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Q. Which of the following functions is not performed by a
Chief Minister?
A. He is chairman of the State Planning Board.
B. He acts as a chairman of the concerned zonal council by
C. He is the chief spokesman of the state government.
D. He is crisis manager-in-chief at the political level during
निम्ननिखित में से कौि सा कार्य एक मुख्यमंत्री द्वारा िही ं नकर्ा जाता है ?
A. वह राज्य र्ोजिा बोर्य के अध्यक्ष होता है ।
B. वह रोटे शि द्वारा संबंनित अंचि पररषद के अध्यक्ष के रूप में कार्य करता
है ।
C. वह राज्य सरकार का मुख्य प्रवक्ता हैं ।
D. वह आपात खिनतर्ों के दौराि राजिीनतक स्तर पर संकट प्रबंिक होता
हैं ।
Ans. B
Chief Minister acts as a vice-chairman of the concerned
zonal council by rotation. Also, as a leader of the state, he
meets various sections of the people and receives
memoranda from them regarding their problems. He is the
political head of the services.
Q. Ramsar Convention was recently in the news. Consider
the following pairs.
Ramsar Sites – States
1) Sirpur Lake – Karnataka
2) Pong Dam Lake – Assam
3) Kolleru Lake – Andhra Pradesh
4) Loktak Lake – Meghalaya
How many of the above pairs is/are correctly matched
A. Only1
B. Only 2
C. Only 3
D. All 4
रामसर कन्वेंशि हाि ही में समाचारों में था। निम्ननिखित र्ुग्मों पर
नवचार करें ।
रामसर स््थि - राज्य
1) नसरपुर झीि – किायटक
2) पोंग बांि झीि - असम
3) कोिेरु झीि - आं ध्र प्रदे श
4) िोकटक झीि – मेघािर्
उपरोक्त र्ुग्मों में से नकतिे र्ुग्म सही सुमेनित है /हैं ?
A. केवि 1
B. केवि 2
C. केवि 3
D. सभी 4
Ans. A
* Ramsar Sites – States
* Sirpur Lake – Madhya Pradesh
* Pong Dam Lake – Himachal Pradesh
* Kolleru Lake – Andhra Pradesh
* Loktak Lake – Manipur
* Only Pair 1 is correctly matched. Hence, option A is
Q. Consider the following statements regarding the
Caspian Sea:
1) There are six countries that have coastlines along the
Caspian Sea.
2) The sea is completely surrounded by land & has no
outlet to an open ocean.
3) On its western shore, it has coastlines with Kazakhstan.
Which of the above statement (s) is/are correct?
A. Only 1
B. Only 2
C. 1 and 2
D. 2 and 3
कैखिर्ि सागर के संबंि में निम्ननिखित कथिों पर नवचार करें :
1) छह ऐसे दे श हैं , जो कैखिर्ि सागर के नकिारे पर बसे हैं ।
2) समुद्र पूरी तरह से जमीि से नघरा हुआ है और र्हां तक नक िुिे
महासागर के निए कोई निगयम िही ं है।
3) इसके पूवी नकिारे पर, कजानकस्ताि की तटरे िा है ।
उपरोक्त कथि में से कौि सा सही है / हैं ?
A. केवि 1
B. केवि 2
C. केवि 1 और 2
D. केवि 2 और 3
Ans. B
* Caspian sea is completely surrounded by land and has no
outlet to an open ocean.
* There is a total of five countries, not six that shares their
coastlines with Caspian sea. These countries are Iran,
Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, and Russia. The Caspian
Sea is bordered by Russia (Dagestan, Kalmykia, Astrakhan
Oblast), the Republic of Azerbaijan, Iran (Guilan, Mazandaran
and Golestan provinces), Turkmenistan, and Kazakhstan, with
the central Asian steppes to the north and east.
* On its eastern shore, Turkmen shore is a large embayment,
the Kara Bogaz Gol (i.e. on its eastern shore it shares a
boundary with Turkmenistan, not Kazakhstan.)
Q. Who among the following introduced English medium
education in India?
A. Lord Wellesley
B. Lord Warren Hastings
C. Lord Dalhousie
D. Lord Macaulay

निम्ननिखित में से नकसिे भारत में अंग्रेजी माध्यम की नशक्षा शुरू की?
A. िॉर्य वैिेस्ली
B. िॉर्य वारे ि हे खटं ग्स
C. िॉर्य र्िहौजी
D. िॉर्य मैकािे
Ans. D
Lord Macaulay in his ‘Minute Upon Indian Education’ asserted
that the publication of books in Arabic and Sanskrit should be
withdrawn, and support for religious institutions such as
madrassas should be reduced. Rather the funds should be used
to establish the western education system. Lord William
Bentinck's 1835 English Education Act endorsed this minute.
Macaulay's goal of creating an intermediary class was to serve
the British interests. A class of English educated Indians were to
serve as a tool to infiltrate Indian minds with the ideas of British
superiority over the natives while also allowing them to
administer effectively by creating a bridge of communication
with the locals.
Q. With reference to the Lok Sabha, consider the following
1) The President is authorised to dissolve the Lok Sabha at
any time even before the completion of five years.
2) The term of the Lok Sabha can be extended during the
period of national emergency by a law of the Parliament
for two years at a time.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
A. 1 only
B. 2 only
C. Both 1 and 2
D. Neither 1 nor 2
िोकसभा के संदभय में निम्ननिखित कथिों पर नवचार कीनजए
1). राष्ट्रपनत पांच वषय पूर्य होिे से पहिे भी नकसी भी समर् िोकसभा को
भंग करिे के निए अनिकृत है ।
2). िोकसभा का कार्यकाि राष्ट्रीर् आपातकाि की अवनि के दौराि
संसद के एक कािूि द्वारा एक बार में दो साि तक बढार्ा जा सकता है ।
ऊपर नदए गए कथिों में से कौि-सा/से सही है /हैं ?
A. केवि 1
B. केवि 2
C. 1 एवं 2 दोिों
D. ि तो 1 और ि ही 2
Ans. A
• Statement 1 is correct: The Lok Sabha’s normal term is five
years from the date of its first meeting after the general
elections, after which it automatically dissolves. However,
the President is authorised to dissolve the Lok Sabha at any
time even before the completion of five years and this
cannot be challenged in a court of law.
• Statement 2 is incorrect: The term of the Lok Sabha can be
extended during the period of national emergency by a law
of the Parliament for one year at a time for any length of
time. However, this extension cannot continue beyond a
period of six months after the emergency has ceased to
Q. Recently, ‘YZ Ceti b’ was in the news, it is related to
A. Fish species
B. Submarine
C. Star
D. Exoplanet

