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What is Motivation? According the dictionary, motivation are reasons for

acting in a particular way, it is presenting yourself with the exact reasons and
facts that makes you think and work only in one direction. In our Psychology
course motivation, can be an internal or external state of condition, sometimes
describe as a need, desire, or want that serves to activate or energize
behaviour and give it direction. It also stated that the biological, emotional,
cognitive, or social forces can help activate and direct behaviour. Motivation is
something that makes you think in a positive route and pushes you to adapt
good habits which is actually very difficult to achieve with your daily activities.
In our own understanding motivation, is an energy or the key in our life to
continue without being tired.

What motivates you in your life? Well, we can be motivated in many

things from watching motivational videos, to reading one, and even asking our
friends or an elder to guide us ahead in our life. In my case (Thealine), I am
motivated when I watch my favourite movies or there would be a reward at the
end of my task. In my case (Ariane), my family is the energy that pulls me into
the dark. Whenever the sky is cloudy, I think of them as my sunshine. On the
verge of giving up, I look up to the sky and think of them. In my case (Macoy),
I am motivated by my goals and hopes in life to become one of the successful
person in this country. If you will just take a few seconds to think how much
learning affects you, you will then realize how much you need to learn in order
to have success. In my case (Jovy), what motivates me is my family, it gives
me confidence to do well in life and that I can do everything and whenever I
feel so down I just think about them and I’m back on track again. But if we
allow ourselves to drown in motivation we can be addicted to see more and
more motivational stuffs that actually makes us forget the real purpose of
motivation which is to apply it in our day to day life. There is a big difference
between getting motivated and using that motivation to achieve your target,
honestly, the latter requires a lot of hard work.

Now, let us ask you, in the scale of 1 to 10 how motivated are you? For
me (Thealine), I would rate my motivation as 6, well I have so many
motivation in my life now so I would consider my scale as a high number.
Sometimes I would look forward to everyday and accomplish my task as fast
as I can. As for me (Ariane), it’s an on and off process. I feel the energy 100%
and think that I could do anything, and sometimes it’s like the flag is down and
I don’t feel doing anything. For me (Macoy), I am motivated enough to to finish
certain task for my family. Lastly for me (Jovy), if I would rate my motivation it
will be 8, I am highly motivated to continue whatever goals, plans, ambitions
that I’d set. As of all you know we are motivated not too much but we are all
motivated because we have these reason, a goal, and a life to live.

Now you have knowledge of how high or how low our motivation is now
is, how do we unlock motivation? Honestly, it is already amazing that we limit
ourselves to what we can do. But when someone suggests that you can do
something more that is outside your comfort zone, we instantly say things
such as: “You are crazy!” and etc. But we should sometimes stop limiting
ourselves, it is time to level our game up! First, make everything 10x. The 10x
principle is actually a fascinating concept, why? Here’s the catch if we want to
save 50,000 pesos then instead of wanting that set your goal to 500,000
pesos. It’s hard but we can be motivated. Just imagine of what we can do with
that kind of money and the thing is it came from our hard work. Satisfying isn’t
it? Second, think of what’s the point to all of this, by setting massive goals, by
choosing goals that terrify us in their enormity, by embarking on a journey that
you don’t even know if you’ll be able to complete, you move closer and closer
to reaching our potential. The fact is we are all going to die anyway so what’s
the point of limiting ourselves. Time is running out and we need to do
something. Lastly, what are we waiting for? Don’t fear big things, fear small
things. Fear not watering your plants. Fear working for a company that you
don’t care about. Fear spending time with people who are scared allowing
themselves to be amazing. These are the things that you really need to be
afraid of. Do something amazing in your life just for once don’t settle for less
and dull. Be a dare devil in your own.

But how sure are we that we are motivated? You see, we know we are.
That’s the only answer to that and no one can tells us that we aren’t motivated
in life, because we know ourselves more than them. And we know that
because we have experienced being motivated and the next second we
aren’t. (Insert life testimonies) (In order Thea, Ariane, Macoy and Jovy).

To sum it all up, motivation is like an energy drink that gives you wings to
fly and reach to your desired destination. But we should always balance it
because too much might cause you danger and too little can be boring. Don’t
limit yourself, always try for something new but remember to be careful. Keep
this in mind that we all have motivation in our life it’s just that we tend to forget
and disregard it. Just remember that we have our very own different stimulus
to be motivated may it be big or small but as long as it makes us stay in track
then it is motivation. But no matter what your stimulus is motivation would not
start if you don’t have the will to, because being motivated starts within you.
Before we end our speech please say out loud that you can do it! Thank you.

-The End

Yellow: Thea

Green: Macoy

Blue: Ariane

Pink: Jovy

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