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1 LESSON 1 ‘Question 1: The police were baffled by the attack as there seemed to be no apparent__. B. principle C motive D.plot Question 2: If you want to be sure of receivinga copy of the magazine, I suggest you, an annual subscription. A.putdown B.take out C Write off D.send up Question 3: After feeling off for days, Tom finally went to see his doctor. B.color C fitness D. balance Question 4: the phone ranglater that nightdid Anna remermnber the appointment. A.No sooner B.Only CNotuntil D Justbefore Question 5: There was, evidence to bring charges against the man, insubstantial B.inferior Cineffective D. insufficient ‘Question 6: The runner got a huge blister on his heel where his new shoes, i A.scratched B.rubbed C scraped gripped ‘Question 7: The size of the pop-star’s personal fortune was the subject of much, in the press. A.doubt B.guessing C speculation D. wonderment ‘Question 8: Jeremy's friends were fond of him, because of his generosity. Avatleast B.stillless. Ceven less D.notleast Question 9: The thick fog ‘out any possibility of our plane taking off before morning. Acruled B.struck Cstamped D. crossed (Question 10: Looking down atthe coral reef, we saw___of tiny, multi-colored fish. A.swarms B.flocks C teams D.shoals ‘Question 11: Ofall the paintings in the gallery, it was this one that really my eye. A.grasped B.snatched C caught D.seized ‘Question 12: She had made a firm decision and wasn't___by anything I said against it. A.detracted B. prevailed induced D.swayed ‘Question 13: We might have to change our plans for the weekend and,___we'llet you know as soon as possible. case B.ifso C providing D. supposing Question 14: | was reluctantto the subject because I thought he wouldn't want to discuss it. Avraise Booriginate advance D. provoke Question 15: My attemptsto solve the problem only_to make it worse. A.contributed B. functioned Cserved Dvattained ‘Question 16: Can you tell me the ofthese shoes? Accharge B price ‘amount D.expense Question 17: Itis too early in the to expect many visitors to the town. A.term B.season Ctime D. calendar Question 18: She took up so many hobbies when she retired that she had hardly any time . A.onher hands B.inhand Cather hand D.athand Question 19: Please leave this space. ‘on the enrolment form. Avabsent B.blank ‘C missing D.undone ‘Question 20: After the flash flood, all the drains were over flowing. storm water, Afrom Bwith chy D.for Question 21: | would like to ‘Mr Fukuyama to presenttthe trophy to the victorious team, A.callover B.callout upon D.callup Question 22: My neighbor is. ; he is always showing that he never cares about his bad behavior. A.grim-faced B. faceless C face-saving D, barefaced Question 23: The teacher doled__the chocolates to his students for having done well in the examinations. Aol Bon Cout Deaway Question 24: He kepthis marriage a secret for years, buteventually the truth___. A.came out B.came through ‘C.went out D. turned out Question 25: "I call -you at 6 o'clock," said James. Aby Bup C for Dain Question 26: Many a leader. fallen due to pride. Alls Bare Chas D.have Question 27; If you wanta good flat in London, you have to pay through the. fort A.month Bucar C nose D.teeth, 2 ‘Question 28: Employees who havea are encouraged to discuss it with the management. A.hindrance B.disturbance C disadvantage D. grievance ‘Question 29: William was as__asa cucumber when the harsh punishment was meted out to him by the judge. B.cold placid D.impassive Question 30: of the financial crisis, all they could do was hold on and hope that things would improve, A.Atthe bottom B.Atthe height C.Onthe top D.Inthe end Question 31: Nathalie seems very tough at work She'sa different person athome,_. A.though B.although Casthough D. Question 32: I kept out of the conversation because it___me. A.wasn'tconcerned —_B, wasn't concerning C.didn'tconcern D. ‘Question 33: Hats like this may have been fashionable in the 60's, but now they are, A.behind Boover Cbeneath Dunder Question 34: Henry was overweight, so he went ona strict diet and twenty kilos. A.missed Blost Chi D.fell Question 35: He was arrested because he answered to the description ofthe man. A.searched B.pursued C.wanted D. hunted ‘Question 36: Humanity has done great damage to the environmentin its search for. materials. Allive Buraw Crude D.rude Question 37: the balcony chairs will be ruined in this weather. A.Leavinguncovered _B.Havingleftuncovered _—_C.Leftuncovered D, Been left uncovered ‘Question 38: One way to let off aftera stressful day is to take some vigorous exercise. A.coud B.tension Csteam D.sweat Question 39: Salarieshave not, inflation in the last few years. A.Putup with B.taken upon C.doneoutof D.keptup with ‘Question 40: After three days in the desert, his mind began to play, onhim. B, jokes C tricks Da fun ‘Question 41: Itwas the third time in six months that the bank had been held. A.over B.down Cup D.out (Question 42: I know you didn't want to upset me but I'd sooner you me the whole truth yesterday. A.could have told B.told Chave told D.had told ‘Question 43: As the drug took the patient became quieter. Avcflect B.force C influence D.impact Question 44: The dawn redwood appears_some 100 million years ago in northern forests around the world. ‘A.was flourished B. having to flourish C.tohave flourished D. have flourished Question 45: His comments, little or no relation to the facts and the figures of the case. Avreflect B bear Cgive D. possess (Question 46: We're having terrible weather for our holiday. | just can't it for much longer. A.come up with B. fed up with C.keep up with D. put up with, ‘Question 47: His wife isa terrible snob. She. ‘almost all his friends because they have north country accents. A.looks upto B. looks forward to looks out D.looks down on ‘Question 48: John: This grammar testis the hardest one we've ever had this semester! Mary: but thinkit's quite easy. A.lcouldn'tagree more B.Tunderstand whatyou're saying C.You'rewrong _D I don’tsee in that way ‘Question 49: Nga is very modest, always, her success. A. keeping down B.turningaround C playing down D. pushingback Question 50: I wish you'd do the accounts. [don’t have___for numbers. Avahead B.amind C.the heart D.thenerve LESSON 2 Question 1: He senthis children to the park so that he could have some. A.fresh and quiet B.quietand peace C peace and quiet D. fresh and peace Question 2: | to see Chris on my way home. A.dropped back B.dropped in C dropped out D. dropped off ‘Question 3: There is__to bea serious energy crisis in the next century. Avreputed B.known C foreseen D. bound Question 4: Another___will be drawn from the experiment. 3 A.conclusion Battention C.contrast D.inference ‘Question 5: In studying this planet, astronomers have found that life may be possible on Mars. The first___of this is that Mars has seasons, just like Earth, A.indication B print mark Datrace ‘Question 6: The instructor blew his whistle and A offthe runners were running Booffran the runners C off were running the runners D.therunners runs off ‘Question 7: In the early years of the 20 th century, several rebellions. in the northern parts ofthe country. A.turned out B.rose up C broke out D.came up Question 8: When he started that company, he really went Iemight have been a disaster A.out on the limb Bonandoff Cover the odds D.once too often ‘Question 9: We regret to tell you that the materials you ordered are A.out of stock B outof practice C.outofreach D. out of work Question 10: My sister isa woman of age. A.marriage B.married ‘Cmarrying D.marriageable Question 14: People are encouraged to take bottles to bottle-banks, and only shops in supermarkets which use packing. A.environmentfiiendly B.environmentalfriendly —C.environmentally-friendly _D. friendly-environment ‘Question 12:- | think the main problem in this area is the lack ofa good bus service, -You're right. You've hitthe__on the head. Avnail B.wall Clips D.hand Question 13: Jane isa very sociable girl. She likes parties and Avrituals B.ceremonies C.celebrities D. celebrations Question 14: Of the two sisters, Thuy Kieu is the. Aceldest B.elder Celdly D.mosteldly Question 15: She is walking on the. _ She doesn't know how to say. Acair B.road Cstreet D. garden Question 16: to British universities depends on examination results. A.Admission B. Admittance C Permission D. Permit ‘Question 17: When you do something you should. A.paythrough thenose — B. turn overa new leaf ‘C.weigh up the pros and cons D. huddle intoa pen Question 18:45. He left the country. arrest ifhe returned vin fearthat B.with fear of Cunder threatof D.with threatof Question 19: They decided to move away from the city to the countryside for the sake ofthe children. A.speakingabout B.talking about C dreaming about D. thinking about Question 20: Did Mr. Tan, the class while Miss Fiona was ill in hospital? A.takeaway B.take over Ctake up D.take off ‘Question 21: Someone who is inexperienced is . black ‘Question 22: Although the conditions weren'tideal fora walk, we decided to agoofit A.make Crun D.carry ‘Question 23: In order to their goals in college, students need to invest the maximum amount of time, money, and energy in their studies. ‘A.manage B.catch establish D.achieve ‘Question 24: She has changed so much that | didn't her rightaway. A.reckon B.recognize acknowledge D.realize Question 25: Donald Trump has suggested he could grant legal status to millions of undocumented immigrants who have not serious crimes in what could be a major policy shift. A.committed B.took served D.done ‘Question 26: Birth control methods have women from tile endless cycle of childbearing and rearing. B freely freedom Da freed Question 27: The use of computer aids in teaching, the role of teachers is still very important. A,yet B.unless C.despite D.where ‘Question 28: She ran ina marathon last week but after ten kilometers. A.dropped out B. closed down C.broke up D.made up Question 29: A huge amount of solar energy. the earth’s outer atmosphere. 