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Financial Measures
Q-61 Sales Last Year

By - As hv i ni Pat awar
Sales Last Year

January, April, July, November, and December stand out

as the months where sales in the last year (grey bars)
outshined those in the current year (black bars).

What Does This Tell Us?

These disparities between last year and this year's sales

offer valuable insights. You can spot trends and identify
opportunities for improvement.

For instance,
1) in January, there might have been a successful winter
clearance sale last year that boosted sales.
2) In July, a well-executed summer promotion could
explain the higher sales in the previous year.

Analyzing these differences equips you with the

knowledge to make data-driven decisions and optimize
your strategies.
But that's not all! It's equally essential to notice that in
the remaining months, the sales in this year (black bars)
are higher than those in the last year (grey bars).

What Does This Mean for the Future?

Spotting the strategies applied this year can serve as a

roadmap for future growth.

By identifying what worked and why, you can continue to

build on successful tactics and ensure sustained
progress in the months and years to come.
YoY Difference
YoY % Growth / Decline
Chart Description

Positive values, seen as bars rising above the

baseline, indicate sales growth compared to
the previous year.

Negative values, represented by bars dipping

below the baseline, signify sales decline in
comparison to the previous year.
Thank You

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