हाि ही में, 'YZ Ceti b' समाचारों में था, र्ह नकससे संबंनित है ।
A. मछिी की प्रजानत
B. पिर्ु ब्बी
C. तारा
D. एक्सोप्लैिेट
Ans. D
* YZ Ceti b is a rocky, Earth-sized exoplanet rotating
around a small red dwarf star only 12 light-years away
from the Earth.
* Hence, option D is correct.
Q. Consider the following statements regarding the
Montagu-Chelmsford reforms.
1) It introduced bicameral legislature at Centre.
2) It enlarged provincial legislative councils.
3) It introduced a system of dyarchy at Centre.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

मांटेग्यू-चेम्सफोर्य सुिारों के बारे में निम्ननिखित कथिों पर नवचार करें :

1) इसिे केंद्र में नद्वसदिीर् नविानर्का की शुरुआत की।
2) इसिे प्रांतीर् नविाि पररषदों का नवस्तार नकर्ा।
3) इसिे केंद्र में नद्वशासि व्यविा की शुरुआत की।
उपर्ुयक्त में से कौि-सा/से कथि सही है /हैं ?
A. 1 only B. 2 & 3 only
C. 1 & 2 only D. 1 & 3 only
Ans. C
• Edward Montagu (Secretary of State) and Lord Chelmsford (The
viceroy) produced scheme of constitutional reforms (Montagu-
Chelmsford reforms) which formed the basis of the Government of
India Act 1919.
• At the centre there were to be two houses of legislature. The
lower house (Legislative Assembly) and the upper house (Council
of State). Hence, statement 1 is correct.
• Under it, the provincial legislative councils were enlarged and the
majority of their members were to be elected. Hence, statement 2
is correct.
• Dyarchy system was established in the provinces, not in the
center. Provincial governments were given more powers under the
dyarchy system. Hence, statement 3 is not correct.
Hence, Option C is correct.
Q. Which among the following is/are unitary features of
the Indian Constitution?
1). Equal representation in the Parliament
2). Single Constitution
3). Single Citizenship
Select the correct option.

निम्न में से कौि सी भारतीर् संनविाि की एकात्मक नवशेषताएं हैं ?

