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Twin Towers

By Eric Parkhill 3-2
How it was Designed

Built in modular construction to speed

up construction and to reduce cost and
make it light weight. The building also
need to be light weight because of the
environment and the design of the
building because of the wind aspect,
there for the building was 95% air to
keep it light weight. As seen in the
image there was no core so they tried
to create a frame building without a
core, it is like trying to create a frame
building without a frame. To
counteract they tried to mix a mass
and frame building.
What part the
Aircraft played

Many post were destroyed and there

for the integrity of the building was
depleted But it was not the reason
why the buildings fell down the
aircrafts gas tank leak ed and caught
fire but the beam integrity would not
have been damaged. The jet fuel
could have made the posts more
malleable, but the building is
designed to withstand 2 hours
without sprinklers but the heat is
Truss and Angle Clip
The Truss and angle clips are the things that
broke first, because they are the weakest and
thinnest point of the whole building. The outer
and inner core were not the essential problems.
The main problem is the angle clips because they
are the first thing to become malleable and then
snap. When these fall down all the other floors
will fallow with it perpetual motion. This is an
example of the sacrifices they made in the name
of beauty and it costed many lives.
Important Forces
• After the first floor fell all the rest followed and the
inertia took over.
• The weight of the plane on the floor acted as extra
weight and add force to the building.
• It is described on the news of the Twin Towers falling
down they reported twisting and turning as it fell.
Work Cited

Adams, Richard E, and Joseph A Boscarino. “Stress and Well-Being in the Aftermath of the World Trade Center
Attack: the Continuing Effects of a Communitywide Disaster.” Journal of community psychology vol. 33,2 (2005): 175-190.
Bates, Daniel. “Explosions Caused by Jet Fuel and Water Sprinklers Brought down Twin Towers on 9/11, Scientists
Say.” Daily Mail Online, Associated Newspapers, 23 Sept. 2011,
Eagar , Thomas W, and Christopher Musso . “Why Did the World Trade Center Collapse? Science, Engineering, and
Speculation.” TMS, Dec. 2007,
Thompson, Kristy, and Jennifer Huergo. “FAQs - NIST WTC Towers Investigation.” NIST, 15 Nov. 2019,

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