EC770 15a Stats

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ECON770: STATISTICS (Fall 2015)

This is the …rst course of the Ph.D. econometrics sequence at Boston

College. Its primary objective is to provide a statistical foundation and
its application to econometric models (especially regression models) for
further coursework in econometrics at the Ph.D. level. Linear algebra
and calculus are pre-requested. Topics that are related to econometrics
are emphasized.

Instructor: Zhijie Xiao


– DeGroot, M. and M. Schervish, Probability and Statistics, Addison-

– Casella, G., and R. L. Berger, Statistical Inference, Second Edi-
tion, Duxbury.
– Mathematical Statistics: Basic Ideas and Selected Topics, Vol.
I, Bickel, P. and K.A. Doksum, Prentice Hall.

The material covered in this course can be found in a number of textbooks (at
di¤erent levels). e.g.:

– Hogg, R. and E. Tanis, Probability and Statistical Inference, 5th Edition,

1997, Prentice Hall.
– Probability and Random Processes, G. R. Grimmett and D.R. Stirzaker,
Clarendon Press.
– Ramanathan, Ramu. Statistical Methods in Econometrics, Academic Press,
– Knight, Keith, Mathematical Statistics.
– Shao, Jun, Mathematical Statistics, Springer, 2005


There will be 8-10 problem sets. Late assignments will not be accepted. You are
allowed to work together in groups, but it is necessary that you attempt each problem
yourself and turn in individual answers. The Boston College policy on academic
integrity is outlined at:

There will be 2 exams. The grade will be determined by homework (20%), and
the exams (80%).

If you are a student with a documented disability seeking reasonable accommoda-

tions in this course, please contact Kathy Duggan, (617) 552-8093,,
at the Connors Family Learning Center regarding learning disabilities and ADHD,
or Paulette Durrett, (617) 552-3470,, in the Disability Ser-
vices O¢ ce regarding all other types of disabilities, including temporary disabilities.
Advance notice and appropriate documentation are required for accommodations.

Course Outline

1. Part I: Probability Theory.

(a) Introduction to Probability, Conditional Probability, Limit of Events: De-

Groot and Schervish, Ch1 and 2., Casella and Berger, Ch1.
(b) Random Variables and Distributions, Bayes Theorem and It’s Applica-
tions: DeGroot and Schervish, Ch3., Casella and Berger, Ch1, 2 and 4.
(c) Moments and Expectation, Martingales: DeGroot and Schervish, Ch 4.,
Casella and Berger, Ch 2.
(d) Special Distributions: DeGroot and Schervish, Ch 5., Casella and Berger,
(e) Some Important Results in Probability, Inequalities and bounds for prob-
ability: DeGroot and Schervish, Ch 4.6, 4.8., Casella and Berger, Ch3 and
(f) Introduction to Asymptotics, Convergence of Random Variables, Delta
Method, Law of Large Numbers and Central Limit Theorem: DeGroot
and Schervish, Ch 4.8, 5.7., Casella and Berger, Ch5.

2. Part II: Statistical Inference and Linear Regression

(a) Introduction to Statistics: Decision Procedures. DeGroot and Schervish,

Ch 6, Casella and Berger, Ch6.
(b) Estimation: Method of Moments, GMM, MLE. DeGroot and Schervish,
Ch 6, 7.7., Casella and Berger, Ch7.
(c) Properties of Estimators: Moments and distributions of conventional esti-
mators. DeGroot and Schervish, Ch 7., Casella and Berger, Ch10.
(d) Hypothesis Testing and Con…dence Interval: Basic Concepts of Tests, Suf-
…ciency, Neyman-Pearson Lemma, Likelihood ratio tests. DeGroot and
Schervish, Ch 8., Casella and Berger, Ch8, 9.
(e) An Introduction To Linear Model: Linear Regression, Gauss-Markov The-
orem. Basic Properties of OLS. Basic Inference Procedure in Linear Mod-
els. DeGroot and Schervish, Ch 10., Casella and Berger, Ch10, 12.