1). संसद में समाि प्रनतनिनित्व
2). एकि संनविाि
3). एकि िागररकता
सही नवकल््प का चर्ि करें :
A. 1 and 2 only B. 1 and 3 only
C. 2 and 3 only D. All of the above
Ans. C
Below are unitary features in Indian Constitution:
Unequal Representation in the Legislature: Equality of
units in a federation is best pledged by their equal
representation in the Upper House of the Parliament. In a
true federation like that of the US every State irrespective
of its size in terms of population or area, send 2
representatives to the Upper House, i.e., Senate.
Single Constitution: There is a single Constitution for both
Union & the States. Also, there is no provision for separate
Constitutions for the States. In the US & Australia, the
States have their own Constitutions which are uniformly
powerful as the federal Constitution.
Single citizenship: India fully follows the principle of
uniform & single citizenship, but in the US & Australia,
double citizenship is followed. This signifies that people
are citizens of both the federal State & their own
individual State which has its own Constitution.
Some other unitary features of the Indian Constitution
* Union of States
* Power to form new States & to change existing
* Power to make laws on the subjects in the State list
* Emergency provisions
* Unified Judiciary
* All India Services
Q. Consider the following statements regarding Heat
Budget of Earth:
1) In totality, 74% of the total incoming solar energy is
absorbed by the Earth.
2) The process of evaporation removes 25% amount of
energy from the Earth’s surface.
Which among the following above statements is/are
A. 1 only
B. 2 only
C. Both are correct
D. Both are incorrect
पृथ्वी के हीट बजट के बारे में निम्ननिखित कथिों पर नवचार करें :
1) समग्रता में, कुि आवक सौर ऊजाय का 74% पृथ्वी द्वारा अवशोनषत
होता है ।
2) वाष्पीकरर् की प्रनिर्ा पृथ्वी की सतह से 25% ऊजाय निकािती है ।
उपरोक्त कथिों में से कौि सा सही हैं ?
A. केवि 1
B. केवि 2
C. दोिों सही हैं
D. दोिों गित हैं
Ans. B
The Earth's heat-budget or the Earth's radiation balance
refers to the net flow of energy into Earth in the form of
the shortwave radiation and the outgoing infrared long-
wave radiation into space. The Incoming heat is absorbed
by the Earth, and the outgoing heat escapes the Earth in
the form of the radiation, and both evenly get balanced. In
case of their not getting balanced, Earth would become
either cooler or warmer with the passage of time. This
balance between the incoming and outgoing heat is called
the Earth’s heat budget.
This heat or energy plays have no role in Earth’s system.
Besides, about 23% of incoming solar energy is absorbed
in the atmosphere by water vapour, dust, and ozone, and
48% passes through the atmosphere and is absorbed by
the surface. Thus, in totality, 71% of the total incoming
solar energy is absorbed by the Earth.
• The process occurs at the three levels: 1) at the surface
of the Earth, 2) at the edge of Earth’s atmosphere and 3)
at the atmosphere in between. At each level, the amount
of the incoming and outgoing energy must be equal and
• The atmosphere and the surface of the Earth together
absorb 71% of incoming solar radiation, so it is mandatory
that to maintain the balance of energy, they must radiate
that much energy back to space to keep the Earth’s
average temperature in a stable manner.
• The atmosphere radiates heat equivalent to 59% of
incoming sunlight; the surface radiates only 12%. In other
words, most solar heating happens at the surface, while
most radiative cooling occurs in the atmosphere.
Role of evaporation convection & thermal infrared
For the energy budget at Earth’s surface to balance,
processes on the ground must get rid of the 48% of
incoming solar energy that the ocean and land surfaces
absorb. Energy leaves the surface through the three
processes: 1) evaporation, 2) convection, and 3) emission
of thermal infrared energy.
The surface absorbs about 48% of the incoming sunlight.
Three processes of the evaporation (25%), convection
(5%), and thermal infrared radiation, or heat (net 17%)
remove an equivalent amount of the energy from the
Earth’s surface.
Q. Predatory pricing was in the news recently, which of
the following statements regarding this is/are correct?
1) Predatory Pricing is the practice of a firm selling a
product at very low price with the intention of driving
competitors out of the market.
2) Competition Commission of India (CCI) has the power to
take a call on predatory pricing in the telecom sector.
Select the correct option -
A. 1 only
B. 2 only
C. Both 1 and 2
D. Neither 1 nor 2
हाि ही में नप्रर्े टरी प्राइनसंग समाचारों में थी, इसके संदभय में निम्न में से
कौि सा/से कथि सही है /हैं ?
1) नप्रर्े टरी प्राइनसंग एक फमय द्वारा अपिे प्रनतिनियर्ों को बाजार से
बाहर करिे के इरादे से बहुत कम कीमत पर उत्पाद बेचिे की प्रथा है ।
2) भारतीर् प्रनतििाय आर्ोग (CCI) के पास दूरसंचार क्षेत्र में नहं सक
मूल्य नििायरर् पर निर्यर् िेिे की शखक्त है ।
सही नवकल््प का चर्ि करें :
A. केवि 1
B. केवि 2
C. दोिों 1 और 2
D. ि तो 1 ि ही 2
Ans. A
* Statement 1 is correct. Predatory Pricing is the practice
of a firm selling a product at very low price with the
intention of driving competitors out of the market.
* Statement 2 is incorrect. At present, Telecom Regulatory
Authority of India (Trai) has the power to take a call on
predatory pricing in the telecom sector.
* Hence, option A is correct.
Q. Consider the following statements:
1). Election Commission of India conducts elections for the
government at Centre, State and Local levels
2). The retiring election commissioners are not eligible for
any further appointment by the government
3). The number of Election Commissioners can be
increased or decreased by the President
Choose the correct option:
A. 1 and 2 only
B. 2 only
C. 3 only
D. 2 and 3 only
निम्ननिखित कथिों पर नवचार करें :
1). भारत निवायचि आर्ोग केंद्र, राज्य और िािीर् स्तरों पर सरकार के
निए चुिावों का आर्ोजि करता है ।
2). सेवानिवृत्त चुिाव आर्ुक्त सरकार द्वारा नकसी और निर्ुखक्त के निए
पात्र िही ं हैं।
3). राष्ट्रपनत द्वारा चुिाव आर्ुक्तों की संख्या बढाई र्ा घटाई जा सकती
है ।
सही नवकल्प का चर्ि करें :
A. केवि 1 और 2
B. केवि 2
C. केवि 3
D. केवि 2 और 3
Ans. C
Election Commission of India conducts election for the
government at Centre and State levels only. At local level,
elections are conducted by State Election Commission.
Hence, first statement is incorrect.
The Constitution doesn’t debar the retiring election
commissioners from any further appointment by the
government. Hence, second statement is incorrect.
Article 324(2) states that the Election Commission shall
consist of the Chief Election Commissioner and such
number of other Election Commissioners as the President
may from time to time fix. Hence, third statement is
Q. In which of the following year the Battle of Saragarhi
was fought?

निम्ननिखित में से नकस वषय सारागढी का र्ुद्ध िडा गर्ा था?

A. 1854
B. 1867
C. 1878
D. 1897
Ans. D
• The Battle of Saragarhi was a last-stand battle fought
before the Tirah Campaign between the British Raj and
Afghan tribesmen.
• On 12 September 1897, an estimated 12,000 – 24,000
Orakzai and Afridi tribesmen were seen near Gogra, at
Samana Suk, and around Saragarhi, cutting off Fort
Gulistan from Fort Lockhart.
Hence, Option D is correct.
Q. Humbolt current is :
A. California current
B. Peru current
C. Brazil current
D. Falkland current

हम्बोल्ट िारा है :
A. केनिफोनियर्ा िारा
B. पेरु की िारा
C. ब्राजीि िारा
D. फॉकिैण्ड िारा
Ans. B
The Humboldt Current or the cold Peru Current is a cold
water ocean current that flows north from Antarctica
along the west coast of South America, bringing nutrient
rich water to the Galapagos Islands and helping to sustain
the islands rich biodiversity.
Q. During the discussion on the Demands for Grants,
motions can be moved to reduce the amount of a
demand. Such a motion is called a 'cut-motion'. Which of
the following categories are classified as 'cut-motion'?
1) Disapproval of policy cut
2) Economy cut
3) Token cut
Select the correct answer using the code given below:
A. 1 and 2 only
B. 2 and 3 only
C. 1, 2 and 3
D. 1 and 3 only
Ans. C
Cut motions are motions introduced in the parliament to
reduce the amount of demand.
A motion can be introduced to reduce the amount of a
demand in any of the following ways:
• Disapproval of Policy Cut Motions: A Disapproval of
Policy Cut motion is introduced to reduce the amount of
demand to Re.1.
• Economy Cut Motions: An Economy Cut motion is used
to reduce the amount of demand by a specified amount.
• Token Cut Motions: A Token Cut motion is used to
reduce the amount of the demand by Rs.100.
Hence, option C is correct.
Q. Which of the following was the first Indian state to
establish Panchayati Raj?
A. Rajasthan
B. Bihar
C. Punjab
D. Tamil Nadu

पंचार्ती राज की िापिा करिे वािा पहिा भारतीर् राज्य कौि सा

A. राजिाि
B. नबहार
C. पंजाब
D. तनमििार्ु
Ans. A
• Rajasthan was the first Indian state to establish
Panchayati Raj.
• Prime Minister inaugurated the scheme on October 2,
1959, in Nagaur district.
• Andhra Pradesh followed Rajasthan and adopted the
system in 1959.
Q. In which year, a ministry of tribal affairs set up to
provide a sharp focus to the welfare and development of
the scheduled tribes?

