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Field Experience D: Identifying Safety-Related Issues

Edwin Maturino

Masters of Educational Administration, Grand Canyon University

EAD-505: Educational Law

Dr. G

September 27, 2023


Areas of Concern

The safety audit revealed critical concerns in the school's security measures. Firstly,

remote and isolated hallways lack security camera monitoring, leaving these areas vulnerable

to unauthorized access or incidents. Secondly, while security cameras exist, their locations

focus primarily on the front and back parking lots, neglecting essential interior spaces within

the school. The absence of cameras inside the school poses a significant safety risk, as it

hampers surveillance and the ability to respond to incidents promptly. Addressing these issues

by installing cameras in remote hallways and inside the school building enhances overall

security and ensures a safer environment for students and staff.

Ideas and Solutions

It is crucial to implement feasible solutions to address the identified safety concerns.

Firstly, by Essex (2015), it is recommended to install security cameras in remote and isolated

hallways, enhancing surveillance coverage. Additionally, relocating or adding cameras to key

interior areas within the school, such as hallways and common spaces, is essential (Essex,

2015). This approach aligns with best practices in school security, ensuring comprehensive

monitoring of all school premises (Essex, 2015). Moreover, conducting regular security audits

and engaging security experts can help tailor safety measures to specific school needs and

continually improve security protocols (Essex, 2015). By implementing these solutions, the

school can provide a safer environment for students and staff while complying with established

legal guidelines (Essex, 2015).

Concerns Related to School Vision and Mission

The identified safety concerns align with our school's vision and mission, ultimately

fulfilling our commitment to meeting student needs and promoting excellence. By addressing

these concerns and enhancing security measures, we create a safer and more conducive

learning environment, fostering the development of skills necessary for success at the next

level. Our vision to equip each individual with these skills can only be realized when students

feel secure and protected within the school premises. Likewise, our mission to teach for

learning and pursue excellence necessitates a secure environment, ensuring students can focus

on their academic pursuits without fear or distraction. Thus, addressing safety concerns

exemplifies our dedication to our vision and mission.

Mentor’s Perspective on Problem and Solution

The principal's perspective on the safety issues and solutions is remarkably insightful.

They understand the gravity of these concerns, understanding their direct impact on students'

well-being and the school's goals. Their insight lies in the recognition that these problems

endanger immediate safety and undermine the school's mission to cultivate excellence and

prepare students for future success.

Moreover, the principal's willingness to embrace the proposed solutions reflects

forward-thinking leadership. Proactively addressing security shortcomings by installing

cameras in remote hallways and within the school demonstrates a dedication to creating a safe

and conducive learning environment. This perspective underscores the principal's commitment

to ensuring students' and staff's welfare and educational progress.

Reflection for Future Practice

As a future educational practitioner, this scenario highlights the critical role of

addressing safety concerns in ensuring a conducive learning environment while aligning with

PSEL Standard 5 - Community of Care and Support for Students. To promote each student’s

academic success and well-being, educational leaders need to effectively create an inclusive,

caring, and supportive school community. (National Policy Board for Educational

Administration, 2015).

By embracing solutions to enhance security measures, educational leaders can fulfill the

requirements of PSEL Standard 5, which involves building and maintaining a safe, caring, and

healthy school environment, providing a range of supports and services to meet student needs,

and promoting positive relationships among students and between the school and its

community (National Policy Board for Educational Administration, 2015). This reflection

highlights the ethical imperative of educational leadership and the practical application of

PSEL standards in real-world contexts, preparing me to navigate similar challenges in my

future role.


Essex, N. L. (2015). School law and the public schools: A practical guide for education

leaders (6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

National Policy Board for Educational Administration. (2015). Professional Standards for

Educational Leaders 2015. Retrieved from:


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