A Detailed List of Topics
PART I: Probability

1 Introduction
Background knowledge: Uncertainty, Probability, and Statistics
Introduction to Econometrics

2 Set Theory and The De…nition of Probability

Experiment, Set and Elements, Event and Outcomes
Collection of Sets: Set of Sets, Field and -…eld, Sub…eld and sub -…eld
De…nition of Probability
Basic Properties of Probability Measure

3 Probability and Conditional Probability

Limits of Events (Limit Sets)
The Borel-Cantelli Lemma
Updating Probabilities, Conditional Probability
Independent Events
Conditional independence
Law of Total Probability
Bayes’s Theorem
Prior and Posterior Probabilities

4 Random Variable
De…nition of Random Variable
Distribution Function of a Random Variable
Continuous Random Variable and Density
Discrete Random Variable

5 Multivariate RVs and Conditional Probability Dis-

Bivariate Joint Probability Distribution
Conditional Probability and Independence

Bayes Theorem and It’s Applications
Multivariate Distributions

6 Functions of Random Variables

Distribution of a Monotone Transformation of a r.v.
The distribution of a function of a r.v.
Function of r.v.s
Examples: Linear transformation; The Maximum and Minimum Values; Sums of
random variables

7 Expectations and Conditional Expectations

Mean/Mathematical Expectation/Expected Value
Bivariate Moments, Correlation, Conditional Expectation
Martingale, submartingale, supermartingale
Doob (-Meijer) decomposition
Martingale Di¤erence Sequences
The Martingale Convergence Theorem

8 Generating Functions
Generating function
Probability Generating Function
Moment Generating function.
Characteristic function

9 Some Special Distributions

Discrete Distributions

Hypergeometric Distribution
Bernoulli Distribution
Binomial Distribution
Multinomial Distribution
Poisson Distribution

Continuous Distributions

Uniform Distribution
Beta(a; b) distribution
Gamma(a; b) Distribution
Exponential( )
Distribution Derived from Normal

10 Some Useful Inequalities and Limiting Results

Bounds for Probabilities: Markov Inequality and Chebyshev’s Inequality

Bernstain inequality
Hoe¤ding’s inequality.
Jensen’s Inequality

Covariance Inequalities

Cauchy-Schwarz inequality:
Holder’s inequality
Minkowski’s Inequality
Lyapunov’s inequality:
Marcinkiewicz–Zygmund inequality
Yokoyama, R. (1980) inequality for mixing sequences
Rosenthal inequality

Convergence of Random Variables

Modes of Convergence
Convergence of Functions of Random Variables:

Some important limiting results.

Law of Large Numbers

Central Limiting Theorems
Order of magnitude
Law of Iterated logarithm (LIL)
The Delta Method

PART II: Statistics

11 Introduction
Data and Model

Parameters and Identi…cation

Parametric, Nonparametric, Semiparametric

The decision theoretic framework: the information we want to draw

Estimation, Hypothesis testing, Ranking, Prediction

Comparison of Decision Theory Framework

Loss Function, The Risk Function

Evaluating Decision Process

12 Estimation and Testing Based on Sample Mean

and Variance
Basic Concepts
Point Estimation and Interval estimation: Bias, Variance, and MSE, Unbiasness
and Consistency
Su¢ ciency and "Reduction of the Data", Factorization Theorem
Minimum Su¢ cient Statistic
Properties of Sample Mean and Sample Variance Under Normality
Distribution of the estimators without assuming normality - asymptotic distribu-
tions via CLT and LLN
Con…dence Intervals

13 Estimation: GMM and MLE

Method of Moment and Generalized Method of Moment


Large sample result

Minimum Variance unbiased estimator (MVU) and Rao-Blackwell Theorem

Lehmann-Sche¤é Theorem

Maximum Likelihood Estimation in General Form

One-Step Estimator
Fisher Information and Cramer-Rao inequality

Properties of MLE

Asymptotic Normality:
Asymptotic E¢ ciency:

14 Hypothesis Tests

Hypothesis, Null hypothesis

Simple hypothesis
Composite hypothesis
alternative hypothesis

Testing a Hypothesis

Type I and Type II Error, Level of signi…cance, Power of the test

Testing and con…dence interval

Optimal Tests

Most Powerful Test and the Neyman-Pearson Lemma

Uniformly Most Powerful Test, Monotone likelihood ratio
UMP Unbiased Tests

Likelihood Ratio tests

15 Introduction to Regression
Using Regression to Study the Relationship among variables
Bivariate Linear Regression
Classical Assumptions for Linear Models
Properties of the OLSE
Inference about the OLSE

16 Multiple Regression
Multiple OLS Regression in Matrix form, GAUSS-MARKOV THEOREM
Measurement of Goodness of Fit
Testing Signi…cance of the Regression

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