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Value proposition

• Set up the objectives of your company in the new country

Our French company called Big Fernand wants to expand in India.

So here we have the objectives of our company in India :
• Market expansion: Establish a strong presence in key metropolitan cities of India, with
a target of opening 20 new outlets within the first two years of operation.
• Revenue growth: Achieve an annual revenue growth rate of 15% within the first three
years in the Indian market.
• Customer engagement: Maintain a customer retention rate of at least 40% through
personalized loyalty programs and exceptional customer service.
• Brand recognition: Build brand recognition among the top 25% income earners in our
target cities.
• Sustainability: Implement sustainable practices, such as sourcing locally, reducing food
waste, and minimizing environmental impact in at least 50% of our operations within
five years.

• Define the target audience segment, justify based on the secondary Research you
have made before

Our target audience segment is :

• Young adults and working professionals aged 20 to 45.
• Urban areas in tier 1 and tier 2 cities (e.g., Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore).
• Middle to upper-middle-income group (INR 5,00,000 to INR 15,00,000 annual income).
• Individuals who appreciate gourmet dining experiences, cultural diversity, and culinary

This segment is chosen based on secondary research indicating a growing trend of

urbanization, increasing disposable incomes, and a preference for international cuisine
among the middle-class population in India's major cities.

• Define the unique value proposition of your company

Our unique value proposition will revolve around these key elements :
• Offering an extensive and ever-evolving menu featuring global cuisines that cater to
various tastes and preferences.
• Highlighting our commitment to using locally-sourced, fresh ingredients to create
authentic flavors.
• Creating a unique dining experience through visually appealing plating and innovative
culinary techniques.
• Providing top-notch customer service and an inviting ambiance.

This unique value proposition differentiates Big Fernand by focusing on the fusion of
international flavors while embracing local ingredients and culture, providing a memorable
dining experience.
• Define whether you´ll use the same brand or introduce local naming, explain why

We will use the same brand name « Big Fernand » with localized branding for the Indian
Indeed, we want a global recognition.
We think that leveraging the existing brand name capitalizes on any global recognition
and reputation that our company has.
Then, we believe that maintaining the same name ensures continuity in the franchise's
identity and values.
While the name remains the same, we will employ localized branding strategies, including
adapting the menu to local tastes, incorporating Indian flavors, and conducting culturally
relevant marketing campaigns.
Finally, rebranding can be costly and may not provide significant advantages, especially if
our brand name is not problematic in the Indian market.

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