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This cafe was opened

ten years ago.

Time: 50 minutes


● Lecture slide: Speak Junior3,4 (I) - Unit 4 (3) - This cafe was opened ten years
● There are 2 videos in this lesson:
1. Youtube link for slide 5:
2. Youtube link for slide 10:
Please find the media content at the final slide.
● Toys and crafts: Puppet, rewarding system (Kani image, carrot images etc or flexible)
● Flashcards
● Whiteboard and pen

General notes:

● Speed: For this level, speaking speed is really important. Teachers should speak
slower than usual. Speed will be decided based on the student's age, the younger the
slower. Speed will also depend on the students’ level.
● TPR: Using TPR is really important to motivate the student and using puppets,
flashcards, as required, will help motivate the student.
● Pronunciation: For ESL students, correcting pronunciation is really important and
teachers should correct during the class.
● The teacher should appraise the student or correct positively frequently.
● If the student cannot answer, the teacher can mouth then say out loud to help.
● If the student cannot concentrate, the teacher can use TPR or puppets.

!!! For Kyna Speak Junior, students are expected to have as many opportunities to
SPEAK as possible. S should be encouraged to explain their answers (even when S
gives the correct ones) and expand it by giving their own examples and opinions. All
answers should be given orally in full sentences. Please pay attention to their use of
English and pronunciation and fix their errors during class.

Evaluate student performance after class (for teachers): Please spare five minutes to fill in
the performance evaluation for the student via Kynaforkids Teacher’s App. This is compulsory
in order to finish the class. Please be noticed that the form should be filled in for each class
within 24 hours.


(1 min)

1. T introduces himself or herself; ask for student's name

T introduces his/her name, nationality
T asks "What is your name?" and helps the student to reply.
T exposes the student to How are you?
T asks: How old are you?
AND OTHER TOPICS (School, lunch, dinner, etc.) TO WARM UP THE CLASS

2. Introduce about rewards system

Information exchange

Jack Clara

1. what dish/ lunch/ today chicken curry with bread 1. what dish/ lunch/ today a beef burger

2. any drinks coffee 2. any drinks milk

3. any desserts no 3. any desserts vanilla ice cream

$7 ($3 - burger, $2 - milk ; $2 -

4. how much/ pay $10 ($8 - curry ; $2 - coffee) 4. how much/ pay
ice cream)

food and drink/ fantastic and small space/ the most delicious
5. what/ think / the cafe? cheap 5. what/ think / the canteen
ice cream

(5 mins)

T introduces the task: Now, let's practice asking and answering questions. Look at Jack's
information and answer the questions.

Teacher reads each question aloud and asks the student to answer. Student is expected to
answer in a full sentence. Teacher should pay attention to the student's use of English.

Then teacher asks the student to ask for Clara's information and the teacher will answer based
on the information below the picture.

Question and answer:

- What dish did Jack have for lunch at Rosie's cafe today? - He had chicken curry with
- Did he order any drinks? - Yes, he ordered a glass of iced coffee.
- Did he order any desserts? - No, he didn't.
- How much did he pay? - - He paid $10 in total, $8 for the curry and $2 for the coffee.
- What does he think about the cafe? - He thinks the food and drink here were fantastic
and cheap.

- What dish did Clara have for lunch at the school canteen today? - She had a beef

- Did she order any drinks? - Yes, she ordered a glass of milk.
- Did she order any desserts? - Yes, she had one vanilla ice cream.
- How much did she pay? - She paid $7 in total, $3 for the burger, $2 for the milk and $2
for the ice cream.
- What does she think about the canteen? - She thinks the space is small but it had the
most delicious ice cream.
Three forms of regular verbs Write 5 words in each column

Double consonant + + ied + ed +d


plan -> planned tidy -> tidied work -> worked close -> closed
…………………….. …………………….. …………………….. ……………………..

…………………….. …………………….. …………………….. ……………………..

…………………….. …………………….. …………………….. ……………………..

…………………….. …………………….. …………………….. ……………………..

…………………….. …………………….. …………………….. ……………………..

(4 mins)

T: Let's review the 3 forms of regular verbs. Do you still remember what should we do to
change a regular verb into its past and past participle forms?
S: We should add ed at the end of the verbs.
T: Great job! But there are some special rules for adding ed. They are .............
→ T points to the 4 columns and signals the S to answer.

Then T introduces the task: Now, let's think of some verbs for each coloum. There are some
examples for you.
T explains the examples and asks the S to do the rest. After giving feedback, T should grant
the tool for them to type the answer on the slide.

