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AECT Standard 5-Research

Donetha Meyers

University of Arkansas Fayetteville

ETEC 5981 - EPortfolio Production

Dr. Derrick Mears

Sept. 30, 2023


5.1 Theoretical Foundations

There are 2 projects that demonstrate achievement of this standard: Strategic Action Plan

Project, and Gamification of Science Classroom paper. While putting together the strategic

action plan project I researched many different ways to lead meetings and groups to find their

purpose, mission, the stakes involved, etc. I had to choose those that would best suit my

audience and provide the information needed to guide the robotics team on their path. The

gamification paper looked at scaffolding and modeling as ways to help engage and differentiate

for students. It also concentrated on games in a science classroom and the research about

student engagement and attention spans.

5.2 Method

There are 2 projects that demonstrate achievement in this portion of the standard: Strategic

Action Plan Project, and Website Design Project. In the action plan project I had to solve the

problem of how to get the robotics team to be fully capable of competing. This meant doing

background research on inventories, students' success with coding, and technologies available

among other considerations. All of the information collected was used to formulate a plan for

the team and a timeline for them to accomplish their goal of being competitive. The website

design project required research into what makes a good teacher website, study of accessibility

options for online users, as well a usability test to gather data on the functionality of the

website. All of the information collected was used to improve the website and make it more

user friendly.

5.3 Assessing/Evaluating

There are 2 projects that demonstrate achievement in this portion of the standard: Strategic

Action Plan Project, and the Website Design Project. The action plan project used such

methods as DACUM and MoSCow methods, group and individual interviews, surveys, and

brainstorming, among other techniques.All of these things together helped to inform and shape

the direction of the action plan. The website project relied on collaboration and a usability test

to assess the usefulness and performance of the website. The usability test collected qualitative

and quantitative data to help determine the progress and direction of the website.

5.4 Ethics

There are 4 projects that demonstrate achievement in this portion of the standard: Strategic

Action Plan Project, Gamification of Science Classroom paper, Website Design Project, and the

Assistive Technology Website Project. In the action plan project ethics were followed by

making sure all participants were listened to and had a voice, decisions for the group were

made by the group and its coaches, and technologies chosen were able to be differentiated for

various needs and levels. The gamification paper used ethics while researching and choosing

papers to include. I was careful to study the methods of the research and make sure that they

followed protocols and used sound science and reasoning without bias. All sources were given

proper credit in the paper. In the website design project ethics was used as a guideline to make

sure that the website would be usable for students of various learning levels and abilities. In the

accessibility project ethics was used to make sure that the technologies listed met with ADA

standards for learners with disabilities. It also used ethics to inform readers of steps to make

learning more inclusive and available to all learners.



Pina, A. (2012, July 16). AECT Standards, 2012 version. Association for Educational

Communications and Technology. Retrieved September 12, 2023, from

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