नकस वषय में, जिजातीर् कार्य मंत्रािर् को अिुसूनचत जिजानतर्ों के

कल्यार् और नवकास पर ओर अनिक ध्याि केंनद्रत करिे हे तु िानपत
नकर्ा गर्ा था।

A. 1999
B. 1998
C. 1997
D. 2000
Ans. A
It was set up in 1999 after the bifurcation of Ministry of
Social Justice and Empowerment to have a more focused
approach on the integrated socio-economic development
of the Scheduled Tribes (STs), the most underprivileged of
the Indian Society, in a coordinated and planned manner.
The Ministry of Tribal Affairs is the nodal Ministry for
overall policy, planning and coordination of programmes
for the development of ST’s.
Q. Who was the founder of Forward Bloc party?
A. Chandra Shekhar Azad
B. Subash Chandra Bose
C. C R Das
D. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar

फॉरवर्य ब्लॉक पाटी के संिापक कौि थे?

A. चन्‍द्द्र शेिर आजाद
B. सुभाष चन्‍द्द्र बोस
C. सी.आर. दास
D. र्ॉ. बी.आर. अम््बेडकर
Ans. B
S C Bose resigned from the post of the President of Indian
National Congress in April 1939 and on 3 May 1939, he
founded the “Forward Bloc”. S C Bose became the
President of the Forward Bloc and S.S. Cavesheer its Vice-
President. In August 1939, he started publishing a
newspaper titled ‘Forward Bloc’.
Q. Consider the following statements about Rajputs:
1) Vigraharaj was the famous ruler of Chauhans.
2) Rajputs fought against the Paramaras.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

राजपूतों के सन्दभय में निम्ननिखित कथिों पर नवचार करें :

1) नवग्रहराज चौहािों का प्रनसद्ध शासक था।
2) राजपूतों िे परमारों के खििाफ िडाई िडी।
ऊपर नदए गए कथिों में से कौि सा/से कथि सही है / हैं ?
A. 1 only
B. 2 only
C. Both 1 and 2
D. Neither 1 nor 2
Ans. A
The Chauhans, the most valiant of the Rajput races, ruled
Ajmer. Vigraharaj was their most important king, who
occupied Delhi. Therefore, Chauhans faced the onslaught
of the Muslims under Muhammad of Ghori.
Paramaras were also important Rajput rulers of this
period. The most important king was Bhoja.
Therefore, the correct answer is option a.
Q. Which among the following is/are unitary features of
the Indian Constitution?
1). Equal representation in the Parliament
2). Single Constitution
3). Single Citizenship
Select the correct option.

निम्न में से कौि सी भारतीर् संनविाि की एकात्मक नवशेषताएं हैं ?

1). संसद में समाि प्रनतनिनित्व
2). एकि संनविाि
3). एकि िागररकता
सही नवकल््प का चर्ि करें :
A. 1 and 2 only B. 1 and 3 only
C. 2 and 3 only D. All of the above
Ans. C
Below are unitary features in Indian Constitution:
Unequal Representation in the Legislature: Equality of
units in a federation is best pledged by their equal
representation in the Upper House of the Parliament. In a
true federation like that of the US every State irrespective
of its size in terms of population or area, send 2
representatives to the Upper House, i.e., Senate.
Single Constitution: There is a single Constitution for both
Union & the States. Also, there is no provision for separate
Constitutions for the States. In the US & Australia, the
States have their own Constitutions which are uniformly
powerful as the federal Constitution.
Single citizenship: India fully follows the principle of
uniform & single citizenship, but in the US & Australia,
double citizenship is followed. This signifies that people
are citizens of both the federal State & their own
individual State which has its own Constitution.
Some other unitary features of the Indian Constitution
* Union of States
* Power to form new States & to change existing
* Power to make laws on the subjects in the State list
* Emergency provisions
* Unified Judiciary
* All India Services
Q. Kavirajamarga, is an epic rhetoric written in
A. Malayalam
B. Tamil
C. Telugu
D. Kannada

कनवराजमागय , एक महाकाव्य अिंकार शास्त्र है , जो....... में नििा गर्ा

है :
A. मिर्ािम
B. तनमि
C. तेिुगु
D. कन्नड
Ans. D
Kavirajamarga is the earliest available work on rhetoric,
poetics and grammar in the Kannada language. It was
inspired by or written in part by the famous Rashtrakuta
King Amoghavarsha I, and some historians claim it is based
partly on the Sanskrit text Kavyadarsha.
Q. Which of the following was the first Indian state to
establish Panchayati Raj?
A. Rajasthan
B. Bihar
C. Punjab
D. Tamil Nadu