Suggested answer (Answer will vary):

+ed: open --> opened ; boil --> boiled ; cook --> cooked
+ double consonants+ed: chat --> chatted ; drop --> dropped; clap --> clapped
+d: hope --> hoped ; bake --> baked ; serve --> served
+ied: cry --> cried ; study --> studied ; hurry --> hurried

Three forms of irregular verbs Fill in the missing forms of verbs

Base Past Past Participle

1. make ……………… ………………

2. be was/ were ………………

3. …………... put ………………

4. bring ……………… ………………

5. ……………. held held

6. cut ……………… ………………

7. …………… knew ………………

8. give ……………… ………………

(4 mins)

T introduces the task: Now, let's review 3 forms of irregular verbs with this exercise. Look at
the tables and fill in the missing forms of the verbs.

T makes an example with the first word and asks the S to fill in the missing forms of the other
If the S finds it difficult, T helps explain and guides the S to get to the answer.

If the S answers easily, T can ask S when to use the past form and when to use the past

1. make - made - made
2. be - was/ were - been
3. put - put - put
4. bring - brought - brought
5. hold - held -held
6. cut - cut - cut
7. know - knew - known
8. give - gave - given

Passive Voice

She baked that cake this morning.

That cake was baked this morning.

(4 mins)

T introduces: We're going to learn a new point of grammar, Passive voice. Before you watch a
video to learn, let's have a look at this pair of sentences.

T guide students to compare and contrast the two sentences. (Same meaning but the first one
focuses on the person and the second one focuses on the cake.)
T asks S to guess which they think is active and which is passive, then T plays the video and
asks the S to take notes if necessary.

T can give hint: An active sentence is where the subject does the action, while a passive
sentence is where the subject receives the action.

Please find the media content at the final slide.

Change the sentences into passive voice

1. She opened this restaurant two years ago.

🡪 …………………………………………………………………………….

2. We made this chocolate cake for you.

🡪 …………………………………………………………………………….

3. He boiled the potatoes for two hours.

🡪 …………………………………………………………………………….

4. They added a lot of salt and pepper to the soup.

🡪 …………………………………………………………………………….

(6 mins)

T introduces the task: Let's practice changing the sentences into passive voice.

T makes an example with the first sentence by identify the subject, verb & object then make
changes. T asks the S to do the rest.

S is expected to explain their answers.

1. This restaurant was opened two years ago.
2. This chocolate cake was made for you.
3. The potatoes were boiled for two hours.
4. A lot of salt and pepper was added to the soup.

Change the sentences into passive voice

5. They didn't serve water at that cafe.

🡪 …………………………………………………………………………….

6. They added fresh fruit to the dessert menu last year.

🡪 …………………………………………………………………………….

7. She baked this cake for thirty minutes.

🡪 …………………………………………………………………………….

8. They closed the restaurant last month.

🡪 …………………………………………………………………………….


5. Water was served at that cafe.
6. Fresh fruit was added to the dessert menu last year.
7. This cake was baked for thirty minutes.
8. The restaurant was closed last month.

Presentation tip

Read the statement and decide whether it's

T(rue) or F(alse)

You should write down key points on a note

to remind you of what you want to say. T / F

(1 min)

T gets St read aloud the statement and gives their opinion (whether it's T or F)

T gives correction: This is F(alse) because when giving a presentation, your audience is both
hearing and seeing you. Body language helps you connect with the audience and make your
presentation more interesting.

But how about doing a presentation in front of a computer screen? you should have props -
which are things like puppets, cool glasses, or use special effects to make your presentation
more lively.

(8 mins)

T introduces the task: In this part, you're going to give a presentation about your favorite
restaurant/ cafe/ coffee shop.

T reminds St of the key information on the slide.

T goes through all parts and asks S for some key information. S should note them down.

T gives an example: My favorite restaurant is Jake's. It is located in 50 Pasteur Street. I

like this restaurant the most because of its space, food, great service and affordable
price. First, although it is a small restaurant, it has nice decor and the warm light with
soft music makes me feel relaxed. Second, it has the best beefsteak that I have ever
tried. I often have it with white wine. Another thing makes me a big fan of this place is
its service. Waiters here always wear a smile and give you good advice on what food to
order. They also ask you if everything is ok. Prices here are quite high, but affordable. I
often visit this place with my family once or twice a month.

T lets St talk without interruption and gives feedback on grammar and pronunciation.

Science: Adaptations - Polar Bear or Brown Bear?

1. Very thick fur all over the body, even on

their paws.

2. They sleep all winter to save energy.

3. Their fur has the color of the environment

they live in so their preys cannot see them.

4. Only eat other animals.

5. Can eat everything: fish, animals, plants,

fruits, roots, nuts.

