Dynamics: CH 15 Kinematics of Rigid Bodies

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Spring 2023

Ch 15 Kinematics of Rigid Bodies

Dr. Jyun Rong Zhuang

2023/ 04/ 14

E-mail: jrzhuang@nchu.edu.tw

Office: P426

Sample Problem 15.16 1

In the position shown, crank AB has a constant

angular velocity w1 = 20 rad/s counterclockwise.
Determine the angular velocities and angular
accelerations of the connecting rod BD and crank DE.

• The angular velocities are determined by simultaneously

solving the component equations for
  
vD = vB + vD B

x components:
y components:
   
w BD = -(29.33 rad s )k w DE = (11.29 rad s )k 2
Sample Problem 15.16 3

• The angular accelerations are determined by

simultaneously solving the component equations for
𝑎⃗! = 𝑎⃗" + 𝑎⃗!⁄"

x components:
y components:

𝛼⃗"! = − 645 rad⁄s $ 𝑘 𝛼⃗!% = 809 rad⁄s $ 𝑘 3

Applications 4

• Rotating coordinate systems are often used to analyze

mechanisms (such as amusement park rides) as well as
weather patterns.

• ©Stock trek/ Getty Images RF
Rate of Change With Respect to a Rotating Frame

• Frame OXYZ is fixed.

• Frame Oxyz rotates about fixed axis OA with angular

velocity 𝛺.

• Vector function 𝑄 𝑡 varies in direction and magnitude.

• With respect to the rotating Oxyz frame, 𝑄 = 𝑄3 𝚤⃗ + 𝑄4 𝚥⃗ + 𝑄5 𝑘

• Rate of change with respect to rotating Oxyz frame. ()

Oxyz = Qx i + Q y j + Qz k
Q Oxyz

Oxyz changes direction wrt time

• With respect to the fixed OXYZ frame, 𝑑⃗𝚤! 𝑑⃗𝚥! 𝑑𝑘!
𝑑𝑡 𝑑𝑡 𝑑𝑡
𝑑𝑡 ()
      
Q OXYZ = Q x i + Q y j + Q z k + Qx i + Q y j + Qz k
Rate of Change With Respect to a Rotating Frame
̇ 𝑘
• What is 𝑄& 𝚤⃗̇ + 𝑄' 𝚥⃗̇ + 𝑄( 𝑘 ? 𝑑⃗𝚤 𝑑𝜃
𝚥⃗ 𝜴 𝚤⃗ =
𝑑𝑡 𝑑𝑡
• 𝚥⃗ = 𝜴×⃗𝚤
𝑑⃗𝚥 𝑑𝜃
magnitude •direction = • −⃗𝚤 = 𝜴×⃗𝚥
𝑑𝑡 𝑑𝑡
𝑑⃗𝚤 = (1 • 𝑑𝜃) • 𝚥⃗
𝑑⃗𝚥 = 1 • 𝑑𝜃 • −⃗𝚤 = 𝜴×𝑘

̇ ̇ ̇
𝑄$ 𝚤⃗ + 𝑄% 𝚥⃗ + 𝑄& 𝑘 = 𝜴×𝑄
• With respect to the fixed OXYZ frame,

Rate of change induced by the

̇ ̇
+ 𝜴×𝑄 ⇒ w.r.t rotating + rotation of the
velocity of Q
𝑄 = 𝑄
𝑶𝑿𝒀𝒁 =345 frame. frame Oxyz.
Q attached to
stands on
rotating frame
rotating frame
and watches Q
Plane Motion Relative to a Rotating Frame 1

• The absolute velocity of the particle P (𝑣⃗) )is,

𝑣⃗"⁄F = 𝑟⃗̇ ★ 2 points, P and P’.
★ 2 frame, O and F.
★ Let P′ and O on the slab
★ P is not on the slab
Ø Imagine a rigid slab attached to the
F rotating frame Oxy (F )
Absolute 𝑣⃗I = 𝑟⃗̇ 𝑶𝑿𝒀
= 𝑟⃗̇ =34
+ Ω×𝑟⃗ 1
★ Let P′ be a point on the slab which corresponds (coincide) instantaneously
to position of particle P. Pʹ P
• Absolute velocity 𝑣⃗) may be written as
𝑣⃗"⁄F = 𝑟⃗̇ = velocity of P along its path on the slab
𝑣⃗I = 𝑣⃗I" + 𝑣⃗I⁄F #$%