4 A.reach Breaches C.that reaches D.isreached Question 30: In China, there are still alot of. families sharing the same house. Avextent B.extension extended Doextensive ‘Question 31: David was deported on account of his expired visa. He itrenewed A.must have had B. should have had C.needn'thave had D. mightn'thave had ‘Question 32: A good leader should not be conservative, but rather tonew ideas. A.receptive B. acceptable permissive D.applicable Question 33: individuals are those who share the same hobbies, interests, or points of view. A.Lighthearted B. Like-minded C.Everhanded D.Open-minded ‘Question 34: The child has no problem reciting the poem, he has itto memory. A.devoted B.added C.committed D.admitted ‘Question 35: After several injuries and failures, things have eventually. for Todd when he reached the final round of the tournament. A.looked up B.gone on Ctakenup D.turned on ‘Question 36: The year-end party was out of this world. We had never tasted such delicious food. A.enormous| B.terrific C.strange D.awful ‘Question 37: As the clouds drifted away, the pattern of the fields was clearly froma height. Acapparent B.visible C foreseeable D.evident ‘Question 38: Peter is nota modest boy since he often shows, is prizes A.around Buup Coff D. through {Question 39: Women in some parts of the world are stil struggling for. job opportunities to men. Accqual B.various suitable Dalegal Question 40: The manager his temper with the employees and shouted at them, Achad B.lost C.took D.kept ‘Question 41: Garvin is__anew computer application to see whether it works. A.looking after B. puttingon C.uyingout D.turningup Question 42: Terry isa very imaginative boy. He always comes, interesting ideas Aout of B.down on Cupwith Dain for ‘Question 43: Sorry, I can't come to your party. [am snowed under with workat the moment A.busy with B.fre from relaxed about D. interested ‘Question 44: A number of young teachers nowadays__ themselves to teaching disadvantaged children. Avoffer Bostick Cagive D.devote Question 45: "Sorry for being late. I was in the traffic for more than an hour: A.carried on Beheld up C putoff D.taken after ‘Question 46: She was tired and couldn't keep the group. Acup with B.upagainst Conto D.outof Question 47: The nominating committee always meet behind closed doors, lest its deliberations become known prematurely. A.privately Bsafely C publicly D. dangerously Question 48: You'd better leave now if you want to arrive early for the exam. Breaka leg! A.Good luck B.Good night C.Good bye D. Good job Question 49: stay the nightifit's too difficult to gethome. A.Byall means B.Inall C.Atall costs D.Onthe whole Question 50: Let me please my memory before I get down to answering the questions. A.resume Boease Cawake D.refresh LESSON 3 Question 1: The newspaper did not mention the ofthe damage caused by the fire. Avrange Beextent ‘amount D.quality Question 2: It was found that he lacked the to pursuea difficult task to the very end. A.persuasion B.commitment ‘engagement D. obligation Question 3:She'sso__; you really have to watch you say or she'll walk out of the room. Avbighand dry B. prim and proper Croughand ready Dasickand tired ‘Question 4: Mr. Nixon refused to answer the questions on the thatthe matter was confidential A.reasons Biexcuses C grounds D. foundation ‘Question 5: We can't speed up production the expense of quality. 5 Ain Bat Con D.of ‘Question 6: Humans have difficult choices to about saving endangered species. A.make Cegive D.bring ‘Question 7: The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King fought to putan end to racial, in the United States, A.intergration C torture D. segregation Question 8: the number of people at the first New York show equaled the entire car population of the United States at that time. A.By design B.On purpose CForexample D. By happenstance ‘Question 9: I can’t walk in these high-heeled boots. I keep. A.falling off B.fallingback C falling over D. falling out ‘Question 10: Like everyone else, Sue has her of course buton the whole, she’s quite satisfied with life. A.upsand downs B. ins and outs safe and sound D. odds and ends Question 11: You will have to if you want to pass the final exam. A.pullupyoursocks —_B. work miracles Ctakethe trouble D. keep your hand in (Question 12: Itnever. my head that sucha terrible thing would happen. A.struck B.dawned Coccured D.entered ‘Question 13: People are advised to smoking because ofits harm to their health. A.cut down B.cutoff Cutin D.cut down on ‘Question 14: Mr. Peter is the big____in the company as he has just been promoted to the position of Managing Director. A.bread B.meat C cheese Question 15: to the South in the winter isa popular fact. A.Wherebirds migrate B. Bird migratings C When birds migrate D.Thatbirds migrate Question 16: Some crimes seem to be. in this country than in others. A.lesscommon enough —B. much less common C the least common D.veryless common ‘Question 17: It took Ted a long time to get the breakup of his marriage. A.over Buacross alongwith D. through Question 18: Sarah and | reserved the rooms in the same hotel. She was really surprised to see me there. A.coincidentally B practically intentionally D. deliberately ‘Question 19: We spend nearly 3 hours waiting outside the station, then out A.the star came B.did the star come C.camethe star Dunder Question 20: My mother often. our mistakes, whereas my father is very strictand punishes us foreven the slightest one, Avneglects, B.overlooks, Cavoids passes Question 21: Despite all the evidence, he wouldn’tadmit that he wasn the__. A.fault Beerror C.wrong D.slip ‘Question 22: I find mending old socks incredibly. that’s why I always ask my mother to do it for me. A.hilarious B.tedious furious D.recreational ‘Question 23: Children used to their parents; now they are inclined to regard them as equals. A.lookupto out for Cstand upto D.come round to ‘Question 24: Bill Gates is probably the best known and most successful in computer software. B.navigator C generator D. volunteer Question 25: What! like about this restaurants that there is parking space right outside it. Avplenty B.ample expanded D. big Question 26: Peter is working in an office. He's white- worker. A.collar Bosleeve C shirt D. button Question 27: Maria will charge of the advertising for the play. A.get B.make cdo Datake ‘Question 28: Negotiatingis the process of communicating back and___for the purpose of reaching an agreement. Avnext B.forth Cagain D.from Question 29: If you don'ttake a flu shot, you're likely to the flu. A.keep up with B.go in for ‘Ccome down with D. put up with Question 30: Although they are important, these visible expressions of culture, which are taught deliberately and learned consciously, are only the ofthe iceberg of culture. Aship Burid Ctone D.tip Question 31: Please don't word of this to anyone else, its highly confidential. A.breathe B. speak C. pass D. mutter 6 Question 32: I'm not sure my brother will ever getmarried because he hates the feeling of being Attied in B.tied down tied up Da tied in with Question 33: The entire city was. electricity last night - it was chaotic. Ano B.almostno C hardly any D.without ‘Question 34: | suppose I could advertising. Avcatch on B.getout of. Cgoin for D.workout Question 35: We had to turn. their invitation to lunch as we had a previous appointment. A.over Bout Cup D.down ‘Question 36: The black widow spider’s notoriety is not without foundation. However, an element of exaggeration has led to certain, regarding its evil nature. A.concept B. preconception C misconception D. conception ‘Question 37: When confronted witha mass of. tape, many people feel a sense of powerlessness. Axred Clue D. brown Question 38: Everyone is hoping and praying that peace will eventually come to the area. A.durable B.ongoing C temporary D.enduring ‘Question 39: Their research into the causes of cancer promises to break the new. the field and possibly lead toacure. Acearth B.ground Coll ‘Question 40: He decided to buy some chocolate kept in an container for his father, a ‘watch for his mother and a doll with for his litte sister. A.tightair; proof water; white snow B.air-tiglited; water-proofed; snow-whited C tight aired; proof watered; white snowed D.air-tight; water-proof, snow-w1 Question 41: The match will be screened on ITV with, commentary by Any Gray. Allively Bulive Calive Daliving Question 42: There'salistof repairs Aamile B.apole Cyourarm D.your arms ‘Question 43: He suddenly saw Sue the room. He pushed his way_ the crowd of people to get to her. A.across; through B.over; through across; across D.over;along Question 44: She till the early hours listening to pop music. A.keptmeup B.tookme up Choldme up D. caught me up ‘Question 45: I don't know what we are going to if ose this job. A.getby B.giveaway Cliveon D. grown on Question 46: All {sa continuous supply of the basic necessities of life. A.whatis needed B. for ourneeds C the thingneeded D.thatis needed (Question 47; Itis urgent that this letter. immediately. A.was posted B.posted posted D. be post Question 48: No one knows where Sam is living now. The last time that was about four years ago. Avran into him B.ranhim out Cran him down’ D.ranafter him ‘Question 49: Itis only recently that ballets have been based on the themes. American life. Avreflecting Brreflects Cisreflecting D.reflected Question 50: Asan adult, 'm independent my parents financially. Aon B.with Cof D.trom LESSON 4 Question 1: Save your money, Don't ittoo quickly. A.gothrough B.diedown Choldon D.touch on Question 2: They all have to follow the rules, and none of them is. the law. A.over B.beyond Cabove Donto Question 3: They the aid of the United States but did not receive it Aasked B.found C.sought D. obtained ‘Question 4: The police spokesman said he was to believe that the arrested man was the serial killer they had been looking for. A.inclined B.seemed suspected D. supposed Question 5: I'm, my brother is, A.nowhere near as ambitious as B.nothing near as ambitious as ‘C nowhere like so ambitious as. D.nothingas ambitious as, 7 ‘Question 6: He says he might come, but : A.doubt B.doubtit C.doubtso D.doubtabout it ‘Question 7: I'm sure your bank manager will lend you a__ear when you explain the situation to him. A.merciful B.sympathetic C pitiful D. compassionate ‘Question 8: Have you seen the girl ? A.that [told B.Itold you of CItold you about D.Itold you of her Question 9: Children usually. aa flu much more quickly than adults. A.pickup B.pickat Cpickon D.pickout ‘Question 10: The accident was the mistake of the driver. A.causingmany people to die B. caused great human loss cause many people die D. which causes many people to die ‘Question 11: A number of oil tankers have been laid___recently. Aon B.down Cup Dain (Question 12: The inscription on the tombstone had been worn, by the weather and could scarcely be read Aaway Booff Cout D.on Question 13: second thoughts, Id rather not go out tonight. A.With Bin On D.Under ‘Question 14: The new hairdryer does not comply. British safety standard Ato B.with C against D.on ‘Question 15: Many books were notavailable to the public because of government. A omission B inhibition C.compensation D. censorship Question 16: The woman accused of shoplifting was found not guilty and was Avexcused Baliberated C.acquitted D.interned Question 17: He is a(n)__authority on the subject A.prominent Biexpert Ceminent D. quality ‘Question 18: My car wasso old that I could only sell it for A.rubbish B.scrap C debris D.waste Question 19: Not only. in the project, but he also wanted to become the leader. A.did Jackinvolve B.hadJackbeen involved C.was Jack involved D. Jack was involved ‘Question 20: I felta bit__and seemed to have more aches and pains than usual. A.outof sorts B.onthemend Cover the worst D.under the fevers ‘Question 21: The school was closed for a month because ofa serious. of fever. A.outcome Boutburst Coutset D, outbreak ‘Question 22: | don't think he’s ever been there, 2 A.dol B.hashe Chavel D. hasn't (Question 23: They had a four-day holiday, then began work A.onend B.outofbounds D.ineamest (Question 24: Heis a tough politician - he knows how to. down, B.keepup Crride out D. push back ‘Question 25: On entering the nursery I stumbled on the wooden blocks. allover the carpet A.plunged B. scattered Cssettled D.tossed Question 26: Various societies define in many rather complex ways. A.thatis successful B. whatsuccessis| C that success is D.whatis success Question 27: | could not turn in my paper on time because my word processor A.fell down B.turned down C tore down D. broke down Question 28: “You mustalways, us the truth” the judge said to the man. A.tell B.confess C.speak Dsay Question 29: Her father is a drinker. He is always drinking, A.strong Bheavy addictive D.capable ‘Question 30: | like that photo very much. Could you make an. for me? A.increase Benlargement ‘Cexpansion D.extension ‘Question 31: Smith had a lucky escape. He killed A.would have been B.musthave been C.could have been D. should have been Question 32: Over the last few months, garages, the price of petrol four times. A.have risen B.have putup Craised D. have gone up Question 33: After years of being exposed to the sun and rain, the sign had become completely. 