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The following questions are included in your midterm exam

Assignment No. (1)

1-Translation is given different definitions, bring four of them, in brief, in the view of general definitions?

2- Language components help translators to perform a good quality of translation. Bring these components and
their role in translation process?

3- We deal with meaning in the process of translation? Explain.

4- Write, in enough details, about translation during the era of prophet Mohamed (PBUH)?

5- Compare boosting of translation between the era of Abbasids and the recent centuries.

6- Al-Jahiz is considered one of the prominent theoreticians of translation. Bring enough information about him
from your own readings?


Assignment No. (2)

Ques. 1 Jakobson divided translation into three types. Bring them in a good summary?

Ques. 2 Newmark is considered a prominent scholar of Translation. Bring a summary of his suggestions of the
methods of translation?

Ques. 3 There are several theories of translation approached by different scholars of the field. Bring a summary
of the following: Explanatory theory – Sematic theory – Stylistic theory?


Assignment No. (3)

Ques. 1 The following words have a significant role and meaning in translation, explain their meaning in Arabic
and English in appropriate sentences:

Etymology – interpretation of source language – theorist of translation – language components – lexical items –
paraphrase –after Renaissance – illiterate society – intellectual revolution contemporary era – direct

Ques. 2 Peter Newmark is a prominent scholar f translation and he is considered a pro-linguistic approach in the
translation theory, summarize his approach as you have recently studied?

Ques. 3 The functional theory and the explanatory theory believe that communication is essential in
translation…. Explain this approach within both theories.

Ques. 4 Write a question from what you have studied in the course of translation I and bring its answer in
enough details.

Assignment No. (4)

1- Give a good definition of translation, according to your opinion, and bring the types of translation; then
choose one of them and elaborate it with enough details?

2- Oral translation is commonly used in special events, give examples of such events and explain its processes
in such events?

3- Compare between the oral and sight translation in all aspects that might shoe the differences between

4- Bring brief details about the following: simultaneous interpretation – descriptive equivalent - sentence
meaning – Cultural equivalent – Rifaa Tahtawi?

5- What is the idiomatic translation and how could you understand it according to Larson's approach about
this kind of translation?


Assignment No. (5)

1. Medical translation is a key type of translation and it is extremely important in our daily life. Why and explain
it in detail with its examples.

2. Transposition or shifting is one of translation techniques, explain it according to Newmark's opinion?

3. Paraphrasing is a technique of writing within translation theory. Explain?

4. Loss and gain are considered one of the key topics in translation studies. Bring your summary of this topic in
enough details.

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