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J ournal of Advances

in Medical Education
Vol.1, No.4, April, Spring, 2019

Process Reengineering in Iranian Higher Education

Ali Namaki 1,Saeedeh Nateghinia1,2, zohreh khoshgoftar1, nader akbari dilmaghani3

1- Virtual School of Medical Education & Management, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical

2- Critical Care Quality Improvement Research Center, Loghman Hakim Hospital, Shahid
Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran,Iran

3- Skull Base Research Center, Loghman Hakim Hospital, Shahid Beheshti University of
Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.

Corresponding Author: nader akbari dilmaghani


Today, more than ever, the independence of societies lies in devising new development
mechanisms to enter the new global context. Change, transformation, and dynamism are the basic
principles and managers must be constantly looking for ways to improve the units under their
management. Management thinkers and agents use one of the management innovations called
process reengineering to improve the performance of organizations. Reengineering focuses on
redesigning work processes to achieve productivity and competitive advantage. In recent years,
universities have also faced many challenges and crises due to advances in technology, rising
education costs, global competition, and community expectations, so many have turned to re-
engineering and redesigning their processes. Therefore, in this article, the definition, goals,
principles, techniques, success factors, obstacles, perspectives, elements of re-engineering as
well as the necessity of re-engineering processes in the university, challenges facing universities,
and finally the nature of universities in the future are discussed.
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Keywords: Process Reengineering, University, Organizational Management, Higher Education.

Introduction: Problem statement
To improve the performance of organizations, According to Ezigbo, process reengineering
management thinkers and agents have involves a review of current business theories.
undertaken various innovations such as total By separating from following the old methods
quality management, continuous improvement, and adopting new methods, significant progress
organizational change, and determining the is made. (2) It is important to carry out re-
correct size of organizations. The common goal engineering carefully enough, because otherwise
of all these approaches has been to change the the consequences could be catastrophic for the
way things are done to improve organizational organizational structure as well as for the related
performance. One of the tools used to improve economy. In the early 2000s, the introduction of
this is process re-engineering. Reengineering the concept of open innovation in reengineering
requires redesigning and rooting organizational was a relatively new concept at the time.
processes. Re-engineering replaces activities that Explaining the concept of open innovation,
do not create added value in the organization Fernando stated that «open innovation integrates
with new processes with a central process and internal and external ideas into architectures
with fundamental changes that it creates in the and systems whose requirements are defined
organization. In that case, the organization›s by a business model».(3) It can lead to several
energy will be focused on real and value-added aspects of open innovation. Gassman et al. Stated
work, which will lead to productivity enhancement that open innovation is defined as a two-way
by increasing speed, quality improvement, service information process that leads to improved
improvement, and cost reduction. In recent years, training processes in process reengineering,
universities have also faced many challenges so open innovation is an essential outcome for
and crises due to advances in technology, rising process reengineering .(4) Universities today
education costs, global competition, and societal face many problems. Goals are either not well
expectations, many of which have resorted to re- formulated or current strategies do not deliver
engineering and design measures to overcome them. Therefore, in order to achieve their great
the challenges and crises that result. They have goals, they have felt the need to review, change
redefined their processes. A look at the current and up-to-date, revise some of their goals and
developments in the higher education system operational plans. To do this, we must start from
suggests that higher education should maintain, a complete and comprehensive knowledge of the
improve and improve quality while paying various processes of the university to achieve the
attention to the crisis of quantitative increase status quo, and then change using the techniques
and financial constraints. Various evidences also of management, including process reengineering,
indicate that this system can fulfill its duties and which is strongly used in the business world
goals if it has a desirable position in terms of and improved processes. Reengineering, with
educational quality. With this in mind, the need a new transformation and design, changes
to find ways to increase the quality of education the mindset, culture and value system in the
becomes clear .(1)The purpose of university re- structure of processes and the way resources
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engineering of processes is to simplify the methods and facilities are used. The question here is what
of performing activities in order to increase the are the appropriate and basic conditions for re-
satisfaction of the people who are provided with engineering at the university?
services, such as faculty members, students, staff,
financials sponsors and significantly reduce costs.