8 A.unreadable B.misread readable Daillegible ‘Question 34: | have lived near the airport for'so long now that I've grown. to the noise of the airplanes. A.accustomed B.unconscious familiar Deaware Question 35: I find it ifficultto make as prices keep A.end meetrising B.endsmeet-raising Cend meet raising D.ends meet-rising ‘Question 36: All his plans for starting his own business fell - Ain B.through Cdown D.away Question 37: They. a big fortune when they were young, so they didn't have to work hard. A.came into B.cameup C.cameacross D.came round ‘Question 38: Man: "I heard you havea part in the school playtonight.” - Woman: "Yes, and I'm on__hand needles.” A.bins B.pins Ctins D.rins ‘Question 39: I'm trying this alternative cold remedy. It's__different plant roots and herbs, and tastes very strange. A.consisting of B.containing ‘C.composed of D.included (Question 40: I'm really feeling under the today; [have a terrible cold, B.climate Cstorm Question 41: George has. ;he loves cakes, chocolate, ice-cream-anything which is sweet. A.asweet mouth B.sweet lips, Casweet tooth D.asweettongue Question 42: You've all the point. The film itself is not racist - it simply tries to make us question our ‘own often racist attitude. A.mistaken B. misunderstood C missed Dalost Question 43: She the table for supper. Allied Bay Clain Dalaid (Question 44: Big cities like New York and Tokyo are__populated. A.greatly B.closely Cdensely D.various ‘Question 45: Because I've been ill and away from school. I've fallen with my work A.for B.behind Con D.out ‘Question 46: [tall happened so quickly, one minute I was making chips and the nextthe whole kitchen was__fire! Aat Boon Chy Dain Question 47: "Have you gota copy of Gone with the wind?" - "You're Juck. We've just one copy left” Aby Bwith Cin D.on Question 48: Heis over the. about his examination result Avearth Bastar Csun D.moon Question 49: Most people are fairly confident that the workers will win. inthe end. A.through B.from Cwith ‘Question 50: It’s a long walk tomorrow. We need to___as early as possible. Assetup Bosetin Cet off D.setdown LESSON 5. Question 1: I don’t suppose there is anyone there, a A.isthere B.isn'tthere Cdol D.don't| ‘Question 2: He lost the race because he petrol on the lastlap. outof B.ranoutof, ‘C made out of D. putout ‘Question 3: Prices of flats_from a few thousand to millions of dollars. Avary B.change C differ D. fluctuate Question 4: The political candidate knew the issue was a hot directed questions to the committee chairperson. so he deferred to his chief of staff, who A.tomato B.potato Cpot Question 5: Ashe made no. to our quarrel, [assumed he had forgiven me. A.statement B.mention| C reference D. comment Question 6: should a young child be allowed to play with fireworks without adult supervision A.Always B.Underno circumstances €.Nosooner than D.Only when ‘Question 7: Could you possibly. meat the next committee meeting? A.stand in for B.make up for fallbackon D.keep in with Question 8: the invention was perfect, but it didn't sell very well. A.Technologically B. Politically Practically D. Technically Question 9: Making mistakes is all of growing up. 9 A.chalkand cheese B.topand bottom C partand parcel D.odds and ends Question 10: He triesto himself with everyone by paying them compliments. A.gratify B.please C ingratiate D. commend Question 11: They. have seen the play last night as they went to a football match instead. A.could Bamust Cant D. might Question 12: If you wanttto join this club, you must____this application form. A.make up B.write down Cdoup D. fillin Question 13: What. are used for assessinga student's ability? Accriteria B.criterion C criterias D.criterions Question 14; Don't let my mother watch any of those sad movies she cries at the drop of a Achat B.bag Cat D.rag ‘Question 15: Livingin the countrysideisa farcry from readingaboutit It ‘You haveto deal with poverty and go through the bad patch. A.isof crass stupidity/grueling B.isnomean feat/grinding C goes against the grain abject D. dwindles away to nothing/extreme Question 16:1 you know important this is. A.need hardly tell B.need hardly to tell need to hardly tell, D. need totell hardly ‘Question 17: His accent gave him, Aaway Booff Cout D.up Question 18: The. horse began to run as fastas he could A frightening B frightened C frighten D. frightful Question 19: Denise has been burning the midnight_____trying to finish this report, so she must be exhausted. A.lamp B.candle Coil D.gas Question 20: You can't believe a word that woman says she isa liar. A.dedicated B.devoted C.committed D. compulsive Question 21; On the battle field Alay the tanks B.did the tanks lie Clied the tanks D.the tanks lay ‘Question 22: | hope this headache will soon, A.pass away B.come away ‘C.wear off D.goout Question 23: You can exercise your. to cancel the contract immediately, but you wouldn't receive any money at that point. A.duty B.obligation Crrights D. possibility Question 24: | was excited to start taking night classes after work, but now, without enough time to devote either to school or to my job, | feel like I'm falling between, stools, Aone B.two C three D. four Question 2: of computers, its difficultto imagine how tedious the work of accountants and clerks must have been in the past. A.Atthe age B.Ontheage Cintheage D. By theage Question 26: To love and to be loved the greatest happiness on Earth, Aare Bis ‘Cwere D. being Question 27: Unfortunately some really ill animals have to be. by ourcenter. A.putdown B.tumed over C passed away D.taken out Question 28: It’s toa non-addict that an illicit drug can control the life ofa young abuser. A.readable B. favorable imperative D. incomprehensible Question 29: You'd better the books if you wanttto pass your exam on Friday. Abit B.beat Cstab D. Question 30: Ather trial in 1431, Joan was accused of being in, the devil. A.cooperation B.association league D. conjunction Question 31: Jane: “Shall we turn back?" - Tom: "Well, I'm turning back. Its too dangerous to go mountain climbing. this weather.” A.about /in Boby/in C for/ in D.against/on ‘Question 32: She had been depressed all day but she started to, after she heard that she was promoted. A.shout up B.cheer up C.takeup D. break up Question 33: With her beauty and charm, she film audiences everywhere. A.tortured B.deceived C.captivated D.defeated Question 34: | heard____that Jack has been dropped from the basketball team. A.inthe woods A.view Baim ‘Question 36: As an adult, 'm independent Aon B.with ‘Question 37: No one knows where Sam is living now. The last time that A.ranintohim B.ranhimout Question 38: Nuclear engines operate without air and consume A.much less B.much fewer ‘Question 39; Duncan Smith hit the nail on the. yet changed so itl. ‘Achead B.back Question 40: She hope ofany reconciliation. A.departed Bleft B.onthe grapevine Question 35: She clearly joined the firm with a(n), 10 Cunder your feet D.onthe olive branch to improving herself professionally. plan D.ambition my parents financially, Cof ‘D. from was about four years ago. C.ranhimdown D.ranafter him fuel than other engines do. Calothigher D.far more ‘when he said thatthe Prime Minister promised so much and Cleg D. foot C.ceased D.abandoned (Question 41: The dress is alittle big for you You'd better go to tailor’ sand, atthe waist. A.makeitless wide B. have itmade wider C make itwider D, have it made less wide Question 42: The smell of the sea his childhood. A.tookhimin B.tookafter .took him backto D.tookitfor granted ‘Question 43: There are several habits that man takes from his childhood and continues to use even after he reaches and, maturity. A.accomplishes Baattains C obtains D.comes Question 44: At school, people always used to take the__out of him for having red C mickey Darat ‘Question 45: Going on this diethas really. Ime good. I've lost weight and I feel fantastic! A.done B.taken Cade D.had Question 46: There has been an announcement from the Principal that the students will not hear the bell_this, weekas ithas broken. Acting Bringing Crang D.rung Question 47: The kidnapper gave himself tothe authorities. A.up Booff Caway D.up ofinformation is frequently carried out via satelite - through local or national TV networks. B.Compilation Condensing D. Dispersal Question 49: Necessity isthe. of invention. A.father B.ancestor ‘C mother D.antecedents Question 50: Look, will you stop. in and let me finish my sentence! A.butting B. moving C pushing D. plugging LESSON 6 Question 1: that he burst into tears. A.Hisangerwassuch _ B.Soangryhe was Question 2: A washing machine ofthis type will certainly. C Hewas so anger D. Such his anger was normal domesticuse. A.stand up to B.come up with Cgetonto D.stand up for Question 3: I gave the waiter a $50 note and waited for my. Acchange Cash D.cost Question 4: When you use the Internet, you have so much information at your A.fingers B.hands C fingertips D, thumbs ‘Question 5: Ifyou like skiing there isa ski under an hour's driving from Madrid Avresort Bstation C place D. port ‘Question 6: Therapists are currently using mental imagery in the hope that in the treatment of cancer. A.itcouldusehelpfully Bits proofto help ‘Question 7: Despite all the interruptions, he A.pressed on B.heldon ‘Question 8: People can become very. A.nervous B.bad-tempered Question 9: They. Achad B.took Citmight prove helpful —_D.itshelp to aid with his work. Cstuckat D.hungout when they are stuck in traffic fora long time. Cestressful D. pressed their carat our disposal for our entire stay. C put rr Question 10: Today we__electricity for granted and perhaps we do not realize just how useful this discovery has been. A.take Bhave make D.get Question 11: The world is becoming more industrialized and the number of animal species that have become extinct increased. Athave B.has Care Dais ‘Question 12: It’sa serious operation for a woman as old as my grandmother. She's very frail. [hope she A.getsover B.comes round C pulls through D.stands up Question 13: We usually do go by train, even though the car isalot quicker. B.journey Crip D. voyage Question 14: I feel terrible, I didn't sleep last night Aajot Baawink Caninch Daneye ‘Question 15: This pack contains posters and leaflets, which can be used to publicise the scheme, plus collection bags to ‘encourage people to, donation. The club's website has further information about the scheme. B.make C take D.hand Question 16: the newspaper now. You