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Read the comprehension below and answer the questions that follow.

Some of the habits we form in life are very harmful to our health. Smoking and drinking alcohol are two
bad habits which are definitely injurious to our health.

Tobacco is a slow, dangerous malignant poison. In whatever form it is used, it is noticeable. It excites
then paralyses the nerves .It weakens and clouds the brain. Its use creates a thirst for strong drink and

Cancer of the mouth and lungs occur more often in those who smoke. Tobacco interferes with the
circulation of blood. High blood pressure and heart disease often accompany its use. Smokers are much
more likely to get diseases of all kinds. They are less likely to heal well if injured or if they undergo
surgery. They are also likely to shorten their life expectancy by ten or more years.

If children and young people use tobacco, the habit takes away their strength, dwarfs their body, makes
their mind dull and corrupts their moral. Their age makes their bodies and minds especially susceptible
to tobacco’s harmful effects.

The use of tobacco is inconvenient, expensive, unhygienic harmful to user and unpleasant to others .It is
a dirty habit because of the smoke and ashes one scatters around because of the sputum one has to
spit out if one uses snuff or chews tobacco. The money spent on tobacco could much better be used to
buy good food, clothes or other necessities.

Alcohol can be obtained in many different forms .These include whisky, gin, rum, brandy, wine and beer.
The alcohol in all these drinks has the same effect: it depresses or lessens the activity and the force of
the nervous system. This means that the person taking alcohol cannot think clearly as well. The alcohol
makes one think one can do things better than usual. But the opposite is usually the case. Alcohol
interferes with one’s judgment and the ability to make ones decisions. This is serious for anyone. It is
gravely serious for persons in authority whose wrong decision may affect the lives of many people or
drivers of public vehicles who are trusted with the lives of many passengers.

Alcohol makes the nerves function poorly. This is the reason people who have been drinking cannot
stand up well, and why they stagger when they try to walk .Such people should not drive . Many studies
have shown that most fatal road accidents are caused persons who have been drinking some of alcohol.

The worst evil that occurs from the use of alcohol is that about one out of every fifteen people becomes
an alcoholic. This means that the person becomes dependent on alcohol and suffers a severe type of
illness when one tries to stop drinking. When this point is reached, the life of the person involved can be
said to be hanging on a thread.

It is tragic that many people feel they need to drink some kind of alcohol in order to be happy and
sociable .Much money is wasted on such drinks .The money could be better used to improve a person’s
health and well-being.
1.How does tobacco affect the nerves?( )


2.Which diseases are most likely to affect smokers are likely to affect smokers than non-smokers?


3.Why is tobacco particularly dangerous to young people?

4.How do cigarette smokers affect non-smokers?


5.Explain how alcohol affects a person’s brain.

6.Who is an alcoholic?

7.Explain the meaning of the following words as used in the passage .








CLOZE TEST (10marks)

The (1)____________common way for germs to spread from one person to another or from animals to
people is(2) ___________drinking water.

Drinking water from a tap is not possible for everybody (3)__________ wells and springs can be kept
clean. Wells need a fence around them to prevent animals from falling (4)____________.People might
not notice that there was a dead animal in the well. Then it would rot and everyone become
(5)____________from the eater.(6)____________can put germs into springs and water-holes with their
tongues if they drink from them. Springs and water holes need a (7)_____________around them too.
Best of all, drinking water sources should be covered and water taken (8)_____________ with a pump.
People must not use the grass or brushes near a source of water as
(9)____________.The_____________(10) can easily be washed into the water by rain.
ORAL SKILLS (10marks)

1. Underline the silent letter in the following words (5marks)

i) weak _______________

ii) One _______________

iii)Flour ______________

iv) Due _______________

v) Blue _______________

2. For each of the following words write a word that is pronounced the same way (5marks)

i) Dye ______________________

ii) Sent _____________________

iii) Principle _________________

iv) Weak ____________________

v) Seat ______________________


Fill in the blank spaces in the following passage with the most appropriate article. (4marks)

(1)_________________banana tree is (2) ________________ strange looking plant. It grows very quickly
and in less than (3) ________________year will reach a hight of seven metres or more. Usually pruning
needs to be done and one can take more than (4) __________________ hour to finish an acre.

Complete the sentences bellow using appropriate adjectives. (6marks)

i)_______________ girls were equally good in sports.

ii)She didn’t eat ________________ of cake

iii) Madaraka day celebration was attended by _________________ students.

Iv)________________exercise books were on the teacher’s desk.

v) ______________students received prizes on parents’ day.

vi) He is living in a _______________ house.

Use the plural form of the words in bracket to fill in the blank spaces. (5marks)

i)You surely do not need three ___________________________.(radio)

ii) Remember to buy grandmother some _________________________. (potato)

iii) The two ________________________met so that they could make strategic plans for their locations.

iv) The_______________________ disappeared into the nearby bush. (deer)

v) Juma bought a carton of__________________________. (tomato)

Use the correct question tag to fill in the gap.( 5marks)

i) They should plant trees,_______________________

ii) They wont come tomorrow,_____________________

iii) shut the door,______________________

iv) Both of them are sick,_______________________

v) He is walking home,_______________________

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