2 Jornal of advances in Medical Education (JAMED)

Vol.1, No.4, April, Spring, 2019

It is a set of tasks that an organization performs the current tasks of the organization are
to change its processes and internal control replaced by the main business processes, and
to change from a traditional vertical and therefore, the organization moves from a task-
hierarchical structure to a horizontal structure, oriented to a process-oriented state. This speeds
between a group-based and flat activity in which up the business process and reduces costs,
all processes it is done to satisfy customers. making the organization more competitive. The
The two vital areas that are the main goals re-engineering method is based on step-by-
of reengineering are: First, a fundamental step reviews and the elimination of outdated
rethinking of the philosophy of education. regulations and fundamental assumptions that
Second, complete redesign of the process underlie current business performance. These
structure in order to provide public services in regulations are based on assumptions about
an efficient manner(5) Reengineering means technology, employees, and organizational goals
starting again, being born again, starting that are no longer applicable. Reengineering is the
again. Reengineering means transformation, fundamental and radical rethinking of processes
transformation in the mind, mindset and to achieve amazing improvements in critical
attitude of managers and employees, in culture metrics such as quality and speed of service.
and value system, in processes, in structure and New organizations will be companies that are
organization, and in the use of information and specifically designed for operation in the world
communication technology in organizations. In today and tomorrow, and are not institutions
reengineering, the radical design of a company's that will move from a glorious early period that
processes, organization, and culture is done to has nothing to do with today. In reengineering,
achieve extraordinary leaps in that company's it is believed that reengineering cannot be done
performance, leaving aside old and traditional in small, cautious steps. This is the theorem of
methods and new attitudes to work to create zero or one; In other words, either no change
a product or Appropriate service as well as is realized or if it is realized, change is achieved
giving value to the customer is considered. In from the root and foundation. Reengineering
reengineering, the goal is to meet today's needs does not mean repairing what already exists
such as superior quality, service, flexibility, or making additional changes and leaving the
low cost, and therefore processes must be original structures intact; Reengineering means
simplified. The above definitions show that starting from scratch, abandoning old methods
re-engineering usually takes place in the and applying a new look. Reengineering does
whole body of an organization or company not require minor corrections and patching of
and its implementation in only one part of the the existing situation or expansion changes that
organization can not be called re-engineering, leave the original structure and architecture of
although the various work processes of a subset the organization intact. Reengineering does not
can also be called engineering. Again, however, seek to improve the existing system and improve
it may be necessary to apply this managerial the result. Reengineering means abandoning
argument to the whole set given the challenges old methods and acquiring new ones that
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ahead. The present age is such that it is subject are necessary to produce the company›s
to rapid and continuous changes and these goods and services and transfer value to the
changes also affect the behavior and needs of customer. Reengineering can be identified by
customers. . Therefore, organizations also need different names, such as core process redesign,
to analyze these changes and their effect on process innovation, business process redesign,
the customer, and apply in the process of their organizational reengineering, radical redesign,
activities. Reengineering is a process in which and organizational redesign are all names that
introduce the category of reengineering.
This open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial 3.0
3 License (CC BY-NC 3.0). Copyright © 2015 Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences. All rights reserved.
So if we are asked to make a brief definition Reengineering goals
of reengineering, we answer: start all over
again. Proponents of reengineering argue There must first be a significant and fundamental
that reengineering is not efficient for small need for the process to be re-engineered. The
improvements; It is also very useful when justification of this need draws attention to the
the goal is new initiatives. For example, beginning of the preparation of activities.(9) The
reengineering is not very efficient for a goals that reengineering pursues are leap goals.
company that is looking for %10 progress, but Achieving these goals will lead to significant and
it is suitable for an organization that is looking fundamental improvement in the performance of
to increase efficiency in 10 areas. According to the organization. Accordingly, the transformations
Hammer and Champy, reengineering focuses that reengineering pursues include all aspects
on processes and works, not tasks and people. of the organization, from strategy and planning
(6)The keyword in redefining engineering is to organizational systems and manpower, and
«process». Although this term plays the most technological and engineering transformation of
important role in our definition, it also brings the organization and the organization based on
the greatest inconvenience to most managers. customer needs and process-based organization.
. Most actors in the business world have not "Reengineering will be meaningful when the
been «process-oriented» so far. They focus on process improvement is consistent with the
tasks, jobs, people, and structures, and do not organization's mission and strategies," says
care about processes. The work process is a Davenport.
set of steps that employ one or more «inputs» Principles of re-engineering
(7) and creates «outputs» (8)that are useful The principles of reengineering are summarized
and desirable to the customer. For example, as follows:
accepting the customer›s request as «input» A) Idealism
and satisfactory delivery of the goods to him B) Emphasis on value-added processes
as «output», and the value that the process has C) Changing the roots of the core process
created. The idea of conscientiousness, that D) Competitiveness
is, breaking down the work into the simplest E) Reviewing how resources are consumed and
components and leaving each component to costs
an expert, has influenced the design of the
corporate organization for two hundred years. C) Emphasis on the expansion of information
But the shift to process-oriented thought has technology applications
begun, and this shift is well seen in the radical G) Emphasis on the principle of continuous
transformations that have taken place in some of process improvement
the old and well-known corporations. It should
be noted that the difference between task and Re-engineering techniques
process is the same as the difference between The techniques that reengineering uses in
part and whole. Duty is a unit of work, an activity different stages are as follows in four groups:
that is usually performed by one person. In
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contrast, a process is a group of interconnected A) Graphic techniques