can take it. A.havebeen reading B.willrread Camreading D.have read (Question 17: Susieand Fran us last night, so Thad to quickly defrosta pizza. A.turnedup B.dropped inon C.came across D. went through ‘Question 18: Because she usually behaves ina very__way, people think that she’s rather strange. Acunusual B.weird C.conventional D. standard Question 19: 'm sorry, Ican't [have a. headache. Acsplitting B.biting Cosleeping D. chipping Question 20: I'm going to makeall efforts to win a gold medal in. for your help and concern. A.return B.mind allowances D.memory ‘Question 21: Geometry is the branch of mathematics, the properties and relation of lines, angles, shapes, surfaces and solids. A.isconcemedwith _B.dealingwith C.the deal about be concerned about Question 22: Itwas very difficult to what he was saying about the noise ofthe traffic. Apickup B.make up ‘Ctum out D.make out ‘Question 23: Even though they don’t agree with what is happening, they're too, to protest A.apathetic B.subdued C quiet D. outgoing ‘Question 24: This food is the house, you don't have to pay for Aat Bon Cin at Question 25: stay the night ifit's too difficult to get home. A.Byall means B.Allinall C.Atall costs D.Onthe whole Question 26: John contributed fifty dollars, but he wishes he could contribute A.more fifty dollars Boone other fifty dollars C.thesameamountalso another fifty Question 27: The effect ofthe painkiller is and I begin to feel the soreness again. A.turning out B.doing without C fadingaway D.wearingoff ‘Question 28: The___ of the scheme isto send more than two thousand pairs of used football boots to South Africa, A.motive Baim reason D.ambition ‘Question 29: | strongly recommend that you should take out an insurance policy in the house for your own__of mind. A.peace B.speed C space D.pace Question 30: The court's decision is seen asa major____to their authority. Abit B.blow ‘C damage D. undermining Question 31: We need to import from abroad. A.agreat deal of sports equipment B.agreatdeal of sport equipment Calarge number of sports equipment D.agreat deal of sports equipments Question 32: The final year atthe secondary school isthe time for teenagers to get___thinkingabout choosing jobs. Aoff with B.byon C behind with D.down to ‘Question 33: Language teaching in the United State is base on the idea that the goal of language acquisition is, ‘communicative A.competence B.compete Cway D.method Question 34: My parents are going to hit the roof f they find out we had a party here. A.become angry B.become sad C.become worried D. become nervous ‘Question 35: In the___of any clear leadership, the rebellion collapsed. 12 A.lack B.omission C.absence D.vacancy Question 36:__more help, I can call my neighbors and my friends. A.Should Ineed B.Had [needed C Ihave needed D.Needed ‘Question 37: On Friday night some of our friends came to the party and, for the weekend, A.fell behind B. waited up C stayed on D.keptup ‘Question 38: I have looked through the report, but I must admit, only - A.superficially B.thoroughly Carefully D.seriously Question 39: Her political future is now hanging by a__. A.rope B.cord thread D.string Question 40; They know in their hearts that women are superior and they are affaid of being__at their own game. A.lost B.won C failed D. beaten ‘Question 41: The social services are chiefly with the poor, the old and the sick A.influenced Burelated suffered D. concerned Question 42: Everyone knows about pollution problems, but not many people have__any solution. A.come up with B. looked into C thought over D. gotround to ‘Question 43: After Jil had realized that the new computer was not what she_really wanted, she it for an other one. A.dropped B.traded C.turned down, D. bought ‘Question 44: She went to college to study history, but changed and isnowa doctor A.horses in midstream —_B.fora better Chertune D. hands ‘Question 45: The fumes were so thick that he was. forbreath, A.suffocating B. inhaling C gasping D. wheezing Question 46: of transportation has given someone the idea fora new type of toy. ‘A. Mostly forms B. Most every form C. Almost forms D.Almostevery form ‘Question 47: The speaker fails to get his message. tohis audience A.around Bain across D.out Question 48: Air, food and water are. to human beings. A.unquestionable B. indebted ‘C.undeniable D.indispensable Question 49; When I hear stories of cruelty to animals, it makes my. boil A.stomach. Boil Cblood D.head Question 50: Poor management brought the company to. of collapse. A.the edge B.the foot C the ring D.the brink LESSON 7 Question 1: Helen is_____seafood, so she never tries these delicious dishes. Acallergicto B.tired of Ckeen on D. preferable to Question 2; When the police investigate a crime, they___evidence such as fingerprints, hair or clothing. A.look into B.lookup to Clookafter D.look for Question 3: You must be careful when you wash this__silk blouse. A.delicate B.weak C feeble D.sensitive ‘Question 4: She isa rising star as.a standup comedian, always able to bring down the_during each performance. Achouse Burain Croof D. kennel Question 5: A sudden__idea to the cyclist that he might try the new method. A.occurred B.happened C took place D. took part Question 6:__, sheep were then used for wool. A.Having first domesticated for milk production _C. Because they had been first domesticated for milk production B, Having been first domesticated for milk production Although they had first domesticated for milk production ‘Question 7: Your grades are coming down. You should try to. the other students in your class. A.come up with B.keep up with C.getalong with D. get in touch with ‘Question 8: Sugar is the__of healthy teeth, A.destruction B.destructor C.destroyer D. destructive Question 9: Stop. about the bush, John! Just tell me exactly what the problem is. A.rushing B.hiding C beating D.moving, Question 10: Although the staff did expand somewhat for the first centuiy of its existence the entire teaching staff consisted ofthe president and three or four tutors. A.toand fro B,back and forth C.sideby side D.moreorless ‘Question 11: 'mabit concemed. how the new law mightaffect our business. 13 Ain Baas G.for D.about ‘Question 12: Itis very important fora film or a company to keep. the changes in the market A.pace of B.trackabout .touch with’ D.up with ‘Question 13: The storm causing flooding and landslides in Miami prompted the governmenttto hundreds from coastal towns. A-evacuate B.demolish contribute D.evaporate Question 14: I usually buy my clothes, It’s cheaper than going to a dress-maker. A.offthe peg B.onthe house .inpublic D.onthe shelf ‘Question 15: The goal is to make higher education available to everyone who is will and capable____ his financial situation. A.regardless of Bowing to C.interms of D. with reference to ‘Question 16: We should participate in the movements___the natural enviroment. A.organizingto conserve _B. organized conserving Question 17: The new office block A.blends in B.stands out Question 18: The new campus parking rule. Avaffects Beeffect Question 19: | caught last bus by the skin of my. Question 20: My cousin was nervous about being interviewed on television, but she rose to the. A.mouth Buleg Acevent B. performance Question 21: A.Whatever frequency B. No matter what times ‘Question 22: The government's economic policies have, A.come in for B. looking forward to ‘Question 23: He showed his A.distaste B discontent ‘Question 24: Itwas a joke! I was pulling your. A.thumb Bhair Question 25: Sometimes, even the most solid relationships, A.make ends meet B.cometoanend Corganized to conserve. which organize to conserve ‘well with its surroundings. Cshapes up D.sets off many students. CC hasan influence D. effective Cneck D.teeth ‘wonderfully. incident D.occasion| I see Tom and Jerry, lalways feel interested because the cartoon is so exciting CHowevermany —_D,Nomatter how many times alot of criticism, looks out for D.make up for for the TV program by switching tof ‘Cannoyance D. boredom C.toe Daleg Gendoftheline D.putan end to ‘Question 26: According to Mehrabian in 1971, only 7% of the information we communicate to others depends upon the words ; 93% of that depends on nonverbal communication, A.saying Bosaid Csay D.wesay ‘Question 27: Itwas so stuffy indoors that | had to the fresh air. A.went back on B.goonat C.go out into D.goin for ‘Question 28: After the concert, everyone had to, home through the thick snow. A.trudge B.tread trace Datrickle ‘Question 29: | always get_in my stomach before visiting the dentist. ‘A.worms B. butterflies Ccrabs D. hedgehogs Question 30: There is___to be a serious energy crisis in the next century. A-reputed B.known foreseen D.bound Question 3: over long distances isa fact. A.Thatelectricity transmitting B. That electricity can be transmitted C. That electricity D. That can be transmitted ‘Question 32: He was arrested because he had. A.come out agaisnt B.come in upon Question 33: Prices of flats A.change Bivary the government, ‘C.come down with D.comeup to froma few thousand to millions of dollars. differ D. fluctuate Question 34: Those smart phones are selling like__ If you want one, you'd better buy one now before they’reall gone. A.shooting stars B.fresh bread Question 35: | can't_____ofa word heis saying. A.make sense B.grasp Question 36: Statisics___now compulsory forall students takinga course in engineering. Aare B.have been Question 37: On hearing the news she fainted and it was halfan hour before she. A.came up Bycame round Chot cakes D.wild oats C.comprehend D.understand Chas been Dais again. Ccameover D, came forward 14 ‘Question 38: The passport she carried was, 5 Aaartificial B. imitation untrue D. false Question 39: I haven't had an accident yet but I've had a number of. shaves. Anarrow B.near Close D.tiny ‘Question 40: You dropped it down the stairs? You're lucky itis stil in one. 1 A.whole B.piece Centirely D.unit Question 41: The city libraries presenta gloomy picture of the. who used to flock the libraries every evening. A.gradual reduction of readers B.gradual readers reduction C gradual readers of reduction D. reduction gradual readers Question 42: Don't worry about trying to catch the last train home, as we can. you up for the night. Atake B.keep C put D.set ‘Question 43: The silver medalist was later for running outside her lane. A.banned B. disqualified C disallowed D. outlawed Question 44: My father refused to eat meat that had been fired. He had, in his bonnetabout causing cancer. A.bug Babee Cabull D.anant Question 45: [havea mere. of German. A.smattering B. knowledge C.acequaintance D. command ‘Question 46: In fact the criminals, into because the front door was wide open and so they just walked in. A.needn'thave broken B. didn'tneed break C didn’tneed to break D.needn'tto have broken ‘Question 47: He'll be very upset if you, his offer of help. A.tum away B.turn from Cturn down D. turn against Question 48: The woman, someone had stolen her purse, but although they searched everyone in the shop, it ‘wasn't found, A.announced B.deciared Claimed Dasaid ‘Question 49: | dropped a_when talking with my best friend, and now he doesn’t want to talk to me. A.rock B,stone C brick D.sand ‘Question 50: When__a European, we should stickto the last name unless he suggest that we use his first name. A.speaking B.discussing talking D.addressing LESSON 8 Question 1: The litle children watched the performance in, amazement. A.wide-eyed B.cross-eyed Ceagleeyed D.hawk-eyed ‘Question 2: By the time the ambulance arrived, a crowd of had gathered, A.spectators B.passers Conlookers| D. viewers ‘Question 3: The main cause ofthe strike was the management's refusal to give further consideration to the question of paying___. A.differentials B.differences C.subsi D. opportunities ‘Question 4: In the last month Iwas. my affairs in England and saying goodbye to all my friends. A.switching of B.hanging up ‘winding up Dfadingaway ‘Question 5: They say he inherited his money from a__relative he had never met A.faraway_ B.remote distant D. far Question 6: One of my classmatesiis always putting me__ in public. 