पंचार्ती राज की िापिा करिे वािा पहिा भारतीर् राज्य कौि सा

A. राजिाि
B. नबहार
C. पंजाब
D. तनमििार्ु
Ans. A
• Rajasthan was the first Indian state to establish
Panchayati Raj.
• Prime Minister inaugurated the scheme on October 2,
1959, in Nagaur district.
• Andhra Pradesh followed Rajasthan and adopted the
system in 1959.
Q. With reference to the Constituent Assembly, consider
the following statements:
(1) The Constituent Assembly first met in December 1946
as per the provisions of the Cabinet Mission Plan.
(2) Each Province and Princely state was to be allotted
seats in proportion to its respective population.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
A. 1 only
B. 2 only
C. Both 1 and 2
D. Neither 1 nor 2
संनविाि सभा के संदभय में निम्ननिखित कथिों पर नवचार कीनजए
(1) कैनबिेट नमशि र्ोजिा के प्राविािों के अिुसार संनविाि सभा की
पहिी बैठक नदसंबर 1946 में हुई थी।
(2) प्रत्येक प्रांत और ररर्ासत को उसकी संबंनित जिसं ख्या के अिुपात
में सीटें आवंनटत की जािी थी ं।
ऊपर नदए गए कथिों में से कौि-सा/से सही है /हैं ?
A. केवि 1
B. केवि 2
C. दोिों 1 और 2
D. ि तो 1 और ि ही 2
Ans. C
The Constituent Assembly of India came into existence in
December 1946 as per the provisions of the Cabinet Mission
Plan of May 1946.
The total strength of the Constituent Assembly was to be 389.
Of these, 296 seats were to be allotted to British India and 93
seats to the Princely states. Out of 296 seats allotted to British
India, 292 members were to be drawn from the eleven
Governors’ Provinces, four from the four Chief Commissioners’
Provinces, one from each Province and Princely state (or group
of states in case of small states) were to be allotted seats in
proportion to their respective population. Roughly, one seat
was to be allotted for every million population.
Q. Cyclone Biparjoy was recently in the news. Which of the
following statements regarding cyclones in India is/are
1) India witnesses a greater number of cyclones in the Bay
of Bengal compared to the Arabian Sea.
2) Arabian Sea is slightly warmer than the Bay of Bengal.
Select the correct option -
A. 1 only
B. 2 only
C. Both 1 and 2
D. Neither 1 nor 2
चिवात नबपरजॉर् हाि ही में समाचारों में था। भारत में चिवातों के
संदभय में निम्न में से कौि सा/से कथि सही है /हैं ?
1) भारत में अरब सागर की तुििा में बंगाि की िाडी में अनिक संख्या
में चिवात आते हैं ।
2) अरब सागर बंगाि की िाडी की तुििा में थोडा गमय है ।
सही नवकल््प का चर्ि करें :
A. केवि 1
B. केवि 2
C. दोिों 1 और 2
D. ि तो 1 ि ही 2
Ans. A
* Statement 2 is incorrect. A cyclone is a low-pressure system
that forms over warm waters.
* Usually, a high temperature anywhere means the existence of
low-pressure air, and a low temperature means high-pressure
* Statement 1 is correct. In fact, this is one of the main reasons
why India sees a greater number of cyclones in the Bay of
Bengal compared to the Arabian Sea.
* Hence, option A is correct.
Q. With reference to the Constituent Assembly, consider
the following statements:
(1) The Constituent Assembly first met in December 1946
as per the provisions of the Cabinet Mission Plan.
(2) Each Province and Princely state was to be allotted
seats in proportion to its respective population.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
A. 1 only
B. 2 only
C. Both 1 and 2
D. Neither 1 nor 2
संनविाि सभा के संदभय में निम्ननिखित कथिों पर नवचार कीनजए
(1) कैनबिेट नमशि र्ोजिा के प्राविािों के अिुसार संनविाि सभा की
पहिी बैठक नदसंबर 1946 में हुई थी।
(2) प्रत्येक प्रांत और ररर्ासत को उसकी संबंनित जिसं ख्या के अिुपात
में सीटें आवंनटत की जािी थी ं।
ऊपर नदए गए कथिों में से कौि-सा/से सही है /हैं ?
A. केवि 1
B. केवि 2
C. दोिों 1 और 2
D. ि तो 1 और ि ही 2
Ans. C
The Constituent Assembly of India came into existence in
December 1946 as per the provisions of the Cabinet Mission
Plan of May 1946.
The total strength of the Constituent Assembly was to be 389.
Of these, 296 seats were to be allotted to British India and 93
seats to the Princely states. Out of 296 seats allotted to British
India, 292 members were to be drawn from the eleven
Governors’ Provinces, four from the four Chief Commissioners’
Provinces, one from each Province and Princely state (or group
of states in case of small states) were to be allotted seats in
proportion to their respective population. Roughly, one seat
was to be allotted for every million population.
Q. Consider the following statements:
(1) A megalith is a large stone that has been used to construct a
structure or monument, either alone or together with other
(2) Capstone style megaliths placed horizontally, often over burial
chambers, without the use of support stones.
(3) Cist is a small stone-built coffin-like box or ossuary used to hold
the bodies of the dead. Burials are megalithic forms very similar to
dolmens in structure. These type of burials were completely
underground. There were single- and multiple-chambered cists..
(4) Menhir is the name used in Western Europe for a single upright
stone erected in prehistoric times; sometimes called a “standing
Which of these statements are correct?
A. (1) B. (2) and (3)
C. (3), and (4) D. (1), (2), (3), and (4)
निम्ननिखित कथिों पर नवचार करें :
(1) मेगानिथ एक बडा पत्थर है नजसका उपर्ोग र्ा तो अकेिे र्ा अन्य
पत्थरों के सा नकसी संरचिा र्ा स्मारक के निमायर् के निए नकर्ा गर्ा था।
(2) कैपटोि शैिी के मेगानिथ को क्षैनतज रूप से, आमतौर पर दफि कक्षों
के ऊपर, समथयि पत्थरों के उपर्ोग के नबिा रिा जाता है ।
(3) नसट एक छोटा पत्थर से बिा ताबूत जैसा बॉक्स र्ा अखि-पंजर होता है
नजसका इस्तेमाि मृतकों के शरीर को रििे के निए नकर्ा जाता है । दफि
संरचिा में र्ोिमेन्स के समाि ही मेगानिनथक रूप हैं । इस प्रकार के
दफ़िािे की प्रनिर्ा पूरी तरह से भूनमगत थी। एकि और बहु-कक्षीर् नसट
(4) मेखिर पनिमी र्ूरोप में प्रागैनतहानसक काि में िडे एक एकि पत्थर के
निए इस्तेमाि नकर्ा जािे वािा िाम है ; इसे "िडा पत्थर" भी कहा जाता
है ।
इिमें से कौि से कथि सही हैं ?
A. (1) B. (2) और (3)
C. (3), और (4) D. (1), (2), (3), और (4)
Ans. D
• A megalith is a large stone that has been used to
construct a structure or monument, either alone or
together with other stones.
• Capstone style megaliths placed horizontally, often over
burial chambers, without the use of support stones.
• The Cist is a small stone-built coffin-like box or ossuary
used to hold the bodies of the dead.
• Burials are megalithic forms very similar to dolmens in
structure. These type of burials were completely
• There were single- and multiple-chambered cists. The
Menhir is the name used in Western Europe for a single
upright stone erected in prehistoric times; sometimes
called a “standing stone”.
Hence, Option D is correct.
Q. Consider the following statements:
1). Election Commission of India conducts elections for the
government at Centre, State and Local levels
2). The retiring election commissioners are not eligible for
any further appointment by the government
3). The number of Election Commissioners can be
increased or decreased by the President
Choose the correct option:
A. 1 and 2 only
B. 2 only
C. 3 only
D. 2 and 3 only
निम्ननिखित कथिों पर नवचार करें :
1). भारत निवायचि आर्ोग केंद्र, राज्य और िािीर् स्तरों पर सरकार के
निए चुिावों का आर्ोजि करता है ।
2). सेवानिवृत्त चुिाव आर्ुक्त सरकार द्वारा नकसी और निर्ुखक्त के निए
पात्र िही ं हैं।
3). राष्ट्रपनत द्वारा चुिाव आर्ुक्तों की संख्या बढाई र्ा घटाई जा सकती
है ।
सही नवकल्प का चर्ि करें :
A. केवि 1 और 2
B. केवि 2
C. केवि 3
D. केवि 2 और 3
Ans. C
Election Commission of India conducts election for the
government at Centre and State levels only. At local level,
elections are conducted by State Election Commission.
Hence, first statement is incorrect.
The Constitution doesn’t debar the retiring election
commissioners from any further appointment by the
government. Hence, second statement is incorrect.
Article 324(2) states that the Election Commission shall
consist of the Chief Election Commissioner and such
number of other Election Commissioners as the President
may from time to time fix. Hence, third statement is
Q. In which year, a ministry of tribal affairs set up to
provide a sharp focus to the welfare and development of
the scheduled tribes?

