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Jalan kaliurang Km 12,5, Mriyunan, Sardonoharjo, Ngaglik, Sleman
D.I. Yogyakarta


Lembar Soal

Mata Pelajaran : BahasaInggris

Kelas : VIII (Delapan)
Hari, Tanggal : Kamis, 8 Juni 2023
Waktu : 07.30-09.00 (90 menit )

1. Berdoalah sebelum mengerjakan ujian
2. Tulislah identitas anda pada lembar jawab yang telah disediakan
3. Periksalah jumlah urutan dan halaman naskah soal
4. Dahulukan menjawab soal yang anda anggap mudah
5. Gunakan pena untuk menjawab soal
6. Perhatikan dan taati TATA TERTIB PAT

Answer the questions below by choosing the right option!

The text below is for questions number 1-3!

Last August, I (1)….. to Bali Island with my family. I (2)….. so excited because it was
my first time to visit Bali Island. We (3)….. five days there. The first thing which came to my
mind at the first time I arrived at Ngurah Rai Airport was beach. When I stepped out from the
plane and breathed, I sniffed the smell of sea water. It made me more excited to start our trip
in Bali.

1. The best word to complete the text above is .....

a. go
b. going
c. went
d. gone
2. The best word to complete the text above is .....
a. is
b. was
c. are
d. were
3. The best word to complete the text above is .....
a. spent
b. slept
c. bought
d. paid
The text below is for questions number 4-5!
Ariana: Did you watch the movie last weekend?
Farissa: No, I didn’t.
Ariana: What did you do?
Farissa: I went to Anyer beach.
Ariana: Did you swim at the beach?
Farissa: No, I didn’t.
Ariana: How come?
Farissa: I forgot to bring the swimsuit.
Ariana: Oh, what a pity.
4. What did they talk about?
a. went to the cinema
b. bought a swimsuit
c. activity in the weekend
d. went to the swimming pool
5. Why did Farissa not swim in the beach?
a. She was afraid of the shark.
b. She could not swim.
c. Her mother avoided her to swim.
d. She did not bring the swimsuit.

The text below is for questions number 6-8!

Swimming and jogging are both good for burning calories. Swimming needs about 350-
700 calories per hour, while jogging needs about 500-600 calories per hour. So, if you are on diet,
swimming is a(6) ………… choice. Both sports are good for bones and muscles. When swimming,
people have to move al l parts of their body, jogging on their body, jogging on the other hand
focuses only on calf and the back part of the thigh.

That’s why swimming is (7) ……….. than jogging in forming strong muscles and bones.
However, swimming needs a special place, a swimming pool. On the other hand, people can go
jogging anywhere and anytime. That’s why jogging is (9) ……….. than swimming.

6. The best degree of comparison to complete the paragraph above is ……

a. better
b. worse
c. the best
d. the worst
7. The best degree of comparison to complete the paragraph above is ……
a. effective
b. the most effective
c. more effective
d. the effectivest
8. The best degree of comparison to complete the paragraph above is ……
a. cheaper
b. the cheapest
c. more difficult
d. more expensive

The text below is for questions number 9-10!

Mother, How Are You Today


Mother, how are you today?

Here is a note from your daughter
With me everything is OK
Mother, how are you today?
Mother, don't worry, I'm fine
Promise to see you this summer
This time there will be no delay
Mother, how are you today?
I found the man of my dreams
Next time you will get to know him
Many things happened while I was

9. According to the song, how is the daughter behavior?

a. She treats her mother badly.
b. She forgets her mother.
c. She wants to leave her mother.
d. She loves her mother.
10. “This time there will be no delay” (line 7)
The underlined word above has closest meaning with …..
a. come
b. go
c. love
d. postpone

The text below is for questions number 11-13!