'sso embarrassing! Aup Booff C.through D.down Question 7: I know his name is ‘Jim’, butit was justa__of the tongue when I called him ‘Tim’, Asslide Buskid Cskim D.slip Question 8: Ifyou leave your baggage atthe airport, itwill be taken away. A.inattentive B.careless ‘C.unattended D. neglectful Question 9: When you are in a western country, your host may open a wrapped gift in front of you. Opening present in front of the gift-giver is__polite. A.acquired B.considered C known D.called ‘Question 10: The color of your shirt does not. that of your trousers. A.suit Bafit C harmonize D.match ‘Question 11: An accidentiin the power station may result in large. of radiation being released, A.numbers B.number Camount D.amounts Question 12: People believe there isa, between the two crimes. AJjoint B. chain Glink D.connector 15 Question 13: Youare not allowed to drive. the influence. alcohol. A.under/of ‘Cunder/by Question 14 exception, the little baby, everybody in my family has to jog every morning. A.With/of B.With/to Cinjof D.By/on ‘Question 15: Assembly lines are useful for producinga large of identical products. A.quality B.quantity C quandary D. qualification ‘Question 16: What the president said is not to be printed. It's the record. Aon Bof Coff D.without ‘Question 17: Tommy is the_____sheep in his family: he is the only member who has not made a success of hs life. Bagrey yellow D.white Question 18: You looked a bit. ‘out Are you worried about something? A.stress B.stressed stressful D.under stress ‘Question 19: The national curriculum is made_____of the following subject: English, Maths, Chemistry and so o' A.for Bout Cup Dain Question 20: Itwas, that he was keptiin hospital for nearbya month, A.soaseriousaccident —B.soseriousanaccident —C.such seriousanaccidentD.asuchseriousaccident Question 21: In China's largest psychiatric facility, there is a serious lack of resources but the stafis try hard to, is in their treatment of the patients. A.make up for B.go in for C putup with D.setin for Question 22: Deforestation. devastative floods in many parts of the world. Asstarts out B.makes up C brings up D. results in (Question 23: The search fora new vaccine took priority. all other medical researches. A.above Bover Cto D.on Question 24: Drinking water excessive amounts of fluorides may leave a stained or mottled effect on the enamel of teeth. A.containing B. including C made up of D. composed of ‘Question 25: The world's population will. more than 10 billion in 50 years. Avreached reached reach D.reaching Question 26: The replacement of shops such as the groceries and chemists’ by the cafe___ the housewives with insufficient facilities for shopping, Alleave Byhave left Chas left have left Question 27: I can't stand Mr. Brian, He's always blowing his own___- telling everyone how good he isat everything. A.balloon Bubreath mind D, trumpet ‘Question 28: They are happily married although, of course, they argue A.mosttimes B. from day to day ‘Cevery nowand then D.on the occasion ‘Question 29: He promised to mend the broken wheel soon without. A B.failure C trouble D. mistake Question 30: Politicians should never lose. ofthe needs of the people they represent. Aview Bsight C regard D. prospect Question 31: Doctors advise people who are deficient___vitamin Cto eat more fruitand vegetables. A.from Bof Cin D. for Question 32: Thereis a real possibility that these animals could be frightened a sudden loud noise. A.being there B.should there be C.there was D. there have been Question 33: Prices continued to rise while wages remained low___the Government became increasingly unpopular. A.on condition that B. with the result that C provided that D.inorder that ‘Question 34: Nguyen Thi Anh Vien performed so well the 26th Sea Games Women's 200m butterfly that none of her rivals could her. A.look upto B.come up to Gcatch up with D. putup with Question 35: She loved tennisand could watch ittll the__came home. Ashe B.everyone C horses D.cows Question 36: I refuse to believea word ofit; i's a cock-and. story. Abhen B. goose Cull Da duck Question 37: When Mr Spendthriftran out of money, he his mother for help. A.fell back on B.fell upon, Cellbehind D.fell in with Question 38: The ceiling fans were on, but unfortunately they only. the hot, humid air A.stirred up B. poured through turned into D.cut back 16 Question 39: Many companies now advertise their new products by distributing free___in public places. A.samples B.examples Question 40: Nam: "I'm having some friends over for lunch this Saturday. Would you like to join us?" Huong: A.Can Itakearain check? B. Come on. It’s your turn. instances C Thanks, but musn't D.Asa matter of fact, 1do Question 41: Itis possible may assist some trees in saving water in the winter. A.tolose leaves B. that the loss ofleaves C the leaves are lost D. when leaves have lost ‘Question 42: Chosen as the nation’s capital atthe end of the American Civil War___the city of overa million people. ‘A.Washington, DCisnow B. for Washington, DC, Question 43: It isa top secret You ‘C. Washington, DC, tellanyone about it. D. now in Washington, DC, A.won't Byneedn't C mustn't D.mightn't ‘Question 44: Those naughty boys went on making terrible noise in the park even though they had been bythe annoyed constable. A.turned into B.taken after C ticked off D. dropped off Question 45: Sheila will inherit everything her uncle's death. A.onaccount of Bin spite of C.inthe event of place of Question 46: "Don't look so worried! You should take the boss's remarks with a, ofsalt" A.teaspoon B.pinch Question 47: His poor handling of the business, Avneared B.edged Question 48: "Ifyou are ata(n) Aopen Question 49: Itis understood that his closestadviser will A.take over B.getby Cegrain D.dose on negligence, C.approached D. bordered end, you could help me in the garden.” Close D.empty as president. Ctakeup come about ‘Question 50: We need to senda representative we can A.find out B.counton. C.catch on D.stand for LESSON 9 ‘Question 1: It's funny you should say that I've just had the. thought. Alike B identical alike D.similar ‘Question 2: The players’ protests, no difference to the referee's decision at all Adid B.made caused D.created Question 3: British and Australian people share the same language, but in other respects they are as different as__, A.catsand dogs B.chalkand cheese Csaltand pepper D. here and there ‘Question 4: The boy was sent to the police because of several thathe had taken partin. A.setto B.set-toes Csets-to D.settos Question 5: just can't that noise any longer! A.putup with B.stand in for Gsitout D.stand up to Question 6: He. me to the edge because he never stops talking, Axrides B.drives Cofies Da bites Question 7: On attaining maximum size, amoebas, each receiving identical nuclear materials, A.the reproduction of theamoeba C reproducing the amoeba Question 8: That beautifil girl died of an A.overweight B.overhear by drawing itself out and dividing into two daughter B.the amoeba, which reproduces D. the amoeba reproduces morphine. Coverdo D.overdose Question 9: What's the matter? You don't look very well."-"I feel a little A.outofthe blue B.outoforder C.under the weather D. under the impression Question 10: I know we had an argument, but now 'd quite lke to A.look down B.make up Question 14: Itisa really difficult matter to decide how to solve now. I will need time to sleep on it make it better ‘Question 12: After five days on trial, the court found him innocent, Ain Boon Question 13: The two groups of bullies fought tooth and. A.claw B.nail C fallout D.bringup ink itover”. C.tomake up forit think outoftime the crime and he was released Gat Daof before the police came last night. Geet D.both AandB Question 14: The complaints he received were like water off a duck’s. Ww A.back B.wings C feather D.body ‘Question 15: When friends insist on expensive gifts it makes most people uncomfortable. Axthem to accept B.they accepting C theiraccepting, D, they accept ‘Question 16: Only the__ ofthe building is going to be remodeled. A.insides B.interior indoors D.inner ‘Question 17: Whether the sports club survivesis a matter of complete. tome. A. indifference B.disinterest C importance D.interest ‘Question 18: As it was Christmas, the at church was much larger than usual. A.audience B.convention C congregation D. grouping Question 19: The jury. the defendant “not guilty”. Agave B.returned C subscribed D. found ‘Question 20: He managed to finish his thesis under the__of his tutor. A.guidance Bhelp Caid D.assistance (Question 21: Mr. Henry was given a medal in, of his service to his country. A.gratitude B. knowledge C recognition D.response ‘Question 22:__calculations have shown that the earth's resources may run outbefore the end of the next century. ARaw B.Rude Crude D.Blunt Question 23: The needs of gifted children in schools have long been. neglected, A.dolefully B.woefully Cidly D. pathetically Question 24: | must take this watch to be repaired; it__over 20 minutes a day. increases B.gains accelerates progresses Question 25: It had been a trying afternoon, at about six o'clock in the television breaking down. A.culminating Bileading arriving D. finalizing Question 26: Dr. Evans has. valuable contribution to the life of the school A.done B.created C.caused D.made Question 27: Shy people often find difficult to group discussion. A.take partin B.geton with C.take place in D. getin touch with Question 28: Not until the end ofthe 19th century. becomea scientific discipline. A.plantbreedinghas —_B. did plant breeding C plant breeding had D. has plant breeding Question 29: Just keep___on the baby while I cook the supper, will you? A.alook B.aglance Caneye D.acare Question 30: Remember to appreciate what your friends do for you. You shouldn't take them. Aasarule Biasustal Coutofhabit for granted Question 31: The twins look so muckalike that almost no one can, them, A.take/apart B.tell/away Ctell/apart D.take/on Question 32: Itis probably a smarter way to make decisions than, on only our own opinions. A.basing B.trusting C supposing D.relying (Question 33: He bought three shirts; one for him and____for his children. A.others B.the other C.another D.the others. ‘Question 34: The planes were delayed and the hotel was awful, but swe still had a good time. A.onthe top ofallthat. —B.on the contrary C forall that D. by the same token Question 35: The police must now. the escape convict in the surrounding countries. B.find out look for D. be in search of ‘Question 36: The restaurants on the island are expensive, so it's worth packed lunch Atake B.totake C taking D.taken (Question 37: I couldn't think ofa way to present my view so that no one would take it A B.amiss Ceasy lax ‘Question 38: Where were you? Ihave been looking for you high and low, Avhere and there B.everywhere ‘Cnowhere D, both Aand B ‘Question 39: My little house is spick and A.pan B.span C fan D.can Question 40: He didn’tbat an, when he realized he failed the exam again. Acar Begg Ceye Question 41: William is an authority, medieval tapestries. Aon Bwith C.about Dain Question 42: "You have cooked so many dishes. There are only three of us for lunch.” 