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Prestiges - I Wolfbrother (blank) a) The player will inherently be a

wolfbrother, and be able to talk to wolves, and have the yellow eyes. The
wolfbrother will have a heightened sense of smell, sight, and hearing. He
will also be able to *smell* emotions.
b) The initial level of wolfbrother does not add a prestige class, or count as
a multiclass. It basically acts as a racial feat. Adding levels into wolfbrother
will unlock more potent
wolf abilities, as well as allow the adding of one level to a class the
wolfbrother was previously a member of. Every time a level is put into
Wolfbrother the player must roll a
"humanity" checks, as the instinctual urges of the wolf part of him grow
harder to resist.
c) The player will be able to speak with wolves, but the reaction they make
to his attempts at contacting them will vary depending on their
disposition as a pack, his relationship with
that pack, and his reputation among the wolves in general as a
-----------------------d) The reputation meter is yet to be defined, but will
e) The relationship of the wolfbrother with wolf packs will be based on a 4
level scale
f) "Humanity"- The more the player tries to connect with his wolf side, the
riskier it becomes to his conscious human mind. There will be 5 levels of
"Humanity", and the effects will be
similar to the Sadin "Insanity" chart.
g) At 3rd level Wolfbrother, the player gains the ability to dreamwalk in
Tel'aran'rhiod "The World of Dreams". The workings of Tel'aran'rhiod
have yet to be figured out.
II Dreamwalker/stepper a) The player will start as a dreamwalker, and at
3rd level will be able to become a Dreamstepper if he/she wishes to take
the risks to their soul.
b) The player must be asleep to enter the world of dreams, unless he/she is
a Dreamstepper. If Dreamwalker goes to Tel'aran'rhiod in mind and spirit,
a Dreamstepper goes in the flesh.
c) The player can travel to any location in the world in Tel'aran'rhiod.
Objects in the world of dreams are always moving, being opened/closed, or
disappearing as they are moved in
the "real" world.
d) Anything can be accomplished in the world of dreams, the limit is the
Dreamwalkers only limit. Beware however, for death in Tel'aran'rhiod is as
real as in life. A Dreamwalker
must also be on the lookout for rampant nightmares in the world of

III Ta'veren a) The Ta'veren will not be able to harness his/her "power" in
a noticeable fashion. He will randomly roll a D(undecided) whenever the
DM requests, determining the type of outcome of his/her
pulling on the pattern. Be it good, evil, or neutral. Maybe an influential
person nearby is drawn towards the player/s by the perfect string of events,
perhaps a man falls 3 stories to land
safely on his feet, or trips on a stool and snaps his neck...
b) The Ta'veren will have some heroic abilities unlike any other classes,
that they may use at their discretion. Perhaps a persuasive attempt gets a
+10? Or maybe you really need that lucky
critical in a tight spot?
- Influence Others: Influence another person to do your bidding, or see
your point of view.
- Remove Thread: Attempt to remove the thread of another living thing
from the pattern with a sure hit critical.
c) The Player affects all around them, the Pattern is warped around their
being as they simply exist; Conduits of the Wheels will.

IV Son of Battles a) The son of battles will have an enormous knowledge

of history, and be able to speak in the old tongue.
b) He will be able to draw upon his knowledge of history and past battles
at will, drawing from a bank of memories of other men long dead.
c) In order to draw upon his memories the player must roll a
D(undecided), and the roll will determine the clarity of the memory.
d) The player is proficient with any weapon he can successfully remember
using in one of "his" memories, and will permanently be able to use it.
e) Putting levels into Son of Battles will increase the player's fluency in the
Old Tongue, and with each level he will be less likely to spew random
phrases in the language. He will also
be more likely to successfully recall the memories of the past.

V Gleeman a)

VI Relic Warrior a) The Relic Warrior is to replace the Paladin, since there
is no source of holy power in this world. It will function as a paladin
except in the manners otherwise specified.
b) He will draw his power from a series of Ter'angreal at the Relic
Warriors disposal. The abilities the Ter'angreal possess will be on par with
that of a paladin, and will be on a "spells
per day" structure. The Ter'angreal are recharged as of 12:00 am every day.
c) The Relic Warrior will be limited in the spells he has access to
depending on his Relics, similar to how a sorcerer is limited to the spells
he knows. Some of the Ter'angreals weaves
will be adjustable in intensity and follow the Saidar/Saidin chart
d) For the sake of gameplay the Relics will follow common themes, and
each will possess numerous abilities. The intention is to quickly open up
the Relic Warriors spell pool.
e) Starter Relics: I - The Fire Rod: A small 1 foot long, 1 inch thick, dark
red rod made of a strange material. The fire rod gives the Relic Warrior
access to a limited number and type
of fire weaves.
a) Fireball
b) Wall of Flames
c) Heat Object
II - Forested Rings: A series of 4 heavy, green rings shaped like vines
wrapping around the wearers fingers. They are connected by a chain of the
same material.
a) Heal
b) Cure poison
c) Cure Disease
d) Purify Water
IV -

5. Prestige Feats - I Blademaster: a) The player is now a Blademaster, his

sword is adorned with the Heron mark which has been the symbol of his
status for over 1,000 years. Enemies will be reluctant to engage a
Blademaster in melee combat. Fellow swordsmen who recognize the mark
will more than likely instantly respect you, and absolutely be weary of you.
b) Enemies with the cognitive ability and knowledge to recognize a Heron
mark for what it is must pass a fortitude save or else run/cower in fear
before or during combat, depending on
when the mark is noticed.
c) The rank of blademaster is achieved when a swordsman has gained
enough skill to defeat and kill a Blademaster and take his weapon under 2
witnesses, or when he is deemed skilled enough in front of
a panel of 3 Blademasters. There will be a seperate leveling system for the
swordplay of would-be Blademaster. Players will gain Swordplay EXP and
level through the ranks until ready
to be tested, or they kill a blademaster in fair combat with 2 witnesses.
d) Blademasters gain a +2 to damage against all enemies when using a

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