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Extended Reading STARTER

Red Roses
Just then, Vicki arrives in her car.
‘Hello, Anna,’ she says. ‘Are you
OK? Your face is a bit pink. What’s the
‘Oh – er – nothing,’ says Anna.
They drive away. Vicki talks to
Anna, but Anna is thinking about the
young man.
‘Who is he?’ she thinks. ‘Does he live

I t’s August. Anna is playing her in the building? Who are the roses for?
guitar on the balcony of her new Will is walking along the street, His wife? His girlfriend? His mother?’
apartment. ‘I like it here,’ she thinks. when he sees a young woman with a
Then her phone rings. It’s her guitar.
friend Vicki. ‘Hmm – a guitar!’ he thinks. ‘I
‘I’m coming now, Anna. It’s must play my guitar more often.’
Grandview Apartments, Charlton, Then he looks at the young
isn’t it?’ woman.
‘That’s right. See you soon.’ ‘She’s nice!’ he thinks, and he
Anna takes her guitar and goes smiles at her.
out of her apartment. She goes Anna’s face is pink, and she looks
down in the elevator and goes away. Will goes into Grandview
outside. Apartments.
Anna is waiting outside the ‘Anna? Are you listening?’ says Vicki.
apartment building. ‘Oh! Sorry, Vicki,’ says Anna. Her
A young man is walking along face is red now.
the street. He is carrying a bunch of ‘What are you thinking about?’ says
white roses. Vicki. ‘Tell me!’
Anna looks at them. ‘What ‘Well, I’m thinking about a bunch of
beautiful roses!’ she thinks. Then roses,’ says Anna. ‘And a man.’
she looks at the young man. ‘He’s ‘Aha! Who is he?’ says Vicki.
nice too!’ she thinks. ‘I don’t know,’ says Anna.
The young man looks at her and ‘But I want to know,’ she thinks.
smiles, and suddenly Anna’s face is

1 Circle T (True) or F (False). 3 What do you think happens in the story?

1 Anna can play the guitar. T/F Check (✓) Yes or No for each sentence.
2 Anna doesn’t like her new apartment. T/F Yes No
3 Vicky is Anna’s sister. T/F 1 Anna talks to the young man.
4 Will is carrying a bunch of white roses. T/F 2 The young man gives the roses
to Anna.
2 Fill in the blanks with the words below.
3 The young man gives the roses to his
carrying sees smiles waiting

1 Anna is waiting outside the apartment

2 She a young man.
3 He is some roses.
4 The young man looks at her and .

Engage 2nd edition Level 1 Teacher’s Resource MultiROM PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 2012

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