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Worship Mentoring

January 22, 2022 (Saturday @9:30 am)

Praise and Worship Songs

⁃ Revival by Soulfire Revolution
⁃ Devote by Citipointe Worship
⁃ Lord of All by Victory Worship

Resources taken from The Shepherd’s Staff – a guidebook of Pastors

Worship Practices
1 Peter 2:5 we are called to be a “Holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices,
acceptable to God by Jesus Christ”
Heb 13:15 - “Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of
praise—the fruit of lips that openly profess his name.”

We are Called to be a “Holy Priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God

through Jesus Christ”. - 1 Peter 2:5
“Priest” = associated with those who “draw near to God”

New Covenant People Are Also To Be:

1. Sons of God
- We are from the Family of God Ephesians 3:15
- Spiritual Worship is the Spirit of God worshipping through our Redeemed,
Renewed Spirit
2. Ordained Priests unto our God
- John 15:16
- Christ has made us “a kingdom of priests to server our God” (Rev. 5:10)
3. Compete
- We are complete in Christ (Colossians 2:10) - Thus qualified to worship
- Complete - Greek - Pleeroo “perfect or Whole”
- Physical imperfections are symbolic (Leviticus 21:17-21)
- Spiritual imperfections can hinder our Worship.
- Christian life is to be consistent with that which we profess by our worship of
- James 3:9-11
o We cannot praise God and with the same mouth, curse man.
4. Cleansed
- 5 results of being cleansed by the Blood, the Word, and the Spirit
1. Pure conscience
2. Clean hands
3. Pure heart
4. Humble heart and spirit
5. Reverence and Godly Fear
5. Clothed upon
- we are not called to wear special robes, As were the Old Covenant priests
1. Clothed with salvation (Psalm 132:16)
1. God will clothe his priests with salvation
2. Clothed with humility (1 peter 5:5)
1. Clothed with humility
3. Clothed with Righteousness (revelation 19:8)
1. We are told in rev 19:8 that the fine linen is the
righteousness of the saints
4. Clothed with Power (luke 29:49)
1. Jesus commanded the disciples to wait in jerusalem until
they were clothed

We are three part beings - spirit, soul, and body

“May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole
spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
1 Thessalonians 5:23 NIV

Psalms 103:1
“Praise the Lord, my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name.”
⁃ spirit (luke 1:47
⁃ Soul (psalm 103:1)
⁃ Body (psalm 145:21)

What is Praise?
Old testament
1. Hallal
- occurs 88 times most used
- “to produce a clear sound”/“to boast, celebrate, to rave about, to glory in”
2. Hilluwi
- Celebration of thanksgiving for completion of harvest
3. Tehillah
- Derived from hallal, emphasis on singing
4. Shabach
- To shout with a loud voice
5. Zamar
- To touch or play strings
6. Yadah
- To give forth a confession of thanks
7. Towdah
- Extension of hands in adoration and thanks giving
8. Barak
- To kneel in adoration

Ingredients of Praise
1. Physical expression
- Praise and worship is initially an inner response of the heart to a revelation of
God and His greatness. in order for it to become true praise, it must be
2. Audible sound
- Exeception is Barak - posture could be demonstrated silently
3. Physical Action
- Praise demands active physical participation. It cannot always be silent and
4. Emotional Exercise
- Praising God is not an emotional exercise; it is a spiritual activity
- Many Christians are afraid to show emotional expression, they are always
seeking to suppress it, believing it to be carnal and fleshy but God game us
our emotions and they are meant to glorify Him
5. Reverence
- Every true expression of praise should be reverent. Reverence is to honor and
esteem someone properly

Characteristics of a Worshipper
“Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?”
And I said, “Here am I. Send me!””
Isaiah 6:8 NIV

Why Should We Praise The Lord?

Psalm 47:7 “sing praises with understanding”
1. Because of Who He Is (Psalm 48:1)
2. Praise Glorifies God (Psalm 50:23)
3. Because God Commands us To (Psalm 149:1)
4. For All His Benefits (Psalm 103:2)
5. For His Goodness (Psalm 107:21)
6. For His Mighty Acts (Psalm 150:2)
7. It is Good (Psalm 92:1-2; Psalm 18:3)
8. He is Worthy (2 Samuel 22:4; Psalm 18:3)
9. Praise Magnifies God (Psalm 69:30)
10. Praise is Proper (Psalm 33:1)
11. God Inhabits Praise (Psalm 22:3)
12. Praise Generates Power (Psalm 84:4-7)
13. To Receive Right Desires (Psalm 37:4)
14. Praise Precedes Victory (2 Chronicles 20:21-22)

Who Should Praise the Lord?

