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Humerus Fracture: Getting Back in the Game

(Revision 1)
Phase 1: INITIAL RANGE OF MOTION - Healing Begins (2 Weeks)
During this stage, your main goal is to protect the healing fracture and keep
your joints moving. Spend 10 minutes daily on these easy exercises for the first
two weeks after your cast or brace comes off.
Recommended Activities:
 Gentle shoulder shrugs.
 Swinging your arm gently like a pendulum while leaning forward.
 Slowly raising your arm with the help of your other arm.
 Making gentle circles with your wrist.
 Squeezing a soft ball.
 Bending and straightening your elbow without resistance.
 Rotating your shoulder slowly.
 Gentle neck stretches.
Daily Check-In: After each exercise session, ask yourself if any new symptoms
have appeared. If yes, stop and contact your healthcare provider. You'll need
their approval to proceed. If your answer is no, you can move on to the next day
of Phase 1.
 After a week with no symptoms, you're ready for Phase 2.


Flexibility (3 Weeks)
Now, spend 15 minutes daily working on joint mobility and light strength
exercises for three weeks.
Recommended Activities:
 Move your shoulder in and out.
 Bend and straighten your elbow actively.
 Use resistance bands for gentle pulling and pushing.
 Try wall push-ups.
 Focus on shoulder blade retractions.
 Use resistance bands for shoulder rotations.
 Gradually curl dumbbells with light weights.
 Perform shoulder flexion with a light resistance band.

Daily Check-In: Just like in Phase 1, check for any new symptoms after each
exercise session. If you experience symptoms, halt and contact your provider.
No symptoms? Move on to the next day of Phase 2.
 After two weeks without symptoms, you're ready for Phase 3.

Phase 3: STRENGTHENING AND ENDURANCE - Getting Stronger (4

Dedicate 20 minutes each day to increase your strength and endurance over four
Recommended Activities:
 Use progressively heavier dumbbells for lateral and front raises.
 Increase resistance for band rotations.
 Do shoulder presses with light weights.
 Extend your triceps using light weights.
 Engage shoulder stabilizers with planks.
 Perform rowing exercises with resistance bands.
 Gradually increase weights for bicep curls and hammer curls.
 Use resistance bands or light weights for upright rows.
Daily Check-In: Again, monitor for new symptoms after each exercise session.
If you encounter any, stop and consult your provider. No symptoms? You can
move on to the next day of Phase 3.
 After two weeks without symptoms, you can proceed to Phase 4.

Phase 4: SPORT-SPECIFIC ACTIVITIES - Sport-Ready (5 Weeks)

Spend 30 minutes, 4-5 times a week, on sport-specific drills and functional tasks
for five weeks.
Recommended Activities:
 Practice overhead activities specific to your sport.
 Mimic sports actions like passing or rowing.
 Incorporate agility drills with weights or resistance.
 Perform sport-specific movements with added resistance.
 Enhance balance with one-foot exercises and ball work.
Daily Symptom Check: After each day of sport-specific training, check for
symptoms. If any arise, stop and contact your provider. No symptoms? You're
good to go for the next day of Phase 4.
 After two weeks without symptoms, you're ready for Phase 5.

Phase 5: FULL-PLAY RETURN - Back in the Game

This phase marks your full return to your sport without restrictions. Remember,
keep monitoring yourself, and any issues should lead to a prompt consultation
with a medical professional. Stay safe, and welcome back to normalcy!

Humerus Fracture: Getting Back in the Game

(Revision 2)
Phase 1: HEALING AND PROTECTION (2 weeks) – Initial Range of
 Duration: 2 weeks or as advised by your healthcare provider.
 Focus: Protect the healing fracture and begin gentle mobility.
 Daily Time Commitment: 10 minutes.
 Suggested Activities:**
o Shoulder shrugs.
o Pendulum exercises (gentle arm swinging).
o Passive arm raises (with help from the unaffected arm).
o Gentle wrist circular motions.
o Squeezing a soft ball.
o Elbow flexion and extension (without resistance).
o Passive shoulder rotations.
o Gentle neck stretches.
Daily Check-In: After each session, ask yourself if any symptoms have been
triggered. If yes, stop and consult your provider. If no, proceed to the next day
of Phase 1.
Controlled Motion and Flexibility
 Duration: 3 weeks or as advised by your healthcare provider.
 Focus: Increase joint mobility and start mild strengthening.
 Daily Time Commitment: 15 minutes.
 Suggested Activities:
o Active shoulder abduction and adduction.
o Active elbow flexion and extension.
o Gentle resistance band exercises (pulling and pushing).
o Wall push-ups.
o Shoulder scapular retractions.
o Resistance band shoulder rotations.
o Dumbbell curls with light weights.
o Shoulder flexion with a light resistance band.

Daily Check-In: After each session, check for any symptoms. If they appear,
pause and contact your provider. If not, move on to the next day of Phase 2.

Phase 3: GETTING STRONGER (4 weeks) - Building Strength and

 Duration: 4 weeks or as advised by your healthcare provider.
 Focus: Increase strength and endurance progressively.
 Daily Time Commitment: 20 minutes.
 Suggested Activities:
o Progressive dumbbell exercises (lateral and front raises).
o Increased resistance for band rotations.
o Dumbbell shoulder press with light weights.
o Triceps extensions using light weights.
o Engage shoulder stabilizers with planks.
o Rowing exercises using resistance bands.
o Gradually increase weights for bicep curls and hammer curls.
o Upright rows with resistance bands or light weights.
Daily Check-In: After each session, assess for symptoms. If any arise, pause
and contact your provider. If not, move on to the next day of Phase 3.
Phase 4: SPORT-READY (5 weeks) - Sport-Specific Training
 Duration: 5 weeks or as advised by your healthcare provider.
 Focus: Transition to sport-specific drills and functional tasks.
 Frequency: 4-5 times a week.
 Session Duration: 30 minutes.
 Suggested Activities:
o Overhead activities specific to your sport.
o Sport-specific movements (e.g., basketball passes or rowing).
o Agility drills with added weight or resistance.
o Sport-specific resistance training.
o Balance and proprioception exercises (e.g., one-foot balance with ball
Daily Symptom Check: After each sport-specific session, check for symptoms.
If any occur, pause and contact your provider. If not, continue to the next
session of Phase 4.

Phase 5: BACK IN THE GAME - Full Play Return

 Duration: Until full return to normalcy.
 Focus: Engage fully in your sport without restrictions.
 Caution: Continue monitoring and consult a medical professional if issues
NOTE: The timing of this phase varies depending on individual progress and
medical advice. Always prioritize safety and seek guidance as needed.

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