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6 février 2021
Fiscal stimulus in America: How much is too much?
The Economist ... projections released on February 1st, without more stimulus America's GDP would 3
lag behind its potential by only 1.3% at the end of 2021. Mr Biden's proposed spending
is six ...

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Documents sauvegardés par Samedi 22 janvier 2022 à 8 h 51

Saturday, February 6, 2021

The Economist • no. 950 • 656 words

Nom de la source
The Economist
Type de source Fiscal stimulus in America: How
Presse • Magazines et revues
much is too much?
Couverture géographique

Internationale argeted relief would be better
Provenance than indiscriminate spending
Londres, Grand Londres, Royaume-Uni

AMERICA'S ECONOMY will recover

faster from the pandemic than its rich-
world peers, the IMF predicts. Not be-
cause it has controlled the spread of dis-
ease--it hasn't--but mostly because of its
enormous economic stimulus, which would slash their spending, spreading
boosted household incomes by more the pain to the rest of the economy. Ex-
than 6% in 2020 even as the unemploy- tending a generous top-up to unemploy-
ment rate peaked near 15%. Before Joe ment-insurance benefits beyond its ex-
Biden became president, Congress had piry in March should be a priority.
already spent $4trn fighting the crisis.
Now he proposes $1.9trn more emer- Nobody should fret about the cost of
gency spending, which would take the providing what is in effect disaster re-
total to over 25% of GDP in 2019. Re- lief. Prolonging vast deficits, however,
publicans think that is too much. A does carry a risk. According to official
group of the party's senators has made projections released on February 1st,
a counter-offer of a plan worth about without more stimulus America's GDP
$600bn (see United States section). would lag behind its potential by only
1.3% at the end of 2021. Mr Biden's
The right size for the bill is not best proposed spending is six times bigger
judged from the top down. America is than the shortfall. The "multiplier" ef-
not in a normal recession that is best fect of government spending on output
solved by a calibrated slug of govern- is hard to estimate, but is small today be-
ment spending. No amount of pump- cause many households are saving stim-
priming will fully reopen restaurants, ulus money. Yet should vaccinations let
nightclubs and offices while the virus the economy reopen fully in the second
remains prevalent--nor would that be half of 2021, the pent-up effects of stim-
© 2021 The Economist Newspaper Limited. All rights desirable. The government must instead ulus may cause the economy to over-
reserved. Whilst every effort has been taken to verify fight the crisis from the bottom up. heat, leading to a burst of inflation.
the accuracy of this information, The Economist shall
not be liable or responsible for use of or reliance on
this information. Le présent document est protégé Congress should spend whatever is Higher inflation would be tolerable--
par les lois et conventions internationales sur le droit
d'auteur et son utilisation est régie par ces lois et con- needed on vaccinations and on replen- welcome, even, up to a point. But it
ventions. would mean any further deficit spend-
ishing the incomes of workers bearing
Certificat émis le 22 janvier 2022 à HEC---HAUTES--
ETUDES-COMMERCIALES à des fins de visualisation per-
the brunt of the crisis. They have lost ing, for example on Mr Biden's infra-
sonnelle et temporaire.
their jobs through no fault of their own, structure plan, would further stoke the

and if their incomes collapsed, they fire. Better to preserve fiscal fuel by

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Documents sauvegardés par Samedi 22 janvier 2022 à 8 h 51

avoiding unnecessary largesse. Democ-

rats want to send cheques worth $1,400
to most individuals, adding to the $600
they recently received. Universal hand-
outs stop people falling through the
cracks of bureaucratic means-tested pro-
grammes, but $2,000 is an arbitrary total
popularised by Donald Trump. Mr
Biden's plan also includes $350bn for
state and local governments. Early in the
crisis it looked as if they would suffer
a collapse in tax revenues. In fact, their
budgets have held up as the federal gov-
ernment's generous unemployment ben-
efits and a burst of spending on goods
have boosted their tax receipts. Neither
of these items in Mr Biden's bill is a pri-

The right fiscal policy would be flexi-

ble, providing emergency spending for
as long as the pandemic persists and
saving a broader fiscal boost for later if
necessary. Republicans--and some mod-
erate Democrats--are right to argue that
$1.9trn is excessive today. Mr Biden
may be willing to trim his proposal. A
figure of around $950bn would allow
for unemployment insurance, a smaller
amount of catch-all universal cheques,
Mr Biden's assault on child poverty and
extra spending on vaccines.

Equally, Democrats are right to fear that

hawks in Congress could derail the re-
covery if the crisis worsens. Republi-
cans should pledge to support further
spending were that to happen. The De-
mocrats should husband their limited
opportunities to circumvent Republican
opposition in the Senate. A bipartisan
agreement now will raise the odds that
the economy will get the right amount of
support at the right time.

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