1. All Men Everywhere (Psalm 145:21; 148:11-13)
2. All Flesh (145:21)
3. Everything That Hath Breath (Psalm 150:6)
4. The People of God (Psalm 79:13)
5. The Righteous (Psalm 140:13)
6. The Saints (Psalm 145:10)
7. The Redeemed (Psalm 107:1-2)
8. Those Who Fear the Lord (Psalm 22:23)
9. Those Who Know and Believe the Truth (1 Timothy 4:3)
10. The Servants of God (Psalm 113:1)
11. All His Angels (Psalm 148:2)
12. All Nature (Psalm 148:3-10)

When Are We to Praise The Lord?

1. Morning till Night (Psalm 113:3)
2. All Day Long (Psalm 146:2)
3. As Long As We Live (Psalm 146:2)
4. At All Times (Psalm 34:1)
5. In Times of Depression (Psalm 42:11)
6. In Everything (Ephesians 5:20)

Qualities in Worship Leaders

1. Leading Worship is A Special Ministry
- Not Everyone has this ministry. Often, the pastor does not have this ability
2. The Leader must be a WORSHIPPER
- It is essential that one who is called to lead others into worship should be
skilled and adept in the worship of God
- It is impossible to lead others into something unless the leader has already
learned the requirements and skill of worship
- This person should be free in his own spirit and able to freely praise and
worship God in his Personal Life
3. Spiritual Maturity
- Worship leader should be a person with experience and maturity in the things
of the spirit.
- Spiritual development should be equal/superior to the congregation that he is
seeking to Lead
- Should be able to control his own spirit
- Must be a man of faith, not only able to discern the leading of the Holy spirit
but with faith to implement what the spirit may be saying
- Should be an exhorter who can motivate and encourage the believers
4. Spiritual sensitivity
- Developed sensitive ear to the voice of the Holy Spirit. The spirit himself will
lead the service if the leader will actively move into the promptings
- Worship services should be led by the Holy Spirit.
5. Genuine Humility
- A good leader will always seek to “hide behind the cross”
- No flesh should glory in the sight of God
- Egotistical leader projecting himself = ruins atmosphere
6. Prayerful Preparation
- Prior to service, leader should always spend time privately in prayer.
- The spirit can be tuned to the Spirit of God, and in this way, can move right
into God’s purposes from the very first song or prayer
- There are no “preliminaries”
- What precedes the sermon is important
7. Allow Sufficient Time of Worship
- Recognize the importance of corporate worship
- Worship time should not be wasted by needless chatter on the part of the
- People have come to Worship God and want to give themselves to Him
8. Be Open to the Holy Spirit
- It takes real faith to lead a service into true worship because worship cannot
be prescribed or programed beforehand.
- Spiritual worship demands flexibility - no prescribed program
- Not every service will be the same
- God is a God of variety
- Leader must learn to discern what that purpose is and to flow along with it.
- A good leader will be able to discern the very songs that should be sung, how
many times it should be sung, and with whaat kind of emphasis!
9. Be aware of all that is transpiring
- The Leader should avoid closing his eyes and being “Lost in worship”
- Be fully involved in worship and still be aware of and sensitive to the people
- Sensitivity to spirit and at the same time, exercise a gentle but definite control
over the service

Guidelines for Leading Worship

1. Begin Right where the people are
1. Make immediate contact with the congregation
2. Song Leading is Not Necessarily Worship Leading
3. Allow the Holy Spirit to give Direction
4. Avoid Intrusions and Cross-Currents
1. Must be able to discern new emphasis which might be introduced.
2. Intrusion - changely completely the direction of worship
5. Recognize Transition and Change
6. Keep The purpose in mind
7. Make us a symphony
8. Encourage Participation
9. Let everything be done decently in order
10. Seek to Excel

The Essence of Worship
What is Worship?
- speak well of, express admiration for, to compliment, to commend, to
congratulate, to applaud, to eulogize, and to extol

- to express reverence, to have a sense of awe, to bow low before the object of
worship, and to make obeisance (deferential respect)
- Derives from the old English word “Worthship”
- To esteem the worth of, and to make a suitable response to, that worthiness

1. An Attitude
- worship is an attitude of heart, it is the reverent occupation of the human
heart with its creator
- Begins with an inner musing of the heart, a depth of meditation upon the
greatness an worthiness of God
2. An Overflow
- overflow of thoughts and emotions. They flow forth spontaneously. Should
not be pumped or or forced out. Our cup should “run over joyfully” Psalm
3. An Outpouring
- outpouring of the soul in deep expressions of reverence, awe wonder and

Playing a Musical Instrument

Playing “in the spirit” - musicians, would offer praises on their instruments.
It is a spiritual skill, rather than natural talent. The skill is not only in the playing of the
instrument, but in interpreting the mood of the spirit.