(8 mins)

T introduces the task: Now, let's learn Science. Today we are going to explore some
adaptations of Polar Bear and Brown Bear.

T quickly explain the meaning of the word 'adaptation': An adaptation is a special skill which
helps an animal to survive and do everything it needs to do. For example, a cat’s eyes are
adapted for night-time hunting.
T asks the S to read 5 adaptations and choose whether it is Polar Bear's or Brown Bear's. S
should explain their guess.

T plays the video to check if the S's guess is correct or not.

Please find the media content at the final slide.

Answer key:
1. Polar bear
2. Brown bear
3. Polar bear & brown bear
4. Polar bear
5. Brown bear

things I've learned today:

things I like the most in today's lesson:

thing I want to know more about:

(2 mins)

T says: We're almost there. Before we finish our lesson, it's time for reflection on what we've
done today.

T asks questions from the slide and gets St to answer in details.

T should get S to extend their answer to check how much S has learned.

For the things needs to be improved, T might spare a small amount of time to explain that
again or show St how to work on that.
(1 min)

T sums up the rewards and says good-bye.



Slide 5:

Now I'm at this cafe near my house. This cafe was opened ten years ago. At first, only coffee
and tea were served. Then sandwiches and chocolate cakes were added into the menu. Now
the best chocolate is sold here too.
Now I'll say this again, can you notice the differences:
A man opened this cafe ten years ago. At first, the owner only served coffee and tea. Then he
added sandwiches and chocolate cakes to the menu. Now he sells the best chocolate here
Read these four pairs of sentences. Can you guess how we can make the second sentence of
each pair - how to change from active voice to passive voice?

Just a quick explanation, in the first sentence of each pair, we can see who did what. So in
English, it's called active voice - because we know the person who did the action.

In the second sentence, we don't know who did the action. We only know the action, and the
person/thing received the action. So we call it passive voice
Okay, so I guess you've guessed. But just let me walk you through it to be sure.

So first, identify the subject - A man, the verb - opened, and the object - the cafe in the

Then I will delete the subject of the sentence A man. And I move the object The cafe in front of
the verb open

Now the verb is in past simple tense, and I will need was or were in front of the verb opened.
With the cafe is singular, so I will need was.
Let's try another sentence

For this one, let's identify the subject, the verb and the object. So, the owner is the subject,
served is the verb, and coffee & tea is the object.

I will then delete the subject The owner.

And move coffee and tea in front of the the verb served.

Then I will need to add was or were to this sentence. And with coffee and tea are plural, I will
add were.

Slide 10:

Now, what do we have here? That's right, we have two different kinds of bears with two
different kinds of furs, and they live in two different environments. Now there are both bears
but they've had to adapt in different ways to survive. Now let's take a little look at what the
polar bear uses and what the brown bear uses to survive in their own environments.

Now do you know anything about their living environment? Do you know anything about what
they eat?
Clearly, these animals live in two different environments and the brown bears get to eat a lot of
different kinds of food. Now please take a look at this information and try to read it carefully.

Okay guys. Take a look at the screen and take a look at how the animal survives. How it
adapts its body and how it changes its habits. Now you can decide which animal it is - the
brown bear or the polar bear.

Now, the first adaptation of course belongs to the polar bear. The polar bear can be found in
the Arctic, and the temperature in this area is always below freezing.
In order to keep warm in such a harsh climate, the polar bears have got thick fur. In fact, they
even have fur on their paws to keep their feet warm.
The second adaptation of course belongs to the brown bear. The brown bear isn't found in the
Arctic, but it is found in Northern forests where there are four seasons. Because there isn't a
lot of food in the winter time, the bear shouldn't go hunting for food, because if it doesn't find
anything to eat, it could die. The bear knows it, so in these cases, the bear goes to sleep for a
long time, and wakes up in the spring time when there is more food to hunt, and it's easier for
the bear to survive.
Now, the third adaptation occurs both for polar bears and brown bears. It's to do with the color
of their fur. Polar bears' fur is white whereas brown bears' are brown. Polar bears' fur is white
because it can blend in with their snowy environment. And brown bears' fur is brown so that it
can blend in with the many tree trunks in the forest in which they live.

Now, the fourth and fifth adaptation are quite easy, right? So the polar bear lives in the Arctic,
which is quite an icy environment. There isn't a lot going on, and there isn't a lot of food to
choose from for the polar bear. But the polar bear's favorite food our seals. Polar bears eat a
lot of seals. On the other hand, the brown bear which lives in the forest has more food to
choose from. The brown bear can eat small animals plants, fruits, and nuts. Sometimes, the
brown bear even likes to go fishing, the brown bear's favorite fish is salmon and it often
catches it by the riverside.

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