18 A.couldn’t B.wouldn't needn't D.oughtn't Question 43: Books and magazines__around made his room very untidy. A.thatlie B.laying Cwhich lied Dalying ‘Question 44: He decided to make a claim damages to his car. A.for Bin ‘Cabout D.on Question 45: The opposition will be elected into government at the next election, withouta ofadoubt A.shade B.shadow benefit, D.sum Question 46: Can you make yourself in French? A.understood B.understand C.tounderstand D.understanding Question 47; "Don't look so worried! You should take the leader's comment with " A.ateaspoonofsalt B.acupofsalt C.adose ofsalt D.apinch ofssalt ‘Question 48: Our project was successful its practicality, A.interms of B.witha view to C.regardless D.onbehalfof ‘Question 49: Of the two new students, one is friendly and. A.theothersarenct _B.theotherisnot Ganotherisunfriendly other lacks friendliness ‘Question 50: Aftera good night's sleep I woke up feeling as fresh as, and eager to starta new day Aafruit Biadaisy Catlower D.amaiden LESSON 10 Question 1:. They are conductinga wide of surveys throughout Viet Nam A.collection B.range selection ‘Question 2: John paid $20 for his mea the had thought it would cost A.not muchas B.notso muchas Clessas D.notso many as, Question 3: Make sure you yourassignmentbefore you go to bed Ashave Cake D.make ‘Question 4: Peter was ejected after committing five personal in water sport game yesterday. A.mistakes B. faults fouls D.errors ‘Question 5: Toxic chemicals in the air and land have driven many species to the of extinction. A.tip Boedge Cverge D. border ‘Question 6: Sheran____an interesting article about fashion while she was reading the newspaper. Aaafter B.across Caway D.out ‘Question 7: We wentaway on holiday last week, but trained day. day. Cout/in Question 8: In the past, British children were frequently encouraged to try their performing skills for the benefit ofadults. Aon Bout Cup D.over ‘Question 9: She built high wall round her garden, order that her fruit not be stolen B.toenable people not taking her fruit so that her fruit would be stolen preventher fruit from being stolen Question 10: Itry to be friendly butitis hard to some of my colleagues. A.geton with out for ‘Ccome up with D.stand in for ‘Question 14: was in two_about taking the flat because itis very good but the rent was rather high. A_heads B.minds hands D.ways ‘Question 12: Ofall the factors affecting agricultural yields, weather is the one. the most A.that influences farmers B.farmersthatisinfluences C why farmersinfluenceit D. itinfluences farmers Question 13: john, knowledge from many of his life experiences to his work. A.approved B. accomplished appreciated D.applied Question 14: The robbers made. with $2,000 from die store. Aaway B.down Cup Question 15: 90 percent of Asia's people live in the eastern and southern parts of the continent, which contain some of the most regions in the world A.Most/thick-populated B.Most/thickly-populated — C. Almost/thick-populated —_D. Almost/thickly-populated Question 16: have been looking for this book for months, and. Thave found it A.intheend B.intime Cattheend D.atpresent Question 17: There's a lot more to Willie than one would think: stil waters run : A.deep B.deeply C.deepness D.depth 19 Question 18: The ideas, to nothing because I couldn'tafford to do it A.went B.came Cturned D. changed Question 19: You can always. Ann to give you sound advice. A.bankof for Cbankat D.bankon Question 20: His emotional problems from the attitudes he encountered asa child, I think. A.stem B. flourish Groot D.sprout ‘Question 21: The head teacher loves Literature. She____significance to reading classical novels by great writers like Charles Dickens or Leo Tolstoy. A.admits Battaches attributes plays ‘Question 22: They are getting married. They have ust___the newstto their friends. A.told B.informed ‘broken D.had Question 23: The computer has had an enormous on the way we work. A.alteration B. change C.impression D. influence ‘Question 24: We've lost everything. Stil, there's no point in complaining, We'll just have to try and make. A.nobonesaboutit _B.asplash the best ofa bad job D.adean sweep ‘Question 25: In the future, the robot will not cost a(n)___andaleg. Aarm B.hand C foot D.nail ‘Question 26: The African killer bees could notbe handled safely, nor A.their honey could be harvested B, harvested could their honey be C could not their honey be harvested uld their honey be harvested Question 27: Your argument that Britain isstilla great power, but this sno longer the case. A.outlines B. presupposes concerns D. presents ‘Question 28: Our teacher told us that if we don't the environment, our grandchildren may not even be able to carry on living, A.look into B.lookoutfor Clookafter D.look for ‘Question 29: We are___asurvey tofind out what our customers think of their local bus service. A.conducting B researching C.corresponding D. investigating ‘Question 30: In order to grow vegetable properly, gardeners must know ‘A. what die requirements for each vegetable are B. Thatthe requirements for each vegetable ‘C.whatare each vegetable's requirements. D. that is required by each vegetable. ‘Question 31: He was given a medal in, ofhis service to the country. A.gratitude B.recognition C knowledge D. response Question 32: Don't let allthis praise go to your A.mind B.brain Chead D.mouth Question 33: Six novelsa year, you say? He's certainly a writer, A.fruitful B.fertile C virile D. prolific Question 34: The company received complaints about the quality ofits products. A.continual B.continued C.continuous D. continuing ‘Question 35: When Tetholiday comes, Vietnamese people often feel inclined to their houses. A.doup through Cdoover D.doin ‘Question 36: Could you close the window? There is abit ofa A.current B.wind C draught D. breeze Question 37: Thousands of steel ‘were used as the framework of the new office block. A. beams B.girders stakes D.piles Question 38: If! were you, I would take more in my work. A.confidence B pride C dedication solution ‘Question 39: He set one alarm-clock for five o'clock and the other for five past so as to__that he did not oversleep. Aassure Beensure Cinsure D,reassure ‘Question 40; When Tim was eating cherry, he accidentally swallowed the Acnut B.stone Cseed D.core Question 41: Their eventual choice of house was by the time Peter would take to getto the office, Avrelated B.consequent C determined D. dependent Question 42: His of the safety regulations really has resulted in a number of minor accidents. A.distegard B.unfamiliarity C.carelessness D. inattention Question 43: When he realized the police had spotted him, the man, the exitas quickly as possible. 20 A.made off B.made for C made out D.made up (Question 44: The government is thinking of bringing___alaw to make it compulsory for cyclists to wear crash helmets. Avon Bup Cin D.round ‘Question 45: Members of my family share the household chores; Dad is always willing to, a hand with cooking and washing up. Agive B.make Cput D.join Question 46: David isa captain of the school basketball team, his father before him. A.similar to Bjustlike Csuchas D.aswellas ‘Question 47: This house non-profit organization. A.belongs in B.belongsto C belongs for D.belongsat ‘Question 48: My father is very talented and kind-hearted. | always, im. A.look for B.looklike Clookafter D.look upto Question 49: He was arrested on the. on the way to the airport slot ‘Question 50: She always turned her term paper in at the eleventh. . A.minute B.second Chour LESSON 11 Question 1: The playis very longbutthere are three__. A.intervals B.breaks Crests D.naps Question 2: The lastlecture. completely over my head. B.went ‘C.was Daleft ‘Question 3: Could I pick your ‘on the subject before the meeting? A.brains Bhead C intellect D.mind ‘Question 4: The dying man's speech was so- that no one was able to interpret his last request. A.incoherent B.indiscreet ‘C nonchalant D. impotent Question 5: Very soon I found some other people to, and we began to write songs. A-keep up with up with C talk through with D.getalong with Question 6: chair the meeting, ‘A.John was decided to B. Itwas decided that John should C There was decided that John should D, John had been decided to Question 7: I thought about the problem but i couldn't solution. A.come in for B.comeacross ‘C.come up with D.come out ‘Question 8: john painted his bedroom black, it looks dark and dreary. He different color. A.had to choose B.musthave chosen C should have chosen D. could have been choosing ‘Question 9: The tiny bells on the Christmas tree were____in the draught. A.clanging B.ringing CC tinkling D. gurgling ‘Question 10: The two runners crossed the line A.sometimes B.simultaneously frequently D, occasionally Question 11: There__lots of furniture in the furniture department, display displaying Care/ displaying D.are/ to display Question 12: It’s advisable to any contact with potentially rabiss animals. A.escape B.avoid C prevent D.evade ‘Question 13: The old lady was. exhausted after a long walk. Avery B.absolutely C pretty D. fairy ‘Question 14: She wanted to serve some coffee to her guests : however. A.she hadn't many sugar B. there was nota greatamount ofthe sugar C She did not have much sugar’ D,she was lacking in amount of the sugar Question 15: These figures give you some idea of the cost of. your car for one year. A.controlling B handling ‘Question 16: Itcan take up to three months to B.teach ‘C managing D. maintaining aman to do this specialist work. Crain Daleamn (Question 17: In today’s paper it that we shall have an election this year. A.says Biadmits expresses D. proposes Question 18: Ihad to pay_on a carpet boughtin through the Customs today. Avtaxes B.rates Crfines D.duty 21 Question 19: The. charged by the architect for the plans of the new building were unusually high. Achire B price Cees D.sum Question 20: It takesa great deal of for the class to makea trip abroad. Avarrangement B. organization ‘Cexpense D. business Question 21: You shouldn't eat so many sweets. They're_for you. Abad B.unhealthy ‘C.unsuitable D. disagreeable ‘Question 22: I wondered whether you would like to__to the theatre tomorrow. Avisit B.goaway C.goout D.walkout Question 23: Do you think he! of doing the job? A.capable B. competent Cable suited ‘Question 24: I bought these shoes in the sale. They were a real B.economy C bargain D. purchase ‘Question 25: Ifyou put your money in the bank, it will earn ten per cent. : A.savings B profit