Last year, I had my first trip to New Zealand. I met quite a lot of nice people there. I
made acquaintances with Jenny, Harry, Joseph, Rexi, and Bryan. They introduced me to
their families. We had barbeque times in Rexi’s and Joseph’s houses. Joseph and Jenny are
brother and sister while Rexi and Bryan are twins.
I found sheep almost everywhere in New Zealand. The tranquil meadow where sheep
grazed always appeared in my mind every time I went to sleep. Jenny’s father had a lot of
sheep and he showed me his wool cutting machinery, which he used to collect the sheep’s
fur before processing it into wool thread.
For some people, touring is a relaxing experience. Yet, for me, it is completely the
opposite. I had spent time more than 24 hours in the same clothes with greasy hair and 3
hours of sleep. I would rather have travelled from Auckland to Milford Sound in an easier
way. I spent a night or so in a hotel, not in my vehicle. However, having a bunch or friends
along the way perked me up. It makes me want to come back to New Zealand again.

11. What is the topic of the text?

a. A great visit to NewZealand.
b. A travel to MilfordSound.
c. Having a tiresometrip.
d. Getting newfriends.
12. What did Jenny’s father do before processing the sheep’s fur into the wool thread?
a. Took the sheep to the meadow tograze.
b. Found the sheep everywhere in themeadow.
c. Showed the writer the wool cuttingmachinery.
d. Collected the sheep’s fur using themachinery.
13. What did the writer feel for her touring experience?
a. She was relaxed.
b. She was very bored.
c. She was tired.
d. She was so sad.

Aqila: Who ….. beside Mrs. Vita?

Indah: She is Mrs. Aisyah, our new teacher.

14. The best answer to complete the dialog above is …..

a. is sitting
b. sitting is
c. are sitting
d. sitting are
15. The students ….. about the final exam in the classroom now.
a. is talking
b. are talking
c. is reading
d. are reading

Mom: What are you doing?
Hafiz: (………………….). I don’t remember where it is. Do you see it, Mom?
Mom: I see it on the table beside the TV.

16. What is the suitable answer to complete the dialog above?

a. I am watching a movie.
b. I am repairing my bicycle.
c. I am making a robot.
d. I am looking for my drawing book.

17. going to today Hasan not is the school

1 2 3 4 5 6
The best arrangement for the words above is ….
a. 3-5-1-6-4-2
b. 3-5-4-1-6-2
c. 3-4-1-6-5-2
d. 3-4-5-1-6-2

The text below is for questions number 18-20!


Students of grade IX are welcome to attend a morning seminar on:

You can learn a lot from Mr. Budi Umar, a well-known education consultant.
Date : July 27th, 2018
Time : 07.30
Venue : School main hall
Don’t miss this free event. Seats are limited.
To reserve your seat, please call Kemal : 0812 69795677 0r 085234576

18. The advantages of attending the seminar that students get are able ….
a. to meet the education consultant
b. to prepare for the final examination
c. to teach strategies for the final examination
d. to get the free chance of joining the seminar
19. Who will come to the morning seminar?
a. All students
b. Mr. Budi Umar
c. Students of class IX
d. Kemal
20. “To reserve your seat …..”
The word ‘reserve’ has closest meaning with …..
a. book
b. buy
c. sit
d. confirm

The text below is for questions number 21-24!

Our Winning
by Umair

In the mid-October 2022, my friends and I took part in the MTQ contest. The
contest took place in SMPN 3 Tempel. We went there by car. When we arrived there, the
competition was almost held. After we joined the opening, we went to our each class
based on the contest we took.
In the class, I got the 30th or the last call. When I saw the performances of the
other contestants, I felt nervous because their performances were pretty good. Finally, it
was my turn. I felt really nervous looking ahead, but finally I was able to felt relieved.
After we finished the contest, we prayed Dhuhur together at the mosque. After
that, it was the announcement of the winner. I felt pessimistic because in the third and the
second place my name was not mentioned. But, my friends kept shouting my name and it
made me a little optimistic. When the first winner was announced, I was so surprised
because it was my name. I felt very happy and sad at the same time. I was happy because
I got the first place and I was sad because there was my friend who did not win in the
contest. But, I thought that we all had given the best for the contest and we were the
Finally, we went back to school. At the school, we were greeted by our friends
cheerfully. It was the best experience ever.

21. The text tells us about the writer’s experience in …..

a. praying together at the mosque
b. holding the MTQ competition
c. visiting SMPN 3 Tempel
d. joining the contest
22. What made the writer optimistic during the winner announcement?
a. His good performance
b. Other contestants’ attention
c. His friends’ support
d. The judges of the competition
23. Why did the writer feel happy and sad at the same time?
a. Because he did not win the contest but his friend did.
b. Because he won the contest but his friend did not.
c. Because the writer and friends did not win the contest.
d. Because the writer and friends won the contest.

