadvantage
___4. It can be used in a homogenous D. Do
___5. Used to assess students’ learning E. Don’t
out of the topic discussed.
___6. Arrange the items alphabetically. F. Guidelines in construction
___7. Column for which the match is right. G. Matching-Type Test
___8. Type of test that has two sets of items H.Premises
To be matched.
___9. Include lengthy phrases and wordy I. Reporters
___10. Ia Purple ignacio & Erikha Joy Dianon J. Response
K.Terminal Exam
L. Test
Answer Key:
1. A. 3. F 5. L 7. H 9. E
2. J 4. C 6. D 8. G 10. I

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