नकस वषय में, जिजातीर् कार्य मंत्रािर् को अिुसूनचत जिजानतर्ों के

कल्यार् और नवकास पर ओर अनिक ध्याि केंनद्रत करिे हे तु िानपत
नकर्ा गर्ा था।

A. 1999
B. 1998
C. 1997
D. 2000
Ans. A
It was set up in 1999 after the bifurcation of Ministry of
Social Justice and Empowerment to have a more focused
approach on the integrated socio-economic development
of the Scheduled Tribes (STs), the most underprivileged of
the Indian Society, in a coordinated and planned manner.
The Ministry of Tribal Affairs is the nodal Ministry for
overall policy, planning and coordination of programmes
for the development of ST’s.
Q. With reference to the Lok Sabha, consider the following
1) The President is authorised to dissolve the Lok Sabha at
any time even before the completion of five years.
2) The term of the Lok Sabha can be extended during the
period of national emergency by a law of the Parliament
for two years at a time.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
A. 1 only
B. 2 only
C. Both 1 and 2
D. Neither 1 nor 2
िोकसभा के संदभय में निम्ननिखित कथिों पर नवचार कीनजए
1). राष्ट्रपनत पांच वषय पूर्य होिे से पहिे भी नकसी भी समर् िोकसभा को
भंग करिे के निए अनिकृत है ।
2). िोकसभा का कार्यकाि राष्ट्रीर् आपातकाि की अवनि के दौराि
संसद के एक कािूि द्वारा एक बार में दो साि तक बढार्ा जा सकता है ।
ऊपर नदए गए कथिों में से कौि-सा/से सही है /हैं ?
A. केवि 1
B. केवि 2
C. 1 एवं 2 दोिों
D. ि तो 1 और ि ही 2
Ans. A
• Statement 1 is correct: The Lok Sabha’s normal term is
five years from the date of its first meeting after the
general elections, after which it automatically dissolves.
However, the President is authorised to dissolve the Lok
Sabha at any time even before the completion of five
years and this cannot be challenged in a court of law.
• Statement 2 is incorrect: The term of the Lok Sabha can
be extended during the period of national emergency by a
law of the Parliament for one year at a time for any length
of time. However, this extension cannot continue beyond
a period of six months after the emergency has ceased to
Q. Which of the following functions is not performed by a Chief
A. He is chairman of the State Planning Board.
B. He acts as a chairman of the concerned zonal council by
C. He is the chief spokesman of the state government.
D. He is crisis manager-in-chief at the political level during
निम्ननिखित में से कौि सा कार्य एक मुख्यमंत्री द्वारा िही ं नकर्ा जाता है ?
A. वह राज्य र्ोजिा बोर्य के अध्यक्ष होता है ।
B. वह रोटे शि द्वारा संबंनित अंचि पररषद के अध्यक्ष के रूप में कार्य करता
है ।
C. वह राज्य सरकार का मुख्य प्रवक्ता हैं ।
D. वह आपात खिनतर्ों के दौराि राजिीनतक स्तर पर संकट प्रबंिक होता
हैं ।
Ans. B
Chief Minister acts as a vice-chairman of the concerned
zonal council by rotation. Also, as a leader of the state, he
meets various sections of the people and receives
memoranda from them regarding their problems. He is the
political head of the services.
Q. Satluj river enters India through which of the following
A. Shipki La
B. Niti Pass
C. Nathu La
D. Mana Pass
E. None of the above/more than one of the above
सतिुज िदी निम्ननिखित में से नकस दरे से होते हुए भारत में प्रवेश
करती है ?
A. नशपकी िा दराय
B. िीनत दराय
C. िाथू िा दराय
D. मािा दराय
E. उपरोक्त में से कोई िही ं/उपर्ुयक्त में से एक से अनिक
Ans. A
• Shipki La is a mountain pass and border post on the India-China
border. The river Sutlej, which is called Langqên Zangbo in Tibet,
enters India near this pass. The road is an offshoot of the ancient
Silk Road. Hence, option A is correct.
• Niti Pass is an international high mountain pass at an elevation of
5.070m (16,633ft) connecting Uttarakhand, a state in the northern
part of India and southern Tibet, an autonomous region of the
People's Republic of China.
• Nathu La is a mountain pass in the Himalayas in East Sikkim
district. It connects the Indian state of Sikkim with China's Tibet
Autonomous Region. The pass, at 4,310 m above mean sea level,
forms a part of an offshoot of the ancient Silk Road.
• Mana Pass is a mountain pass in the Uttarakhand Himalayas on
the border between India and Tibet.
Q. Consider the following statements about Smog:
1) Smog is the most common example of air pollution that
occurs in many cities throughout the world.
2) Classical Smog occurs in a warm, dry and sunny climate.
3) The common components of photochemical Smog are
ozone, nitric oxide, acrolein, formaldehyde and
peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN).
4) Photochemical Smog is also known as Reducing Smog.
Select the correct statements using the code given below:
A. 1 and 2 only
B. 1, 3 and 4 only
C. 1 and 3 only
D. 1, 2 and 4 only
कोहरा (स्मॉग) के संदभय में निम्ननिखित कथिों पर नवचार करें :
1) कोहरा (स्मॉग) वार्ु प्रदूषर् का सबसे आम उदाहरर् है जो दुनिर्ा
भर के कई शहरों में होता है
2) क्लानसकि कोहरा (स्मॉग) गमय, शुष्क और िूप वािी जिवार्ु में होता
3) फोटोकैनमकि स्मॉग के सामान्य घटक ओजोि, िाइनटर क ऑक्साइर्,
एिोनिि, फॉमयिानर्हाइर् और पेरोक्सीनसटाइि िाइटर े ट (पैि) हैं
4) फोटोकैनमकि स्मॉग को ररड्यूनसंग स्मॉग के रूप में भी जािा जाता
िीचे नदए गए कूट का उपर्ोग करके सही कथिों का चर्ि करें :
A. केवि 1 और 2
B. केवि 1, 3 और 4
C. केवि 1 और 3
D. केवि 1, 2 और 4
Ans. C
The word Smog is derived from smoke and fog. The two
types of Smog are: Classical Smog and Photochemical
- Classical Smog is a mixture of smoke, fog and sulphur
dioxide and is found in cool humid climate. Chemically it is
a reducing mixture, and so it is also called as reducing
- Photochemical Smog occurs in a warm, dry and sunny
climate. It has a high concentration of oxidising agents and
is, therefore, called as oxidising Smog.
Thus only statements 1 and 3 are correct.
Q. Consider the following statements:
I. The Union territory of Puducherry consists of four
districts: Puducherry, Karaikal, Mahe, and Yanam.
II. Yanam is an enclave in Tamil Nadu.
Which of the statement(s) is/are correct?