24. “…..because their performances were pretty good.”
The word ‘performances’ has closest meaning with …..
a. the show
b. the appearance
c. the stage
d. the program

The text below is for questions number 25-27!


Call the ladies out

They’re in their finery
A hundred jewels on throats
A hundred jewels between teeth
Now bring my boys in
Their skin in craters like the moon
The moon we love like a brother
While he glows to the room
Dancin’ around the lies we tell
dancin’ around the big eyes as well
Even the comatose
They don’t dance and tell
We live in cities you’ll never see in screen
Not very pretty, but we sure know how to
run things
Livin’ in ruins of a place within my dreams
And you know we’re on each other’s team
I’m kind of over getting’ told to throw my
hands up in the air
So there
So all the cups got broke
Shards beneath our feet
But it wasn’t my fault
And everyone’s competing for a love they
won’t receive
‘Cause this place want is release

25. Who is the singer of the song above?

a. Team
b. Lorde
c. Westlife
d. One Direction
26. What can we learn from the song?
a. We should have a simpler and more authentic lifestyle.
b. Reality is prettier than what is exposed on media.
c. We should pray to God when we are down.
d. We may compare our life with others.

27. “And everyone’s competing for a love they won’t receive”. (line 24)
The lyric means that competition …..
a. enable us to reach our dream
b. generates love among us
c. gives us what we want
d. ruins ourselves and others
The text below is for questions number 28-29!

Riana’s jacket is Rp 300.00

Friska’s jacket is Rp 275.000

Annisa’s jacket is Rp 325.000

28. Annisa’s jacket is ….. among all.

a. the cheapest
b. cheaper
c. more expensive
d. the most expensive
29. The correct statement based on the text above is …..
a. Friska’s jacket is the most expensive.
b. Annisa’s jacket is cheaper that Riana’s.
c. Riana’s jacket is cheaper than Annisa’s.
d. Friska’s jacket is more expensive than Riana’s.
30. My school is 3 km from here, the market is 4 km from here and the Town Square is 5 km
from here. Which one the statement below is not true?
a. The school is nearer than the market.
b. The market is nearer than the Town Square.
c. The school is the nearest place
d. The market is the farthest place.
31. planned Mrs. Anderson delicious to have last Friday dinner
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
The correct order to form a good sentence is ….
a. 2-1-4-7-5-3-6
b. 1-4-5-2-7-1-3
c. 5-2-1-4-7-3-6
d. 5-4-7-3-2-1-6

32. What would happen if the readers do not pay attention to the caution?
(1). They could get rid of numerous respiratory disorders.
(2). They would expose to asbestos at any risky moment.
(3). They could deal with asbestos at the workplace safely.
(4). They would inhale asbestos dust without any protection.
The correct statements are …..
a. (1) and (2)
b. (2) and (3)
c. (2) and (4)
d. (3) and (4)
The text below is for questions number 33-36!

It was nine in the evening, I was on my way to my bedroom after brushing my

teeth. As I was passing the living room, I saw my brother, Aldo, lying on the floor
watching TV. He always did that every night. He refused to go to bed and chose to sleep
in front of the television. I decided not to say anything and directly went to bed.

I was half asleep when I heard a scream from the living room. It was about two in
the morning. I jumped out of bed and rushed towards the voice. In the living room, I
found Aldo crying. His right hand was on his right ear. He said, "Help, help, help. It
hurts!" Then, he told me that an insect had entered his ear. I was quite sorry for the insect.
I figured out it was an ant. I imagined how miserable the ant was. Since Aldo couldn't
stop crying, I decided to take him to the hospital. Soon after cur arrival, a doctor in charge
examined Aldo's ear. He, then, used a pair of pincers to take the insect out. I was so
surprised to see the insect. It wasn't an ant. It was a young cockroach Gosh! It was as big
as a baby's little finger.

From then on, Aldo never slept in front of the television any more.