2 𝑣⃗!! = absolute velocity of point P′ on the slab

If O exists Absolute 𝑣⃗I = 𝑣⃗= + Ω×𝑟⃗ + 𝑣⃗I⁄F
velocity 𝑣⃗* , velocity
Abs. velocity Relative velocity of
of P on Oxy P’ wrt P (= 𝑣⃗)⁄)+ ) 7
Plane Motion Relative to a Rotating Frame
• The absolute velocity of the particle P (𝑣⃗) ) is,
𝑣⃗"⁄F = 𝑟⃗̇ #$% 𝑣⃗)⁄F
1 = 2 ⇒ 𝑣⃗! = 𝑣⃗!! + 𝑣⃗!⁄F = Ω×𝑟⃗ + 𝑟⃗̇ #$%
• The absolute acceleration of the particle P is,
̇ ̇ 𝑑
F 𝑑𝑡 ⇒ 𝑎
⃗I = Ω×𝑟⃗ + Ω× 𝑟⃗ 𝑶𝑿𝒀 + 𝑟⃗̇ =34
𝑟⃗̇ *,-
= Ω×𝑟⃗ + 𝑟⃗̇ *&'
∵ 𝑑
𝑟⃗̇ = 𝑟⃗̈ + Ω× 𝑟⃗̇ Due to 1
𝑑𝑡 *&' *&' *&'

The absolute 𝑎⃗! = Ω×𝑟⃗ + Ω× Ω×𝑟⃗ + 2Ω× 𝑟⃗̇ #$%
+ 𝑟
acceleration P 𝑎⃗Q 𝑎⃗R
𝑎⃗! = 𝑎⃗!! + 𝑎⃗& + 𝑎⃗!⁄F
Motion of
𝑎⃗)! =acceleration of P′ of moving frame ℱ coinciding with P

Motion of P
𝑎⃗. = 2Ω× 𝑟⃗̇ *&' = 2Ω×𝑣⃑)⁄F =Coriolis acceleration
wrt moving
reference 𝑎⃗)⁄F = acceleration of P relative to moving frame ℱ 8
Plane Motion Relative to a Rotating Frame
As we had for the velocity expression, our reference point O might also be
accelerating 𝑎⃗! . For plane motion,
𝑟⃗̇ ()* 𝑟⃗̈ ()*
𝑎⃗" = 𝑎⃗# + Ω×𝑟⃗ + Ω× Ω×𝑟⃗ + 2Ω×𝑣⃗$%& + 𝑎⃗$%&
𝑎⃗Q 𝑎⃗R
⃗ 𝑎⃗ " ⁄F
𝑎⃗"! ! Relative
Abs. acceleration of P on Oxy of P’ wrt P
(= 𝑎⃗#⁄#’ )
Y 𝑣⃗&'( = 𝑟⃗̇ #$%
𝑎⃗) P’
𝑎⃗" 𝑎⃗+
Motion of
moving ̇ 𝑎⃗! 𝑟⃗
reference Ω x
Ω ̇
𝑟⃗ Ω
Motion of P
wrt moving 𝑣⃗%&'
𝑎⃗%&' 9
Coriolis acceleration
Coriolis acceleration 𝑎⃗+ :
àCombined effect of P moving relative to OXYZ and rotation of Oxyz
𝑣⃗"⁄F = 𝑟⃗̇ #$% • Magnitude
𝑎𝑐 = 2Ω𝑣!⁄F
𝑣⃗ 𝑃/F
𝑎𝑐 = 2Ω𝑣!⁄F 𝑣⃗ 𝑃/F
𝑎⃗ 𝑐 𝑎⃗ 𝑐
• Direction

𝞨𝑘 The Coriolis acceleration 𝑎⃗ 𝑐 is

𝑧 F perpendicular to the 𝑣⃗ 𝑃/F
★ (Only on the plane)

• When either 𝛀 = 0 or 𝑣#⁄F =0 The Coriolis acceleration reduces to zero.