निम््िनिखित कथिों पर नवचार करें :

I. पुर्ुचेरी के केंद्र शानसत प्रदे श में चार नजिे शानमि हैं : पुर्ुचेरी,
कराईकि, माहे और र्िम।
II. र्िम तनमििार्ु में खित एक एन्‍दक्लेव है ।
निम््ि में से कौि सा/से कथि सही है /हैं ?
A. I only B. II only
C. Both I and II D. Neither I nor II
Ans. A
* The Union territory of Puducherry became part of
independent India when the territories of French India were
completely transferred to India on 1 November 1954.
* The Union territory of Puducherry consists of four districts:
Puducherry, Karaikal, Mahe, and Yanam.
* Puducherry and Karaikalare an enclave of Tamil Nadu. Mahe
is an enclave of Kerala and Yanam is an enclave in Andhra
* It is also accorded the status of a partial state. The Union
Territory of Puducherry has its own state Assembly.
Additional information: The coastal enclave of Chandannagar
was also part of French India but instead of being a part of
Puducherry, it merged with West Bengal in 1954.
Q. Assertion (A): The followers of Bhadrabahu came to be
known as the Digambar, and those of Sthulabhadra came
to be known as Swetambar.
Reason (R): The Sthulabhadra & his disciples had migrated
to south India.
A. Both A & R are individually true, and R is the correct
explanation of A
B. Both A & R are individually true, but R is not the correct
explanation of A
C. A is true, but R is false
D. A is false, but R is true
अनभकथि (A): भद्रबाहु के अिुर्ानर्र्ों को नदगंबर के रूप में जािा गर्ा
और िूिभद्र के अिुर्ानर्र्ों को श्वेतांबर कहा गर्ा।
तकय (R): िूिभद्र और उिके नशष्य दनक्षर् भारत चिे गए थे।
A. A और R दोिों अकेिे सही हैं , और R, A का सही िष्ट्ीकरर् है
B. A और R दोिों अकेिे सही हैं , और R, A का सही िष्ट्ीकरर् िही ं है
C. A सही है , िेनकि R गित है
D. A गित है , िेनकि R सही है
Ans. C
* Jainism got divided into two sects after around 160 years
of Lord Mahavira’s death. At the time, Acharya
Bhadrabahu was the Principal Guru (ShrutKevali).
* There was a severe famine in the north which forced
Bhadrabahu to migrate to south along with twelve-
thousands of his followers. Others remained in the North
under the guidance of Acharya Sthulabhadra who was the
disciple of Bhadrabahu.
* At this point, you have to remember that Jain texts weren’t
written. They were orally passed on by the preceptors to
their pupils. Soon over time while Bhadrabahu was away,
the tenets began getting lost. In this scenario, the first Jain
Council was held at Pataliputra.
* Here, the 14 Poorvas were reduced to 12 Chapters called
Angas. Also, those who stayed back had started wearing
white clothes. These two points were unacceptable to
Bhadrabahu and his disciples who had migrated to the south.
* They considered the version unauthentic, and this is where
Jainism got divided into two sects. Followers of Bhadrabahu
came to be known as Digambar (sky-clad), and those of
Sthulabhadra are called Swetambar (clad in white clothes).
Q. During the discussion on the Demands for Grants,
motions can be moved to reduce the amount of a
demand. Such a motion is called a 'cut-motion'. Which of
the following categories are classified as 'cut-motion'?
1) Disapproval of policy cut
2) Economy cut
3) Token cut
Select the correct answer using the code given below:
A. 1 and 2 only
B. 2 and 3 only
C. 1, 2 and 3
D. 1 and 3 only
Ans. C
Cut motions are motions introduced in the parliament to
reduce the amount of demand.
A motion can be introduced to reduce the amount of a
demand in any of the following ways:
• Disapproval of Policy Cut Motions: A Disapproval of
Policy Cut motion is introduced to reduce the amount of
demand to Re.1.
• Economy Cut Motions: An Economy Cut motion is used
to reduce the amount of demand by a specified amount.
• Token Cut Motions: A Token Cut motion is used to
reduce the amount of the demand by Rs.100.
Hence, option C is correct.
Q. Which among the following is correct?
A. Mixed cropping includes the practice of sowing one main crop
and one or two subsidiary crops together on the same land.
B. Mixed farming is a kind of farming that combines the system of
producing crops and maintaining livestock simultaneously or
alternately on the same land.
C. Both statement A & B
D. None of the above

निम्ननिखित में से कौि-सा सही है ?