tasks that together produce a valuable result
from the customer›s point of view. B) Statistical techniques

C) Modeling techniques

D) Textual techniques

4 Jornal of advances in Medical Education (JAMED)

Vol.1, No.4, April, Spring, 2019

Critical factors for the success of non-governmental organizations and the effect
reengineering programs of process re-engineering on each of their factors
have been studied. Then, the challenges beyond
A) Understanding re-engineering and its universities and reengineering in universities
implications are described, and at the end, the perspective of
universities in the future is stated.
B) Develop a process-based management
approach Government agencies and process
C) Criteria and indicators of continuous Many experts have endorsed the differences
performance measurement between public and private organizations.(10)
Each of these experts has studied the specific
D) Transformation management experience and characteristics of these two types of organizations
providing a support center from different angles. Meanwhile, Rini and his
colleagues have divided the differences between
E) Managing and directing re-engineering public and private organizations into three
projects based on results categories: environmental factors, exchanges
between the organization and the environment,
Obstacles to reengineering efforts and processes and internal structure. In the
These barriers can be broadly classified into the following, these factors and their effect on BPR
following four groups: (11)are studied.

A) Cultural barriers 1. Environmental factors:

Government agencies are less market-oriented
B) Organizational barriers and regulations and rely more on public budget allocations. This
means that these organizations have less incentive
C) Technological barriers to be productive and efficient and efficiently
allocate resources and have less information such
D) Legal barriers as profit and cost that are market-oriented. On
the other hand, legal and formal restrictions are
The need for re-engineering processes imposed on these organizations and they are
at the university under the influence of severe political influences,
In recent years, universities have faced many including the influence of interest groups and the
challenges and crises due to advances in need to support stakeholders.(12)
technology, rising education costs, global
competition, and societal expectations, many of 2. Exchanges between the organization and the
which have been redesigned and re-engineering environment:
to overcome the challenges and crises that result. The government forces government agencies to
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They have paid attention to their administrative obey orders because of its power based on legal
processes. At present, in the field of higher authority and unique approvals. Given the wide
education, many universities use re-engineering scope and importance of government actions,
and redesign programs in their administrative these organizations affect the public interest, and
processes. Considering that Iranian universities given that some government officials are elected
are governmental and non-governmental, in by the people, they are expected to act more fairly
this article, first, governmental and and amicably and be accountable for their actions
to the people.
This open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial 3.0
5 License (CC BY-NC 3.0). Copyright © 2015 Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences. All rights reserved.
3. Internal processes and structure: On the other hand, things like dramatic
Managers in government organizations have developments in information technology, the
less decision-making independence, so they Internet that have made virtual classrooms
cannot exercise sufficient authority over possible, digital libraries that provide resources
their subordinates, reluctant to delegate their and repositories of knowledge, and websites
powers, and play a more political role. Also, that provide up-to-date textbooks for seminars
due to the political nature of elections and and night classes. It has become a laboratory,
appointments, the turnover of managers is and has made change in universities inevitable,
higher and creating motivational incentives and has made it necessary to revise the
to improve the individual performance of definition of universities with new concepts.
government employees is relatively difficult, Higher education in general and universities
and organizational commitment and job in particular will face many changes and
satisfaction in public sector organizations is challenges in all areas of life. In other words,
lower. (13) the activity of universities in the future will
become a dynamic organization, which is one
One of the consequences of pursuing process of the necessities of survival in a world full of
reengineering for efficiency and effectiveness competition for higher education in the future.
is often the reduction of staff. With new ways of The crisis caused by these challenges is often
doing things, process reengineering provides considered in both financial and structural
an opportunity for senior leadership to reduce aspects.
employees and transform organizational
culture, as reflected in its values, norms, Financial crisis
