Ortega Pegollo Lozano (MC Async)

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Asynchronous; Read and understand carefully each questions.

1. Executive order: Subject for creating the post clearance audit group in the bureau of customs.
a) Eo 160 ref..EO 160 - 2003
b) Post enrty audit group
c) Eo 46 2017
d) all answer is correct

2. This group is composed of 2 operating units: Tirao headed by the director ii; and Cao headed by the director ii.
a) Peag ref..EO 160 - 2003
b) Eo 160
c) Cmo 01 – 2019
d) All answer is correct.

3. Under eo 160 2003, cao has 5 functions ; and tirao has ___ functions?
a) eo 155
b) 6 (six) ref..EO 160 - 2003
c) a&b
d) All answer is incorrect

4. The post entry audit group (pcag) is headed by an assistant commissioner of customs (director iv), appointed by the president
upon recommendation from the commissioner of customs.
a) the entire statement is true
b) Peag ref..EO 160 - 2003
c) a & b is the correct answer
d) All answer is incorrect

5. Executive order no. 155 amending executive order no. ____ (s. ____), and for other purposes
a. 46 ( 2003 )
b. 1 ( 2001 )
c. 160 ( 2003 ) ref..EO 155 - 2013
d. All is incorrect

6. “Rationalizing the agencies under or attached to the office of the president.” affected officers and employees of Post entry
audit group (PCAG) shall be absorbed by the boc, without prejudice to the rights and benefits granted them under existing
laws, rules, and regulations.
a. Peag ref..EO 155 - 2013
b. eo 155
c. the entire statement is true.
d. All answer is incorrect.

7. In coordination with the mistg ( management information system and technology group ) was mentions under the ______ of
( amendent eo 160 ).
a. scope of audit of the peag
b. functions of peag ref..EO 155 - 2013
c. by the president.
d. All answer is correct.

8. Amendment of executive order (eo) no. 160 (s. 2003). the dof-fiu is hereby mandated to perform the following functions of
the post entry audit group (peag) created under eo no. 160, and other tasks inherent or incidental thereto:
a. importing & exporting goods
b. controlling the bureau
c. tirao & cao functions ref..EO 155 - 2013
d. All answer is correct.

9. Reactivating the post clearance audit functions of the bureau of the customs and institutionalizing the functions of the
financial analytics and intelligence unit of the department of finance.
a. eo 46 2017
b. reviving ref..EO 46 - 2017
c. cmo 32 - 2016
d. All answer is incorrect

10. Eo 46 2017 , was done in the city of pasig, this 20th day of october in the year of our lord two thousand and seventeen.
a. august
b. manila ref..EO 46 - 2017
c. eo 160 - 2003
d. All answer is incorrect

11. Eo 46 2017 - is ordered to take effect immediately after the publication in a newspaper of general circulation.
a) the entire statement is correct
b) eo 160 2003
c) (15) fifteen days ref..EO 46 - 2017
d) no effectivity date is required.

12. Under this executive order, cao has 5 functions, and tirao has ___ functions?
a) executive order 46
b) under this order tirao and cao has no functions.
c) 5 functions ref..EO 46 - 2017
d) All answer is incorrect.

13. Reviving of the post clearance audit group(formerly post entry audit group) of the bureau of customs
a) cmo 32 - 2017
b) the entire statement is correct
c) reactivation ref..CMO 32 - 2017
d) All answer is incorrect.

14. Eo 46 2017 : reviving of peag / cmo 32 2017 : ____ ?

a) reactivation of pcag ref..CMO 32 - 2017
b) changing dof-fiu to dof-fai
c) a & b is the correct answer.
d) All answer is incorrect.

15. Operating unit tirao is headed by the director ii with (i-v division).
a) operating unit pcag
b) cao
c) the entire statement is incorrect ref..CMO 32 - 2017
d) All answer is incorrect.

16. Under cmo 32 - 2017, the asst. commissioner, shall exercise direct supervision to the following operating units; tirao headed
by the director ii (sg28) and cao headed by the director ii (sg28)
a) tirao & cao headed by the director (sg26) ref..CMO 32 - 2017
b) under the eo 46 2003
c) the entire statement is correct.
d) All answer is incorrect.