A. नमनित फसि में एक मुख्य फसि और एक र्ा दो सहार्क फसिों को एक
साथ एक ही भूनम पर बोिा शानमि है ।
B. नमनित कृनष एक प्रकार की कृनष है नजसमें एक साथ र्ा एक ही भूनम पर
वै कखल्पक रूप से फसिों का उत्पादि और पशुिि को पािा जाता है ।
C. A और B दोिों कथि
D. इिमें से कोई भी िही ं
Ans. C
Mixed farming:
* It is a kind of farming which combines the system of
producing crops & maintaining livestock, simultaneously
or alternately on the same land.
* By practising the mixed farming benefits of both, the
activities are maximised.
* It demands less labour & also helps in restoring soil
fertility as animal waste can be used to improve the
fertility of the soil.
Mixed cropping:
* It includes the practice of sowing one main crop and one
or two subsidiary crops together on the same land.
* This practice decreases the risk, and it gives some
insurance against the failure of any of the crops.
* It helps in checking the soil erosion and even helps
maintain soil fertility by equally utilising the nutrients
available in the soil.
Q. Balasore train accident is recently in the news. Which of
the following statements regarding Commission of
Railway Safety is/are correct?
1) It’s headquarter is located in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh.
2) It works under the administrative control of Ministry of
Home Affairs.
Select the correct option -
A. 1 only
B. 2 only
C. Both 1 and 2
D. Neither 1 nor 2
बािासोर टर े ि हादसा हाि ही में समाचारों में है । रे िवे सुरक्षा आर्ोग के
संदभय में निम्न में से कौि सा/से कथि सही है /हैं ?
1) इसका मुख्यािर् िििऊ, उत्तर प्रदे श में खित है ।
2) र्ह गृह मंत्रािर् के प्रशासनिक निर्ंत्रर् में कार्य करता है ।
सही नवकल््प का चर्ि करें :
A. केवि 1
B. केवि 2
C. दोिों 1 और 2
D. ि तो 1 ि ही 2
Ans. A
* Statement 1 is correct. The Commission of Railway
Safety (CRS) plays a vital role in ensuring the safety of rail
travel and train operations in India. It’s headquarter is
located in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh.
* Statement 2 is incorrect. Established during the British
era, the CRS has evolved over time to become an
independent authority under the Ministry of Civil Aviation
* Hence, option A is correct.
Q. Match the following in column I (Bhakti Saint) with
column II (their Profession), and select the correct answer
using the codes given below:

A. 1-d, 2-c, 3-b, 4-a B. 1-b, 2-a, 3-d, 4-c
C. 1-b, 2-d, 3-c, 4-a D. 1-c, 2-b, 3-d, 4-a
निम्न कॉिम I (भखक्त संत) कॉिम II के साथ (उिके पेशे) का नमिाि
करें :

A. 1-d, 2-c, 3-b, 4-a

B. 1-b, 2-a, 3-d, 4-c
C. 1-b, 2-d, 3-c, 4-a
D. 1-c, 2-b, 3-d, 4-a
Ans. D
Kabir, Ravidas, Namdev, Sena were the saints of the
Bhakti movement.
Namdev - He was a tailor from a lower caste family. He
was a great devotee of the Lord Vitthala of the
Pandharpur. He belonged to the Varakari Sect.
Kabir - He was a Weaver. He was brought up by a Muslim
couple. His couplets and songs are known as the Doha,
Ravidas - He followed the path of the Nirguna Brahma. He
was a cobbler and also the founder of the Ramdasi
Sampradaya. He was the disciple of Saint Ramananda.
Sena- He was a barber and related to the Varkari sect
dedicated to Lord Vithoba. He was the disciple of Saint
Hence, Option D is correct.
Q. Match List I with List-II and select the correct answer
using the code given below the lists:
LIST-1 (Nuclear Power Plant) - LIST-2 (Location)
A) Tarapur - 1) Tamil Nadu
B) Rawatbhata - 2) Karnataka
C) Kudankulam - 3) Maharashtra
D) Kaiga 4) Rajasthan
A. A-4 B-3 C-2 D-1
B. A-3 B-4 C-1 D-2
C. A-1 B-4 C-2 D-3
D. A-3 B-2 C-1 D-4
सूची I का सूची II के साथ नमिाि करें और सूनचर्ों के िीचे नदए गए कूट
का उपर्ोग करके सही उत्तर चुिें:
सूची - I (परमार्ु उजाय संर्ंत्र) - सूची - II (िाि)
a. तारापुर - 1) तनमििार्ु
b. रावतभाटा - 2) किायटक
c. कुर्िकुिम - 3) महाराष्ट्र
d. कैगा - 4) राजिाि
A. A-4 B-3 C-2 D-1
B. A-3 B-4 C-1 D-2
C. A-1 B-4 C-2 D-3
D. A-3 B-2 C-1 D-4
Ans. B
A. Tarapur Nuclear Power Plant is located in Maharashtra. It
is operated by NPCIL-Nuclear Power Corporation of India
Limited. It has a total capacity of 1400MW.
B. Rawatbhata Nuclear Power Plant is located in Rajasthan. It
is operated by NPCIL-Nuclear Power Corporation of India
Limited. It has a total capacity of 1180MW.
C. Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant is located in Tamil Nadu.
It is operated by NPCIL-Nuclear Power Corporation of India
Limited. It has a total capacity of 2000MW.
D. Kaiga Nuclear Power Plant is located in Karnataka. It is
operated by NPCIL-Nuclear Power Corporation of India
Limited. It has a total capacity of 880MW.

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