𝑎𝑐 =0
The concept of Coriolis acceleration is also very useful in the study of long-range projectiles and of
other objects whose motions are appreciably affected by the rotation of the earth.

Ø You need to take the Coriolis acceleration into account whenever a

point has a relative velocity in a rotating frame.
Ø sliding contact case: Rigid bodies are constructed such that sliding
occur at their connections. 10
Coriolis acceleration
• Consider a collar P which is made to slide at constant relative velocity u along rod
OB. The rod is rotating at a constant angular velocity ω. The point A on the rod
corresponds to the instantaneous position of P.

A, P coincides
ω P Attach F
rotating frame
   
• Absolute acceleration of the collar is, a P = a A + a P F + ac
    
a A = W ´ r + W ´ (W ´ r )
 2 Use A of the rod which
a A = rw coincides P at the instant
 
a P FF = (r)Oxy = 0
  
ac = 2W ´ v P F ac = 2wu 11
Coriolis acceleration
• Change in velocity over Dt is represented by the
sum of three vectors
Δ𝑣⃗ = 𝑅𝑅 . + 𝑇𝑇 - + 𝑇 - 𝑇 . 𝑇 "𝑇 ! 𝑇𝑇 !

𝑇𝑇 - is due to change in direction of the velocity T

of point A 𝑣⃗ 𝐴 on the rod,
Arc length
TT ¢¢ Dq
at t ,
 
v = vA + u
 lim = lim v A = rww = rw 2 = a A
Dt ®0 Dt Dt ®0 Dt
  
at t + Dt , v ¢ = v A¢ + u ¢     
( a A = W ´ r + W ´ (W ´ r )

a A = rw 2 )

𝑅𝑅 . and 𝑇 - 𝑇 . result from combined effects of

relative motion of P and rotation of the rod

æ RR¢ T ¢¢T ¢ ö Dq Dr ö
lim çç + ÷÷ = lim æç u +w ÷
Dt ®0è Dt Dt ø Dt ®0è Dt Dt ø
= uw + wu = 2wu = 𝑎𝑐

Coriolis acceleration ( a = 2W ´ v ac = 2wu )
c PFF 12
Concept Question 6

• You are walking with a constant velocity

with respect to the platform, which
rotates with a constant angular velocity 𝑣⃗ 𝑃/F
w. At the instant shown, in which
direction(s) will you experience an
acceleration (choose all that apply)? 𝑎⃗ 𝑐 𝑃 &𝑃’ coincide
(𝑎⃗ 𝑃’)n
𝑎⃗ 𝑃

• a) +x

• b) −x

• c) +y

• d) −y

• e) Acceleration = 0
Example 1
Ref: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Y-7jtoHy4g

Motion of moving frame Motion of B relative to moving frame

𝑣⃗/ =0 𝑎⃗/ =0 𝑟⃗0// =1 𝑖
Ω=0.4 𝑘 (𝑣⃗0// )𝑥𝑦=0.2 𝑖
̇ (𝑎⃗0// )𝑥𝑦=0.1 𝑖
Ω = 0.1 𝑘

-0.06 i + 0.26 j
Example 1
Ref: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Y-7jtoHy4g

Example 2
Ref: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Y-7jtoHy4g

Motion of Motion of B relative to

Attach OXY & Oxy at A moving frame moving frame

𝑣⃗/ =4 𝑎⃗/ =𝑎⃗2,/ + 𝑎⃗4,/ 𝑟⃗0// = − 0.8 𝑗

𝑣⃗0 =8 𝑣⃗/ 2 (𝑣⃗0// )𝑥𝑦=?
=10𝑗 +
(𝑎⃗0// )𝑥𝑦=?
=10𝑗 + 32𝑖
X,x 𝑎0 =5

Example 2 Ref: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Y-7jtoHy4g

Example 3

Example 3

Example 4

Example 4

Sample Problem 15.19 1

Disk D of the Geneva mechanism rotates with constant

counterclockwise angular velocity wD = 10 rad/s.
At the instant when f = 150o, determine (a) the
angular velocity of disk S, and (b) the velocity of pin P
relative to disk S.
(c) if disk D rotates with a constant counter-clockwise
angular velocity of 10 rad/s. At the instant when j =
150o, determine angular acceleration of disk S.