Music is Important in Worship

- the first biblical mention of music and song is in Genesis 31:27 and is
associated with the expression of mirth/amusement or laughter
1 Chronicles 15:16 - David spake to the chief of the Levites to appoint singers with
instruments of music

Satan uses Music

Lucifer was a chief musician, a master musician
He was meant to use his gift for the glory of God. But when he rebelled against Jehovah,
and had to be cast out of Heaven.
Confusion-filled type of music has the hallmark of Satan - a confuser. It disturbs and
deranges people
⁃ Godly music has the opposite effect. It is calming rather than confusing

Godly music may stir us but it will never cause us to lose control of our emotions. It will
strengthen us, not deplete us.

Music Can Inspire Worship of God

- the Holy spirit can also use music for the glory of God and edification of
- David had been anointed by God
- Elisha called for a musician

Do's and Dont’s in Worship

How Praise Brings God’s Blessing
1. The Hydrological Cycle
- Evaporation
- Rainfall
o Ezekiel 34:26
o God Causes sun to shine on the ocean
2. Spiritual Truths
- God causes His Blessings to shine on mankind
- Man’s heart should be warmed
- Man’s praises are to Arise to God
- Those Praises form Clouds of Blessing
- God Causes Them to Distill into Rain
- The blessing of rain makes the earth fruitful
- Excess Rain forms rivers - outpouring
3. End-Time Outpouring
- Their praises will form abundant clouds of blessing, the outpouring will ripen
the great final harvest of precious souls

Hindrances to Praise
1. Sin
- first hindrance to praise
- This is the basic reason why unconverted do not praise God
- Unconfessed Sin inhibits us in the presence of God.
- The realization of sin in our Life ties our tongue before the Lord
- The only thing we really feel free to speak to Him is our Sin
2. Condemnation
- Even when we have been forgiven by the Lord, it is not always easy to forgive
ourselves. Many Christians still live in condemnation
- Though God has freely forgiven them, they cannot forgive themselves.
- Sense of unworthiness - tend to hang their heads in god’s presence
3. Worldliness
- The opposite of spirituality.
- It is the condition prevailing when our minds and thoughts are centered on
the things of this World
- Worldly-minded people find praising God extremely embarrassing
- It offends their carnal sense of dignity
- Cure: become more Christ-Centered
- One of the symptoms is an obsession about maintaining dignity and decorum
“what will people think”
- Our first concern should be = to please the Lord
4. Wrong Concept of God
- Frequently a strong hindrance to praise. Many have a complete negative view
of God
- Seen as someone who is constantly trying to catch them in failing so that he
can condemn them. Always opposed to everything they do.
- Praise begins to rise in our hearts only when we gain a right concept of God.
- Cure: read the Word of God. Allow the spirit to reveal the truth to Us
5. Religious Traditions
- Christian “traditions”
- Remember “Religion represses, but redemption releases”
- Cure: have courage to boldly expose our traditions to the Word of God, with
an open heart and mind.
6. Pride
- Hindrance on the release of praise
- Difficult problem to deal with because of our unwillingness to acknowledge
the pride of heart.
- Pride is so concerned with the self-image: always wanting to be well thought
- 1 Peter 5:5 and James 4:10
7. Fear of Man
- Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom (Proverbs 9:10)
- If we truly reverence the Lord, we need never be afraid of man
- Always seek to please the Lord in all things
- If men do not like it, that is their problem. Never allow their opinions to
inhibit you or hinder your desire and intention to give God the praise which is
due to Him
8. Satanic Suppression
- Most serious of all the hindrances.
- Satan wants the worship that belongs to God. Matthew 4:9
- He seeks to discourage and suppress all such praise
- When a person is under the influence of Satan/one of the demons/ this
person may not even able to say even the name of Jesus.
- Satan reacts strongly to the very mention of that Name.

Establishing Revival in a Burned-out Team

How to have a Ministry Anointed in Music
This type of anointed singing and music, directed to God in praise and worship, is very
rare in the Church today.
1. Commence each Service with thanksgiving and Praise in Song
2. Prayerfully Ask the Holy Spirit for The Right Song or Hymn
3. Do Not Be Afraid to Sing- The Song More than Once
4. Exhort the People to Really “Sing unto The Lord”
5. Commence with Songs of Praise and Thanksgiving
6. Songs of Praise Will Inspire the People to Worship
7. Do Not “Rush Through” The Song Service
8. Allow Opportunity for Congregational Participation
9. The Manifestation of The Spirit
10. All Things Should Be Done to Mutual Edification
11. Discourage Those Who Engender Confusion
12. Let Everything Be Done as Unto The Lord and to the glory of God
13. Use a Song Book or Overhead Projector
14. There Are Certain “Mechanics” to the leading of a song Service or a Worship
15. Seek to Be Hidden

Problems need Addressing

1. Communication
2. Devotionals and Soaking
3. Mahirap sumunod kasi sa high ng pitch ng boses
4. Is it wrong na bigla ang song na line up.
5. Masyado matagal practice
6. Punctuality
7. Mas madami pa kwentuhan kaysa practice itself
8. Tech to teach
9. Too much ‘isang pasada’

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