33. What happened to Aldo?

a. An insect bit him.
b. He felt pity for the insect.
c. An insect entered his ear
d. He was imagining an insect.
34. How did the doctor help him?
a. He took the insect out, using pincers.
b. He used pincers to kill the insect.
c. He repaired the pincers.
d. He charged Aldo.
35. “It was big as a baby’s little finger.” (paragraph 3)
The underlined word refers to …..
a. the ant
b. Aldo’s ear
c. the young cockroach
d. the baby’s little finger
36. What is the main idea of the third paragraph?
a. The insect was not an ant.
b. Aldo was taken to the hospital.
c. The insect was a young cockroach.
d. A doctor used a pair of pincers to take the insect out.
The text below is for questions number 37-39!

Last weekend, my friends and I went camping. We (37)…. the camping ground after we
walked for about one and a half hours. We built the tents next to a small river. It was
getting darker and colder, so we made a (38)…. The next day, we spent our time
observing plantation and insects during the day. At night, we sang, danced, read poetry,
played magic tricks (39)….

37. The best answer to complete the paragraph is …..

a. searched
b. reached
c. met
d. examined
38. The best answer to complete the paragraph is …..
a. tent
b. camp
c. firework
d. fire
39. The best answer to complete the paragraph is …..
a. quickly
b. slowly
c. happily
d. carefully
40. From the text we know that …..
a. we must not use the product
b. we cannot spray the product everywhere
c. we can spray the product into our eyes
d. we must not spray the product into our eyes
The text below is for question number 41-43!

Right now, I am sitting in a fast train to SoekarnoHatta Airport.

The train is clean and ………….. (41). There is a small LCD on the
ceiling of the train. It shows the speed of the train. Right now the
train is ……….. (42) at 68 km per hour, quite fast. There is a lady
sitting next to me. She is sleeping. I know the air conditioner
makes her relaxed. I am ……….. (43) my trip now. This is the first
time for me, so I don’t want to fall asleep.

41. The best answer to complete the paragraph above is ….

a. hot
b. dark
c. comfortable
d. shabby
42. The best answer to complete the paragraph above is ….
a. run
b. runs
c. to run
d. running
43. The best answer to complete the paragraph above is ….
a. enjoy
b. enjoys
c. to enjoy
d. enjoying

The text below is for questions number 44-45!

Laili, I have been browsing and found a very cheap ticket to Padang. It’s only one
million four hundred thousand rupiah for a round trip. I am going to book it as
soon as possible before it gets more expensive. Let me know if you want me to
book one for you, too. I am waiting

44. Why is Kayra eager to book the ticket immediately?
a. She wants to go with Laili.
b. She is afraid the fare will escalate.
c. She gets the best facilities from the airline.
d. She had a bad experience in booking tickets.
45. On reading the text, Laili will likely ….
a. text the writer saying she wants her to book the ticket for her
b. fly to Padang with the cheapest fare she can get
c. confirm with the airline about her trip to Padang
d. book the ticket to Padang as soon as possible
The text below is for questions number 46-47!


There will be a holiday camp next month. All scouts must join this camp. The
activity will take place at Royal Camping Site and last for three days.

For further information, please contact Mr. Arkan.

Sleman, May 12th, 2022

The Chief of Scout Organization

46. When will the activity be held?

a. In May
b. In June
c. In July
d. In August
47. Who must join the activity?
a. All students
b. All teachers
c. All scouts
d. All the chief of scout organization
The text below is for questions number 48-49!

Dear Tiaras,
Thank you for inviting me to your house warming party, but I am really sorry. I can’t
attend your party because I have to attend a selection test to enter a vocational school
in Surabaya. I promise I will visit you and your new house after returning from
Surabaya. I hope your party will be merry. Warm regards to your parents.

48. What is the topic of the text?
a. Hope
b. Farewell
c. Thanking
d. Apologizing
49. What can we conclude from the text?
a. Karina will hold a party.
b. Tiara lives in a new house.
c. Tiara will be study in Surabaya.
d. Karina will attend Tiara’s party.

50. What mustn’t we do according to the warning?

a. Watching the film.
b. Recording the film.
c. Entering the cinema.
d. Sitting in the alley.

---------------------------------------------- Good Luck ---------------------------------------------------


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