Motion of moving frame Motion of P relative to

moving frame

𝑣⃗5 =0 𝑎⃗5 =0 𝑟⃗6/7 =𝑟(𝑐𝑜𝑠𝛽 𝑖 + 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝛽𝑗)

Ω=? (𝑣⃗6/7 )𝑥𝑦=?
̇ (𝑎⃗6/7 )𝑥𝑦=?

• The absolute velocity of the point P may be written as,

  
vP = vP ¢ + vP s 𝑣⃗! = Ω×𝑟⃗$/& + (𝑣⃗$/& )𝑥𝑦
• The absolute acceleration of the point P may be written as,
    ̇
aP = aP¢ + aP s + ac 𝑎⃗! = Ω×𝑟⃗ + Ω× Ω×𝑟⃗ + 2Ω×(𝑣⃗$/& )𝑥𝑦 + (𝑎⃗$/& )𝑥𝑦
Sample Problem 15.19 3

• Magnitude & direction of absolute velocity of pin P are

calculated from radius and angular velocity of disk D.
vP = Rw D = (50 mm)(10 rad s ) = 500 mm s
• Direction of velocity of P w.r.t S is parallel to slot.
From the law of cosines,
S r 2 = R 2 + l 2 - 2 Rl cos 30° = 0.551R 2 r = 37.1 mm
sinb sin 30° sin 30°
= sin b = b = 42.4°
R r 0.742
g = 90° - 42.4° - 30° = 17.6°
• Direction of velocity of point P’ on S coinciding with P is
P¢ = vg =sin(to
P¢ = vvP sin
g =radius )OP.
mm .6°17
sFrom = 151
.the .2velocity
6° = mm.2smm
151 triangle,
151.2mm s 
= rw s= rw w s = wP =
vP¢ .+2 mm
151 vP ss
s 37
s .1 mm
vP¢ = vP sin g = (500 mm s )37
.6° = 151.2 mm s
151.2 mm s   
= rw s ws = (-s4=.08
ws = w )
(- 4.08 rad s )k
rad s k
37.1 mm

vP s =v vP cos g = (500 m s )cos17.6°17.6°

P s = vP cos g = (500 m s ) cos

w s = (- 4.08 rad s )k
  
v P s =
= v cosg = (500
v ( = (s477
vP s m m s )(- cos 42 .4°i - 
sin 42.4° j ) 
)cosm17s).(6-°cos 42.4°i - sin 42.4° j23)
Sample Problem 15.19 5

• The absolute acceleration of the pin P may be

expressed as
   
aP = aP¢ + aP s + ac
• From Sample Problem 15.9.
 
b = 42.4° w S = (- 4.08 rad s )k
  
vP s = (477 mm s )(- cos 42.4°i - sin 42.4° j )

• Considering each term in the acceleration equation,

aP = Rw D = (500mm)(10 rad s )2 = 5000 mm s 2

( )  
aP = 5000 mm s 2 (cos 30°i - sin 30° j )
  
aP¢ = (aP¢ )n + (aP¢ )t

( ) 
(aP¢ )n = rw S (- cos 42.4°i - sin 42.4° j )
2 
 
(aP¢ )t = (ra S )(- sin 42.4°i + cos 42.4° j )
 
(aP¢ )t = (a S )(37.1mm )(- sin 42.4°i + cos 42.4° j )
• note: aS may be positive or negative
Sample Problem 15.19 6

• The direction of the Coriolis acceleration is obtained

 by
rotating the direction of the relative velocity vP s by
90o in the sense of wS.
 

ac = 2w S vP s )
(- sin 42.4°i + cos 42.4 j )
 
= 2(4.08 rad s )(477 mm s )(- sin 42.4°i + cos 42.4 j )
( )  
= 3890 mm s 2 (- sin 42.4°i + cos 42.4 j )

• The relative acceleration a P s must be parallel to
the slot.

• Equating components of the acceleration terms

perpendicular to the slot,

37.1a S + 3890 - 5000 cos17.7° = 0

a S = -233 rad s
 
a S = (- 233 rad s )k


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