C.deposit Da interest ‘Question 26: Edward was named after one of hs father’s distant 5 B brothers ‘Cmembers Da relations ‘Question 27; Jane and Brian gotmarrieda year after they got A.divorced B. proposed C.engaged D.separated Question 28: Julie had terrible with her parents lastnight. A.row B.discussion Cargue D.dispute Question 29: The restaurant is popular with film starsand th Alike B.same similar D.such ‘Question 30: It’s much more expensive if you use the phone at rate, A.high B.tall C peak Daheavy ‘Question 31: Politicians often promise to solve all problems. A.thickand fast B.onthe whole C of set purpose D.atastroke ‘Question 32: Karen was terribly nervous before the interview, but she managed to pull herself___and act confidently. A.through Boover together Dioff Question 33: tothe invention of the steam engine, most forms of transport were horse-drawn. AAkin B.Prior .Inaddition D. With reference (Question 34: The truant was from school for unbecoming behavior. A.dispelled B.repelled expelled D.compelled Question 35: itor not, ve just been given a totally unexpected pay rise. A.Believe B.Accept Presume D.Allow ‘Question 36: During the war, the black marketin luxury goods. A.flourished B.flowered C.bloomed D. blossomed ‘Question 37: It's expected that all members will to the rules of the club, A.comply B.concede ‘C.conform D. compromise Question 38: I'm afraid I'm rather about the existence of ghosts. A.skeptical B. partial Cadaptable capable ‘Question 39: Nothing was arranged, it wasall very A.Ataken away B.worn out Cslapdash D.slap up Question 40: He gambled his life's savings before starting on his wife's. A.across Blaround Cout D.away ‘Question 41: Global warming has progressed. glaciers everywhere are shrinking. A.too much that B. enough to cause Ctosuchanextentthat so great an extent that ‘Question 42: Mr. Average was justa run-of-the- worker. A.road Bill Cweek D.wheel Question 43: The police a good deal of criticism over the handling of the demonstration. A.came in for B brought about C.opened up D. went down with Question 44: They can't onthe name for the baby. A.conclude B. consent assent D.decide ‘Question 45: Despite the financial problems, she managed to her fortune. Ahold onto B.catch up with C keep back D.carryaway Question 46: for their strong fiber include flax and hemp. A.Plants are grown B.Plants grown Plants that grown D. To grow plants 22 Question 47: appears considerably larger atthe horizon than it does overhead is merely an optical illusion, ‘A. What the Moon B. The Moon which C.When the Moon ‘D. That the Moon ‘Question 48: We've bought some. chairs for the garden so that they are easy to store away. A.adapting B. adjusting C. bending D. folding Question 49: There are__words in English having more than one meaning. Pay close attention to this fact. A.alargemany B.quitemany C.agreatmany D.quitealot Question 50; Round and round. . A.the wheels of the engine went B.did the wheels of the engine go ‘C.wentthe wheels of the engine D. going the wheels ofthe engine LESSON 12 Question 1: Megan solved her computer problem quite___as she happened to mention it to a friend who had had the same problem and told her what to do. A.occasionally B.clumsily accidentally D.attentively ‘Question 2: Can L___yourbrains fora moment? I can'tdo this crossword by myself, Avhave B.pick mind Diuse ‘Question 3: There were a number of strong candidates for the post but Peter's experience___the scales in his favor. A.weighted B.tipped C balanced D. overturned Question 4: Itis going__lunch-time! A.onat with C through with, D.on for Question 5: He accused me of standing___with my brother to deceive him. Aon Bat Cin Question 6: For a public campaing to succeed, it other relations. portant to make_of existing social organizations as well as, Buadvantage C benefit Diuse ‘Question 7: Susan was alone in the house when the fire A.broke out B.broke down Cbroke up D. broke away. ‘Question 8: think you need to__your ideas more clearly so that the reader doesn't get confused. A.dawn on B.setout C.geton with D.givein ‘Question 9: How long does the play_? Allast Bstretch extend D. prolong ‘Question 10: She was___disappointed when she learned that she was turned down for the post. A.gravely B bitterly Chighly D. fully Question 11: It’s nota pleasant feeling to discover you've been taken fora__bya close friend. Accheat B.trick Cride D.lift ‘Question 12: When the manager of our company retires, the deputy manager will___that position, A.stand for B.take over C.catchon D.holdon. ‘Question 13: A university degree is considered to be a____for entry into most professions. ‘A.demand Byrequisite Claim D.request ‘Question 14: A good friend should____you whatever happens. A.bein favor of B.take after Cstandby D. bringaround ‘Question 15: Jim didn’tbreak the vase on___ but he was still punished for his carelessness. A.occasion B.chance C intention D. purpose Question 16: Why don'tthey____their attention on scrutinizing the evidence instead of questioning the passers-by? Avattract B.focus Cdraw D.devote ‘Question 17; It was a serious operation but he made a complete recovery and was soon as fitasa fiddle, careful health, easy health C.inquiethealth D. in good health ‘Question 18: Don't tell ane anything about the surprise party for Jack She has gota big__. Avear B.tooth C mouth Daeye ‘Question 19: China is one of the most___populated areas in the world. A.thinly B. sparsely Cdensely D.scarcely Question 20: Communication in general is process of sending and receiving messages that___humans to share knowledge, attitudes, and skills. B.enables Cunable D.enable Question 21: was justabout____the office when the telephone rang, have left Bleave C.toleave D. leaving 23 Question 22: Ifeveryone chips_, we'llbe able to buy her a really nice present. Aon Bat Cin D.out ‘Question 23: It'sa____date. Ihave never gone out with him before, B.blind Cesecret D. first ‘Question 24: The scientists introduced new farming methods which resulted in____crops. A.bump B.bumpy C bumper Dalarge ‘Question 25: I'm allergic to most canned foods. That's why I always look for something fresh and__. Avair-tight B.chemical free environmentally friendly D.hand-made Question 26: Those flowers are__everywhere is asign of spring, A.going over B.takingover C.comingout D, breaking out ‘Question 27: My mother doesn't___ eye to eye with my father sometimes. Ase B.glance Clook D.agree Question 28: Many educationalists feel that continue fairer than formal examinations. A.assessment B.cramming C judgement D.assignment ‘Question 29: When he retires at sixty, he'll geta very good__- Bosalary Cwage D. pension ‘Question 30: It has been conclusively__ that smoking causes many diseases. A.admitted B.established C.declared D.approved ‘Question 31: You thought | did wrong butthe results__myaction, Aagree B.correct C justify D.approve Question 32: On Friday night some of our friends came to the party and___for the weekend, A.fell behind B.waited up C stayed on D.keptup ‘Question 33: Look___this document carefully before you sign it. A.up Boon Cat D.over ‘Question 34: There can be no___fixes or magic solutions to the problem of unemployment. B.speedy C.quick D.sudden ‘Question 35: Judo players are___to their opponents and bow to each other before and after a contest. Avrespective B.respectable Crrespect D.respectful Question 36: Without written evidence, we don'thavea___on. A.legto stand B.footto stand Clegto lean D. foot to lean ‘Question 37: By the time we got home, we were__ frozen and exhausted. A.exceedingly Biextremely C.absolutely D.very Question 38: What's the point. here ifyou don't have anything to tell them? A.gettingthem all come B.ingettingthemallcome —_C.togetthemall come D. in getting themall to come ‘Question 39: Would be happy to go_with the idea. Aon Bup Calong Question 40: You will have to____your holiday if you are too illo travel. A.putaside B.callof Cbackout D.cutdown, ‘Question 41: The course was so difficult that I didn't____any progress atall. B.make produce create Question 42:___ the table, Mr. Robert called the family for support. A. Being laid B.Having laid C Have laid D. Havinglying ‘Question 43: He seemed very quiet but it would bea mistake to__his intelligence. A.devalue B.depreciate ‘Cundermine D. minimize ‘Question 44: Being well-dressed and punctual can help you create a good____on your interviewer. A.pressure B.impression Ceffectiveness D. employment Question 45: Alex was enough on becoming a professional sportsman and he didn’t want to listen to anyone else'sadvice. Avcertain Beeager Cdefinite D.intent Question 46: To bake fish, ___butter and place itin a generously greased rectangular pan. A.itbrushes with B.with its brushes C brushing it with D. brushitwith Question 47: The project manager_animatedly as he spoke about his experiences in the Jungle. A.advanced B.looked C noticed D. gestured (Question 48:__ charge for___excess luggage is£10__kilo. A.The;an;a B.The;2;a CO;Wia D.@;an;the Question 4 warfare duties primarily to males’ was imperative when combat was hand-to-hand. 24 A. Assigning B.Assigned C They who assigned D. That they were assigning ‘Question 50: To say that someone has told a secret, we use the idiom, You'veletthe___out of the bag!’ Avcat B,mouse C.goose LESSON 13 (Question 1: With this type of insurance, you're buying__of mind. A.peace B.satisfaction C.calmness D. contentment Question 2: When the firstair pollution laws were established in England in the fourteenth century, ai pollutants were limited to compounds that could be seen or smelled - a far___from the extensive list of harmful substances known today. Acry B.tear Csweep D. distance ‘Question 3: On hearing that she failed the entrance exam, Trang.couldn'thelp___into tears. A.bursting. B.breaking C.turning looking (Question 4: There'sa list of repairs as longas, A.yourarm B.apole Cyourarms D.amile ‘Question 5: tried to talk to her, but she was as high asa Akite Csky D.wall Question 6: The jury___her compliments_her excellent knowledge of the subject. Avreturned/to Creturned/on D. paid/ on (Question 7: | am sure your sister will end you asympathetic_when you explain the situation to her. Acye Cam finger ‘Question 8: Wendy ison the___of.adilemma: she just wonders whether to go for apie athome with her family. ‘with her friends orto stay A.torms B.horns C forms D.roms Question 9: Who hasa great hold___ you? It's my mother. Alin Boover Cat D.about Question 10: There isno point in persuading him to change his mind. Healways holds his___. Assoil Bland Cground Deearth ‘Question 14: Children are supposed to hold the elder people in high__. Asspirit B.mood esteem attitude ‘Question 12: The ship was sinkingand they had to take to the boats. Anused B.resortto Chire Darent ‘Question 13: The poor quality of programs does not elevate people into greater understanding, but rather maintains andencourages the status. A.quo B.qou quack D.quiz Question 14: Father has lost his job, so we'll have to tighten our belt to avoid getting into debt. new belt B.sell the belt ‘C.squander D. economize Question 15: The____friendly products are designed not to harm the natural environment. Acenvironment B.environmental environmentally D.environmentalism ‘Question 16: Her contract____in two months, so she's looking for another job. Avruns down B.runsout C.goes out D.goesaway Question 17: When you come down the hil, do drive slowly because itisnot___obvious where the turning is. A.immediately B directly instantaneously D.quite Question 18: The flights are full atthe moment, so you'll have to Acrunastrokeofluck — B.getabetter luck Cbedownonyourluck —_D. take potluck ‘Question 19: John first dabbled___buying old maps for his collection. Ain Bon Cat D. for Question 20: It's a matter of urgency to putright atonce but nothing suitable___to mind. A.returns B.emerges C.sprouts D.springs (Question 21: He was arrested for trying to pass___notesat the bank. A.counterfeit B.fake camouflaged D. fraudulent Question 22: Hehad hismoney___inasecure bankaccount. A.hammeredawayat —_B. jabbered about C-slaved away D. squirreled away ‘Question 23: The train service hasbeen a____since they introduced the new schedules. A.shambles B.rumpus C.chaos Da fracas Question 24: "The film was pretty bad, wasn'tit?’