17. This order introduce executes the bureau's post clearance audit functions and related provisions of republic act no. 10863,
also known as the customs modernization and tariff act.
a) a.cao 01 - 2019 " as post entry audit and prior disclosure program
b) b. cmo 32 - 2019
c) c. dof 11 - 2019
d) All answer is incorrect ref..CAO 01 - 2019

18. The third company partner of the pcag performing the auditing is tirao and cao.
a) cao 01 - 2019
b) the entire statement is correct.
c) operating units of pcag ref..CAO 01 - 2019
d) All answer is incorrect.

19. Boc : commissioner / Pcag-cao & tirao : ___ ?

a) sg 26
b) deputy commissioner
c) asst. commissioner ref..CAO 01 - 2019
d) All answer is incorrect

20. Customs administrative order (cao) no. 01 ,subject: post clearance audit and prior disclosure program
a) june 09 2019 " sof approval date.
b) jan 09 2019 " sof approval date ref..CAO 01 - 2019
c) aug 09 2019 " sof approval date.
d) d. all answer is incorrect

21. A new office in the bureau of customs is hereby created and shall be known as the post entry audit group (hereinafter referred
to as peag for brevity) which shall be under the direct supervision and control of the commissioner of customs.
a) creation
b) eo 160 2003
c) eo. 160 creating the post entry audit group in the bureau of customs
d) all answer is incorrect ref..EO 160 - 2003

22. The compostion of peag under eo 160 is headed by ?

a) Asst. Commissioner (Director IV) SG-28 ref..EO 160 - 2003
b) Asst. Commissioner (Director III) SG-28
c) Asst. Commissioner (Director II) SG-28
d) All answer is incorrect

23. With the approval of the president, the commissioner of customs is hereby authorized to determine the number of personnel
consistent with the requirements of peag and the principles of economy, efficiency and effectiveness.
a) The entire statement is Correct
b) Eo 160
c) Assist Commissioner
d) All answer is Incorrect ref..EO 160 - 2003

24. This provision order is authorizing or mandating the peag group is the one who perform all the functions " amendment of eo
160 (s, 2003).
a) The entire statement is Correct
b) FAI
c) FIU ref..EO 155 - 2013
d) All answer is incorrect.

25. eo 160 : Pres. Gloria macapagal arroyo / eo 155 : ___?

a) Pres. Corazon Aquino
b) Pres. Kriss Aquino
c) Pres. Benigno Aquino II
d) All answer is Incorrect ref..EO 155 - 2013

26. This executive order change/rename the dof-fiu to fai.

a) Eo 46 2003
b) Eo 46 2004
c) Eo 46 2006
d) Eo 46 2007 ref..EO 46 - 2017

27. The dof-fiu shall, as may be practicable, transmit to the fai all files and documents of any pending post clearance audits
following the effectivity of this order.
a) The entire statement is Correct
b) Eo 46 2003
c) BOC-PCAG ref..EO 46 - 2017
d) All answer is inccorect.

28. The funding requirement for the reactivation and operations of pcag shall be sources from the applicable budget as certified
by the financial management office while their logistical requirements shall be provided in coordination with the ______,
both of the ______.
a) General Services Division & Internal Administration Group ref..CMO 32 - 2017
b) General Statisical Division & Internal Auditting Group
c) General Services Crew & Internal Administration Crew
d) All answer is Incorrect.

29. The collection, recording, storage, maintenace, processing, sharing of date and informations, shall be all secured under the ra
____, also known as data privacy act.
a) 10173 ref..CMO 32 - 2017
b) 10174
c) 10175
d) All Answer is Incorrect

30. Failure to pay correct duties and taxes on imported goods. any person who, after being subjected to post clearance audit and
examination, is found to have incurred deficiencies in duties and taxes paid for imported goods, shall be penalized according
to two (2) degrees of culpability, subject to any mitigating, aggravating or extraordinary factors that are clearly established
by available evidence as described hereunder.
a) Negligence & Fraud ref..CAO 01 - 2019
b) Fraud & 100,000-200,000 Fine
c) Negligence & 1-6yrs Imprisonment
d) All answer is Correct

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