guidelines, and expectations(14) In most countries of the world, most of the
budgets for the devices are provided by the
Challenges facing universities government, which means that governments
Universities will face many challenges in the directly and indirectly support higher educatio
future. In almost every country in the world, n. They provide the initial funding needed by
universities are under pressure due to the universities to build facilities and implement
rapid increase in the number of students, capital projects. They also allocate regular
the reduction of course costs, the increase in funds to promote basic education and research.
government control and signs of increasing Ozcelik also pointed out that if re-engineering
general dissatisfaction with the current trend is not done properly, it may disrupt processes,
of higher education. They have been identified. hinder productivity, damage employee morale,
In many parts of the world, the past decade has and stunt growth.(15) In recent decades, major
been a period of rapid growth in the number issues such as privatization and cost reduction
of university students and increasing access in governments and the independence of
to higher education, and this trend is likely universities (reducing government control)
to continue in the future. The increase in the have confronted universities with the issue of
number of students and the increase in the how to fund. In this regard, diversification of
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cost of courses have caused universities to face resources and efficiency improvements has
a lack of resources to maintain their identity been proposed as responses to the financial
as an independent institution. Even if new crisis.
resources are available, they will be used to
solve the problem of overcrowding and scarcity
of infrastructure, and there are no resources to
support innovation, new perspectives, and new
scientific developments.

6 Jornal of advances in Medical Education (JAMED)

Vol.1, No.4, April, Spring, 2019

Structural crisis Reengineering in universities

Universities are largely based on the nineteenth- Universities and higher education institutions
century philosophy of Adam Smith›s theory of are complex organizations. Because in
mass production in a hierarchical system, so it is the structural discussions of universities,
now the hierarchical system of philosophy that researchers are faced with the fact that different
governs the design and operation of university units (for example, colleges do the same work
tasks. (16) in multiple and different ways). These include
In other words, in the organizational and software systems development activities,
management literature, the process-based construction activities, and office processes.
approach to process reengineering is a way to Therefore, applying the process model according
meet the challenges of the present age, avoid to the following items creates more value in the
the inefficiency of hierarchical structures, and activities of universities.
implement structural reforms. And to questions
like «How do we go from hierarchical structures A) How can process models provide a more
to flat structures?», «How do we prepare teams coherent and holistic approach to the activities
to achieve their goals?», «How do we turn task- of universities? A process typically affects
oriented employees into multidimensional more than one organizational unit. This allows
employees?», «How do we? , «Change managers for a broader view of the organization than a
from supervisor to coach?» And «How do we functional or functional view of the organization.
identify core processes and adapt them to suit
new challenges?» B) How do process models make it possible
In recent years, universities have resorted to to design and develop university information
structural reforms to address the challenges. systems? Traditional methods of system design
The basis of these reforms is the development and development were performed by analyzing
of new ways of doing business, the development the system requirements, which were often
of an appropriate information technology examined solely from a stakeholder perspective.
infrastructure, and the avoidance of Processes based on process and macro
inefficiencies in traditional structures. Another model help us to have a more coherent and
point that has been considered by researchers multidimensional approach to the organization.
is that administrative and support activities in These models make it possible for the university
universities do not provide effective support for to better plan outsourcing measures after
the academic activities of universities. identifying its core processes. Using Porter›s
value chain model, a classification of activities
in universities can be done. This model sees the
organization as a chain of core activities that
create added value. These activities are divided
into two categories: main and support activities.
The main activities are mainly related to the
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production of products or services and creating

value for the customer. . Support activities make
it possible to carry out core activities. Based on
this model, the following divisions can be made
for the activities of universities:

This open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial 3.0
7 License (CC BY-NC 3.0). Copyright © 2015 Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences. All rights reserved.
The nature of universities in the future

A) The main processes In recent years, various opinions and suggestions

• Knowledge production have been made about the nature of universities
•knowledge transfer in the future, and significant efforts have been
made to solve this problem. UNESCO, as an
B) Support processes international organization that pays considerable
• Attract «grants» attention to educational issues, including higher
• Managing cost assistance and contracts education in the world, has a specific view
• Promotion and employment of faculty members and interpretation of future universities. The
organization, which is committed to reviewing
C) Student support processes the higher education system in the world, believes
• Creating and managing students› learning and that all forward-looking systems and institutions
living environment of higher education should define their mission
• Student registration with a view to this grand goal, which can be called
an «active university».
D) Indirect support processes
•Supply The active university is:
• Facility Office • A place for quality higher education that
• Record and report financial transactions enhances the ability and efficiency of students
• Providing technical resources and infrastructure to perform a wide range of administrative and
professional activities and activities.
E) Auxiliary support processes • A place whose access depends on having
• Providing nutrition services the necessary competencies and intellectual
•Publishers abilities and the necessary ability to actively
participate in its programs.
Reengineering concepts can significantly redesign • A society that is engaged in research,
the process of service delivery, teaching and creativity and knowledge dissemination with all
learning in universities. Advances in technology, its resources.
educational costs, global competition, and • An educational place whose work is based
community expectations are the four main factors solely on quality and knowledge.
behind the shift in university operations toward • A place that, as part of its work and culture,
reengineering. Reengineering a university can welcomes the strengthening and updating of the
be divided into two main parts according to the knowledge and capabilities of the forces.
division of activities and operations: • A community that actively encourages and
supports cooperation with industry and service
A) Re-engineering in administrative and sectors for economic development in different
support operations regions and throughout the country.
• A place where important local, regional,
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B) Re-engineering in scientific operations national and international issues and solutions

are identified, studied and considered.
• A place where governments and other
public institutions can turn for scientific and
accurate information, which is increasingly
needed for decision-making at all levels, as well
as promoting public participation in the decision-
making process.

8 Jornal of advances in Medical Education (JAMED)

Vol.1, No.4, April, Spring, 2019


• A society whose members, with full Our organizations are currently facing
adherence to the principles of scientific freedom, many problems, most of which are rooted
strive to achieve truth, defend and promote in uncoordinated processes. Processes, like
human rights, democracy, social justice, tolerance vessels, are responsible for getting things done
in their communities and around the world, and in the body of organizations, while processes in
in educating committed citizens. Spread the the executive system have become extremely
culture of peace. inefficient due to lack of review of how things
• And finally, an institution that recognizes are done and the diversity and complexity
its place in the current world and adapts to the of organizations. Therefore, organizations
contemporary living conditions and specific need to re-engineer their work processes to
characteristics of each region and country. increase efficiency, customer orientation and
global competition as a first step.
This macro-vision of an active university shows Considering the issues raised and the
its creative power to find specific institutional impressive results of re-engineering in large
models and methods that can meet the needs, and prestigious universities, which has led
conditions and facilities of higher education to cases such as reducing costs by up to %30
institutions, communities, countries and regions. and in some places up to one hundred million
(8) dollars, and on the other hand the growth of
demand for higher education in the world, the
need to review the processes and fundamental
changes in the way universities are managed
is becoming more and more apparent; In Iran,
with the growth of the population in middle
age in recent years, this has been shown, so
it is necessary to study the different methods
of implementation of this technique and its
localization to be implemented in higher
education and appropriate investment to be
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This open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial 3.0
9 License (CC BY-NC 3.0). Copyright © 2015 Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences. All rights reserved.

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