- 'Yes, | think it was_ 2 25 A.exemplary Boexcruciating expeditious D.explicit ‘Question 25: Many young people in rural areas don't wantto spend their lives on the farm like___parents. Buup-to-date longterm D. wide-range ‘Question 26: They Beauty Contestis____startat 8:30am our time tomorrow. A.dueto B.bound to Caboutto D.on the point Question 27: In this job, experience accounts for more than paper__. A.background B.certificates C quality D. qualifications ‘Question 28: Nadine "I've been offered $550 for my stereo, Should I take itor waita better one?" Kitty: "Take the $550__". ‘A. Actions speak louder than words B.Kill twobirds with one stone C The early bird catches the worm D, bird in the hand is worth two in the bush Question 29: Whenever problem____, we try to discuss frankly and find the solutions as soon as possible. A.comesby B.come off Ccomesup D.comesin Question 30: Ishe guilty or innocent____the crime? Ain B.from Cof ‘Question 31: The child was told to__for being rude to his uncle. Acexcuse B.apologize C forgive D. confess ‘Question 32: "I'm going foran interview for a job this afternoon." "Good luck! 'llkeep my___crossed for you" A.legs B.fingers Carms D. hands ‘Question 33: The entire city was__electricity lastnight - it was chaotic. B.almostno C hardly any D.without Question 34: She isa friendly person. She gets__all her neighbours. A.up well with B.down well with Conwell with D.getoff with Question 35: Look this document____carefully before you sign A.up Bon Cat D.over ‘Question 36: Jack and Linda__last week. They just weren't happy together. Avended up B.finished off C broke into D. broke up Question 37: | must warn you lam not used to__so rudely. A.speakto me spoken to Cspeak D. being spoken to Question 38: Plenty_evidence has come___light to prove thathe has been involved_smuggling Avof/in/ with Boof/from /by Cwith/in /in D.of/to/in ‘Question 39: Their research into the causes of cancer promises to break the new____in the field and possibly lead to acure. Avearth B.ground Coil Diland Question 40: The word "friendship" can be___ applied to a wide variety of relationships. Allightly B.loosely C sparingly D.slightly (Question 41: The match will be screened on ITV with__ commentary by Any Gray. Allively Bulive Calive Daliving ‘Question 42: You should pat yourself on the__ for having achieved such a high score in the graduation exam. A.neck Buleg Cam D. back ‘Question 43: Make sure you____ up the data on your computer, because you might geta virus. Aback Csave D.copy Question 44: The____on the kitchen table. is are Cegroceriesis D. groceries are ‘Question 45: His speech was carefuland___ buthis words seemed to make no sense. A.distinctive B.distinction C distinct D. distinguished Question 46: All___ is acontinuous supply of the basic necessities of life. A.whatis needed B. for ourneeds C the thingneeded D. that isneeded Question 47: Itis urgent that this letter____ immediately. A.was posted B.posted posted D, be post Question 48: Shake aleg or you will miss the train. A.Hurry up B Slow down Catch out D. Put down ‘Question 49: Itis only recently that ballets have been based on the themes_ American life. Avreflecting B.reflects Cisreflecting D.reflected ‘Question 50: The new inexperienced employee was loaded__ paperworkand regulations at the office. A.outof Bout with, Cinfor D.down with 26 LESSON 14 Question 1: We were all in. of the fact that the new manager was our old friend Duncan. A.surprise B shock Cawe D.amazement ‘Question 2: The government announced today that they intend to. the rise of crime in the inner cities by increasing police budgets in the areas most affected. A.beat Bawin retaliate D. counter ‘Question 3: The new road currently under____will solve the traffic problems in the town. B. progress ‘Question 4: Itmay have___ your notice, but it's Mrs, Hodge's birthday today. A.slipped B.skipped C missed D.escaped Question 5: Private printing was simplya means___he could increase his income. A.whereupon B.whereby C.wherewithal D. whereabouts ‘Question 6; According the contract, we are___to supply the materials. Avcertain Basure C. bound D.about Question 7: | expected all of the customers___of the change of our address. A.tobe informed inform C being informed D. informing ‘Question 8: We can expecttto treble our turnover once the January sales getinto full A.force B.flight Cspeed D.swing ‘Question 9: I don’t think you have been watering the plants near the gate. The soil is Aasdryas tice Baasdryasatile Casdryasabone dry as wood ‘Question 10: Susan was sad because she wasn't invited to any social events, She felt__. Alleftout B.turned out Committed out D. gone out Question 11: Most psychologists believe that the basic structure of an individual's personality is, A.well established extremely by the age of five B by the age of five itis extremely well established C by the age of five and well established extremely D.extremely well established by the age of five Question 12:___ the invention ofthe steam engine, most forms of transport were horse - drawn. A.With reference B.Akin C Prior to D.Inaddition to ‘Question 13: Son: "Whatis the process of__Dad?" Father: "Well it involves the heating of liquid such as milk in order to kill harmful bacteria.” A.industrialization B. pasteurization C.commercialization D. globalizati ‘Question 14; I reckon Mark is___ofa nervous breakdown. charge B.under suspicion Con the verge D.indicative Question 15: Many local authorities realize there is a need to make for disabled people in their housing programmes. Avassistance B.conditions C.admittance D. provision (Question 16: The company has just got a big order and the workersareworkingroundthe =. B.clock Chour D.night Question 17: __long,I'msure you will be speaking English____a native speaker. A.After/like B.Before/like CAfter/with D. Before/as ‘Question 18: | know you're annoyed, but you must ty to control yo A.blood B.storm Cexplosion D.temper ‘Question 19: Everyone in our family says best wishes to___ in the early morning of the first day of the New Year. A.ourselves B.themselves ‘Coneanother D.each other Question 20: You will have to go for an interview tomorrow, but don't worry. It’sjusta__ A.form B,format formation D. formality ‘Question 21: Good restaurants serving traditional English food are very hard to A.come into B.comeby Ccometo D.comeat Question 22: Do you need to give your speech another__or do you already know it by heart? A.break-down B.check-up Crunthrough D. mix-up ‘Question 23: Mr. Jones knew who had won the contest, buthe keptit under his___until it was announced publicly. A.cap B.tongue Chat D.umbrella ‘Question 24: Itturned outthat we___rushed to the the plane was delayed by several hours. Achadn't B.should have C mustn'thave D.needn'thave Question 25: All three TV channels provide extensive___of sporting events. A.coverage B. vision C. broadcast D. network 27 ‘Question 26: No matter how angry he was, he would never____ to violence. Avresolve B.recourse Cexert D.resort Question 27: _as.a masterpiece, a work of art must transcend the ideals of the period in which itwas created. A.Ranking B.Toberanked C.Beingranked D. Inorder to be ranking ‘Question 28: | am afraid that you have___ the deadline, so we can't take your application into account. A.missed B.met Cdelayed D. putoff Question 29: The main aim of the campaign is to raise_____of the issues involved. A. knowledge B.awareness attention D. acquaintance ‘Question 30: After so many years, itis great to see him___his ambitions. A.get Burealize possess D.deserve Question 31: She was__to discover that she had won the first prize. Avexcited B.lucky astonished D. nervous Question 32:__a minute! I can’t find my keys. A. Keepon B.Holdon Goon D.Carry on Question 33: I have just taken a Test of English as a Foreign Language or TOEFL___ short. Aof Bain Con D. for ‘Question 34: Itis very easy for the uneducated to be__by slick-talking salesmen, A.putaside B.putup C.taken in D.taken away ‘Question 35: The___ ofthe family following the divorce was a great shock to the children. A.break-down B.break-in C break-up D. break-out Question 36: Fora while | was ata__ to know whattto say. A.blank B.loss C pain Dactisis Question 37: I don't think this fashion will__. A.catch on B.catchup Catch out D.catch over ‘Question 38: We need guaranteed financial___before we can even start the design work. ‘A.agreement B.backing analysis D. plans, ‘Question 39: The telephone rangand interrupted my_ of thought. Ajtrain B.chain Csseries Dacircle Question 40: There isno reason to__his honesty; he is absolutely sincere. B.doubt C inquire ask (Question 41: His personal problems seem to have been___him from his worklately. A.disrupting B.disturbing C distracting D. dispersing Question 42: Pick me up at4 p.m. my bath by then, A.will have B.will be having C.will have had D. must have had ‘Question 43: She said that she would be punctual for the opening speech, _she were late? A.butwhatif B.howabout Cand what about D.soif Question 44: Whatare the main___oftthisillness? A.traces B.emblems C.tokens D.symptoms ‘Question 45: We believe that these animals could be saved if our plan were__. A.adopted B.taken up C practiced exploited Question 46: Local people are concerned about pollution from___oll wells. A.maritime B.sea-going C off-shore D. coastline ‘Question 47: The topic___atyesterday’s meeting was of great importance A.tobe discussed B.tohavebeendiscussed C.discussed D.havingbeen discussed ‘Question 48: Evidence came up___ specific speech sounds are recognized by babies as young as 6 months old. A.what Bawhen which D.that ‘Question 49: There have been protests from animal rights group about___ on animals. Avexperience B.experiments, expiration Datrials ‘Question 50: She couldn't perform well once she was__. Avunder pressure B.outofmind inthe mood D.over the moon LESSON 15 Question 1: Jacobson is often referred to at the factory. the best engineer the best engineer C. by the president to be the best engineer being the best engineer ‘Question 2: Our teacher tends to___certain subjects which she finds difficult to talkabout. A.boil down. B. string along C.skate over D.track down

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