Infiltrateur Sith

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Production information

Manufacturer Républic Sienar Systems

Model Heavily modified Star Courier

Class Space transport

Cost valued at 750,000 Crédits (155,000 second hand)

Technical specifications

Length 26.5 mètres

Maximum acceleration 3,730 G

Maximum speed
10 – (1,180 km/h)

Engine unit(s) Sienar X-C2 ion drive array (1)

 Class 1
Hyperdrive rating
 Backup: Class 6

Hyperdrive system Sienar SSDS 11-A

Power plant Heavy power generators (4)

Shielding 4D (antisensor active pulse)

Shell 3D+2

Sensor systems 50/3D 75/3D+2 150/4D+1 5/5D

Navigation system Equipped

 Stygium cloaking device (-4D) effective in speed 3 max.

Countermeasures  Military advanced countermeasures (-3D to enemy fire and

Armament Concealed solar ionization cannons (6) 5D Aim Bonus 8D Damage


2 Automatic autocannon Turbo-blaster turret 5D Aim Bonus 6D Damage 1

above and 1 below 360° (Huntfighter)

 DRK-1 Dark Eye probe droids (3)

 Bloodfin

 Pilot (1)
 Several interrogation and security droids

Minimum crew 1

Passengers 6 (6 bunks)

Cargo capacity 25 metric tons

Consumables 90 days

Hypercomm array and medical equipment

Other systems

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